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Enerjilendirilmiş Oksijen ile Muamele Edilmiş İçme Suyunun Besi Danalarında Performans Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2019, , 236 - 242, 25.12.2019


Bu çalışma ticari bir besi işletmesinde sığırların içme sularının oksijence zenginleştirilerek hayvanların besi performansı ile karkas randımanları üzerine olası etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada 9-10 aylık yaşlardaki 10’ ar baş Simental ve Holştayn olmak üzere toplam 20 baş erkek dana kullanılmıştır. Hayvanlar eşit sayıda iki gruba ayrılarak, birinci grup, işletmede halihazırda bulunan içme suyundan; ikinci gruptaki hayvanlar ise oksijence zenginleştirilmiş içme suyundan tüketmiştir. Holştaynların 6 aylık besi sonundaki canlı ağırlığı 571,60 kg olurken; Simentallerin ise 615 kg olarak belirlenmiş, ilk ay hariç tüm dönemler için ırklar arasındaki farklar istatistiki açıdan önemli (P<0.05) bulunmuştur. Holştaynların besi başında (1. ay) ve besi sonundaki (6. ay) günlük canlı ağırlık artışı değerleri sırasıyla 633 g ile 1133 g olurken; aynı dönemlerdeki Simental ırkı için 933 g ile 1.233 g olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada oksijence zenginleştirilmiş su içen gruptaki hayvanların besi süresince gerek canlı ağırlık değişimi gerek de günlük canlı artışı değerleri açısından kuyu suyu içen gruba göre nispeten daha yüksek değerlere ulaştığı görülmekle birlikte, söz konusu farklılıklar istatistiki önem teşkil etmemiştir (P>0.05). Yine oksijence zenginleştirilmiş içme suyunu tüketen grubun besi süresindeki ortalama yemden yararlanma oranı 7.18 olurken; aynı oran kuyu suyu tüketenler için ise 7.26 olmuştur. Çalışmada besi süresi sonrasında kesime sevk edilen Simentallerde (%56.55), Holştaynlara göre (%54.83), zenginleştirilmiş su tüketenlerde de (%56.02) kuyu suyu tüketenlere göre (%55.36) daha yüksek sıcak karkas randımanı değerleri belirlenmiştir. Çalışma, enerjilendirilmiş oksijenli içme suyunun sığırlarda besi performansı üzerine olası etkilerinin belirlenmesine yönelik ilk olma özelliğini taşımakta ve sonraki araştırmalar için de önemli bir veri niteliğinde olacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Akbulut O, Tuzemen N, 1994: Fattening performance and carcass characteristics of Brown Swiss, Holstein and Simmental young bulls subjected to fattening at 8. and 12. month age. Atatürk Ü Zir Fak Derg, 25(2),134-144.
  • Akcan A, Arpacık R, Generen G, Karagenc L, 1991: The effect of starting time on fattening performance in Holstein bulls. Lalahan Zoot Araşt Enst Derg, 31(3-4), 9-16.
  • Akdag F, 2004: The effect of slaughter age on slaughter and carcass characteristics in indigenous water buffaloes. J Fac Vet Med İstanbul Univ, 30(2), 79-86.
  • Akman N, Tuncel E, Yener M, Kumlu S, Ozkutuk K, Tuzemen N, Yanar M, Koc A, Sahin O, Kaya CY, 2005: Türkiye’de sığır yetiştiriciliği. In: Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VI. Teknik Kongresi, Ankara.
  • Altuntas M, Arpacık R, 2004: Fattenning performance and optimum slaughter weights of Simmental bulls in different starting ages. Lalahan Hay Araşt Enst Derg, 44(1), 7-16.
  • Aslan E, 2009: Comparison of the fattening performance of Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental breed cattle in feedlot at Middle Anatolian condition. Master Thesis, Selcuk University The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Konya.
  • Baspınar H, Ogan M, Balcı F, 1999: Fattening performance and carcass characteristics of polish holstein bulls. Lalahan Hay Araş Enst Derg, 39(2), 1-6.
  • Basaran A, Akcan A, 1997: The effects of season on fattening performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics and feeding cost of Holstein bulls. Lalahan Hay Araşt Enst Derg, 37, 20-36.
  • Catıkkas E, 2015: A study on carcass and beef quality characteristics of Holstein-Friesian, Brown-Swiss and Simmental bulls fattened in Aydın province. Master Thesis, Adnan Menderes University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Aydın.
  • Catıkkas E, Koc A, 2017: Fattening performance, carcass characteristics and beef quality of Holstein–Friesian, Brown–Swiss and Simmental bulls. ADÜ Ziraat Derg, 14(1), 59-64.
  • Dannenberger D, Nuernberg K, Nuernberg G, Ender K, 2006: Carcass-and meat quality of pasture vs concentrate fed German Simmental and German Holstein bulls. Arch Anim Breed, 49(4), 315-328.
  • Erkus A, Ozcelik A, Gurdogan T, Turan A, 1990: Siyah Alaca sığırlarının besisinde optimal besi süresinin tespiti. Çiftçi ve Köy Dünyası Dergisi, 6, 18-27.
  • Guerrero A, Valero MV, Campo MM, Sanudo C, 2013: Some factors that affect ruminant meat quality: from the farm to the fork. Review. Acta Scientiarum, 35, 335-347.
  • Gunes H, Kaygısız F, Kocak O, Pekgoz M, Gor M, 2001: Studies on the fattening performances of Holstein Friessian male cattle and economic analysis of fattening. J Fac Vet Med İstanbul Univ, 27(1), 243-253.
  • Hough GS, Carlson DV, 1998: Method and Apparatus For Generating Oxygenated Water. Accessed; 14.11.2019.
  • Karakas E, 2002: The birth weight weaning age, milk consumption and the survival rate of Holstein calves raised in dairy farms located in Bursa-Yenisehir district. Uludag Univ J Fac Vet Med, 21, 77-81.
  • Loneragan GH, Wagner JJ, Gould DH, Garry FB, Thoren MA, 2001: Effects of water sulfate concentration on performance, water intake, and carcass characteristics of feedlot steers. J Anim Sci, 79(12), 2941-2948.
  • Minitab, 2011: Minitab For Windows Version Release 16, Minitab Inc.
  • Mundan D, Gogebakan S, Ergun C, Kaban IH, 2012: Evalution of fattening performance of Holstein cattle at different initial weights under summer season conditions in the district of Silifke of Mersin province. J Anim Vet Adv,11(2), 186-190.
  • Ozdogan M, 2007: A research on some fattening performance parameters of Holstein Friesian and Brown Swiss young bulls under summer season conditions in Aydın province. Hayvansal Üretim, 48(2), 1-6.
  • Protais J, Queguiner S, Boscher E, Piquet JC, Nagard B, Salvat G, 2003: Effect of housing system on the bacterial flora in the air and on egg shells. In: Proceedings of the Tenth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, Ploufragan, France, pp. 142-149.
  • Sarı M, Yapıcıer OS, Usta Z, Saatcı M, 2018: Usage of energized oxygen gas as an alternative disinfection product on hatching eggs. In: Proceedings of the First International GAP Agriculture, Livestock Congress, Şanlıurfa, Turkey, pp. 407-410.
  • Sariozkan S, Cevger Y, Demir P, Aral Y, 2007: The consumption situation and habits of livestock products among the students of Erciyes University Veterinary Faculty. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 16(3), 171-179.
  • Tuzemen N, Yanar M, Tellioglu S, Emsen A, 1990: Sarı-Alaca, Siyah-Alaca, Esmer ve Norveç Kırmızısı x Esmer melezi tosunların besi performansı ve karkas özellikleri üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Doğa Türk Veterinerlik ve Hayvancılık Dergisi, 14, 47-54.
  • Unlu A, Coban F, Tunc MS, 2008: Investigation of Lake Hazar water quality according to physical and inorganic chemical parameters. J Fac Eng Arch Gazi Univ, 23(1), 119-127.
  • Yanar M, Tuzemen N, Aksoy A, Vanlı Y, 1990: İki ayrı yaşta besiye alınan Esmer tosunlarda besi performansı, optimum besi süresi ve karkas özelliklerinin saptanması üzerine bir araştırma. Türk Veterinerlik ve Hayvancılık Dergisi, 14, 239-246.
  • Yapıcıer OS, Saatcı M, 2018: Energized oxygen treatment in drinking water for laying hens: an alternative disinfectant. Int J Poult Sci, 17(12), 586-590.
  • Zinn RA, Alvarez M, Mendez, Montano M, Ramirez E, Shen Y, 1997: Influence of dietary sulfur level on growth performance and digestive function in feedlot cattle. J Anim Sci, 75, 1723-1728

The Effects of Drinking Water Treated with Energized Oxygen on Fattening Performance in Beef Cattle

Year 2019, , 236 - 242, 25.12.2019


This study was conducted to determine the potential effects of drinking water enriched with oxygen on fattening performance and dressing percentages of cattle in a commercial beef enterprise. In the study, a total of 20 male 9-10 month-old cattle, including 10 Simmental cattle and 10 Holstein cattle were used. The animals were equally divided into two groups. While the animals in the first group consumed current drinking water at the enterprise, those in the second group consumed drinking water enriched with oxygen. While the live weights of Holstein and Simmental cattle were 571.60 kg and 615.00 kg, respectively at the end of the semi-annual fattening period, the differences between breeds were statistically significant (P<0.05) for all periods, except for the first month. Daily live weight gains of Holstein cattle were detected as 633 g and 1133 g, respectively at the beginning (1st month) and the end (6th month) of the fattening period. The same values for Simmental breed were 933 g and 1233 g, respectively. The animals in the group consuming water enriched with oxygen had relatively higher values than the well water group for live weight change and daily live weight gains during the fattening periods. However, these differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). In addition, the average feed conversion ratios during fattening were 7.18. and 7.26 respectively for the oxygen- enriched drinking water group and the well water group. It was determined that Simmental cattle (56.55%) had higher hot dressing percentage value than Holstein cattle (54.83%) and also those consuming water enriched with oxygen (56.02%) had higher dressing percentage value (55.36%) than those consuming well water. This was the first study on potential effects of drinking water with energized oxygen on fattening performance of cattle. Thereby, it is thought that the present study would provide a data archive for further studies.


  • Akbulut O, Tuzemen N, 1994: Fattening performance and carcass characteristics of Brown Swiss, Holstein and Simmental young bulls subjected to fattening at 8. and 12. month age. Atatürk Ü Zir Fak Derg, 25(2),134-144.
  • Akcan A, Arpacık R, Generen G, Karagenc L, 1991: The effect of starting time on fattening performance in Holstein bulls. Lalahan Zoot Araşt Enst Derg, 31(3-4), 9-16.
  • Akdag F, 2004: The effect of slaughter age on slaughter and carcass characteristics in indigenous water buffaloes. J Fac Vet Med İstanbul Univ, 30(2), 79-86.
  • Akman N, Tuncel E, Yener M, Kumlu S, Ozkutuk K, Tuzemen N, Yanar M, Koc A, Sahin O, Kaya CY, 2005: Türkiye’de sığır yetiştiriciliği. In: Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VI. Teknik Kongresi, Ankara.
  • Altuntas M, Arpacık R, 2004: Fattenning performance and optimum slaughter weights of Simmental bulls in different starting ages. Lalahan Hay Araşt Enst Derg, 44(1), 7-16.
  • Aslan E, 2009: Comparison of the fattening performance of Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental breed cattle in feedlot at Middle Anatolian condition. Master Thesis, Selcuk University The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Konya.
  • Baspınar H, Ogan M, Balcı F, 1999: Fattening performance and carcass characteristics of polish holstein bulls. Lalahan Hay Araş Enst Derg, 39(2), 1-6.
  • Basaran A, Akcan A, 1997: The effects of season on fattening performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics and feeding cost of Holstein bulls. Lalahan Hay Araşt Enst Derg, 37, 20-36.
  • Catıkkas E, 2015: A study on carcass and beef quality characteristics of Holstein-Friesian, Brown-Swiss and Simmental bulls fattened in Aydın province. Master Thesis, Adnan Menderes University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Aydın.
  • Catıkkas E, Koc A, 2017: Fattening performance, carcass characteristics and beef quality of Holstein–Friesian, Brown–Swiss and Simmental bulls. ADÜ Ziraat Derg, 14(1), 59-64.
  • Dannenberger D, Nuernberg K, Nuernberg G, Ender K, 2006: Carcass-and meat quality of pasture vs concentrate fed German Simmental and German Holstein bulls. Arch Anim Breed, 49(4), 315-328.
  • Erkus A, Ozcelik A, Gurdogan T, Turan A, 1990: Siyah Alaca sığırlarının besisinde optimal besi süresinin tespiti. Çiftçi ve Köy Dünyası Dergisi, 6, 18-27.
  • Guerrero A, Valero MV, Campo MM, Sanudo C, 2013: Some factors that affect ruminant meat quality: from the farm to the fork. Review. Acta Scientiarum, 35, 335-347.
  • Gunes H, Kaygısız F, Kocak O, Pekgoz M, Gor M, 2001: Studies on the fattening performances of Holstein Friessian male cattle and economic analysis of fattening. J Fac Vet Med İstanbul Univ, 27(1), 243-253.
  • Hough GS, Carlson DV, 1998: Method and Apparatus For Generating Oxygenated Water. Accessed; 14.11.2019.
  • Karakas E, 2002: The birth weight weaning age, milk consumption and the survival rate of Holstein calves raised in dairy farms located in Bursa-Yenisehir district. Uludag Univ J Fac Vet Med, 21, 77-81.
  • Loneragan GH, Wagner JJ, Gould DH, Garry FB, Thoren MA, 2001: Effects of water sulfate concentration on performance, water intake, and carcass characteristics of feedlot steers. J Anim Sci, 79(12), 2941-2948.
  • Minitab, 2011: Minitab For Windows Version Release 16, Minitab Inc.
  • Mundan D, Gogebakan S, Ergun C, Kaban IH, 2012: Evalution of fattening performance of Holstein cattle at different initial weights under summer season conditions in the district of Silifke of Mersin province. J Anim Vet Adv,11(2), 186-190.
  • Ozdogan M, 2007: A research on some fattening performance parameters of Holstein Friesian and Brown Swiss young bulls under summer season conditions in Aydın province. Hayvansal Üretim, 48(2), 1-6.
  • Protais J, Queguiner S, Boscher E, Piquet JC, Nagard B, Salvat G, 2003: Effect of housing system on the bacterial flora in the air and on egg shells. In: Proceedings of the Tenth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, Ploufragan, France, pp. 142-149.
  • Sarı M, Yapıcıer OS, Usta Z, Saatcı M, 2018: Usage of energized oxygen gas as an alternative disinfection product on hatching eggs. In: Proceedings of the First International GAP Agriculture, Livestock Congress, Şanlıurfa, Turkey, pp. 407-410.
  • Sariozkan S, Cevger Y, Demir P, Aral Y, 2007: The consumption situation and habits of livestock products among the students of Erciyes University Veterinary Faculty. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 16(3), 171-179.
  • Tuzemen N, Yanar M, Tellioglu S, Emsen A, 1990: Sarı-Alaca, Siyah-Alaca, Esmer ve Norveç Kırmızısı x Esmer melezi tosunların besi performansı ve karkas özellikleri üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Doğa Türk Veterinerlik ve Hayvancılık Dergisi, 14, 47-54.
  • Unlu A, Coban F, Tunc MS, 2008: Investigation of Lake Hazar water quality according to physical and inorganic chemical parameters. J Fac Eng Arch Gazi Univ, 23(1), 119-127.
  • Yanar M, Tuzemen N, Aksoy A, Vanlı Y, 1990: İki ayrı yaşta besiye alınan Esmer tosunlarda besi performansı, optimum besi süresi ve karkas özelliklerinin saptanması üzerine bir araştırma. Türk Veterinerlik ve Hayvancılık Dergisi, 14, 239-246.
  • Yapıcıer OS, Saatcı M, 2018: Energized oxygen treatment in drinking water for laying hens: an alternative disinfectant. Int J Poult Sci, 17(12), 586-590.
  • Zinn RA, Alvarez M, Mendez, Montano M, Ramirez E, Shen Y, 1997: Influence of dietary sulfur level on growth performance and digestive function in feedlot cattle. J Anim Sci, 75, 1723-1728
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research

Volkan Konaç This is me 0000-0002-4471-3905

Aykut Akbaş 0000-0003-2235-9439

Mustafa Saatcı This is me 0000-0003-3697-8804

Publication Date December 25, 2019
Submission Date October 10, 2019
Acceptance Date December 12, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Konaç, V., Akbaş, A., & Saatcı, M. (2019). The Effects of Drinking Water Treated with Energized Oxygen on Fattening Performance in Beef Cattle. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 8(2), 236-242.
AMA Konaç V, Akbaş A, Saatcı M. The Effects of Drinking Water Treated with Energized Oxygen on Fattening Performance in Beef Cattle. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. December 2019;8(2):236-242. doi:10.31196/huvfd.667782
Chicago Konaç, Volkan, Aykut Akbaş, and Mustafa Saatcı. “The Effects of Drinking Water Treated With Energized Oxygen on Fattening Performance in Beef Cattle”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 8, no. 2 (December 2019): 236-42.
EndNote Konaç V, Akbaş A, Saatcı M (December 1, 2019) The Effects of Drinking Water Treated with Energized Oxygen on Fattening Performance in Beef Cattle. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 8 2 236–242.
IEEE V. Konaç, A. Akbaş, and M. Saatcı, “The Effects of Drinking Water Treated with Energized Oxygen on Fattening Performance in Beef Cattle”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 236–242, 2019, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.667782.
ISNAD Konaç, Volkan et al. “The Effects of Drinking Water Treated With Energized Oxygen on Fattening Performance in Beef Cattle”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 8/2 (December 2019), 236-242.
JAMA Konaç V, Akbaş A, Saatcı M. The Effects of Drinking Water Treated with Energized Oxygen on Fattening Performance in Beef Cattle. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2019;8:236–242.
MLA Konaç, Volkan et al. “The Effects of Drinking Water Treated With Energized Oxygen on Fattening Performance in Beef Cattle”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 8, no. 2, 2019, pp. 236-42, doi:10.31196/huvfd.667782.
Vancouver Konaç V, Akbaş A, Saatcı M. The Effects of Drinking Water Treated with Energized Oxygen on Fattening Performance in Beef Cattle. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2019;8(2):236-42.