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Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinde At ve Eşeklerde Equine Viral Arteritis Efeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 186 - 191, 27.12.2018


Bu çalışmada Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’ndeki Elazığ ve Tunceli illerinde 5
farklı lokalizasyonda yetişkin ve klinik olarak normal olan atlarda (n=193) ve
eşeklerde (n=227), equine viral arterit (EVA) enfeksiyonu serolojik olarak
araştırılmıştır. İndirekt ELISA sonucuna göre atlarda %6.5 ile %24.3 arasında
değişen oranlarda pozitiflik bulundu, toplamda ise 193 örnekten 29'unda (%15)
seropozitiflik tespit edildi. Eşekler için ortalama değer %8.3 (19/227) olarak
bulunmuş olup, oranların %2.4 ile %14.2 arasında değiştiği görüldü. At ve
eşeklerin yaş ortalamaları sırasıyla 7.4 ve 13.2’dir, pozitiflerin ise yaş
ortalamaları 7.1 ve 11.8’dir. İstatistik analizinde  cinsiyete ve enfeksiyona maruz kalma arasında
eşeklerde fark yoktu, fakat aygırlarda anlamlı bir bağıntı olduğu belirlendi.
Bu çalışma, örneklenen illerde EVA ile ilgili ilk araştırmadır. Hedef alınan
hayvan populasyonu ve örnekleme kriterleri göz önüne alındığında, çalışılan tüm
yerlerde pozitifliğin tespit edilmiş olması, gelecekte enfeksiyonun yayılma
potansiyelinin olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Acar DB, Gur S, Gurcay M, Ozenc E, 2016: A serologic investigation for equine viral arteritis and equine infectious anemia virus infections in horses in Afyonkarahisar, Ankara and Eskişehir provinces, Turkey. Kocatepe Vet J, 9, 159-164.
  • Ataseven VS, Oguzoglu TC, Karapinar Z, Bilge-Dagalp S, 2013: Partial sequence of the ORF1b gene fragment of equine arteritis viruses detected in Turkey and phylogenetic analysis. Revue Med Vet, 164, 67-71.
  • Balasuriya UB, 2014: Equine viral arteritis. Vet Clin North Am Pract, 30, 543-560.
  • Bulut O, Yavru S, Yapici O, Kale M, Avci O, 2012: The serological investigation of equine viral arteritis infection in Central Anatolia of Turkey. J Anim Vet Adv, 11, 924-926.
  • Campos JR, Breheny P, Araujo RR, Troedsson MH, Squires EL, Timoney PJ, Balasuriya UB, 2014: Semen quality of stallions challedged with the Kentucky 84 strain of equine arteritis virus. Theriogenelogy, 82, 1068-1079.
  • Cavanagh D, 1999: Nidovirales: a new order comprising Coronaviridae and Arteriviridae. Arch Virol, 142, 629-633.
  • Del Piero F, Wilkins PA, Lopez JW, Glaser AL, Dubovi EJ, Schlafer DH, Lein DH, 1997: Equine arteritis virus in newborn foals: clinical, pathological, serological, microbiological and immunohistochemical observations. Equine Vet J, 29, 178-185.
  • Doll ER, Knappenbergerand RE, Bryans JT, 1957: An outbreak of abortion caused by the equine arteritis virus. Cornell Vet, 47, 69-75.
  • Eichhorn W, Heilmann M, Kaaden OR, 1995: Equine viral arteritis with abortions: serological and virological evidence in Germany. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B, 42, 573-576.
  • Gur S, Cabalar M, Kaya A, Gurcay M, 2015: Van ilinde equine viral arteritis enfeksiyonunun serolojik olarak araştırılması. Kocatepe Vet J, 8, 36-40.
  • Hasan S, 2008: Investigations on the frequency and diagnosis of equine arteritis virus (EAV) infection in horses by virus isolation, molecular and serological techniques in the Marmara region. PhD thesis, Istanbul University Health Science Institute, Istanbul.
  • Holyoak GR, Balasuriya UBR, Broaddus CC, Timoney PJ, 2008: Equine viral arteritis: Current status and prevention. Theriogenology, 70, 403-414.
  • Huntington PJ, Forman AJ, Ellis PM, 1990: The occurrence of equine arteritis virus in Australia. Aust Vet J, 67, 432-435.
  • Kirmizigul AH, Yildirim Y, Gokce E, Ataseven VS, 2009: Serologic evaluation of the equine infectious anaemia in Kars and Ardahan-Turkey. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 15, 77-80.
  • Kirmizigul AH, Yildirim Y, Gokce E, 2007: Kars ve Ardahan yoresindeki atlarda Equine Viral Arteritis enfeksiyonunun seroprevalansinin belirlenmesi. Kars Univ Vet Fak Derg, 13, 171-175.
  • Kondo T, Fukunaga Y, Sekiguchi K, Sugiura T, Imagawa H, 1998: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for serological survey of equine arteritis virus in race horses. J Vet Med Sci, 60, 1043-1045.
  • Marenzoni ML, Cuteri V, De Parri F, Danzetta ML, Yilmaz Z, Yaramis CP, Kennerman E, Or ME, Marchi S, Casciari C, De Mia GM, Valente C, Costarelli S, 2013: A pilot study on the epidemiological status of equine infectious anaemia, equine viral arteritis, glanders, and dourine in Turkey. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 37, 76-80.
  • McCollum WH, Timoney PJ, Tengelsen LA, 1995: Clinical, virological and serological responses of donkeys to intranasal inoculation with the KY-84 strain of equine arteritis virus. J Comp Pathol, 112, 207-211.
  • Metcalf ES, 2001: The role of international transport of equine semen on disease transmission. Anim Reprod Sci, 68, 229-237.
  • Murphy TW, McCollum WH, Timoney PJ, Klingeborn BW, Hyllseth B, Golnik W, Erasmus B, 1992: Genomic variability among globally distributed isolates of equine arteritis virus. Vet Microbiol, 32, 101-115.
  • Newton JR, Wood JL, Castillo-Olivares FJ, Mumford JA, 1999: Serological surveillance of equine viral arteritis in the United Kingdom since the outbreak in 1993. Vet Rec, 145, 511-516.
  • Pagamjav O, Kobayashi K, Murakami H, Tabata Y, Miura Y, Boldbaatar B, Sentsui H, 2011: Serological survey of equine viral diseases. Microbiol Immunol, 55, 289-292.
  • Paweska JT, Aitchison H, Chirnside ED, Barnard BJ, 1996: Transmission of the South African asinine strain of equine arteritis virus (EAV) among horses and between donkeys and horses. Onderstepoort J Vet Res, 63, 189-196.
  • Paweska JT, Barnard BJH, 1993: Serological evidence of equine arteritis virus in donkeys in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res, 60, 155-158.
  • Paweska JT, Binns MM, Woods PS, Chirnsid ED, 1997: A survey for antibodies to equine virus in donkeys, mules and zebra using virus neutralisation (VN) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Equine Vet J, 29, 40-43.
  • Paweska JT, Volkmann DH, Barnard BJH, Chirnside ED, 1995: Sexual and In-contact of Asinine strain of equine arteritis virus among donkeys. J Clin Microbiol, 33, 3296-3299.
  • Pronost S, Pitel PH, Miszczak F, Legrand L, Marcillaud-Pitel C, Hamon M, Tapprest J, Balasuriya UBR, Freymuth F, Fortier G, 2010: Description of the first recorded major occurrence of equine viral arteritis in France. Equine Vet J, 42, 713-720.
  • Ramina A, Dalla Valle L, De Mas S, Tisato E, Zuin A, Renier M, Cuteri V, Valente C, Cancellotti FM, 1999: Detection of equine arteritis virus in semen by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction-ELISA. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis, 22, 187-197.
  • Rola J, Larska M, Rola JG, Bélak S, Autorino GL, 2011: Epizotiology and phylogeny of equine arteritis virus in hucul horses. Vet Microbiol, 148, 402-407.
  • Snijder EJ, Meulenberg JJ, 1998: The molecular biology of arteriviruses. J Gen Virol, 79, 961-979.
  • Stadejek T, Bjorklung H, Bascunana CR, Caibatti IM, Scicluna MT, Amaddeo D, McCollum WH, Autorino GL, Timoney TJ, Paton DJ, Klingeborn B, Belak S, 1999: Genetic diversity of equine arteritis virus. J Gen Virol, 80, 691-699.
  • Stadejek T, Mittelholzer CH, Oleksiewicz MB, Paweska J, Bélak S, 2006: Highly diverse type of equine arteritis virus (EAV) from the semen of the South African donkey. Acta Vet Hung, 54, 263-270.
  • Timoney PJ, McCollum WH, 1985: The epidemiology of equine arteritis virus. Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract, 31, 545-551.
  • Timoney PJ, McCollum WH, 1988: Equine viral arteritis- epidemiology and control. J Equine Vet Sci, 8, 54-59.
  • Timoney PJ, McCollum WH, Murphy TW, Roberts AW, Willard JG, 1987: The carrier state in equine arteritis virus infection in the stallion with specific emphasis on the venereal mode of virus transmission. J Reprod Fert Suppl, 35, 95-102.
  • Timoney PJ, McCollum WH, Roberts AW, 1986: Detection of the carrier state in stallions persistently infected with equine arteritis virus. Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract, 32, 57-65.
  • Turan N, Ekici H, Yilmaz H, Kondo T, Hasoksuz M, Sato I, Tuchiya K, Fukunaga Y, 2007: Detection of antibodies to equine arteritis virus in horse sera using recombinant chimaeric N/GL protein. Vet Rec, 161, 352-354.
  • Un H, Ozgunluk I, Cabalar M, 2014: Sanliurfa ilinde equine viral arteritis enfeksiyonunun serolojik arastitilmasi. In: XI. National Veterinary Microbiology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, pp. 308-309.
  • Vairo S, Saey V, Bombardi C, Ducatelle R, Nauwynck H, 2014: The recent European isolate (08P178) of equine arteritis virus causes inflammation but not arteritis in experimentally infected ponies. J Comp Pathol, 151, 238-243.
  • Weber H, Beckmann K, Haas L, 2006: Case report: equine arteritis virus (EAV) as the cause of abortion in alpacas? DTW, 113, 162-163.
  • Yildirim Y, Kırmızıgül AH, Tan MT, Gökçe E, Irmak K, 2008: Seroprevalence of Equine Viral Arteritis in donkeys in Kars district, Turkey. J Anim Vet Adv, 7, 1110-1112.
  • Yilmaz H, Ozgur NY, Ilgaz A, 1996: Serological investigation on the equine viral arteritis. In: 1st international Veterinary Microbiology Congress, Istanbul-Turkey.

Serological Investigation of Equine Viral Arteritis Infection in Donkeys and Horses in the Eastern Anatolia Region

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 186 - 191, 27.12.2018


In this study, equine viral arteritis (EVA)
infection was serologically investigated in adult horses
(n=193) and donkeys (n=227) in five different
localizations in Elazig and Tunceli provinces, Eastern Anatolia Region. As
result of indirect ELISA, positivity in horses was 15% (29/193) in total,
ranged from 6.5% and 24.3%. The average value for donkeys was 8.3% (19/227), the
rates varied between 2.4% and 14.2%. The mean age of the sampled horses and
donkeys was 7.4 and 13.2, respectively, while the mean age of the seropositives
was 7.1 and 11.8. Statistical analysis showed no correlation in the donkeys
between sex and infection exposure, but there was a significant correlation in
gender in horses. This is the first report on EVA in the studied provinces. Considering
focused animal population and sampling criteria, determining of positivity in
all the studied localizations shows that the infection has been potential for
the spread in the future.


  • Acar DB, Gur S, Gurcay M, Ozenc E, 2016: A serologic investigation for equine viral arteritis and equine infectious anemia virus infections in horses in Afyonkarahisar, Ankara and Eskişehir provinces, Turkey. Kocatepe Vet J, 9, 159-164.
  • Ataseven VS, Oguzoglu TC, Karapinar Z, Bilge-Dagalp S, 2013: Partial sequence of the ORF1b gene fragment of equine arteritis viruses detected in Turkey and phylogenetic analysis. Revue Med Vet, 164, 67-71.
  • Balasuriya UB, 2014: Equine viral arteritis. Vet Clin North Am Pract, 30, 543-560.
  • Bulut O, Yavru S, Yapici O, Kale M, Avci O, 2012: The serological investigation of equine viral arteritis infection in Central Anatolia of Turkey. J Anim Vet Adv, 11, 924-926.
  • Campos JR, Breheny P, Araujo RR, Troedsson MH, Squires EL, Timoney PJ, Balasuriya UB, 2014: Semen quality of stallions challedged with the Kentucky 84 strain of equine arteritis virus. Theriogenelogy, 82, 1068-1079.
  • Cavanagh D, 1999: Nidovirales: a new order comprising Coronaviridae and Arteriviridae. Arch Virol, 142, 629-633.
  • Del Piero F, Wilkins PA, Lopez JW, Glaser AL, Dubovi EJ, Schlafer DH, Lein DH, 1997: Equine arteritis virus in newborn foals: clinical, pathological, serological, microbiological and immunohistochemical observations. Equine Vet J, 29, 178-185.
  • Doll ER, Knappenbergerand RE, Bryans JT, 1957: An outbreak of abortion caused by the equine arteritis virus. Cornell Vet, 47, 69-75.
  • Eichhorn W, Heilmann M, Kaaden OR, 1995: Equine viral arteritis with abortions: serological and virological evidence in Germany. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B, 42, 573-576.
  • Gur S, Cabalar M, Kaya A, Gurcay M, 2015: Van ilinde equine viral arteritis enfeksiyonunun serolojik olarak araştırılması. Kocatepe Vet J, 8, 36-40.
  • Hasan S, 2008: Investigations on the frequency and diagnosis of equine arteritis virus (EAV) infection in horses by virus isolation, molecular and serological techniques in the Marmara region. PhD thesis, Istanbul University Health Science Institute, Istanbul.
  • Holyoak GR, Balasuriya UBR, Broaddus CC, Timoney PJ, 2008: Equine viral arteritis: Current status and prevention. Theriogenology, 70, 403-414.
  • Huntington PJ, Forman AJ, Ellis PM, 1990: The occurrence of equine arteritis virus in Australia. Aust Vet J, 67, 432-435.
  • Kirmizigul AH, Yildirim Y, Gokce E, Ataseven VS, 2009: Serologic evaluation of the equine infectious anaemia in Kars and Ardahan-Turkey. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 15, 77-80.
  • Kirmizigul AH, Yildirim Y, Gokce E, 2007: Kars ve Ardahan yoresindeki atlarda Equine Viral Arteritis enfeksiyonunun seroprevalansinin belirlenmesi. Kars Univ Vet Fak Derg, 13, 171-175.
  • Kondo T, Fukunaga Y, Sekiguchi K, Sugiura T, Imagawa H, 1998: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for serological survey of equine arteritis virus in race horses. J Vet Med Sci, 60, 1043-1045.
  • Marenzoni ML, Cuteri V, De Parri F, Danzetta ML, Yilmaz Z, Yaramis CP, Kennerman E, Or ME, Marchi S, Casciari C, De Mia GM, Valente C, Costarelli S, 2013: A pilot study on the epidemiological status of equine infectious anaemia, equine viral arteritis, glanders, and dourine in Turkey. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 37, 76-80.
  • McCollum WH, Timoney PJ, Tengelsen LA, 1995: Clinical, virological and serological responses of donkeys to intranasal inoculation with the KY-84 strain of equine arteritis virus. J Comp Pathol, 112, 207-211.
  • Metcalf ES, 2001: The role of international transport of equine semen on disease transmission. Anim Reprod Sci, 68, 229-237.
  • Murphy TW, McCollum WH, Timoney PJ, Klingeborn BW, Hyllseth B, Golnik W, Erasmus B, 1992: Genomic variability among globally distributed isolates of equine arteritis virus. Vet Microbiol, 32, 101-115.
  • Newton JR, Wood JL, Castillo-Olivares FJ, Mumford JA, 1999: Serological surveillance of equine viral arteritis in the United Kingdom since the outbreak in 1993. Vet Rec, 145, 511-516.
  • Pagamjav O, Kobayashi K, Murakami H, Tabata Y, Miura Y, Boldbaatar B, Sentsui H, 2011: Serological survey of equine viral diseases. Microbiol Immunol, 55, 289-292.
  • Paweska JT, Aitchison H, Chirnside ED, Barnard BJ, 1996: Transmission of the South African asinine strain of equine arteritis virus (EAV) among horses and between donkeys and horses. Onderstepoort J Vet Res, 63, 189-196.
  • Paweska JT, Barnard BJH, 1993: Serological evidence of equine arteritis virus in donkeys in South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Res, 60, 155-158.
  • Paweska JT, Binns MM, Woods PS, Chirnsid ED, 1997: A survey for antibodies to equine virus in donkeys, mules and zebra using virus neutralisation (VN) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Equine Vet J, 29, 40-43.
  • Paweska JT, Volkmann DH, Barnard BJH, Chirnside ED, 1995: Sexual and In-contact of Asinine strain of equine arteritis virus among donkeys. J Clin Microbiol, 33, 3296-3299.
  • Pronost S, Pitel PH, Miszczak F, Legrand L, Marcillaud-Pitel C, Hamon M, Tapprest J, Balasuriya UBR, Freymuth F, Fortier G, 2010: Description of the first recorded major occurrence of equine viral arteritis in France. Equine Vet J, 42, 713-720.
  • Ramina A, Dalla Valle L, De Mas S, Tisato E, Zuin A, Renier M, Cuteri V, Valente C, Cancellotti FM, 1999: Detection of equine arteritis virus in semen by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction-ELISA. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis, 22, 187-197.
  • Rola J, Larska M, Rola JG, Bélak S, Autorino GL, 2011: Epizotiology and phylogeny of equine arteritis virus in hucul horses. Vet Microbiol, 148, 402-407.
  • Snijder EJ, Meulenberg JJ, 1998: The molecular biology of arteriviruses. J Gen Virol, 79, 961-979.
  • Stadejek T, Bjorklung H, Bascunana CR, Caibatti IM, Scicluna MT, Amaddeo D, McCollum WH, Autorino GL, Timoney TJ, Paton DJ, Klingeborn B, Belak S, 1999: Genetic diversity of equine arteritis virus. J Gen Virol, 80, 691-699.
  • Stadejek T, Mittelholzer CH, Oleksiewicz MB, Paweska J, Bélak S, 2006: Highly diverse type of equine arteritis virus (EAV) from the semen of the South African donkey. Acta Vet Hung, 54, 263-270.
  • Timoney PJ, McCollum WH, 1985: The epidemiology of equine arteritis virus. Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract, 31, 545-551.
  • Timoney PJ, McCollum WH, 1988: Equine viral arteritis- epidemiology and control. J Equine Vet Sci, 8, 54-59.
  • Timoney PJ, McCollum WH, Murphy TW, Roberts AW, Willard JG, 1987: The carrier state in equine arteritis virus infection in the stallion with specific emphasis on the venereal mode of virus transmission. J Reprod Fert Suppl, 35, 95-102.
  • Timoney PJ, McCollum WH, Roberts AW, 1986: Detection of the carrier state in stallions persistently infected with equine arteritis virus. Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract, 32, 57-65.
  • Turan N, Ekici H, Yilmaz H, Kondo T, Hasoksuz M, Sato I, Tuchiya K, Fukunaga Y, 2007: Detection of antibodies to equine arteritis virus in horse sera using recombinant chimaeric N/GL protein. Vet Rec, 161, 352-354.
  • Un H, Ozgunluk I, Cabalar M, 2014: Sanliurfa ilinde equine viral arteritis enfeksiyonunun serolojik arastitilmasi. In: XI. National Veterinary Microbiology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, pp. 308-309.
  • Vairo S, Saey V, Bombardi C, Ducatelle R, Nauwynck H, 2014: The recent European isolate (08P178) of equine arteritis virus causes inflammation but not arteritis in experimentally infected ponies. J Comp Pathol, 151, 238-243.
  • Weber H, Beckmann K, Haas L, 2006: Case report: equine arteritis virus (EAV) as the cause of abortion in alpacas? DTW, 113, 162-163.
  • Yildirim Y, Kırmızıgül AH, Tan MT, Gökçe E, Irmak K, 2008: Seroprevalence of Equine Viral Arteritis in donkeys in Kars district, Turkey. J Anim Vet Adv, 7, 1110-1112.
  • Yilmaz H, Ozgur NY, Ilgaz A, 1996: Serological investigation on the equine viral arteritis. In: 1st international Veterinary Microbiology Congress, Istanbul-Turkey.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research

Sibel Gür This is me

Metin Gürçay This is me

Bünyamin İrehan This is me

Turhan Turan This is me

Publication Date December 27, 2018
Submission Date May 18, 2018
Acceptance Date November 25, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Gür, S., Gürçay, M., İrehan, B., Turan, T. (2018). Serological Investigation of Equine Viral Arteritis Infection in Donkeys and Horses in the Eastern Anatolia Region. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 7(2), 186-191.
AMA Gür S, Gürçay M, İrehan B, Turan T. Serological Investigation of Equine Viral Arteritis Infection in Donkeys and Horses in the Eastern Anatolia Region. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. December 2018;7(2):186-191. doi:10.31196/huvfd.508980
Chicago Gür, Sibel, Metin Gürçay, Bünyamin İrehan, and Turhan Turan. “Serological Investigation of Equine Viral Arteritis Infection in Donkeys and Horses in the Eastern Anatolia Region”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7, no. 2 (December 2018): 186-91.
EndNote Gür S, Gürçay M, İrehan B, Turan T (December 1, 2018) Serological Investigation of Equine Viral Arteritis Infection in Donkeys and Horses in the Eastern Anatolia Region. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7 2 186–191.
IEEE S. Gür, M. Gürçay, B. İrehan, and T. Turan, “Serological Investigation of Equine Viral Arteritis Infection in Donkeys and Horses in the Eastern Anatolia Region”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 186–191, 2018, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.508980.
ISNAD Gür, Sibel et al. “Serological Investigation of Equine Viral Arteritis Infection in Donkeys and Horses in the Eastern Anatolia Region”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7/2 (December 2018), 186-191.
JAMA Gür S, Gürçay M, İrehan B, Turan T. Serological Investigation of Equine Viral Arteritis Infection in Donkeys and Horses in the Eastern Anatolia Region. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;7:186–191.
MLA Gür, Sibel et al. “Serological Investigation of Equine Viral Arteritis Infection in Donkeys and Horses in the Eastern Anatolia Region”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 7, no. 2, 2018, pp. 186-91, doi:10.31196/huvfd.508980.
Vancouver Gür S, Gürçay M, İrehan B, Turan T. Serological Investigation of Equine Viral Arteritis Infection in Donkeys and Horses in the Eastern Anatolia Region. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;7(2):186-91.