Research Article
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Incidence of Postpartum Clinical Mastitis and Some Factors That Influence This Incidence in Dairy Herds in Erzincan Provinces

Year 2022, , 248 - 256, 30.12.2022


This study was conducted to determine the incidence of clinical mastitis cases, one of the endemic diseases of the postpartum period, in dairy cattle farms in Erzincan province and how this incidence varies according to some breeder and farm characteristics and preventive medicine preferences. A total of 683 postpartum period data from 63 enterprises were randomly selected from 910 animal enterprises members of the Erzincan Cattle Breeders Association. The weighted average of the incidence of postpartum clinic mastitis was calculated as 10.68%. The distribution of the mastitis incidence was calculated as percentage following 6.20% in the Montafon breed, 10.71% in the Simmental breed, and 15.65% in the Holstein breed. The incidences of mastitis in small-scale of herd sizes, closed barn type, and tie-stalls barn were 13.29%, 11.44% and 12.12%, respectively. Those percentages were higher than the general average incidence of mastitis (P<0.05). On the other hand, the incidences of postpartum clinic mastitis were also calculated according to the producer’s criteria, such as regularly taking California Mastitis Test (3.50%), routinely taking counseling service (4.31%), being educated for dairy herds (7.39%), applied teat dipping (8.77%). The dairy herds with the producer criteria mentioned above had a lower incidence of postpartum clinic mastitis than the general average (P<0.05). The target incidence value of postpartum clinical mastitis incidence was 5%. It has been determined that the incidence in cows is 15.85% on average in enterprises where there are neglected issues in the mastitis control method, and avoidable losses occur.

Supporting Institution

Bu çalışmanın saha araştırması; “Networking to enhance the use of economics in animal health education, research and policy making in Europe and beyond” adlı AB projesine Dicle Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü tarafından sağlanan ek ödeneğinin finansal katkılarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir.

Project Number



  • Aghamohammadi M, Haine D, Kelton DF, Barkema HW, Hogeveen H, Keefe GP, Dufour S, 2018: Herd-level mastitis-associated costs on Canadian dairy farms. Front Vet Sci, 5, 1-12.
  • Azooz MF, El-Wakeel SA, Yousef HM, 2020: Financial and economic analyses of the impact of cattle mastitis on the profitability of Egyptian dairy farms. Vet World, 13(9), 1750-1759.
  • Barkema H, Schukken Y, Lam T, Beiboer M, Benedictus G, Brand A, 1999: Management practices associated with the incidence rate of clinical mastitis. J Dairy Sci, 82(8), 1643-1654.
  • Biggs A (2009), Mastitis in cattle, 31-65 pp., Crowood Press, Marlborough, UK.
  • Boujenane I, El Aimani J, By K, 2015: Effects of clinical mastitis on reproductive and milk performance of Holstein cows in Morocco. Trop Anim Health Pro, 47(1), 207-211. Contreras GA, Rodriguez JM, 2011: Mastitis: Comparative Etiology and Epidemiology. J Mammary Gland Biol, 16(4), 339-356.
  • Çam M, İnal Ş, 2021: İç Anadolu Bölgesi Şartlarında Siyah Alaca ve Simental Irkı İneklerde Mastitis ve Metritis Görülme Oranları. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 18(2), 102-107.
  • Drackley JK, 1999: Biology of dairy cows during the transition period: The final frontier? J Dairy Sci, 82(11), 2259-2273.
  • Emre B, Cengiz M, Alaçam E, 2011: Evaluation of effects of milking hygiene and management factor on clinical mastitis incidence in dairy cows. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak, 17(1), 31-35.
  • Erdogan HM, Gunes V, Citil M, Unver A, 2004: Dairy cattle farming in Kars district, Turkey: II. Health status. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 28(4), 745-752.
  • Grummer RR, 1995: Impact of changes in organic nutrient metabolism on feeding the transition dairy-cow. J Anim Sci, 73(9), 2820-2833.
  • Hagnestam-Nielsen C, Ostergaard S, 2009: Economic impact of clinical mastitis in a dairy herd assessed by stochastic simulation using different methods to model yield losses. Animal, 3(2), 315-328.
  • Hagnestam C, Emanuelson U, Berglund B, 2007: Yield losses associated with clinical mastitis occurring in different weeks of lactation. J Dairy Sci, 90(5), 2260-2270.
  • Hailemariam D, Mandal R, Saleem F, Dunn SM, Wishart DS, Ametaj BN, 2014: Identification of predictive biomarkers of disease state in transition dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 97(5), 2680-2693.
  • Huszenicza G, Janosi S, Kulcsar M, Korodi P, Reiczigel J, Katai L, Peters AR, De Rensis F, 2005: Effects of clinical mastitis on ovarian function in post-partum dairy cows. Reprod Domest Anim, 40(3), 199-204.
  • Ingvartsen KL, 2006: Feeding- and management-related diseases in the transition cow - Physiological adaptations around calving and strategies to reduce feeding-related diseases. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 126(3-4), 175-213.
  • Ingvartsen KL, Dewhurst RJ, Friggens NC, 2003: On the relationship between lactational performance and health: is it yield or metabolic imbalance that cause production diseases in dairy cattle? A position paper. Livest Prod Sci, 83(2-3), 277-308.
  • Küplülü Ş, Vural R (2016), Büyük Ruminatlarda Meme Sağlığı Kontrol Programları, in Evcil Hayvanlarda Meme Hastalıkları, edited by M. Kaymaz, M. Fındık, A. Rişvanlı and A. Köker, pp. 149-250, Medipress, Malatya, TÜRKİYE.
  • Leblanc S, 2010: Monitoring metabolic health of dairy cattle in the transition period. J Reprod Develop, 56, S29-S35.
  • Levison LJ, Miller-Cushon EK, Tucker AL, Bergeron R, Leslie KE, Barkema HW, DeVries TJ, 2016: Incidence rate of pathogen-specific clinical mastitis on conventional and organic Canadian dairy farms. J Dairy Sci, 99(2), 1341-1350.
  • Martins TM, Santos RL, Paixao TA, Costa EA, Pires AC, Borges AM, 2013: Reproductive and productive parameters of Holstein cows with normal or pathological puerperium. Arq Bras Med Vet Zoo, 65(5), 1348-1356.
  • McDonald R, Macken-Walsh A, Pierce K, Horan B, 2014: Farmers in a deregulated dairy regime: Insights from Ireland's New Entrants Scheme. Land Use Policy, 41, 21-30.
  • Oliveira L, Hulland C, Ruegg PL, 2013: Characterization of clinical mastitis occurring in cows on 50 large dairy herds in Wisconsin. J Dairy Sci, 96(12), 7538-7549.
  • Ribeiro ES, Lima FS, Greco LF, et al., 2013: Prevalence of periparturient diseases and effects on fertility of seasonally calving grazing dairy cows supplemented with concentrates. J Dairy Sci, 96(9), 5682-5697.
  • Rişvanlı A, Saat N, Şafak T, Yılmaz Ö, Yüksel BF, Kılınç MA, Doğan H, Yüksel M, Kul S, Şeker İ, 2021: Türkiye'de farklı niteliklere sahip süt sığırı işletmelerinde mastitisin koruma ve kontrolü kapsamındaki bazı uygulamaların düzeyleri. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 37(2), 121-129.
  • Rollin E, Dhuyvetter KC, Overton MW, 2015: The cost of clinical mastitis in the first 30 days of lactation: An economic modeling tool. Prev Vet Med, 122(3), 257-264.
  • Sarıözkan S, 2019: Türkiye’de Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Mastitis Nedeniyle Oluşan Finansal Kayıpların Tahmin Edilmesi. Harran Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 8(2), 147-151.
  • Seegers H, Fourichon C, Beaudeau F, 2003: Production effects related to mastitis and mastitis economics in dairy cattle herds. Vet Res, 34(5), 475-491.
  • Senturk B, Teke B, Ugurlu M, Akdag F, 2014: Clinical mastitis incidence and analysis of health control applications in dairy farming enterprises. Bulg J Agric Sci, 20(3), 710-714.
  • Sepulveda-Varas P, Weary DM, Noro M, von Keyserlingk MAG, 2015: Transition Diseases in Grazing Dairy Cows Are Related to Serum Cholesterol and Other Analytes. Plos One, 10(3).
  • Suresh M, Mohamed Safiullah AH, Kathiravan G, NARMATHA N, 2017: Incidence of Clinical Mastitis Among Small Holder Dairy Farms in India. Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet Bil Derg, 12(1), 1-13.
  • Suriyasathaporn W, Schukken YH, Nielen M, Brand A, 2000: Low somatic cell count: a risk factor for subsequent clinical mastitis in a dairy herd. J Dairy Sci, 83(6), 1248-1255.
  • Suthar VS, Canelas-Raposo J, Deniz A, Heuwieser W, 2013: Prevalence of subclinical ketosis and relationships with postpartum diseases in European dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 96(5), 2925-2938.
  • Svensson C, Nyman AK, Waller KP, Emanuelson U, 2006: Effects of housing, management, and health of dairy heifers on first-lactation udder health in Southwest Sweden. J Dairy Sci, 89(6), 1990-1999.
  • Vural R, Ergün Y, Özenç E (2016), Büyük Ruminatlarda Mastitis, in Evcil Hayvanlarda Meme Hastalıkları, edited by M. Kaymaz, M. Fındık, A. Rişvanlı and A. Köker, Medipress, Malatya, TÜRKİYE.
  • Waller KP, Bengtsson B, Lindberg A, Nyman A, Unnerstad HE, 2009: Incidence of mastitis and bacterial findings at clinical mastitis in Swedish primiparous cows-Influence of breed and stage of lactation. Vet Microbiol, 134(1-2), 89-94.
  • Yalcin C, Sariozkan S, Yildiz AS, Gunlu A, 2008: Incidence of endemic diseases in dairy herds in Burdur, Konya, and Kırklareli Provinces in Turkey. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 32(6), 423-428.
  • Yalçın C, Yıldız AŞ, Sarıözkan S, Günlü A, 2010: Producer profiles, production characteristics and mastitis control applications at dairy herds in Konya, Burdur and Kırklareli provinces, Turkey. Ankara Univ Vet Fak, 57(1), 43-48.
  • Yildiz AS, 2018: Effects of some diseases observed at postpartum period of cows in dairy farms: Economic perspective. Indian J Anim Sci, 88(6), 645-650.
  • Yıldız AŞ, 2008: Ankara İli Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Birliği’ne bağlı süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde bazı endemik hastalıkların işletme düzeyinde meydana getirdiği ekonomik kayıplar. Doktora tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Yıldız AŞ, Yalçın C, 2014: Ankara İli süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde klinik mastitis kaynaklı ekonomik kayıplar. Dicle Uni Vet Fak Derg, (2), 55-62.
  • Zwald NR, Weigel KA, Chang YM, Welper RD, Clay JS, 2004: Genetic selection for health traits using producer-recorded data. I. Incidence rates, heritability estimates, and sire breeding values. J Dairy Sci, 87(12), 4287-4294.

Erzincan İli Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Postpartum Dönem Klinik Mastitis İnsidensi ve İnsidense Etkili Bazı Faktörler

Year 2022, , 248 - 256, 30.12.2022


Bu araştırma; Erzincan ilindeki süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde postpartum dönemin önemli endemik hastalıklarından biri olan klinik mastitis vakalarının insidensi ve bu insidensin bazı yetiştirici ve işletme özellikleri ile koruyucu hekimlik tercihlerine göre nasıl bir değişim gösterdiğini tespit etmek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın materyalini Erzincan il merkezine bağlı Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Birliğine üye 910 işletmeden rastgele seçilen 63 işletmenin 683 adet postpartum dönem verisi oluşturmaktadır. Postpartum dönem klinik mastitis insidensinin ağırlıklı ortalaması %10,68 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu insidensin ırklara göre dağılımı; Montofon ve melezi ırkta %6,20; Simental ve melezi %10,71; Holştayn ırkında %15,65 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Küçük ölçekli, kapalı tip barınak ve bağlı sisteme sahip işletmelerdeki ineklerde insidens oranları sırasıyla %13,29; %11,44; ve %12,12 olarak ortalamadan daha yüksek oranda olduğu ve farklılığın p<0,05 düzeyinde (anlamlı) olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Postpartum klinik mastitis insidensinin; düzenli CMT uygulamasının yapıldığı (%3,5), ücret karşılığında danışmanlık hizmetinin alındığı (%4,31), süt sığırcılığı eğitiminin alındığı (%7,39), sağım öncesi daldırma kabı uygulandığı (%8,77) işletmelerdeki ineklerde daha düşük seviyede olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0,05). Postpartum klinik mastitis insidensinin hedef insidens değeri %5 olarak hesaplanmış olup, mastitis kontrol yönteminde ihmal edilen hususların olduğu ve sakınılabilir kayıpların oluştuğu işletmelerdeki ineklerde insidensin ortalama %15,85 olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Project Number



  • Aghamohammadi M, Haine D, Kelton DF, Barkema HW, Hogeveen H, Keefe GP, Dufour S, 2018: Herd-level mastitis-associated costs on Canadian dairy farms. Front Vet Sci, 5, 1-12.
  • Azooz MF, El-Wakeel SA, Yousef HM, 2020: Financial and economic analyses of the impact of cattle mastitis on the profitability of Egyptian dairy farms. Vet World, 13(9), 1750-1759.
  • Barkema H, Schukken Y, Lam T, Beiboer M, Benedictus G, Brand A, 1999: Management practices associated with the incidence rate of clinical mastitis. J Dairy Sci, 82(8), 1643-1654.
  • Biggs A (2009), Mastitis in cattle, 31-65 pp., Crowood Press, Marlborough, UK.
  • Boujenane I, El Aimani J, By K, 2015: Effects of clinical mastitis on reproductive and milk performance of Holstein cows in Morocco. Trop Anim Health Pro, 47(1), 207-211. Contreras GA, Rodriguez JM, 2011: Mastitis: Comparative Etiology and Epidemiology. J Mammary Gland Biol, 16(4), 339-356.
  • Çam M, İnal Ş, 2021: İç Anadolu Bölgesi Şartlarında Siyah Alaca ve Simental Irkı İneklerde Mastitis ve Metritis Görülme Oranları. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 18(2), 102-107.
  • Drackley JK, 1999: Biology of dairy cows during the transition period: The final frontier? J Dairy Sci, 82(11), 2259-2273.
  • Emre B, Cengiz M, Alaçam E, 2011: Evaluation of effects of milking hygiene and management factor on clinical mastitis incidence in dairy cows. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak, 17(1), 31-35.
  • Erdogan HM, Gunes V, Citil M, Unver A, 2004: Dairy cattle farming in Kars district, Turkey: II. Health status. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 28(4), 745-752.
  • Grummer RR, 1995: Impact of changes in organic nutrient metabolism on feeding the transition dairy-cow. J Anim Sci, 73(9), 2820-2833.
  • Hagnestam-Nielsen C, Ostergaard S, 2009: Economic impact of clinical mastitis in a dairy herd assessed by stochastic simulation using different methods to model yield losses. Animal, 3(2), 315-328.
  • Hagnestam C, Emanuelson U, Berglund B, 2007: Yield losses associated with clinical mastitis occurring in different weeks of lactation. J Dairy Sci, 90(5), 2260-2270.
  • Hailemariam D, Mandal R, Saleem F, Dunn SM, Wishart DS, Ametaj BN, 2014: Identification of predictive biomarkers of disease state in transition dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 97(5), 2680-2693.
  • Huszenicza G, Janosi S, Kulcsar M, Korodi P, Reiczigel J, Katai L, Peters AR, De Rensis F, 2005: Effects of clinical mastitis on ovarian function in post-partum dairy cows. Reprod Domest Anim, 40(3), 199-204.
  • Ingvartsen KL, 2006: Feeding- and management-related diseases in the transition cow - Physiological adaptations around calving and strategies to reduce feeding-related diseases. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 126(3-4), 175-213.
  • Ingvartsen KL, Dewhurst RJ, Friggens NC, 2003: On the relationship between lactational performance and health: is it yield or metabolic imbalance that cause production diseases in dairy cattle? A position paper. Livest Prod Sci, 83(2-3), 277-308.
  • Küplülü Ş, Vural R (2016), Büyük Ruminatlarda Meme Sağlığı Kontrol Programları, in Evcil Hayvanlarda Meme Hastalıkları, edited by M. Kaymaz, M. Fındık, A. Rişvanlı and A. Köker, pp. 149-250, Medipress, Malatya, TÜRKİYE.
  • Leblanc S, 2010: Monitoring metabolic health of dairy cattle in the transition period. J Reprod Develop, 56, S29-S35.
  • Levison LJ, Miller-Cushon EK, Tucker AL, Bergeron R, Leslie KE, Barkema HW, DeVries TJ, 2016: Incidence rate of pathogen-specific clinical mastitis on conventional and organic Canadian dairy farms. J Dairy Sci, 99(2), 1341-1350.
  • Martins TM, Santos RL, Paixao TA, Costa EA, Pires AC, Borges AM, 2013: Reproductive and productive parameters of Holstein cows with normal or pathological puerperium. Arq Bras Med Vet Zoo, 65(5), 1348-1356.
  • McDonald R, Macken-Walsh A, Pierce K, Horan B, 2014: Farmers in a deregulated dairy regime: Insights from Ireland's New Entrants Scheme. Land Use Policy, 41, 21-30.
  • Oliveira L, Hulland C, Ruegg PL, 2013: Characterization of clinical mastitis occurring in cows on 50 large dairy herds in Wisconsin. J Dairy Sci, 96(12), 7538-7549.
  • Ribeiro ES, Lima FS, Greco LF, et al., 2013: Prevalence of periparturient diseases and effects on fertility of seasonally calving grazing dairy cows supplemented with concentrates. J Dairy Sci, 96(9), 5682-5697.
  • Rişvanlı A, Saat N, Şafak T, Yılmaz Ö, Yüksel BF, Kılınç MA, Doğan H, Yüksel M, Kul S, Şeker İ, 2021: Türkiye'de farklı niteliklere sahip süt sığırı işletmelerinde mastitisin koruma ve kontrolü kapsamındaki bazı uygulamaların düzeyleri. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 37(2), 121-129.
  • Rollin E, Dhuyvetter KC, Overton MW, 2015: The cost of clinical mastitis in the first 30 days of lactation: An economic modeling tool. Prev Vet Med, 122(3), 257-264.
  • Sarıözkan S, 2019: Türkiye’de Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Mastitis Nedeniyle Oluşan Finansal Kayıpların Tahmin Edilmesi. Harran Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 8(2), 147-151.
  • Seegers H, Fourichon C, Beaudeau F, 2003: Production effects related to mastitis and mastitis economics in dairy cattle herds. Vet Res, 34(5), 475-491.
  • Senturk B, Teke B, Ugurlu M, Akdag F, 2014: Clinical mastitis incidence and analysis of health control applications in dairy farming enterprises. Bulg J Agric Sci, 20(3), 710-714.
  • Sepulveda-Varas P, Weary DM, Noro M, von Keyserlingk MAG, 2015: Transition Diseases in Grazing Dairy Cows Are Related to Serum Cholesterol and Other Analytes. Plos One, 10(3).
  • Suresh M, Mohamed Safiullah AH, Kathiravan G, NARMATHA N, 2017: Incidence of Clinical Mastitis Among Small Holder Dairy Farms in India. Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet Bil Derg, 12(1), 1-13.
  • Suriyasathaporn W, Schukken YH, Nielen M, Brand A, 2000: Low somatic cell count: a risk factor for subsequent clinical mastitis in a dairy herd. J Dairy Sci, 83(6), 1248-1255.
  • Suthar VS, Canelas-Raposo J, Deniz A, Heuwieser W, 2013: Prevalence of subclinical ketosis and relationships with postpartum diseases in European dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 96(5), 2925-2938.
  • Svensson C, Nyman AK, Waller KP, Emanuelson U, 2006: Effects of housing, management, and health of dairy heifers on first-lactation udder health in Southwest Sweden. J Dairy Sci, 89(6), 1990-1999.
  • Vural R, Ergün Y, Özenç E (2016), Büyük Ruminatlarda Mastitis, in Evcil Hayvanlarda Meme Hastalıkları, edited by M. Kaymaz, M. Fındık, A. Rişvanlı and A. Köker, Medipress, Malatya, TÜRKİYE.
  • Waller KP, Bengtsson B, Lindberg A, Nyman A, Unnerstad HE, 2009: Incidence of mastitis and bacterial findings at clinical mastitis in Swedish primiparous cows-Influence of breed and stage of lactation. Vet Microbiol, 134(1-2), 89-94.
  • Yalcin C, Sariozkan S, Yildiz AS, Gunlu A, 2008: Incidence of endemic diseases in dairy herds in Burdur, Konya, and Kırklareli Provinces in Turkey. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 32(6), 423-428.
  • Yalçın C, Yıldız AŞ, Sarıözkan S, Günlü A, 2010: Producer profiles, production characteristics and mastitis control applications at dairy herds in Konya, Burdur and Kırklareli provinces, Turkey. Ankara Univ Vet Fak, 57(1), 43-48.
  • Yildiz AS, 2018: Effects of some diseases observed at postpartum period of cows in dairy farms: Economic perspective. Indian J Anim Sci, 88(6), 645-650.
  • Yıldız AŞ, 2008: Ankara İli Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Birliği’ne bağlı süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde bazı endemik hastalıkların işletme düzeyinde meydana getirdiği ekonomik kayıplar. Doktora tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Yıldız AŞ, Yalçın C, 2014: Ankara İli süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde klinik mastitis kaynaklı ekonomik kayıplar. Dicle Uni Vet Fak Derg, (2), 55-62.
  • Zwald NR, Weigel KA, Chang YM, Welper RD, Clay JS, 2004: Genetic selection for health traits using producer-recorded data. I. Incidence rates, heritability estimates, and sire breeding values. J Dairy Sci, 87(12), 4287-4294.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research

Ahmet Şener Yıldız 0000-0001-9929-9468

Oğuz Altın 0000-0001-7767-4781

Project Number 527855-LLP-1-UK- -ERASMUS-ENW
Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date October 31, 2022
Acceptance Date December 12, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Yıldız, A. Ş., & Altın, O. (2022). Erzincan İli Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Postpartum Dönem Klinik Mastitis İnsidensi ve İnsidense Etkili Bazı Faktörler. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 11(2), 248-256.
AMA Yıldız AŞ, Altın O. Erzincan İli Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Postpartum Dönem Klinik Mastitis İnsidensi ve İnsidense Etkili Bazı Faktörler. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. December 2022;11(2):248-256. doi:10.31196/huvfd.1196506
Chicago Yıldız, Ahmet Şener, and Oğuz Altın. “Erzincan İli Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Postpartum Dönem Klinik Mastitis İnsidensi Ve İnsidense Etkili Bazı Faktörler”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 11, no. 2 (December 2022): 248-56.
EndNote Yıldız AŞ, Altın O (December 1, 2022) Erzincan İli Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Postpartum Dönem Klinik Mastitis İnsidensi ve İnsidense Etkili Bazı Faktörler. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 11 2 248–256.
IEEE A. Ş. Yıldız and O. Altın, “Erzincan İli Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Postpartum Dönem Klinik Mastitis İnsidensi ve İnsidense Etkili Bazı Faktörler”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 248–256, 2022, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.1196506.
ISNAD Yıldız, Ahmet Şener - Altın, Oğuz. “Erzincan İli Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Postpartum Dönem Klinik Mastitis İnsidensi Ve İnsidense Etkili Bazı Faktörler”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 11/2 (December 2022), 248-256.
JAMA Yıldız AŞ, Altın O. Erzincan İli Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Postpartum Dönem Klinik Mastitis İnsidensi ve İnsidense Etkili Bazı Faktörler. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2022;11:248–256.
MLA Yıldız, Ahmet Şener and Oğuz Altın. “Erzincan İli Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Postpartum Dönem Klinik Mastitis İnsidensi Ve İnsidense Etkili Bazı Faktörler”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 11, no. 2, 2022, pp. 248-56, doi:10.31196/huvfd.1196506.
Vancouver Yıldız AŞ, Altın O. Erzincan İli Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Postpartum Dönem Klinik Mastitis İnsidensi ve İnsidense Etkili Bazı Faktörler. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2022;11(2):248-56.