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Effect of Recombinant Luteinizing Hormon (rLH) on Some Fertility Parameters in Awassi Ewes Synchronized with PGF2α in the Breeding Season

Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 6 - 12, 01.01.2014


The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of three different doses of recombinant Luteinizing hormone
(rLH), applied 48 hours after the second prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) injection apart 9 days in oestrus synchronization on
reproductive performance of Awassi ewes. Eighty purebred Awassi ewes given birth to at least one lamb were used. All
ewes were treated with PGF2α consisting of two IM doses of a PGF2α analogue (1.25 ml, 0.093 mg–D-Cloprostenol of per
dose, Dalmazin®, Vetas,Turkey) administered 9 days apart. Animals were the randomly allocated to four equal groups and
48 h later a single intramuscular (IM) dose of rLH (Group1 0.5 IU; Group 2, 7.5 IU; Group 3, 10 IU) control group was
injected with 1 ml normal saline solution. The oestrus was controlled at 48 hours later. Artificial insemination was
performed with fresh diluted semen collected from fertile Awassi rams after observing oestrus behaviors. The pregnancies
were determined with transrectal ultrasonography at 40th day after artificial insemination. There were no statistically
significant differences (P>0.05) between the treatment groups and the control group for estrus response (Group 1, 90.0 %;
Group 2, 85.0 %; Group 3, 80.0 %; Control group, 90.0 %). Pregnancy rates were 50.0 %, 47.06%, 50.0 % and 50.0 % in
groups 1, 2, 3 and the control group, respectively. Lambing rates in treatment groups (89, 100-%) were similar to control
group (100 %). Lambing rates in Groups 1, 2, 3 and control group were 89.90 %, 100 %, 100 %, and 100 % respectively.
Single birth rates and twinning rates in three different rLH groups were similar to control group. There were no statistically
significant differences on the lambing rates, single and twinning rate among the treatment groups and control group. These
results indicated that the three different doses of rLH after oestrus synchronization with PGF2α did not affect the fertility
parameters in Awassi ewes.

Aşım Sezonunda PGF2α ile Senkronize edilen İvesi Koyunlarında Bazı Fertilite Parametreleri Üzerine Rekombinant Luteinize Hormonun Etkisi

Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 6 - 12, 01.01.2014


Bu çalışmanın amacı, İvesi koyunlarda, aşım sezonunda, östrus senkronizasyonu amacıyla 9 gün arayla çift doz
prostaglandin (PGF2α) uygulamasını takiben 48 saat sonra üç farklı dozda rekombinant luteinizing hormonunun (rLH) üreme
performansı üzerine etkilerini araştırmaktır. Çalışmada; en az bir doğum yapmış toplam 80 baş İvesi koyun kullanıldı.
Koyunlara 9 gün arayla i.m. yolla çift doz PGF2α (1.25 ml, 0.093 mg–D-Cloprostenol of per dose, Dalmazin®, Vetas,Turkey)
enjeksiyonlarını takiben, rastgele 20 şerli gruplar halinde biri kontrol grubu olmak üzere dört eşit gruba ayrıldı. Son PGF2α
uygulamalarından 48 saat sonra farklı dozlarda sırasıyla, Grup 1; 0,5., Grup 2; 7,5 ve Grup 3; 10 IU rLH İ.M enjekte edildi.
Kontrol grubuna ise 1 ml serum fizyolojik uygulandı. Östruslar 48. saatten sonra araştırıldı. Östrus gösteren koyunlar; fertil
İvesi koçlarından toplanan taze spermayla suni tohumlandı. Gebelikler, tohumlamayı takiben 40. günde transrektal
ultrasonografi ile belirlendi. Koyunlarda östrus görülme oranları grup 1, 2, 3 ve kontrolde sırasıyla % 90.085.0; 80.0; 90.0.
olarak tespit edildi. Gruplar arasında istatistiki açıdan bir fark bulunmadı. Gebelik oranları sırasıyla grup 1, 2, 3 ve kontrolde
% 50.0;47.0; 50.0;50.0. olarak tespit edildi. Kuzulama oranları rLH uygulama gruplarında (% 89- 100), kontrol grubunda ise %
100 olarak belirlendi. Tekil ve ikiz doğum oranları ise farklı rLH uygulama gruplarında ve kontrol grubunda benzer bulundu.
Gruplar arasında gebelik, tekillik ve ikizlik oranları istatistiksel açıdan önemsiz bulundu. Sonuç olarak, aşım sezonu içerisinde
bulunan İvesi koyunlara çift doz PGF2α uygulamaları takiben 48. saatte yapılan farklı dozlardaki rLH enjeksiyonları İvesi
koyunlarında fertilite parametrelerini arttırmadığı kanaatine varıldı.

There are 0 citations in total.


Other ID JA47DG77DU
Journal Section Research

Ümit Yavuzer This is me

Faruk Aral This is me

Abuzer Kafar Zonturlu This is me

Ömer Korkmaz This is me

Birten Emre This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2014
Submission Date January 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Yavuzer, Ü., Aral, F., Zonturlu, A. K., Korkmaz, Ö., et al. (2014). Effect of Recombinant Luteinizing Hormon (rLH) on Some Fertility Parameters in Awassi Ewes Synchronized with PGF2α in the Breeding Season. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 3(1), 6-12.
AMA Yavuzer Ü, Aral F, Zonturlu AK, Korkmaz Ö, Emre B. Effect of Recombinant Luteinizing Hormon (rLH) on Some Fertility Parameters in Awassi Ewes Synchronized with PGF2α in the Breeding Season. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. January 2014;3(1):6-12.
Chicago Yavuzer, Ümit, Faruk Aral, Abuzer Kafar Zonturlu, Ömer Korkmaz, and Birten Emre. “Effect of Recombinant Luteinizing Hormon (rLH) on Some Fertility Parameters in Awassi Ewes Synchronized With PGF2α in the Breeding Season”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 3, no. 1 (January 2014): 6-12.
EndNote Yavuzer Ü, Aral F, Zonturlu AK, Korkmaz Ö, Emre B (January 1, 2014) Effect of Recombinant Luteinizing Hormon (rLH) on Some Fertility Parameters in Awassi Ewes Synchronized with PGF2α in the Breeding Season. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 3 1 6–12.
IEEE Ü. Yavuzer, F. Aral, A. K. Zonturlu, Ö. Korkmaz, and B. Emre, “Effect of Recombinant Luteinizing Hormon (rLH) on Some Fertility Parameters in Awassi Ewes Synchronized with PGF2α in the Breeding Season”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 6–12, 2014.
ISNAD Yavuzer, Ümit et al. “Effect of Recombinant Luteinizing Hormon (rLH) on Some Fertility Parameters in Awassi Ewes Synchronized With PGF2α in the Breeding Season”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 3/1 (January 2014), 6-12.
JAMA Yavuzer Ü, Aral F, Zonturlu AK, Korkmaz Ö, Emre B. Effect of Recombinant Luteinizing Hormon (rLH) on Some Fertility Parameters in Awassi Ewes Synchronized with PGF2α in the Breeding Season. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2014;3:6–12.
MLA Yavuzer, Ümit et al. “Effect of Recombinant Luteinizing Hormon (rLH) on Some Fertility Parameters in Awassi Ewes Synchronized With PGF2α in the Breeding Season”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014, pp. 6-12.
Vancouver Yavuzer Ü, Aral F, Zonturlu AK, Korkmaz Ö, Emre B. Effect of Recombinant Luteinizing Hormon (rLH) on Some Fertility Parameters in Awassi Ewes Synchronized with PGF2α in the Breeding Season. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2014;3(1):6-12.