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Deplastinasyon Sonrası Plastine Böbreğin Histolojik Yapısı

Year 2022, , 14 - 20, 15.05.2022


Plastinasyon, gelecekte araştırma ve eğitim amaçlı kullanılabilecek kalıcı kuru doku ve organ örnekleri elde etmeye yönelik bir laboratuvar işlemidir. Kısaca bu metodoloji silikon gibi sentetik maddelerin dehidrasyona ve dokuya nüfuz etmesine dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ışık mikroskobu altında incelemek için önceden plastine edilmiş böbrekleri deplastine etmeyi amaçladık. Bu çalışmada 7 örnek kontrol ve 7 örnek plastinasyon-deplastinasyon (p/d) grubu olmak üzere, 14 koyun böbreği kullanıldı. Hem kontrol hem de p/d gruplarındaki böbrekler %10 formalin içinde sabitlendi. Kontrol grubundaki örnekler rutin doku işleme protokolü izlenerek parafine gömüldü, ancak p/d grubundaki örnekler alkol ve metil benzen içinde deplastine edildikten sonra parafine gömüldü. Parafin bloklarından elde edilen 5 μm kalınlığındaki kesitler Hematoksilen ve eozin (H&E) ile boyanarak ardından periyodik asit-schiff (PAS) ile ışık mikroskobu altında incelendi. Kontrol
grubunda normal histolojik yapılar gözlendi. P/d grup bloklarından kesitler elde etmek zor olduğu için küçük parçalar elde edildi. Morfolojik yapılarda bazı dejenarasyonlar gözlemlendi. Bu, plastine böbrek örneklerinin alkol ve metil benzen ile deplastinasyonunun ışık mikroskobu altında değerlendirilmesinde kısmen başarılı olabileceğini gösteren ilk çalışmadır. Ancak literatürdeki sonuçlarla karşılaştırıldığında böbreğin geniş parankiminden dolayı bazı kısıtlılıklarının olabileceğini düşünmekteyiz, ancak optimum protokolleri geliştirmek için daha fazla çalışmaya ihtiyaç vardır.


  • Al‐Ali S, Blyth P, Beatty S, 2009: Correlation between gross anatomical topography, sectional sheet plastination, microscopic anatomy and endoanal sonography of the anal sphincter complex in human males. J Anat, 215, 212-220.
  • Ameko E, Achio S, Alhassan S, 2013: Further studies on plastinated teaching aids in Ghana, Three bovine hearts and kidneys. IJPAS, 16-34.
  • Baygeldi SB, Guzel BC, Seker U, Ozkan E, 2020: Plastinasyon/Deplastinasyon Uygulanmış Koyun Kalbinde Doku Morfolojisinin Işık Mikroskobik Yönden İncelenmesi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 13,52-55.
  • Bolintineanu SL, Pop E, Stancu G, 2009: Anatomical structures preservation using plastination techniques. Mater Plast, 54, 221-224.
  • Bouchet F, Harter S, Le Bailly M, 2003: The state of the art of paleoparasitological research in the Old World. Mem I Oswaldo Cruz, 98,95-101.
  • Brown M, Reed R, Henry R, 2002: Effects of dehydration mediums and temperature on total dehydration time and tissue shrinkage. J Int Soc Plastination, 17,28-33.
  • Buckley SA, Evershed RP, 2001: Organic chemistry of embalming agents in Pharaonic and Graeco-Roman mummies. Nature, 413,837-841.
  • Ekim O, Hazıroğlu RM, İnsal B, 2017: A modified S 10B silicone plastination method for preparation and preservation of scaled reptile specimens. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, 64, 155-160.
  • Fritsch H, Pinggera GM, Lienemann A, 2006: What are the supportive structures of the female urethra? Neurourol. Urodyn, 25,128-134.
  • Grondin G, Grondin GG, Talbot BG, 1994: A study of criteria permitting the use of plastinated specimens for light and electron microscopy. Biotech Histochem, 69,219-234.
  • Jia-nan ZW-xZ, Hong-jin YS-bS, 2013: Effects of time and temperature of curing on hardness of organs in silicone plastination. Acta Anat. Sin, 44, 368.
  • Jong K, Henry R. Silicone Plastination of Biological Tissue, 2007: Cold-temperature Technique Biodurri S10/S15 Technique and Products. J Int Soc Plastination, 22,2-14.
  • Lan Q, Smith MT, Tang X, 2015: Chromosome-wide aneuploidy study of cultured circulating myeloid progenitor cells from workers occupationally exposed to formaldehyde. Carcinogenesis, 36, 160-167.
  • O'sullivan E, Mitchell B, 1995: Plastination for gross anatomy teaching using low cost equipment. Surg Radiol. Anat, 17, 277-281.
  • Ottone NE, Cirigliano V, Bianchi HE, 2015: New contributions to the development of a plastination technique at room temperature with silicone. Anat Sci Int, 90: 126–135.
  • Ottone NE, Baptista CA, Del Sol M, 2020: Extraction of DNA from plastinated tissues. Forensic Sci Int, 309, 110199.
  • Pereira‐Sampaio MA, Marques‐Sampaio BP, Sampaio FJ, 2011: Shrinkage of renal tissue after impregnation via the cold Biodur plastination technique. Anat Rec Adv Integr Anat Evol Biol, 294,1418-1422.
  • Rahul T, Francis DV, Pandit S,2020: Deplastination: Preservation of histological structures and its anticipated role in the field of histopathology. Clin Anat, 33, 108-112.
  • Ramos ML, De Paula TAR, Zerlotini MF, Silva VHD, Carazo VHD, De Paula MF, Sılva FFR, Santana ML, Silva LC, Ferreira LBC, 2018: A Comparison of Different De-plastination Methodologies for Preparing Histological Sections of Material Plastinated with Biodur® S10 / S3. J. Plast, 30(1),10-15.
  • Ravi SB, Bhat VM, 2011: Plastination: A novel, innovative teaching adjunct in oral pathology. JOMFP, 15, 133.
  • Rhodes A, Layton C, Bancroft JD, 2013: Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. Seventh edition., China, Churchill Livingstone.
  • Riederer BM, 2014: Plastination and its importance in teaching anatomy. Critical points for long‐term preservation of human tissue. J Anat, 224,309-315.
  • Rouiller C, Muller AF, 1969: The Kidney Morphology, Biochemistry, Physiology. First edition., USA.
  • Sora MC, Genser‐Strobl B, 2005: The sectional anatomy of the carpal tunnel and its related neurovascular structures studied by using plastination. Eur J Neurol, 12,380-384.
  • Steinke H, Rabi S, Saito T, 2008: Light-weight plastination, Ann Anat, 190, 428-431.
  • Von Hagens G, 1986: Heidelberg Plastination Folder: Collection of Technical Leaflets of Plastination. Second edition., Germany. Wang Q, Xu S, Tu L, 2007: Anatomic continuity of longitudinal pharyngeal and esophageal muscles, The Laryngoscope. 117, 282-287.
  • Zendehdel R, Fazli Z, Mazinani M, 2016: Neurotoxicity effect of formaldehyde on occupational exposure and influence of individual susceptibility to some metabolism parameters, Environ Monit Assess. 188, 648.

Histological Structure of the Plastinated Kidney Following Deplastination

Year 2022, , 14 - 20, 15.05.2022


Plastination is a laboratory process to obtain permanent dry tissue and organ sample. That can be used in the future for investigation and educational purposes. This methodology is based on dehydration and penetration of synthetic substances such as silicon into tissue. In this study, it was aimed to deplastinate previously plastinated kidneys in order to examine them under the light microscope. In this study, 14 sheep kidneys were used, seven samples of control and seven samples of plastination-deplastination (p / d) group. Kidneys in both control and p/d groups were fixed in 10% formalin. The samples in the control group were embedded in paraffin following routine tissue processing protocol. However, the samples in the p/d group were deplastinated in alcohol and methylbenzene and embedded into paraffin. 5 μm thick sections obtained from paraffin blocks were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), periodic acid-shiff (PAS) and then examined under the light microscope. Typical histological structures were observed in the control group. Small fragments were obtained as it was challenging to obtain sections from the P/d group blocks. Morphological structures were visible with some pseudo degenerations and wrong staining. This study is the first study that demonstrates alcohol and methylbenzene deplastination can be partially successful for evaluating plastinated kidney samples under a light microscope. However, we believe that the kidney may have limitations due to its wide parenchyma compared with literature conclusions. Nevertheless, more studies are required to develop the optimum protocols.


  • Al‐Ali S, Blyth P, Beatty S, 2009: Correlation between gross anatomical topography, sectional sheet plastination, microscopic anatomy and endoanal sonography of the anal sphincter complex in human males. J Anat, 215, 212-220.
  • Ameko E, Achio S, Alhassan S, 2013: Further studies on plastinated teaching aids in Ghana, Three bovine hearts and kidneys. IJPAS, 16-34.
  • Baygeldi SB, Guzel BC, Seker U, Ozkan E, 2020: Plastinasyon/Deplastinasyon Uygulanmış Koyun Kalbinde Doku Morfolojisinin Işık Mikroskobik Yönden İncelenmesi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 13,52-55.
  • Bolintineanu SL, Pop E, Stancu G, 2009: Anatomical structures preservation using plastination techniques. Mater Plast, 54, 221-224.
  • Bouchet F, Harter S, Le Bailly M, 2003: The state of the art of paleoparasitological research in the Old World. Mem I Oswaldo Cruz, 98,95-101.
  • Brown M, Reed R, Henry R, 2002: Effects of dehydration mediums and temperature on total dehydration time and tissue shrinkage. J Int Soc Plastination, 17,28-33.
  • Buckley SA, Evershed RP, 2001: Organic chemistry of embalming agents in Pharaonic and Graeco-Roman mummies. Nature, 413,837-841.
  • Ekim O, Hazıroğlu RM, İnsal B, 2017: A modified S 10B silicone plastination method for preparation and preservation of scaled reptile specimens. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, 64, 155-160.
  • Fritsch H, Pinggera GM, Lienemann A, 2006: What are the supportive structures of the female urethra? Neurourol. Urodyn, 25,128-134.
  • Grondin G, Grondin GG, Talbot BG, 1994: A study of criteria permitting the use of plastinated specimens for light and electron microscopy. Biotech Histochem, 69,219-234.
  • Jia-nan ZW-xZ, Hong-jin YS-bS, 2013: Effects of time and temperature of curing on hardness of organs in silicone plastination. Acta Anat. Sin, 44, 368.
  • Jong K, Henry R. Silicone Plastination of Biological Tissue, 2007: Cold-temperature Technique Biodurri S10/S15 Technique and Products. J Int Soc Plastination, 22,2-14.
  • Lan Q, Smith MT, Tang X, 2015: Chromosome-wide aneuploidy study of cultured circulating myeloid progenitor cells from workers occupationally exposed to formaldehyde. Carcinogenesis, 36, 160-167.
  • O'sullivan E, Mitchell B, 1995: Plastination for gross anatomy teaching using low cost equipment. Surg Radiol. Anat, 17, 277-281.
  • Ottone NE, Cirigliano V, Bianchi HE, 2015: New contributions to the development of a plastination technique at room temperature with silicone. Anat Sci Int, 90: 126–135.
  • Ottone NE, Baptista CA, Del Sol M, 2020: Extraction of DNA from plastinated tissues. Forensic Sci Int, 309, 110199.
  • Pereira‐Sampaio MA, Marques‐Sampaio BP, Sampaio FJ, 2011: Shrinkage of renal tissue after impregnation via the cold Biodur plastination technique. Anat Rec Adv Integr Anat Evol Biol, 294,1418-1422.
  • Rahul T, Francis DV, Pandit S,2020: Deplastination: Preservation of histological structures and its anticipated role in the field of histopathology. Clin Anat, 33, 108-112.
  • Ramos ML, De Paula TAR, Zerlotini MF, Silva VHD, Carazo VHD, De Paula MF, Sılva FFR, Santana ML, Silva LC, Ferreira LBC, 2018: A Comparison of Different De-plastination Methodologies for Preparing Histological Sections of Material Plastinated with Biodur® S10 / S3. J. Plast, 30(1),10-15.
  • Ravi SB, Bhat VM, 2011: Plastination: A novel, innovative teaching adjunct in oral pathology. JOMFP, 15, 133.
  • Rhodes A, Layton C, Bancroft JD, 2013: Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. Seventh edition., China, Churchill Livingstone.
  • Riederer BM, 2014: Plastination and its importance in teaching anatomy. Critical points for long‐term preservation of human tissue. J Anat, 224,309-315.
  • Rouiller C, Muller AF, 1969: The Kidney Morphology, Biochemistry, Physiology. First edition., USA.
  • Sora MC, Genser‐Strobl B, 2005: The sectional anatomy of the carpal tunnel and its related neurovascular structures studied by using plastination. Eur J Neurol, 12,380-384.
  • Steinke H, Rabi S, Saito T, 2008: Light-weight plastination, Ann Anat, 190, 428-431.
  • Von Hagens G, 1986: Heidelberg Plastination Folder: Collection of Technical Leaflets of Plastination. Second edition., Germany. Wang Q, Xu S, Tu L, 2007: Anatomic continuity of longitudinal pharyngeal and esophageal muscles, The Laryngoscope. 117, 282-287.
  • Zendehdel R, Fazli Z, Mazinani M, 2016: Neurotoxicity effect of formaldehyde on occupational exposure and influence of individual susceptibility to some metabolism parameters, Environ Monit Assess. 188, 648.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research

Saime Betül Baygeldi 0000-0002-4403-8663

Uğur Şeker 0000-0002-1693-6378

Barış Can Güzel 0000-0002-2504-120X

Publication Date May 15, 2022
Submission Date November 14, 2021
Acceptance Date February 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Baygeldi, S. B., Şeker, U., & Güzel, B. C. (2022). Histological Structure of the Plastinated Kidney Following Deplastination. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 11(1), 14-20.
AMA Baygeldi SB, Şeker U, Güzel BC. Histological Structure of the Plastinated Kidney Following Deplastination. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. May 2022;11(1):14-20. doi:10.31196/huvfd.1023540
Chicago Baygeldi, Saime Betül, Uğur Şeker, and Barış Can Güzel. “Histological Structure of the Plastinated Kidney Following Deplastination”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 11, no. 1 (May 2022): 14-20.
EndNote Baygeldi SB, Şeker U, Güzel BC (May 1, 2022) Histological Structure of the Plastinated Kidney Following Deplastination. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 11 1 14–20.
IEEE S. B. Baygeldi, U. Şeker, and B. C. Güzel, “Histological Structure of the Plastinated Kidney Following Deplastination”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 14–20, 2022, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.1023540.
ISNAD Baygeldi, Saime Betül et al. “Histological Structure of the Plastinated Kidney Following Deplastination”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 11/1 (May 2022), 14-20.
JAMA Baygeldi SB, Şeker U, Güzel BC. Histological Structure of the Plastinated Kidney Following Deplastination. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2022;11:14–20.
MLA Baygeldi, Saime Betül et al. “Histological Structure of the Plastinated Kidney Following Deplastination”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 11, no. 1, 2022, pp. 14-20, doi:10.31196/huvfd.1023540.
Vancouver Baygeldi SB, Şeker U, Güzel BC. Histological Structure of the Plastinated Kidney Following Deplastination. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2022;11(1):14-20.