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Levels of Copper, Zinc and Manganese in Cattle with Leptospirosis

Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 53 - 56, 01.06.2015


This study was aimed at determining the alterations in the blood serum levels of copper, zinc and manganese in
cattle infected with leptospirosis. Ten cattle aged from 6 months to 1.5 years, 4 of which were female and 6 of which were
male, and that were raised in the Kars province and its vicinity and were diagnosed with leptospirosis on the basis of clinical
and dark-field microscopic examination, constituted the material of the study. Five female and five male cattle, belonging to
the same age group, were maintained for control purposes. The blood serum levels of copper, zinc and manganese were
determined as 0.7870±0.28694 mg/L, 1.7020±0.51294 mg/L, and 0.3540±0.05582 mg/L, respectively, in the infected group,
and as 0.01852±0.05941 mg/L, 2.9616±0.76576 mg/L, and 6.8630±1.91527 mg/L, respectively, in the control group. In the
infected group, the copper levels were significantly higher (p< 0.001), and the zinc (p< 0.001) and manganese (p< 0.001)
levels were significantly lower, in comparison to those of the control group. In the cattle infected with leptospirosis, the
significantly elevated copper levels were attributed to the increased immune response to the infection, whereas the
significantly reduced zinc and manganese levels were attributed to the use of these elements in the immune response and
their consumption for the virulence of the infectious agent.

Leptospirozisli Sığırlarda Bakır, Çinko ve Manganez Düzeyleri

Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 53 - 56, 01.06.2015


Bu çalışma leptospirozisli sığırların kan serumunda bakır, çinko ve manganez düzeylerindeki değişiklikleri belirlemek
amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmanın materyalini Kars ili ve çevresinden sağlanan, klinik ve karanlık saha mikroskobuna göre
leptospirozis tanısı konulan 6 ay-1,5 yaşında, 4 dişi, 6 erkek 10 sığır oluşturdu. Kontrol grubu olarak ise yine aynı yaş
aralıklarında 5 dişi, 5 erkek sığır kullanıldı. Hasta grupta kan serumu bakır, çinko ve manganez düzeyleri sırası ile
0,7870±0,28694 mg/L , 1,7020±0,51294 mg/L, 0,3540±0,05582 mg/L, kontrol grubunda ise sırası ile 0,01852±0,05941 mg/L,
2,9616±0,76576 mg/L, 6,8630±1,91527 mg/L olarak bulundu. Hasta grubun bakır düzeyleri kontrol gruba göre önemli
derecede yüksek iken (p< 0,001), çinko (p< 0,001) ve manganez (p< 0,001) düzeyleri önemli derecede düşük bulundu.
Leptospirozisli sığırlarda bakırın önemli derecede yükselmiş olmasının hastalığa karşı artan immun yanıta bağlı olabileceği
düşünülürken, çinko ve manganez düzeylerindeki önemli azalmaların sebebinin immun yanıtta kullanılmaları ve enfeksiyon
etkenlerinin virulensleri için tüketilmeleri olabileceği kanısına varıldı.

There are 0 citations in total.


Other ID JA34RA87GF
Journal Section Research

Nilgün Paksoy This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2015
Submission Date June 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Paksoy, N. (2015). Levels of Copper, Zinc and Manganese in Cattle with Leptospirosis. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 4(2), 53-56.
AMA Paksoy N. Levels of Copper, Zinc and Manganese in Cattle with Leptospirosis. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. June 2015;4(2):53-56.
Chicago Paksoy, Nilgün. “Levels of Copper, Zinc and Manganese in Cattle With Leptospirosis”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 4, no. 2 (June 2015): 53-56.
EndNote Paksoy N (June 1, 2015) Levels of Copper, Zinc and Manganese in Cattle with Leptospirosis. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 4 2 53–56.
IEEE N. Paksoy, “Levels of Copper, Zinc and Manganese in Cattle with Leptospirosis”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 53–56, 2015.
ISNAD Paksoy, Nilgün. “Levels of Copper, Zinc and Manganese in Cattle With Leptospirosis”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 4/2 (June 2015), 53-56.
JAMA Paksoy N. Levels of Copper, Zinc and Manganese in Cattle with Leptospirosis. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2015;4:53–56.
MLA Paksoy, Nilgün. “Levels of Copper, Zinc and Manganese in Cattle With Leptospirosis”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 4, no. 2, 2015, pp. 53-56.
Vancouver Paksoy N. Levels of Copper, Zinc and Manganese in Cattle with Leptospirosis. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2015;4(2):53-6.