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Siirt Renkli Tiftik Keçisinde (Capra hircus) Metapodium ve Acropodium Kemiklerinin 3D Modelleme ile İncelenmesi

Year 2023, , 245 - 252, 22.12.2023


Artiodactyla türlerine ilişkin çalışmalarda metapodial kemikler önemlidir. Gelişimini erken tamamlayan kemiklerden biri olması ve çevre koşullarından etkilenmemesi nedeniyle iyi korunmuş olması, arkeolojik kazılarda tek parça olarak ortaya çıkarılmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Son yıllarda 2 boyutlu görüntülerin dezavantajları tıpta 3 boyutlu modelleme yöntemlerinin gelişmesine katkı sağlamıştır. Çalışmamızda yetişkin (1-3 yaş), 10 erkek ve 10 dişi Siirt renkli tiftik keçisinin metakarpusu ve ön ayak parmak kemikleri (phalanx proximalis, falanx media ve falanx distalis) kullanıldı. Kemikler bilgisayarlı tomografi cihazıyla tarandı. Ortaya çıkan görüntüler DICOM formatında kaydedildi ve özel bir yazılım kullanılarak 3 boyutlu modeller oluşturuldu. Metacarpus'tan 14, parmak kemiklerinden 12 osteometrik ölçüm alındı. Sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. İstatistiksel değerlendirme sonucunda metakarpusta; En küçük diyafiz genişliği (Sd), distal genişliği (Bd), condylus medialis medialis medialis genişliği (WCM), proksimal derinliği (Dp), condylus medialis eksternal troklea ön-arka çapı (Dem) ve Condylus medialis internal troklea ön-arka çapı (Dim) parametreleri dişiler ve erkekler arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (P<0.01). Falanks ortamı için GLpe ve Bp ölçüm parametreleri cinsiyetler arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (P<0.05). Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen verilerin anatomi eğitimine katkı sağlayacağı, hayvanat bahçesi-arkeolojik kazılarda elde edilen kemiklerin sınıflandırılması ve belirlenen anatomik özelliklerin cerrahi yaklaşımlara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.

Ethical Statement

With the ethics committee report numbered 2023/03/24, the Siirt University Experimental Animals Application and Research Center approved the procedures used in our investigation.


  • Al-Sharoot HA, 2013: Anatomical study of the digits of fore limbs in goat. QJVMS, 12, 28-35. Aydogdu S, Eken E, Koçak M, 2021: Sexual dimorphism in the sheep corpus callosum using 3 tesla MRI. EJVRS, 37(4), 225 - 234.
  • Bahadır A, Yıldız H, 2016: Veteriner Anatomi: Hareket Sistemi & İç Organlar. 7th ed., Ezgi Bookselling, Bursa, Turkey.
  • Bartosiewicz L, 1985: Interrelationships in the formation of cattle long bones. Zool Anz Das, 3, 253– 262. Berteaux D, Guintard C, 1995: Osteometric study of the metapodials of Amsterdam Island feral cattle. Acta Therio, 40, 97– 110.
  • Boessneck J, (1969). Osteological differences between sheep (Ovis aries Linne) and goat (Capra hircus Linne) In: Brothwell D, Higgs E (Ed), 331-358, Science in Archaeology, London.
  • Courtenay LA, Maté-González MÁ, Aramendi J, Yravedra J, González-Aguilera D, Domínguez-Rodrigo M, 2018: Testing accuracy in 2D and 3D geometric morphometric methods for cut mark identification and classification. Peer J, 5(6), e5133.
  • Davis SJ, 1996: Measurements of a group of adult female Shetland sheep skeletons from a single flock: a baseline for zooarchaeologists. J Archaeol Sci, 23(4), 593-612.
  • Demiraslan Y, Gurbuz I, Aslan K, Akbulut Y, 2015: The stereological and morphometrical analysis of metapodium in Tuj and Morkaraman sheep. ARC J Anim Vet Sci, 1(1), 12–23.
  • Demircioglu I, Gezer IN, 2020: Threedimensional modelling of computed tomography images of limb bones in gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa). Anat Histol Embryol, 49, 695–707.
  • Demircioğlu İ, Koçyiğit A, Demiraslan Y, Yilmaz B, Gezer Ince N, Aydogdu S, Dayan MO, 2021: Digit Bones (Acropodium) of Gazella (Gazella subgutturosa); Three-Dimensional Modelling and Morphometry. Pak Vet J, 41(4), 481-486.
  • D'Urso PS, Barker TM, Earwaker WJ, Bruce LJ, Atkinson RL, Lanigan MW, Arvier JF, Effeney DJ, 1999: Stereolithographic biomodelling in cranio-maxillofacial surgery: a prospective trial. J Maxillofac Surg, 27(1), 30–37.
  • Evin A, Souter T, Hulme-Beaman A, Ameen C, Allen R, Viacava P, Larson G, Cucchi T, Dobney KM 2016: The use of close-range photogrammetry in zooarchaeology: Creating accurate 3D models of wolf crania to study dog domestication. J Archaeol Sci Rep, 9, 87-93.
  • Freitas EP, Noritomi PY, Silva JVL, 2011: Use of rapid prototyping and 3D reconstruction in veterinary medicine. InTech.
  • Guintard C, 1998: Osteometrie des metapodes de bovins. Revue Med Vet, 149, 751-770.
  • Guintard C, Lallemand M, 2003: Osteometric study of metapodial bones in sheep. Ann Anat, 185, 573– 583.
  • Gundemir O, Pazvant G, Jashari T, Dayan MO, 2020: Morphometric Study of Metapodium in Bardhoka Sheep. J Agric Vet Sci, 4, 30–38.
  • Gunes H, Evrim M, 1993: Turkiye ve Amerika Birlesik Devletleri orijinli Ankara keçisi hatları arasındaki birlestirmelerden elde edilen çesitli genotip gruplarının onemli verim ozellikleri yonunden karsılastırılması. I. Tiftik verimi ve tiftik ozellikleri. İstanbul Univ Vet Fak Derg, 19(1), 83-99.
  • Gurbuz İ, Demiraslan Y, Kırbas G, Aslan K, 2018: Hemsin Koyunlarında Metapodium'ların Morfometrik ve Stereolojik İncelenmesi. MAKÜ Sag Bil Enst Derg, 6(1), 1–14.
  • Guzel BC, Koçyigit A, Demircioglu İ, Demiraslan Y, 2022: Investigating metacarpi of Hamdani sheep via different measurement and modelling methods: A methodological study. Anat histol embryol, 51(4), 484–491.
  • Ilgaz B, Sevinç A, 1982: Ankara keçilerinde kızgınlık, kızgınlık siklusu sureleri ve en uygun tohumlama zamanı. Lalahan Zootekni Ars Enst Derg, 22, 1-4, 61-69.
  • Ince NG, Pazvant G, Sarıtas O, Kahvecioglu KO, Ozturk M, Onar V, 2018: Osteometrical assessment of withers height and sex determination of byzantine cattle from metacarpals (The theodosiusharbour area, Istanbul). MAA, 18(1), 46-60.
  • Kong X, Nie L, Zhang H, Wang Z, Ye Q, Tang L, Li J, Huang W, 2016: Do Three-dimensional Visualization and Three-dimensional Printing Improve Hepatic Segment Anatomy Teaching? A Randomized Controlled Study. J Surg Educ, 73(2), 264–269.
  • Konig HE, Liebich HG, 2020: Veterinary anatomy of domestic animals: Textbook and colour atlas. Georg Thieme Verlag, New York, USA.
  • Lallemand M, 2002: Etude ostéométrique de métapodes de mouton (Ovis aries, L). PhD Thesis, Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Nantes, Nantes.
  • Mirjana D, Concepción R, Patricia G, Inmaculada A, 2014: Morphometric sex estimation from 3D computed tomography os coxae model and its validation in skeletal remains. Int J Legal Med, 128, 879–888.
  • Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria, 2017: Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria. World Association of Veterinary Anatomist, New York.
  • Nourinezhad J, Mazaheri Y, Daneshi M, 2012: Morphometric study on digital bones in native Khuzestan Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Bulg J Vet Med, 15, 228-35.
  • Onar V, Pazvant G, Belli O, 2008: Osteometric examination of metapodial bones in sheep (Ovis aries L.) and goat (Capra hircus L.) unearthed from the Upper Anzaf Castle in Eastern Anatolia. Rev Med Vet, 159, 150-158.
  • Ozkadı̇f S, Eken E, 2015: Contribution of virtual anatomic models to medical education. Ataturk Univ Vet Bilim, 10, 46–54.
  • Pazvant G, Onar V, Alpak H, Gezer Ince N, Kahvecioglu KO, Armutak A, Kızıltan Z, 2015: Osteometric examination of metapodial bones in sheep (Ovis aries L.) and goat (Capra hircus L.) unearthed from the Yenikapı metro and Marmaray excavations in Istanbul. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 21(2), 147– 153.
  • Rowley-Conwy P, 1998: Improved separation of Neolithic metapodials of sheep (ovis) and goats (capra) from Arene Candide cave, Liguria, Italy. J Archaeol Sci, 25, 251-258.
  • Sergovich A, Johnson M, Wilson TD, 2010: Explorable three dimensional digital model of the female pelvis, pelvic contents, and perineum for anatomical education. Anat Sci Educ, 3, 127–133.
  • Verhoff MA, Ramsthaler F, Krähahn J, Deml U, Gille RJ, Grabherr S, Thali M, Kreutz K, 2008: Digital forensic osteology--possibilities in cooperation with the Virtopsy project. Forensic Sci. Int., 174 (2-3), 152–156.
  • Von den Driesch A, 1976: A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites. Peabody Museum of Archaelogy and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass, USA.
  • Yerturk M, Odabasıoglu F, 2007: Dogu ve Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesinde Yetistirilen Renkli Tiftik Keçilerinin Yarı Entansif Sartlarda Verim ozelliklerinin Arastırılması. Van Vet J, 18 (2): 45-50.
  • Yilmaz O, Demircioglu İ, 2021: Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphometric analysis of the mandible in Van cats: A computed tomography (CT) study. Pol J Vet Sci, 24(2), 261–270.
  • Zeder MA, 2001: A metrical analysis of a collection of modern goats (Capra hircus aegargus and C. H. Hircus) from Iran and Iraq: Implications for the study of caprine domestication. J Archaeol Sci, 28, 61-79.

Investigation of Metapodium and Acropodium Bones in Siirt-Colored Mohair Goat (Capra hircus) by 3D Modeling

Year 2023, , 245 - 252, 22.12.2023


Studies on Artiodactyla species benefit from the use of metapodial bones. Being one of the bones that completed its development early and being well preserved because it is not affected by environmental conditions, it can be unearthed as a single piece in archaeological excavations. In recent years, the disadvantages of 2D images have contributed to developing 3D modeling methods in medicine. Adult (1-3 years old), 10 male and 10 female Siirt-colored Mohair goat metacarpus and forelimb digit bones (phalanx proximalis, phalanx media and phalanx distalis) were used in our study. Bones were scanned with a computed tomography device. The resulting images were saved in DICOM format and 3D models were created using a special software. 14 osteometric measurements were taken from the metacarpus and 12 from the digit bones. The results were evaluated statistically. As a result of the statistical evaluation, in the metacarpus; Smallest Breadth of diaphysis (Sd), Breadth of distal (Bd), Medio-lateral width of condylus medialis width of condylus medialis (WCM), Depth of proximal (Dp), Antero-posterior diameter of external trochlea of condylus medialis (Dem) and Antero-posterior diameter of internal trochlea of condylus medialis (Dim) parameters were found to be statistically significant between males and females (P<0.01). For phalanx media, GLpe and Bp measurement parameters were statistically significant between genders (P<0.05). The data obtained from the study will contribute to anatomy education, the classification of bones obtained in zoo-archaeological excavations, and the determined anatomical features that will contribute to surgical approaches.


  • Al-Sharoot HA, 2013: Anatomical study of the digits of fore limbs in goat. QJVMS, 12, 28-35. Aydogdu S, Eken E, Koçak M, 2021: Sexual dimorphism in the sheep corpus callosum using 3 tesla MRI. EJVRS, 37(4), 225 - 234.
  • Bahadır A, Yıldız H, 2016: Veteriner Anatomi: Hareket Sistemi & İç Organlar. 7th ed., Ezgi Bookselling, Bursa, Turkey.
  • Bartosiewicz L, 1985: Interrelationships in the formation of cattle long bones. Zool Anz Das, 3, 253– 262. Berteaux D, Guintard C, 1995: Osteometric study of the metapodials of Amsterdam Island feral cattle. Acta Therio, 40, 97– 110.
  • Boessneck J, (1969). Osteological differences between sheep (Ovis aries Linne) and goat (Capra hircus Linne) In: Brothwell D, Higgs E (Ed), 331-358, Science in Archaeology, London.
  • Courtenay LA, Maté-González MÁ, Aramendi J, Yravedra J, González-Aguilera D, Domínguez-Rodrigo M, 2018: Testing accuracy in 2D and 3D geometric morphometric methods for cut mark identification and classification. Peer J, 5(6), e5133.
  • Davis SJ, 1996: Measurements of a group of adult female Shetland sheep skeletons from a single flock: a baseline for zooarchaeologists. J Archaeol Sci, 23(4), 593-612.
  • Demiraslan Y, Gurbuz I, Aslan K, Akbulut Y, 2015: The stereological and morphometrical analysis of metapodium in Tuj and Morkaraman sheep. ARC J Anim Vet Sci, 1(1), 12–23.
  • Demircioglu I, Gezer IN, 2020: Threedimensional modelling of computed tomography images of limb bones in gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa). Anat Histol Embryol, 49, 695–707.
  • Demircioğlu İ, Koçyiğit A, Demiraslan Y, Yilmaz B, Gezer Ince N, Aydogdu S, Dayan MO, 2021: Digit Bones (Acropodium) of Gazella (Gazella subgutturosa); Three-Dimensional Modelling and Morphometry. Pak Vet J, 41(4), 481-486.
  • D'Urso PS, Barker TM, Earwaker WJ, Bruce LJ, Atkinson RL, Lanigan MW, Arvier JF, Effeney DJ, 1999: Stereolithographic biomodelling in cranio-maxillofacial surgery: a prospective trial. J Maxillofac Surg, 27(1), 30–37.
  • Evin A, Souter T, Hulme-Beaman A, Ameen C, Allen R, Viacava P, Larson G, Cucchi T, Dobney KM 2016: The use of close-range photogrammetry in zooarchaeology: Creating accurate 3D models of wolf crania to study dog domestication. J Archaeol Sci Rep, 9, 87-93.
  • Freitas EP, Noritomi PY, Silva JVL, 2011: Use of rapid prototyping and 3D reconstruction in veterinary medicine. InTech.
  • Guintard C, 1998: Osteometrie des metapodes de bovins. Revue Med Vet, 149, 751-770.
  • Guintard C, Lallemand M, 2003: Osteometric study of metapodial bones in sheep. Ann Anat, 185, 573– 583.
  • Gundemir O, Pazvant G, Jashari T, Dayan MO, 2020: Morphometric Study of Metapodium in Bardhoka Sheep. J Agric Vet Sci, 4, 30–38.
  • Gunes H, Evrim M, 1993: Turkiye ve Amerika Birlesik Devletleri orijinli Ankara keçisi hatları arasındaki birlestirmelerden elde edilen çesitli genotip gruplarının onemli verim ozellikleri yonunden karsılastırılması. I. Tiftik verimi ve tiftik ozellikleri. İstanbul Univ Vet Fak Derg, 19(1), 83-99.
  • Gurbuz İ, Demiraslan Y, Kırbas G, Aslan K, 2018: Hemsin Koyunlarında Metapodium'ların Morfometrik ve Stereolojik İncelenmesi. MAKÜ Sag Bil Enst Derg, 6(1), 1–14.
  • Guzel BC, Koçyigit A, Demircioglu İ, Demiraslan Y, 2022: Investigating metacarpi of Hamdani sheep via different measurement and modelling methods: A methodological study. Anat histol embryol, 51(4), 484–491.
  • Ilgaz B, Sevinç A, 1982: Ankara keçilerinde kızgınlık, kızgınlık siklusu sureleri ve en uygun tohumlama zamanı. Lalahan Zootekni Ars Enst Derg, 22, 1-4, 61-69.
  • Ince NG, Pazvant G, Sarıtas O, Kahvecioglu KO, Ozturk M, Onar V, 2018: Osteometrical assessment of withers height and sex determination of byzantine cattle from metacarpals (The theodosiusharbour area, Istanbul). MAA, 18(1), 46-60.
  • Kong X, Nie L, Zhang H, Wang Z, Ye Q, Tang L, Li J, Huang W, 2016: Do Three-dimensional Visualization and Three-dimensional Printing Improve Hepatic Segment Anatomy Teaching? A Randomized Controlled Study. J Surg Educ, 73(2), 264–269.
  • Konig HE, Liebich HG, 2020: Veterinary anatomy of domestic animals: Textbook and colour atlas. Georg Thieme Verlag, New York, USA.
  • Lallemand M, 2002: Etude ostéométrique de métapodes de mouton (Ovis aries, L). PhD Thesis, Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Nantes, Nantes.
  • Mirjana D, Concepción R, Patricia G, Inmaculada A, 2014: Morphometric sex estimation from 3D computed tomography os coxae model and its validation in skeletal remains. Int J Legal Med, 128, 879–888.
  • Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria, 2017: Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria. World Association of Veterinary Anatomist, New York.
  • Nourinezhad J, Mazaheri Y, Daneshi M, 2012: Morphometric study on digital bones in native Khuzestan Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Bulg J Vet Med, 15, 228-35.
  • Onar V, Pazvant G, Belli O, 2008: Osteometric examination of metapodial bones in sheep (Ovis aries L.) and goat (Capra hircus L.) unearthed from the Upper Anzaf Castle in Eastern Anatolia. Rev Med Vet, 159, 150-158.
  • Ozkadı̇f S, Eken E, 2015: Contribution of virtual anatomic models to medical education. Ataturk Univ Vet Bilim, 10, 46–54.
  • Pazvant G, Onar V, Alpak H, Gezer Ince N, Kahvecioglu KO, Armutak A, Kızıltan Z, 2015: Osteometric examination of metapodial bones in sheep (Ovis aries L.) and goat (Capra hircus L.) unearthed from the Yenikapı metro and Marmaray excavations in Istanbul. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 21(2), 147– 153.
  • Rowley-Conwy P, 1998: Improved separation of Neolithic metapodials of sheep (ovis) and goats (capra) from Arene Candide cave, Liguria, Italy. J Archaeol Sci, 25, 251-258.
  • Sergovich A, Johnson M, Wilson TD, 2010: Explorable three dimensional digital model of the female pelvis, pelvic contents, and perineum for anatomical education. Anat Sci Educ, 3, 127–133.
  • Verhoff MA, Ramsthaler F, Krähahn J, Deml U, Gille RJ, Grabherr S, Thali M, Kreutz K, 2008: Digital forensic osteology--possibilities in cooperation with the Virtopsy project. Forensic Sci. Int., 174 (2-3), 152–156.
  • Von den Driesch A, 1976: A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites. Peabody Museum of Archaelogy and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass, USA.
  • Yerturk M, Odabasıoglu F, 2007: Dogu ve Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesinde Yetistirilen Renkli Tiftik Keçilerinin Yarı Entansif Sartlarda Verim ozelliklerinin Arastırılması. Van Vet J, 18 (2): 45-50.
  • Yilmaz O, Demircioglu İ, 2021: Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphometric analysis of the mandible in Van cats: A computed tomography (CT) study. Pol J Vet Sci, 24(2), 261–270.
  • Zeder MA, 2001: A metrical analysis of a collection of modern goats (Capra hircus aegargus and C. H. Hircus) from Iran and Iraq: Implications for the study of caprine domestication. J Archaeol Sci, 28, 61-79.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology
Journal Section Research

Fatma İşbilir 0000-0002-6110-1302

Barış Can Güzel 0000-0002-2504-120X

Early Pub Date December 21, 2023
Publication Date December 22, 2023
Submission Date October 27, 2023
Acceptance Date December 18, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA İşbilir, F., & Güzel, B. C. (2023). Investigation of Metapodium and Acropodium Bones in Siirt-Colored Mohair Goat (Capra hircus) by 3D Modeling. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 12(2), 245-252.
AMA İşbilir F, Güzel BC. Investigation of Metapodium and Acropodium Bones in Siirt-Colored Mohair Goat (Capra hircus) by 3D Modeling. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. December 2023;12(2):245-252. doi:10.31196/huvfd.1382229
Chicago İşbilir, Fatma, and Barış Can Güzel. “Investigation of Metapodium and Acropodium Bones in Siirt-Colored Mohair Goat (Capra Hircus) by 3D Modeling”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 12, no. 2 (December 2023): 245-52.
EndNote İşbilir F, Güzel BC (December 1, 2023) Investigation of Metapodium and Acropodium Bones in Siirt-Colored Mohair Goat (Capra hircus) by 3D Modeling. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 12 2 245–252.
IEEE F. İşbilir and B. C. Güzel, “Investigation of Metapodium and Acropodium Bones in Siirt-Colored Mohair Goat (Capra hircus) by 3D Modeling”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 245–252, 2023, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.1382229.
ISNAD İşbilir, Fatma - Güzel, Barış Can. “Investigation of Metapodium and Acropodium Bones in Siirt-Colored Mohair Goat (Capra Hircus) by 3D Modeling”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 12/2 (December 2023), 245-252.
JAMA İşbilir F, Güzel BC. Investigation of Metapodium and Acropodium Bones in Siirt-Colored Mohair Goat (Capra hircus) by 3D Modeling. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2023;12:245–252.
MLA İşbilir, Fatma and Barış Can Güzel. “Investigation of Metapodium and Acropodium Bones in Siirt-Colored Mohair Goat (Capra Hircus) by 3D Modeling”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 12, no. 2, 2023, pp. 245-52, doi:10.31196/huvfd.1382229.
Vancouver İşbilir F, Güzel BC. Investigation of Metapodium and Acropodium Bones in Siirt-Colored Mohair Goat (Capra hircus) by 3D Modeling. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2023;12(2):245-52.