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Ratlarda Gebeliğin Değişik Dönemlerinde Trofoblastların Özellikleri Üzerinde Histokimyasal ve İmmunohistokimyasal Çalışmalar

Year 2018, Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2018 Special Issue, 1 - 11, 18.12.2018


Bu araştırmada, ratlarda
gebeliğin değişik dönemlerinde plasentada bulunan trofoblastlar ve plasentaya
ait diğer yapıların (desidua hücreleri, dev hücreler, glikojen hücreleri)
histokimyasal ve immunohistokimyasal olarak incelenmesi amaçlandı. Materyal
olarak gebeliğin değişik dönemlerinde bulunan, erişkin ve sağlıklı 20 adet rat
kullanıldı. Histokimyasal olarak yapılan incelemeler sonucunda, gebeliğin ilk
yarımında sitotrofoblastlar ve dev hücrelerinde kuvvetli PAS (+),
sinsisyotrofoblastlarda ise kuvvetli AB (+) reaksiyon gözlendi. Gebeliğin
ikinci yarımında görülen glikojen hücrelerinde mor renkli granüller halinde
PAS/AB (+) boyanma gözlenirken, küçük bazofilik hücreler gittikçe artan
miktarda AB (+) reaksiyon gösterdiler. Gebeliğin ilerleyen dönemlerinde
vakuollü yapı gösteren desidua hücrelerinde de artan miktarda PAS (+) reaksiyon
saptandı. İmmunohistokimyasal incelemelerde, trofoblast ve dev hücrelerinde
implantasyonun olmasından gebeliğin sonuna kadar, hormonal aktivite oldukça
fazla görüldü. Östrogen ve progesteron hormonlarına ait reseptörler hücrelerin
sitoplazma ve çekirdeklerinde yoğun olarak bulunuyordu. Gebeliğin sonuna doğru
progesteron reseptörlerinde azalmanın olduğu, fakat gebeliğin her döneminde iki
hormona ait reseptörlerde, reaksiyon şiddetinin fazla olduğu dikkati çekti.


  • Abrahamsohn PA, 1983: Ultrastructural study of the mouse antimesometrial decidua. Anatomy Embriyology, 166, 263-274.
  • Abrahamsohn PA, Zorn TMT, 1993: Implantation and decidualization in rodents. The Journal of Experimental Zoology, 266, 603-628.
  • Benirschke K, 2002: House (Domestic, laboratory) mouse. Erişim: Erişim tarihi: 04.12.2003.
  • Culling CFA, Allison RT, Barr WD, 1985: Cellular Pathology Technique. 4th. Ed., Butterworths, London, pp. 214-255.
  • Davies J, Glasser SR, 1968: Histological and fine structural observations on the placenta of the rat. Acta Anatomica, 69, 542-608.
  • Deane HW, Rubin BL, Driks EC, Lobel BL, Leipsner, 1962: Trophoblastic giant cells in placentas of rats and mice and their probable role in steroid-hormone production. Endocrinology, 70, 407-419.
  • Dellmann HD, Eurell J, 1998: Textbook of Veterinary Histology. 5th. Ed. Baltimore, Philadelphia, London, Paris, Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Munich, Sydney, Tokyo, Wroclaw: Williams  Wilkins A Waverly Company, pp. 273-286.
  • Demir R, Üstünel İ, Demir N, 1989: Light and electron microscopical observations on cellular interactions during initial stages of implantation and trophoblastic invasion in rats. Placenta, 10, 464-465.
  • Demir R, 1995: İnsanın Gelişimi ve İmplantasyon Biyolojisi. Ankara: Palme Yayıncılık.
  • Denk H, Künzele H, Plenk H, Rüschoff J, Sellner W, 1989: Romeis Mikroskopische Technik. 17, neubearbeitete Auflage. Urban und Schwarzenberg, München-Wien-Baltimore, pp. 439-450.
  • Denker HW, 1993: İmplantation: A cell biological paradox. The Journal of Experimental Zoology, 26, 541-558.
  • Enders AC, 1965: A comparative study of the fine structure of the trophoblast in several hemochorial placentas. American Journal of Anatomy, 116, 29-68.
  • Enders AC, Schlafke S, 1967: A morphological analysis of the early implantation stages in the rat. American Journal of Anatomy, 120, 185-226.
  • Enders AC, Schlafke S, 1969: Cytological aspects of trophoblast-uterine interaction in early implantation. American Journal of Anatomy, 125, 1-30.
  • Gartner LP, Hiatt JL, 1997: Color Textbook of Histology. Philadelphia, London, Toronto, Montreal, Sydney, Tokyo: W. B. Saunders Company, pp. 382-402.
  • Guyton AC, 1986: Tıbbi Fizyoloji (Textbook of Medical Physiology). 7. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi (İstanbul), 1430-1431.
  • Gürsoy E, Koptagel E, 1997: Embriyoloji Atlası. Esnaf Ofset Matbaacılık.
  • Hassa, O, Aştı RN, 1997: Embriyoloji. 3. Baskı (Ankara).
  • Hiroi H, Inoue S, Watanabe T, Goto W, Orimo A, Momoeda M, Tsutsumi O, Taketani Y, Muramatsu M, 1999: Differential immunolocalization of estrogen receptor  and  in rat ovary and uterus. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 22, 37-44.
  • Johnson MH, Selwood L, 1996: Nomenclature of early development in mammals. Reproduction Fertilization Development, 8, 759-764.
  • Junqueira LC, Carneiro J, Kelley RO, 1992: Temel Histoloji. 7. Baskı, Barış Kitabevi (İstanbul), 532-542.
  • Ogle TF, 1986: Evidence for nuclear processing of progesterone receptors in rat placenta. Journal of Steroid Biochemical, 25, 183-190.
  • Ogle TF, Mills TM, Soares MJ, 1989: Changes in cytosolic and nuclear progesterone receptors during pregnancy in rat placenta. Biology of Reproduction, 40, 1012-1019.
  • Ogle TF, Dai D, George P, Mahesh VB, 1997: Stromal cell progesterone and estrogen receptors during proliferation and regression of the desidua basalis in the pregnant rat. Biology of Reproduction, 57, 495-506.
  • Özer E, 1997: Dişi fetüs ve infantlarda östrojen ve progesteron reseptör aktivitesinin araştırılması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2), 69-77.
  • Papanicolaou, GN, 1942: A new procedure for staining vaginal smears. SCI. 95, 438-439.
  • Petraglia F, 1987: Localization, secretion and action of inhibin in human placenta. Science, 237, 187-189.
  • Petraglia F, 1989: Identification of immunoreactive neuropeptide-Y in human placenta: localization, secretion and bindingsites. Endocrinology, 124, 2016-2022.
  • Rivera J, Cano A, 1989: Oestrogen and progesterone receptors in human term placenta. Measurement by binding assays and immunological methods. Placenta, 10, 579-588.
  • Soares MJ, Chapman BM, Rasmussen CA, Dai G, Kamei T, Orwig KE, 1996: Differentiation of trophoblast endocrine cells. Placenta, 17, 277-289.
  • Strauss JF, Martinez F, Kiriakidou M, 1996: Placental steroid hormone synthesis: Unique features and unanswered questions. Biology of Reproduction, 54, 303-311.
  • Tachi S, Tachi C, Lindner HR, 1970: Ultrastructural features of blastocyst attachment and trophoblastic invasion in the rat. Journal of Reproduction Fertilization, 21, 37-56.

Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Investigation on Trophoblasts Characteristic in Different Stages of Pregnancy in Rats

Year 2018, Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2018 Special Issue, 1 - 11, 18.12.2018


In this study, it was aimed to examine trophoblast cells and other
placental structures (decidua cells, giant cell, glycogen cell) histochemically
and immunohistochemically in various periods of gestation in rats. Twenty
adult, healty and pregnant rats were used as materials. By histochemical
examinations it was observed that there were significant AB (+) reactions in
syncytiotrophoblasts, PAS (+) reactions in giant cells and cytotrophoblasts in
the first half of gestation. In the second half of gestation, glycogen cells were
stained with PAS/AB (+) in purple coloured granules and small basophilic cells
showed gradually increasing AB (+) reactions. In the advanced state of
gestations, decidual cells having vacuoles showed increasing PAS (+) reactions.
In immunohistochemical examinations, hormonal activities increased significantly
in trophoblasts and giant cells during the period staining from the
implantation to the end of gestation. Oestrogen and progesterone receptors were
found in high density in the cytoplasm and nucleus of the cells. Progesterone
receptors decreased slightly towards the end of pregnancy, however, reactions
were high in receptors belonging to both hormones
in every period of pregnancy.


  • Abrahamsohn PA, 1983: Ultrastructural study of the mouse antimesometrial decidua. Anatomy Embriyology, 166, 263-274.
  • Abrahamsohn PA, Zorn TMT, 1993: Implantation and decidualization in rodents. The Journal of Experimental Zoology, 266, 603-628.
  • Benirschke K, 2002: House (Domestic, laboratory) mouse. Erişim: Erişim tarihi: 04.12.2003.
  • Culling CFA, Allison RT, Barr WD, 1985: Cellular Pathology Technique. 4th. Ed., Butterworths, London, pp. 214-255.
  • Davies J, Glasser SR, 1968: Histological and fine structural observations on the placenta of the rat. Acta Anatomica, 69, 542-608.
  • Deane HW, Rubin BL, Driks EC, Lobel BL, Leipsner, 1962: Trophoblastic giant cells in placentas of rats and mice and their probable role in steroid-hormone production. Endocrinology, 70, 407-419.
  • Dellmann HD, Eurell J, 1998: Textbook of Veterinary Histology. 5th. Ed. Baltimore, Philadelphia, London, Paris, Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Munich, Sydney, Tokyo, Wroclaw: Williams  Wilkins A Waverly Company, pp. 273-286.
  • Demir R, Üstünel İ, Demir N, 1989: Light and electron microscopical observations on cellular interactions during initial stages of implantation and trophoblastic invasion in rats. Placenta, 10, 464-465.
  • Demir R, 1995: İnsanın Gelişimi ve İmplantasyon Biyolojisi. Ankara: Palme Yayıncılık.
  • Denk H, Künzele H, Plenk H, Rüschoff J, Sellner W, 1989: Romeis Mikroskopische Technik. 17, neubearbeitete Auflage. Urban und Schwarzenberg, München-Wien-Baltimore, pp. 439-450.
  • Denker HW, 1993: İmplantation: A cell biological paradox. The Journal of Experimental Zoology, 26, 541-558.
  • Enders AC, 1965: A comparative study of the fine structure of the trophoblast in several hemochorial placentas. American Journal of Anatomy, 116, 29-68.
  • Enders AC, Schlafke S, 1967: A morphological analysis of the early implantation stages in the rat. American Journal of Anatomy, 120, 185-226.
  • Enders AC, Schlafke S, 1969: Cytological aspects of trophoblast-uterine interaction in early implantation. American Journal of Anatomy, 125, 1-30.
  • Gartner LP, Hiatt JL, 1997: Color Textbook of Histology. Philadelphia, London, Toronto, Montreal, Sydney, Tokyo: W. B. Saunders Company, pp. 382-402.
  • Guyton AC, 1986: Tıbbi Fizyoloji (Textbook of Medical Physiology). 7. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi (İstanbul), 1430-1431.
  • Gürsoy E, Koptagel E, 1997: Embriyoloji Atlası. Esnaf Ofset Matbaacılık.
  • Hassa, O, Aştı RN, 1997: Embriyoloji. 3. Baskı (Ankara).
  • Hiroi H, Inoue S, Watanabe T, Goto W, Orimo A, Momoeda M, Tsutsumi O, Taketani Y, Muramatsu M, 1999: Differential immunolocalization of estrogen receptor  and  in rat ovary and uterus. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 22, 37-44.
  • Johnson MH, Selwood L, 1996: Nomenclature of early development in mammals. Reproduction Fertilization Development, 8, 759-764.
  • Junqueira LC, Carneiro J, Kelley RO, 1992: Temel Histoloji. 7. Baskı, Barış Kitabevi (İstanbul), 532-542.
  • Ogle TF, 1986: Evidence for nuclear processing of progesterone receptors in rat placenta. Journal of Steroid Biochemical, 25, 183-190.
  • Ogle TF, Mills TM, Soares MJ, 1989: Changes in cytosolic and nuclear progesterone receptors during pregnancy in rat placenta. Biology of Reproduction, 40, 1012-1019.
  • Ogle TF, Dai D, George P, Mahesh VB, 1997: Stromal cell progesterone and estrogen receptors during proliferation and regression of the desidua basalis in the pregnant rat. Biology of Reproduction, 57, 495-506.
  • Özer E, 1997: Dişi fetüs ve infantlarda östrojen ve progesteron reseptör aktivitesinin araştırılması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2), 69-77.
  • Papanicolaou, GN, 1942: A new procedure for staining vaginal smears. SCI. 95, 438-439.
  • Petraglia F, 1987: Localization, secretion and action of inhibin in human placenta. Science, 237, 187-189.
  • Petraglia F, 1989: Identification of immunoreactive neuropeptide-Y in human placenta: localization, secretion and bindingsites. Endocrinology, 124, 2016-2022.
  • Rivera J, Cano A, 1989: Oestrogen and progesterone receptors in human term placenta. Measurement by binding assays and immunological methods. Placenta, 10, 579-588.
  • Soares MJ, Chapman BM, Rasmussen CA, Dai G, Kamei T, Orwig KE, 1996: Differentiation of trophoblast endocrine cells. Placenta, 17, 277-289.
  • Strauss JF, Martinez F, Kiriakidou M, 1996: Placental steroid hormone synthesis: Unique features and unanswered questions. Biology of Reproduction, 54, 303-311.
  • Tachi S, Tachi C, Lindner HR, 1970: Ultrastructural features of blastocyst attachment and trophoblastic invasion in the rat. Journal of Reproduction Fertilization, 21, 37-56.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

İsmail Şah Harem This is me

Belma Alabay This is me

Publication Date December 18, 2018
Submission Date June 24, 2018
Acceptance Date November 12, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2018 Special Issue


APA Harem, İ. Ş., & Alabay, B. (2018). Ratlarda Gebeliğin Değişik Dönemlerinde Trofoblastların Özellikleri Üzerinde Histokimyasal ve İmmunohistokimyasal Çalışmalar. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 7, 1-11.
AMA Harem İŞ, Alabay B. Ratlarda Gebeliğin Değişik Dönemlerinde Trofoblastların Özellikleri Üzerinde Histokimyasal ve İmmunohistokimyasal Çalışmalar. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. December 2018;7:1-11. doi:10.31196/huvfd.501388
Chicago Harem, İsmail Şah, and Belma Alabay. “Ratlarda Gebeliğin Değişik Dönemlerinde Trofoblastların Özellikleri Üzerinde Histokimyasal Ve İmmunohistokimyasal Çalışmalar”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7, December (December 2018): 1-11.
EndNote Harem İŞ, Alabay B (December 1, 2018) Ratlarda Gebeliğin Değişik Dönemlerinde Trofoblastların Özellikleri Üzerinde Histokimyasal ve İmmunohistokimyasal Çalışmalar. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7 1–11.
IEEE İ. Ş. Harem and B. Alabay, “Ratlarda Gebeliğin Değişik Dönemlerinde Trofoblastların Özellikleri Üzerinde Histokimyasal ve İmmunohistokimyasal Çalışmalar”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 7, pp. 1–11, 2018, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.501388.
ISNAD Harem, İsmail Şah - Alabay, Belma. “Ratlarda Gebeliğin Değişik Dönemlerinde Trofoblastların Özellikleri Üzerinde Histokimyasal Ve İmmunohistokimyasal Çalışmalar”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7 (December 2018), 1-11.
JAMA Harem İŞ, Alabay B. Ratlarda Gebeliğin Değişik Dönemlerinde Trofoblastların Özellikleri Üzerinde Histokimyasal ve İmmunohistokimyasal Çalışmalar. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;7:1–11.
MLA Harem, İsmail Şah and Belma Alabay. “Ratlarda Gebeliğin Değişik Dönemlerinde Trofoblastların Özellikleri Üzerinde Histokimyasal Ve İmmunohistokimyasal Çalışmalar”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 7, 2018, pp. 1-11, doi:10.31196/huvfd.501388.
Vancouver Harem İŞ, Alabay B. Ratlarda Gebeliğin Değişik Dönemlerinde Trofoblastların Özellikleri Üzerinde Histokimyasal ve İmmunohistokimyasal Çalışmalar. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;7:1-11.