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Sığırlarda Ahır Zemin Tiplerinin Ayak Hastalıkları ve Tırnak Deformasyonları Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması

Year 2017, , 19 - 24, 30.06.2017


Bu saha çalışmasında
farklı tipteki ahır zeminlerinin sığır ayak hastalıkları ve tırnak
deformasyonları üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Araştırma Muş ve yöresinde
rastgele seçilen 81 ahırda yürütüldü. Bu ahırlarda barındırılan farklı yaş,
ırk, ağırlık ve cinsiyetteki toplam 1292 sığır materyal olarak kullanıldı. Bu
ahırların zemin yapılarının tiplerine göre hayvanlarda görülen ayak
hastalıkları ve tırnak deformasyonları oranları saptandı. Yapılan araştırmada
elde edilen veriler ahır zemin tiplerinin sığır ayak hastalıkları ve tırnak
deformiteleri üzerine önemli etkilerinin olduğu görülmüştür. İncelenen bu 81
ahırda beton zeminli barınaklarda %32.97, taş zeminli barınaklarda %8.51, tahta
zeminli barınaklarda %5.57, kauçuk zeminli barınaklarda %6.66, toprak zeminli
barınaklarda ise %46.28 olarak ayak hastalıkları ve tırnak deformiteleri tespit
SPSS for Windows 21.0 (IBM) Descriptive Stastistics
Analysis Crosstabs metoduyla Chi-Square testi kullanılarak, barınak zemin
tiplerinin (beton, taş, tahta, kauçuk, toprak) yetiştirilen sığırların ayak
hastalıkları ve tırnak deformasyonları üzerine olan etkilerinin araştırılması
yönünden analizi yapıldı. Ulaşılan sonuçların ışığı altında P<0.05 ve P<0.01
aralıkları çalışma verileri açısından anlamlı olarak kabul edildi.


  • Albright JC, 1995: Flooring in dairy cattle facilities, in Proc. Int. Conf. Anim. Behav. Design. Livest. Poult. Syst., Indianapolis, IN, 168-182.
  • Andersson L, Lundstrm K, 1981: Their fluence of breed, age, body weight and season on digital diseases and hoof size in dairy cows. J Vet Med A, 28, 141-151.
  • Barker ZE, Amory JR, Wright JL, Mason SA, Blowey RW, Green LE, 2009: Risk factors forin creased rates of sole ulcers, white line disease and digital dermatitis in dairy cattle from twenty-seven farms in England and Wales. J Dairy Sci, 92, 1971-1978.
  • Bell NJ, Huxley JN, 2009: The use of rubber flor matting on dairy units: a critical review. Cat Pract, 17, 142-147.
  • Bergsten C, Frank B, 1996: Sole haemorrhages in tied primiparous cows as an indicator of periparturient laminitis: effects of diet, flooring and season. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 37, 383-394.
  • Benz B, 2002: Elastische Belägefür spaltenböden in Liegebox enlaufställen, PhD Thesis, Universität Hohenheim, Hohenheim, Germany.
  • Boyle L, Mee J, Kiernan P, 2007: The effect of rubber versus concrete passage ways in cubicle housing on claw health and reproduction of pluriparous dairy cows. Appl Anim Behav Sci, 106, 1-12.
  • Chesterton RN, 1989: Examination and control of lameness in dairy herds. N Z Vet J, 37, 133-134.
  • Clarkson MJ, Downham DY, Faull WB, Hughes JW, Manson FJ, Merrit JD, Murray RD, Russell WB, Sutherst JE, Ward WR, 1993: An epidemiological study to determine the risk factors of lameness in dairy cows, CSA 1379, Univ. Liverpool, United Kingdom.
  • Cook NB, 2003: Prevalence of lameness among dairy cattle in Wisconsin as a function of housing type and stall surface. JAVMA, 223, 1324-1328.
  • Cook NB, Nordlund KV, Oetzel GR, 2004: Environmental influences of claw horn lesions associated with laminitis and subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 87(E.Suppl.), E36-E46.
  • Cook NB, Nordlund KV, 2009: The influence of the environment on dairy cow behavior, claw health and herd lameness Dynamics. Vet J, 179, 360-369.
  • Faye B, Lescourret F, 1989: Environmental factors associated with lameness in dairy cattle. Preventative Veterinary Medicine, 7, 267-287.
  • Fjeldaas T, Sogstad ÅM, Østerås O, 2010: Locomotion and claw disorders in Norwegian dairy cows housed in free stalls with slatted concrete, solid concrete, or solid rubber flooring in the alleys. J Dairy Sci, 94, 1243-1255.
  • Franck A,Verhegghe B, Belie N, 2008: The effect of concrete floor roughness on bovine claws using finite element analysis. J Dairy Sci, 91, 182-192.
  • Frankena K,Van Keulen KAS, Noordhuizen JP, Noordhuizen-Stassen EN, Gundelach J, De Jong DJ, Saedt I, 1992: A cross sectional study into prevalence and risk factors of digital haemorrhages in female dairy calves. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 14, 1-12.
  • Helge CHL, Gygaxa B, Wechsler M, Stauffacher K, 2012: Influence of floor surface and access to pasture on claw health in dairy cows kept in cubicle housing systems. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105, 85-92.
  • Hedges VJ, Blowey RJ, Packington AJ, O’Callaghan CJ, Green LE, 2001: A longitudinal field trial of the effect of biotin on lameness in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 84, 1969-1975.
  • Hinterhofer C, Ferguson JC, Apprich V, Haider H, Stanek C, 2006: Slatted floors and solid floors: Stress and strain on the bovine hoof capsule analyzed in finite element analysis. J Dairy Sci, 89, 155-162.
  • Kenneth V, Nigel B, Garrett R, 2004: Investigation Strategies for Laminitis Problem Herds. J Dairy Sci, 87(E. Suppl.), E27-E35.
  • Krebs N, Berry SL, Tucker CB, 2011: Restless behavior increases over time, but not with compressibility of the flooring surface, during forced standing at the feed bunk. J Dairy Sci, 94, 97-105.
  • Kremer PV, Nueske S, Scholz AM, Foerster M, 2007: Comparison of claw health and milk yield in dairy cows on elasticor concrete flooring. J Dairy Sci, 90, 4603-4611.
  • Manske T, 2002: Hoof lesions and lameness in Swedish dairy cattle; prevalence, risk factors, effects of claw trimming and consequences for productivity, Animal Environment and Health. Skara: Swedish Univ Agr (SLU).
  • Nordlund KV, Cook NB, Oetzel GR, 2004: Investigation strategies for laminitis problem herds. J Dairy Sci 87, 27-35.
  • Ouweltjes W, Holzhauer M, Van der Tol PP, Van der Werf J, 2009: Effects of two trimming methods of dairy cattle on concrete and rubber-covered slatted floors. J Dairy Sci, 92, 960-971.
  • Somers JG, Frankena K, Noordhuizen-Stassen EN, Metz JH, 2003: Prevalence of claw disorders in Dutch dairy cow sex posed to several flor systems. J Dairy Sci, 86, 2082-2093.
  • Telezhenko E, Bergsten C, 2005: Influence of floor type on the locomotion of dairy cows. Aplied Animal Behaviour Science, 93, 183-197.
  • Tranter WT, Morris RS, 1992: Hoof growth and wear in pasture-fed dairy cattle. N Z Vet J, 40, 89-96.
  • Van Amstel SR, Shearer JK, Palin FL, 2004: Moisture content, thickness, and lesions of sole horn associated with thin soles in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci, 87, 757-763.
  • Vanegas J, Overton M, Berry SL, Sischo WM, 2006: Effect of rubber flooring on claw health in lactating dairy cows housed in free-stall barns. J Dairy Sci, 89, 4251-4258.
  • Vermunt JJ, Greenough PR, 1996: Claw conformation of dairy heifers in two management systems. Br Vet J, 152, 321-331.
  • Vermunt JJ, Greenough PR, 1995: Structural characteristics of the bovine claw: Horn growth and wear, horn hardness and claw conformation. Br Vet J, 151, 157-180.
  • Vokey FJ, Guard CL, Erband HE, Galton DM, 2001: Effect of alley stall surface on indices of claw and leg health in dairy cattle housed in free stall barn. J Dairy Sci, 84, 2686-2699.
  • Weaver AD, 2000: Lameness in the Health of Dairy Cattle. A.H. Andrews, ed. Blackwell Science, Oxford, United Kingdom, 149-202.

Investigation of Cattle in the Diseases of Stable Ground Foot Type and Nail on the Effects of Deformation

Year 2017, , 19 - 24, 30.06.2017


area of the barn floor in different types of work aimed to investigate the
effects of foot diseases and nail deformation. Research, Mush and the region
was carried out in 81 randomly selected in the barn. It is hosted in the
stables of different ages, races, a total of 1292 cattle were used as material
in weight and gender. This is based on the types of barn floor structure
revealed foot diseases and nail deformation rates in animals. The data obtained
in the studies has been shown to have a significant effect on the cattle
disease foot and nail deformities of barn flooring types. Investigation of the 81 in the shelter, concrete
floors in the barn %32.97, stone floors in shelters %8.51, wood floors in
shelters  %5.57, %6.66 in rubber flooring
shelter, and in earth-floored shelter foot diseases and nail deformities as
%46.28 were identified.
SPSS for Windows 21.0 (IBM) using Descriptive
Stastistics Analysis Crosstabs method with Chi-Square test, shelter floor types
(concrete, stone, wood, rubber, earth) grown cattle foot disease and were
analyzed in terms of the investigation of the effects on the nail deformation.
In the light of the results P<0.05 and P<0.01 were considered significant
in terms of the range of trial data.


  • Albright JC, 1995: Flooring in dairy cattle facilities, in Proc. Int. Conf. Anim. Behav. Design. Livest. Poult. Syst., Indianapolis, IN, 168-182.
  • Andersson L, Lundstrm K, 1981: Their fluence of breed, age, body weight and season on digital diseases and hoof size in dairy cows. J Vet Med A, 28, 141-151.
  • Barker ZE, Amory JR, Wright JL, Mason SA, Blowey RW, Green LE, 2009: Risk factors forin creased rates of sole ulcers, white line disease and digital dermatitis in dairy cattle from twenty-seven farms in England and Wales. J Dairy Sci, 92, 1971-1978.
  • Bell NJ, Huxley JN, 2009: The use of rubber flor matting on dairy units: a critical review. Cat Pract, 17, 142-147.
  • Bergsten C, Frank B, 1996: Sole haemorrhages in tied primiparous cows as an indicator of periparturient laminitis: effects of diet, flooring and season. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 37, 383-394.
  • Benz B, 2002: Elastische Belägefür spaltenböden in Liegebox enlaufställen, PhD Thesis, Universität Hohenheim, Hohenheim, Germany.
  • Boyle L, Mee J, Kiernan P, 2007: The effect of rubber versus concrete passage ways in cubicle housing on claw health and reproduction of pluriparous dairy cows. Appl Anim Behav Sci, 106, 1-12.
  • Chesterton RN, 1989: Examination and control of lameness in dairy herds. N Z Vet J, 37, 133-134.
  • Clarkson MJ, Downham DY, Faull WB, Hughes JW, Manson FJ, Merrit JD, Murray RD, Russell WB, Sutherst JE, Ward WR, 1993: An epidemiological study to determine the risk factors of lameness in dairy cows, CSA 1379, Univ. Liverpool, United Kingdom.
  • Cook NB, 2003: Prevalence of lameness among dairy cattle in Wisconsin as a function of housing type and stall surface. JAVMA, 223, 1324-1328.
  • Cook NB, Nordlund KV, Oetzel GR, 2004: Environmental influences of claw horn lesions associated with laminitis and subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 87(E.Suppl.), E36-E46.
  • Cook NB, Nordlund KV, 2009: The influence of the environment on dairy cow behavior, claw health and herd lameness Dynamics. Vet J, 179, 360-369.
  • Faye B, Lescourret F, 1989: Environmental factors associated with lameness in dairy cattle. Preventative Veterinary Medicine, 7, 267-287.
  • Fjeldaas T, Sogstad ÅM, Østerås O, 2010: Locomotion and claw disorders in Norwegian dairy cows housed in free stalls with slatted concrete, solid concrete, or solid rubber flooring in the alleys. J Dairy Sci, 94, 1243-1255.
  • Franck A,Verhegghe B, Belie N, 2008: The effect of concrete floor roughness on bovine claws using finite element analysis. J Dairy Sci, 91, 182-192.
  • Frankena K,Van Keulen KAS, Noordhuizen JP, Noordhuizen-Stassen EN, Gundelach J, De Jong DJ, Saedt I, 1992: A cross sectional study into prevalence and risk factors of digital haemorrhages in female dairy calves. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 14, 1-12.
  • Helge CHL, Gygaxa B, Wechsler M, Stauffacher K, 2012: Influence of floor surface and access to pasture on claw health in dairy cows kept in cubicle housing systems. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105, 85-92.
  • Hedges VJ, Blowey RJ, Packington AJ, O’Callaghan CJ, Green LE, 2001: A longitudinal field trial of the effect of biotin on lameness in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 84, 1969-1975.
  • Hinterhofer C, Ferguson JC, Apprich V, Haider H, Stanek C, 2006: Slatted floors and solid floors: Stress and strain on the bovine hoof capsule analyzed in finite element analysis. J Dairy Sci, 89, 155-162.
  • Kenneth V, Nigel B, Garrett R, 2004: Investigation Strategies for Laminitis Problem Herds. J Dairy Sci, 87(E. Suppl.), E27-E35.
  • Krebs N, Berry SL, Tucker CB, 2011: Restless behavior increases over time, but not with compressibility of the flooring surface, during forced standing at the feed bunk. J Dairy Sci, 94, 97-105.
  • Kremer PV, Nueske S, Scholz AM, Foerster M, 2007: Comparison of claw health and milk yield in dairy cows on elasticor concrete flooring. J Dairy Sci, 90, 4603-4611.
  • Manske T, 2002: Hoof lesions and lameness in Swedish dairy cattle; prevalence, risk factors, effects of claw trimming and consequences for productivity, Animal Environment and Health. Skara: Swedish Univ Agr (SLU).
  • Nordlund KV, Cook NB, Oetzel GR, 2004: Investigation strategies for laminitis problem herds. J Dairy Sci 87, 27-35.
  • Ouweltjes W, Holzhauer M, Van der Tol PP, Van der Werf J, 2009: Effects of two trimming methods of dairy cattle on concrete and rubber-covered slatted floors. J Dairy Sci, 92, 960-971.
  • Somers JG, Frankena K, Noordhuizen-Stassen EN, Metz JH, 2003: Prevalence of claw disorders in Dutch dairy cow sex posed to several flor systems. J Dairy Sci, 86, 2082-2093.
  • Telezhenko E, Bergsten C, 2005: Influence of floor type on the locomotion of dairy cows. Aplied Animal Behaviour Science, 93, 183-197.
  • Tranter WT, Morris RS, 1992: Hoof growth and wear in pasture-fed dairy cattle. N Z Vet J, 40, 89-96.
  • Van Amstel SR, Shearer JK, Palin FL, 2004: Moisture content, thickness, and lesions of sole horn associated with thin soles in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci, 87, 757-763.
  • Vanegas J, Overton M, Berry SL, Sischo WM, 2006: Effect of rubber flooring on claw health in lactating dairy cows housed in free-stall barns. J Dairy Sci, 89, 4251-4258.
  • Vermunt JJ, Greenough PR, 1996: Claw conformation of dairy heifers in two management systems. Br Vet J, 152, 321-331.
  • Vermunt JJ, Greenough PR, 1995: Structural characteristics of the bovine claw: Horn growth and wear, horn hardness and claw conformation. Br Vet J, 151, 157-180.
  • Vokey FJ, Guard CL, Erband HE, Galton DM, 2001: Effect of alley stall surface on indices of claw and leg health in dairy cattle housed in free stall barn. J Dairy Sci, 84, 2686-2699.
  • Weaver AD, 2000: Lameness in the Health of Dairy Cattle. A.H. Andrews, ed. Blackwell Science, Oxford, United Kingdom, 149-202.
There are 34 citations in total.


Journal Section Research

Mehmet Cengiz Han This is me

Aydın Sağlıyan This is me

Eren Polat

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Submission Date July 3, 2017
Acceptance Date November 24, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Han, M. C., Sağlıyan, A., & Polat, E. (2017). Investigation of Cattle in the Diseases of Stable Ground Foot Type and Nail on the Effects of Deformation. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 6(1), 19-24.
AMA Han MC, Sağlıyan A, Polat E. Investigation of Cattle in the Diseases of Stable Ground Foot Type and Nail on the Effects of Deformation. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. June 2017;6(1):19-24. doi:10.31196/huvfd.325680
Chicago Han, Mehmet Cengiz, Aydın Sağlıyan, and Eren Polat. “Investigation of Cattle in the Diseases of Stable Ground Foot Type and Nail on the Effects of Deformation”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6, no. 1 (June 2017): 19-24.
EndNote Han MC, Sağlıyan A, Polat E (June 1, 2017) Investigation of Cattle in the Diseases of Stable Ground Foot Type and Nail on the Effects of Deformation. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6 1 19–24.
IEEE M. C. Han, A. Sağlıyan, and E. Polat, “Investigation of Cattle in the Diseases of Stable Ground Foot Type and Nail on the Effects of Deformation”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 19–24, 2017, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.325680.
ISNAD Han, Mehmet Cengiz et al. “Investigation of Cattle in the Diseases of Stable Ground Foot Type and Nail on the Effects of Deformation”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6/1 (June 2017), 19-24.
JAMA Han MC, Sağlıyan A, Polat E. Investigation of Cattle in the Diseases of Stable Ground Foot Type and Nail on the Effects of Deformation. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;6:19–24.
MLA Han, Mehmet Cengiz et al. “Investigation of Cattle in the Diseases of Stable Ground Foot Type and Nail on the Effects of Deformation”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 6, no. 1, 2017, pp. 19-24, doi:10.31196/huvfd.325680.
Vancouver Han MC, Sağlıyan A, Polat E. Investigation of Cattle in the Diseases of Stable Ground Foot Type and Nail on the Effects of Deformation. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;6(1):19-24.