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A Case of Congenital Rectourethral Fistula, Urethral Dilatation and Segmental Urethral Agenesis Encountered in a Calf

Year 2016, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 70 - 73, 01.01.2016


The purpose of this case presentation is to describe multiple urogenital system anomalies in a calf. The case was
a month old male Simmental calf that was brought to the clinic with a problem of progressive congenital swelling between
the perianal and scrotal area. Clinical examination revealed that the swelling was quite large and tight in tendency. A
rectourethral fistula was identified during examination of anus by speculum. Ultrasonographic examination of swelling was
composed of a luminal structure. Upon puncture of the structure, a blurry liquid content with a foul smell came out.
Surgery was performed under intrathecal anesthesia. The mass was clearly distinguishable from surrounding tissue starting
from arcus ischiadicus to postscrotal level and it was also very tight. Mass totally removed to include a part intact penile
tissue in the proximal and distal, and it was made to uretrostomi in proksimal. Nothing was performed on rectourethral
fistula. A week long temporary catheter was used for urethra. At the end of the surgery it was observed that urine was
continuously coming out of catheter. In macroscopic assessment of the mass, urethra was opening out to the mass in
proximal, while there was no urethral opening in distal. Histopathological examination revealed that the urethral structure
was composed of single layer of epithelial cells. In conclusion, this case of rectourethral fistula along with mega urethral
dilatation and segmental urethral agenesis was found to be worth of description to contribute to the literature.

Bir Buzağıda Karşılaşılan Doğmasal Rektouretral Fistül, Üretral Dilatasyon ve Segmental Üretral Agenezi

Year 2016, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 70 - 73, 01.01.2016


Bu sunum ile bir buzağıda karşılaşılan çoklu ürogenital sistem anomalisinin bildirilmesi amaçlandı. Olgumuzu perianal
bölgeden skrotal bölgeye kadar uzanan, doğuştan beri var olduğu ve gittikçe büyüdüğü belirtilen bir şişkinlik şikâyeti ile
kliniğimize getirilen 1 aylık, simmental ırkı bir buzağı oluşturdu. Klinik muayenede şişkinliğin oldukça geniş ve gergin bir
yapıda olduğu belirlendi. Anüsün spekulumla muayenesinde rektoüretral bir fistülün varlığı belirlendi. Ultrasonografik
muayenede şişkinliğin lumenli bir yapıdan oluştuğu saptandı. Punksiyonda ise bulanık ve oldukça pis kokulu bir sıvı görüldü.
İntratekal anestezi altında operasyonla kitleye ulaşıldı ve kitlenin arcus ischiadicustan postscrotal düzeye kadar balon
şeklinde çevre dokulardan rahatlıkla ayırt edilebildiği ve oldukça gergin bir yapıda olduğu belirlendi. Kitle proksimalde ve
distalde bir kısım sağlam penis dokusunu da içerecek şekilde total olarak uzaklaştırıldı ve proksimal noktada üretrostomi
yapıldı. Rektoüretral fistüle ise herhangi bir müdahalede bulunulmadı. Üretraya bir hafta süre ile geçici bir katater
uygulandı. Operasyon bitiminde idrarın kataterden sürekli aktığı gözlemlendi. Kitlenin makroskobik olarak
değerlendirilmesinde proksimalde üretranın kitleye açıldığı, distalde ise üretral açıklığın olmadığı tespit edildi. Histopatoljik
incelemede ise tek katlı epitel hücrelerden oluşan üretra yapısında olduğu anlaşıldı. Sonuç olarak, rektoüretral fistül ile
birlikte mega düzeydeki üretral dilatasyon ve segmental üretral agenezisi saptanan ve oldukça ilgi çekici olan bu vakanın
literatüre katkı sağlayacak nitelikte olduğu düşüncesindeyiz.

There are 0 citations in total.


Other ID JA76GM36ZP
Journal Section Case Report

Sadik Yayla This is me

Engin Kılıç This is me

Vedat Baran This is me

Hasan Özen This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2016
Submission Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Yayla, S., Kılıç, E., Baran, V., Özen, H. (2016). A Case of Congenital Rectourethral Fistula, Urethral Dilatation and Segmental Urethral Agenesis Encountered in a Calf. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 5(1), 70-73.
AMA Yayla S, Kılıç E, Baran V, Özen H. A Case of Congenital Rectourethral Fistula, Urethral Dilatation and Segmental Urethral Agenesis Encountered in a Calf. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. January 2016;5(1):70-73.
Chicago Yayla, Sadik, Engin Kılıç, Vedat Baran, and Hasan Özen. “A Case of Congenital Rectourethral Fistula, Urethral Dilatation and Segmental Urethral Agenesis Encountered in a Calf”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 5, no. 1 (January 2016): 70-73.
EndNote Yayla S, Kılıç E, Baran V, Özen H (January 1, 2016) A Case of Congenital Rectourethral Fistula, Urethral Dilatation and Segmental Urethral Agenesis Encountered in a Calf. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 5 1 70–73.
IEEE S. Yayla, E. Kılıç, V. Baran, and H. Özen, “A Case of Congenital Rectourethral Fistula, Urethral Dilatation and Segmental Urethral Agenesis Encountered in a Calf”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 70–73, 2016.
ISNAD Yayla, Sadik et al. “A Case of Congenital Rectourethral Fistula, Urethral Dilatation and Segmental Urethral Agenesis Encountered in a Calf”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 5/1 (January 2016), 70-73.
JAMA Yayla S, Kılıç E, Baran V, Özen H. A Case of Congenital Rectourethral Fistula, Urethral Dilatation and Segmental Urethral Agenesis Encountered in a Calf. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2016;5:70–73.
MLA Yayla, Sadik et al. “A Case of Congenital Rectourethral Fistula, Urethral Dilatation and Segmental Urethral Agenesis Encountered in a Calf”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 5, no. 1, 2016, pp. 70-73.
Vancouver Yayla S, Kılıç E, Baran V, Özen H. A Case of Congenital Rectourethral Fistula, Urethral Dilatation and Segmental Urethral Agenesis Encountered in a Calf. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2016;5(1):70-3.