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Ceylanlarda (Gazella subgutturosa) Intracranial Hacmin Stereoloji ve Bilgisayarlı Tomografi ile Hesaplanması

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 178 - 183, 12.12.2021


Geniş bir coğrafyada yaygınlık gösteren ceylanlar, son zamanlar neslin tükenme tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya kalması ve IUCN tarafından korunmaya alınması, türün devamı için çalışmaların önemli ve gerekli olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu bağlamda intracranial hacmin bilinmesi klinik yönden, ırk ve cinsiyet ayırımı için önemlidir. Çalışmamızda 11 adet (5 erkek, 6 dişi) ceylan (Gazella Subgutturosa) craniumu kullanıldı. Ceylanların craniumları 64‐dedektörlü Multi Dedektör Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (MDCT) cihazında 0.625 mm kesit kalınlığında, 80 kV, 200 mA ve 639 mGY ile tarandı. Ceylanların cranial hacimleri bilgisayarlı tomografi kesitleri kullanılarak Cavalieri prensibi ile ölçüldü. Ayrıca MIMICS 20.1 software yazılımı kullanılarak intracranial alanın 3 boyutlu modelleri elde edildi ve program üzerinde hacim hesaplandı. Elde edilen sonuçlar hem yöntemler hem de cinsiyet ayırımı açısından istatistiksel olarak test edildi. Çalışmada craniumların cinsiyetler arasında farklılık göstermediği tespit edildi (P>0.05). Ayrıca, stereoloji ve BT modelleri ile hesaplanan cranial hacimlerin istatistiksel olarak incelenmesinde iki metot arasında fark olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, ceylanların intracranial hacimlerinin kullanılarak hastalıkların tanı, tespit ve seyri açısından klinik bilimlere katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Acer N, Sahin B, Bas O, Ertekin T, Usanmaz M, 2007: Comparison of three methods for the estimation of total intracranial volume: stereologic, planimetric, and anthropometric approaches. Ann Plas Surg, 58 (1), 48-53.
  • Ak G, Metintas M, Metintas S, Yildirim H, Ozkan R, Ozden H, 2010: Three-dimensional evaluation of chemotherapy response in malignant pleural mesothelioma. Eur J Radiol, 74 (1), 130-135.
  • Baddeley A, 1991: Spatial Statistics and Digital Image Analysis, 181-216. National Research Council, Washington DC, USA.
  • Canan S, Şahin B, Odacı E, Ünal B, Aslan H, Bilgiç S, Kaplan S, 2002: Toplam hacim, hacim yoğunluğu ve hacim oranlarının hesaplanmasında kullanılan bir stereolojik yöntem: Cavalieri prensibi. Turk Klin J Med, 22, 7-14.
  • Chanpanitkitchote P, Tangphokhanon W, Nomsiri R, Kaewmong P, Kongteung P, Nganvongpanit K, 2015: Ratio of cranial and skull volumes in 25 mammalian species. Vet Integr Sci, 13 (3), 165-177.
  • Choudhary OP, Singh I, 2015: Morphometrical Studies on the Skull of Indian Blackbuck (Antelope cervicapra). J Morphol, 33 (3), 868-876.
  • Choudhary OP, Singh I, Bharti SK, Mohd KI, Sathapathy S, Mrigesh M, 2015: Gross and Morphometrical Studies on Mandible of Blackbuck (Antelope cervicapra). J Morphol, 33 (2), 428-432.
  • Dello SA, van Dam RM, Slangen JJ, van de Poll MC, Bemelmans MH, Greve JWW, Beets-Tan RGH, Wigmore SJ, Dejong, CH, 2007: Liver volumetry plug and play: do it yourself with ImageJ. World J Surg, 31 (11), 2215-2221
  • Din S, Masood S, Zaneb H, Rehman H, Ashraf S, Khan I, Shah M, Hadi SA, 2020: Gross and clinical anatomy of the skull of adult chinkara (Gazella bennettii). Pak J Zool, 52 (5), 123-1733.
  • Ertekin T, Acer N, Köseoğlu E, Zararsız G, Sönmez A, Gümüş K, Kurtoğlu E, 2016: Total intracranial and lateral ventricle volumes measurement in Alzheimer’s disease: A methodological study. J Clin Neurosci, 34, 133-139.
  • Evans HE, De Lahunta A, 2013: Miller's anatomy of the dog. 4th ed., Elsevier Health Sciences., Missouri, USA
  • Gundersen HJG, Bendtsen TF, Korbo L, Marcussen N, Møller A, Nielsen K, Nyengaard B, Pakkenberg B, Sørensen FB, Vesterby A, West MJ, 1988: Some new, simple and efficient stereological methods and their use in pathological research and diagnosis. APMIS, 96 (1‐6), 379-394.
  • Gundersen HJG, Jensen EB, 1987: The efficiency of systematic sampling in stereology and its prediction. J Microsc, 147 (3), 229-263.
  • Haluk Ö, Alpak H, 2012: Kıvırcık Koyunlarında Stereolojik Metotla Cranial Hacim Hesaplanması ve Bunun Kraniyometrik Ölçümleri ile İlişkisi. İstanb Univ Vet Fak Derg, 38 (2), 107-119.
  • Heptner VG, Nasimovich AA, Bannikov AG, 1988: Mammals of the Soviet Union. Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla. Smithsonian Institution Libraries and The National Science Foundation, 1:1-1147 (translation from Russian).
  • IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group. 2017. Gazella subgutturosa. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T8976A50187422. Date of access; 05 September 2021.
  • Kalra MK, Maher MM, Toth TL, Hamberg LM, Blake MA, Shepard JA, Saini S, 2004: Strategies for CT radiation dose optimization. Radiology, 230 (3), 619-628.
  • Karimi I, Onar V, Pazvant G, Hadipour M, Mazaheri Y, 2011: The cranial morphometric and morphologic characteristics of Mehraban sheep in Western Iran. Glob Vet, 6 (2), 111-117.
  • König HE, Liebich HG, 2020: Veterinary anatomy of domestic animals: Textbook and colour atlas. Georg Thieme Verlag, New York, USA
  • Künzel W, Breit S, Oppel M, 2003: Morphometric investigations of breed‐specific features in feline skulls and considerations on their functional implications. Anat Histol Embryol, 32 (4), 218-223.
  • Logan CJ, Clutton-Brock TH, 2013: Validating methods for estimating endocranial volume in individual red deer (Cervus elaphus). Behav Processes, 92, 143-146.
  • Mallon DP, Kingswood SC, 2001: Antelopes. Part 4: North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Global Survey and Regional Action Plans. SSC Antelope Specialist Group, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, England
  • Mendoza CS, Safdar N, Okada K, Myers E, Rogers G F, Linguraru MG, 2014: Personalized assessment of craniosynostosis via statistical shape modeling. Med Image Anal, 18 (4), 635-646.
  • Odacı E, Bahadır A, Yıldırım Ş, Şahin B, Canan S, Baş O, Bilgiç S, KaplanS, 2005: Cavalieri prensibi kullanılarak bilgisayarlı tomografi ve manyetik rezonans görüntüleri üzerinden hacim hesaplanması ve klinik kullanımı. Türkiye Klin J Med, 25 (3), 421-428.
  • Onar V, Kahvecioglu KO, Çebi V, 2002: Computed tomographic analysis of the cranial cavity and neurocranium in the German shepherd dog (Alsatian) puppies. Vet Arh, 72 (2), 57-66.
  • Prokop M, 2003: General principles of MDCT. Eur J Radiol 45:4-10.
  • Regodon S, Franco A, Garin JM, Robina A, Lignereux Y, 1991: Computerized tomographic determination of the cranial volume of the dog applied to racial and sexual differentiation. Cells Tissues Organs, 142 (4), 347-350.
  • Roberts N, Cruz‐Orive LM, Reid NMK, Brodie DA, Bourne M, Edwards RHT, 1993: Unbiased estimation of human body composition by the Cavalieri method using magnetic resonance imaging. J Microsc, 171 (3), 239-253.
  • Rodrigues RTS, Matos WCG, Walker FM, Costa FS, Wanderley CWS, Neto JP, Faria M D, 2017: Dimensions of the cranium and of the cranial cavity and intracranial volume in goats (Capra hircus LINNAEUS, 1758). J Morphol Sci, 27 (1), 6-10.
  • Romans L, 2018: Computed tomography for technologists: a comprehensive text. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Rushton JP, 1994: Sex and race differences in cranial capacity from International Labour Office data. Intelligence, 19 (3), 281-294.
  • Russ JC, Dehoff RT, 2000: Practical stereology. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publlishers, New York, USA.
  • Sahin B, Aslan H, Unal B, Canan S, Bilgic S, Kaplan S, Tumkaya L, 2011: Brain volumes of the lamb, rat and bird do not show hemispheric asymmetry: a stereological study. Image Anal Stereol, 20 (1), 9-13.
  • Sahin B, Ergur H, 2006: Assessment of the optimum section thickness for the estimation of liver volume using magnetic resonance images: a stereological gold standard study. Eur J Radiol, 57 (1), 96-101.
  • Sarma K, 2006: Morphological and craniometrical studies on the skull of Kagani goat (Capra hircus) of Jammu region. Int J Morphol, 24 (3), 449-55.
  • Schofield PW, Mosesson RE, Stern Y, Mayeux R, 1995: The age at onset of Alzheimer's disease and an intracranial area measurement: a relationship. Arch Neurol, 52 (1), 95-98.
  • Tohidifar M, Goodarzi N, Masoudifard M, 2020: Anatomy of the head in the Saanen goat: a computed tomographic and cross-sectional approach. Anat Sci Int, 95 (3), 408-419.
  • Wang H, 2009: Three-dimensional medical CT image reconstruction. In 2009 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation. Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China, Vol. 1, pp. 548-551.
  • Yılmaz O, Tuğrul T, 2019: Van kedilerinde total beyin hacminin bilgisayarlı tomografi görüntüleri kullanılarak hesaplanması. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2 (2), 42-46.

Calculation of The Intracranial Volume in Gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa) by Stereology and Computed Tomography

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 178 - 183, 12.12.2021


The danger of extinction faced by the gazelles, which show a broad geographical distribution, in recent times and inclusion of the gazelles in the conservation list of IUCN indicate the importance and necessity of the studies on continuity of the species. In this context, the determination of intracranial volume is clinically essential for the breed and sexual dysmorphism. In the present study the crania of 11 gazelles (5 male and 6 female gazelles) (Gazella subgutturosa) were used. The cranium of the gazelles were scanned at 80 kV, 200 mA, 639 mGY, and 0.625 mm section thickness using 64‐slice Multi‐Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT). The intracranial volume of the gazelles was estimated using computed tomography sections according to Cavalieri’s Principle. Three‐dimensional models of the intracranial area were created using MIMICS 20.1 Software, the software calculated intracranial volume. The obtained results were statistically tested in terms of both methods and sexual dimorphism. The study results revealed that crania showed no difference between sexes (P>0.05). No difference was detected between the two methods in statistical analysis of the intracranial volumes calculated using stereology and CT models. Consequently, it was considered that the use of intracranial volumes of the gazelles would contribute to the clinical sciences concerning detection, diagnosis and progression of the diseases.


  • Acer N, Sahin B, Bas O, Ertekin T, Usanmaz M, 2007: Comparison of three methods for the estimation of total intracranial volume: stereologic, planimetric, and anthropometric approaches. Ann Plas Surg, 58 (1), 48-53.
  • Ak G, Metintas M, Metintas S, Yildirim H, Ozkan R, Ozden H, 2010: Three-dimensional evaluation of chemotherapy response in malignant pleural mesothelioma. Eur J Radiol, 74 (1), 130-135.
  • Baddeley A, 1991: Spatial Statistics and Digital Image Analysis, 181-216. National Research Council, Washington DC, USA.
  • Canan S, Şahin B, Odacı E, Ünal B, Aslan H, Bilgiç S, Kaplan S, 2002: Toplam hacim, hacim yoğunluğu ve hacim oranlarının hesaplanmasında kullanılan bir stereolojik yöntem: Cavalieri prensibi. Turk Klin J Med, 22, 7-14.
  • Chanpanitkitchote P, Tangphokhanon W, Nomsiri R, Kaewmong P, Kongteung P, Nganvongpanit K, 2015: Ratio of cranial and skull volumes in 25 mammalian species. Vet Integr Sci, 13 (3), 165-177.
  • Choudhary OP, Singh I, 2015: Morphometrical Studies on the Skull of Indian Blackbuck (Antelope cervicapra). J Morphol, 33 (3), 868-876.
  • Choudhary OP, Singh I, Bharti SK, Mohd KI, Sathapathy S, Mrigesh M, 2015: Gross and Morphometrical Studies on Mandible of Blackbuck (Antelope cervicapra). J Morphol, 33 (2), 428-432.
  • Dello SA, van Dam RM, Slangen JJ, van de Poll MC, Bemelmans MH, Greve JWW, Beets-Tan RGH, Wigmore SJ, Dejong, CH, 2007: Liver volumetry plug and play: do it yourself with ImageJ. World J Surg, 31 (11), 2215-2221
  • Din S, Masood S, Zaneb H, Rehman H, Ashraf S, Khan I, Shah M, Hadi SA, 2020: Gross and clinical anatomy of the skull of adult chinkara (Gazella bennettii). Pak J Zool, 52 (5), 123-1733.
  • Ertekin T, Acer N, Köseoğlu E, Zararsız G, Sönmez A, Gümüş K, Kurtoğlu E, 2016: Total intracranial and lateral ventricle volumes measurement in Alzheimer’s disease: A methodological study. J Clin Neurosci, 34, 133-139.
  • Evans HE, De Lahunta A, 2013: Miller's anatomy of the dog. 4th ed., Elsevier Health Sciences., Missouri, USA
  • Gundersen HJG, Bendtsen TF, Korbo L, Marcussen N, Møller A, Nielsen K, Nyengaard B, Pakkenberg B, Sørensen FB, Vesterby A, West MJ, 1988: Some new, simple and efficient stereological methods and their use in pathological research and diagnosis. APMIS, 96 (1‐6), 379-394.
  • Gundersen HJG, Jensen EB, 1987: The efficiency of systematic sampling in stereology and its prediction. J Microsc, 147 (3), 229-263.
  • Haluk Ö, Alpak H, 2012: Kıvırcık Koyunlarında Stereolojik Metotla Cranial Hacim Hesaplanması ve Bunun Kraniyometrik Ölçümleri ile İlişkisi. İstanb Univ Vet Fak Derg, 38 (2), 107-119.
  • Heptner VG, Nasimovich AA, Bannikov AG, 1988: Mammals of the Soviet Union. Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla. Smithsonian Institution Libraries and The National Science Foundation, 1:1-1147 (translation from Russian).
  • IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group. 2017. Gazella subgutturosa. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T8976A50187422. Date of access; 05 September 2021.
  • Kalra MK, Maher MM, Toth TL, Hamberg LM, Blake MA, Shepard JA, Saini S, 2004: Strategies for CT radiation dose optimization. Radiology, 230 (3), 619-628.
  • Karimi I, Onar V, Pazvant G, Hadipour M, Mazaheri Y, 2011: The cranial morphometric and morphologic characteristics of Mehraban sheep in Western Iran. Glob Vet, 6 (2), 111-117.
  • König HE, Liebich HG, 2020: Veterinary anatomy of domestic animals: Textbook and colour atlas. Georg Thieme Verlag, New York, USA
  • Künzel W, Breit S, Oppel M, 2003: Morphometric investigations of breed‐specific features in feline skulls and considerations on their functional implications. Anat Histol Embryol, 32 (4), 218-223.
  • Logan CJ, Clutton-Brock TH, 2013: Validating methods for estimating endocranial volume in individual red deer (Cervus elaphus). Behav Processes, 92, 143-146.
  • Mallon DP, Kingswood SC, 2001: Antelopes. Part 4: North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Global Survey and Regional Action Plans. SSC Antelope Specialist Group, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, England
  • Mendoza CS, Safdar N, Okada K, Myers E, Rogers G F, Linguraru MG, 2014: Personalized assessment of craniosynostosis via statistical shape modeling. Med Image Anal, 18 (4), 635-646.
  • Odacı E, Bahadır A, Yıldırım Ş, Şahin B, Canan S, Baş O, Bilgiç S, KaplanS, 2005: Cavalieri prensibi kullanılarak bilgisayarlı tomografi ve manyetik rezonans görüntüleri üzerinden hacim hesaplanması ve klinik kullanımı. Türkiye Klin J Med, 25 (3), 421-428.
  • Onar V, Kahvecioglu KO, Çebi V, 2002: Computed tomographic analysis of the cranial cavity and neurocranium in the German shepherd dog (Alsatian) puppies. Vet Arh, 72 (2), 57-66.
  • Prokop M, 2003: General principles of MDCT. Eur J Radiol 45:4-10.
  • Regodon S, Franco A, Garin JM, Robina A, Lignereux Y, 1991: Computerized tomographic determination of the cranial volume of the dog applied to racial and sexual differentiation. Cells Tissues Organs, 142 (4), 347-350.
  • Roberts N, Cruz‐Orive LM, Reid NMK, Brodie DA, Bourne M, Edwards RHT, 1993: Unbiased estimation of human body composition by the Cavalieri method using magnetic resonance imaging. J Microsc, 171 (3), 239-253.
  • Rodrigues RTS, Matos WCG, Walker FM, Costa FS, Wanderley CWS, Neto JP, Faria M D, 2017: Dimensions of the cranium and of the cranial cavity and intracranial volume in goats (Capra hircus LINNAEUS, 1758). J Morphol Sci, 27 (1), 6-10.
  • Romans L, 2018: Computed tomography for technologists: a comprehensive text. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Rushton JP, 1994: Sex and race differences in cranial capacity from International Labour Office data. Intelligence, 19 (3), 281-294.
  • Russ JC, Dehoff RT, 2000: Practical stereology. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publlishers, New York, USA.
  • Sahin B, Aslan H, Unal B, Canan S, Bilgic S, Kaplan S, Tumkaya L, 2011: Brain volumes of the lamb, rat and bird do not show hemispheric asymmetry: a stereological study. Image Anal Stereol, 20 (1), 9-13.
  • Sahin B, Ergur H, 2006: Assessment of the optimum section thickness for the estimation of liver volume using magnetic resonance images: a stereological gold standard study. Eur J Radiol, 57 (1), 96-101.
  • Sarma K, 2006: Morphological and craniometrical studies on the skull of Kagani goat (Capra hircus) of Jammu region. Int J Morphol, 24 (3), 449-55.
  • Schofield PW, Mosesson RE, Stern Y, Mayeux R, 1995: The age at onset of Alzheimer's disease and an intracranial area measurement: a relationship. Arch Neurol, 52 (1), 95-98.
  • Tohidifar M, Goodarzi N, Masoudifard M, 2020: Anatomy of the head in the Saanen goat: a computed tomographic and cross-sectional approach. Anat Sci Int, 95 (3), 408-419.
  • Wang H, 2009: Three-dimensional medical CT image reconstruction. In 2009 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation. Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China, Vol. 1, pp. 548-551.
  • Yılmaz O, Tuğrul T, 2019: Van kedilerinde total beyin hacminin bilgisayarlı tomografi görüntüleri kullanılarak hesaplanması. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2 (2), 42-46.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research

İsmail Demircioğlu 0000-0002-0724-3019

Ali Koçyiğit 0000-0002-9354-7480

Sedat Aydoğdu 0000-0002-9354-3519

Nazan Gezer İnce 0000-0003-1627-5757

Bestami Yılmaz 0000-0002-0901-3129

Publication Date December 12, 2021
Submission Date October 7, 2021
Acceptance Date October 28, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Demircioğlu, İ., Koçyiğit, A., Aydoğdu, S., Gezer İnce, N., et al. (2021). Calculation of The Intracranial Volume in Gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa) by Stereology and Computed Tomography. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 10(2), 178-183.
AMA Demircioğlu İ, Koçyiğit A, Aydoğdu S, Gezer İnce N, Yılmaz B. Calculation of The Intracranial Volume in Gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa) by Stereology and Computed Tomography. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. December 2021;10(2):178-183. doi:10.31196/huvfd.1005996
Chicago Demircioğlu, İsmail, Ali Koçyiğit, Sedat Aydoğdu, Nazan Gezer İnce, and Bestami Yılmaz. “Calculation of The Intracranial Volume in Gazelles (Gazella Subgutturosa) by Stereology and Computed Tomography”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10, no. 2 (December 2021): 178-83.
EndNote Demircioğlu İ, Koçyiğit A, Aydoğdu S, Gezer İnce N, Yılmaz B (December 1, 2021) Calculation of The Intracranial Volume in Gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa) by Stereology and Computed Tomography. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10 2 178–183.
IEEE İ. Demircioğlu, A. Koçyiğit, S. Aydoğdu, N. Gezer İnce, and B. Yılmaz, “Calculation of The Intracranial Volume in Gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa) by Stereology and Computed Tomography”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 178–183, 2021, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.1005996.
ISNAD Demircioğlu, İsmail et al. “Calculation of The Intracranial Volume in Gazelles (Gazella Subgutturosa) by Stereology and Computed Tomography”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10/2 (December 2021), 178-183.
JAMA Demircioğlu İ, Koçyiğit A, Aydoğdu S, Gezer İnce N, Yılmaz B. Calculation of The Intracranial Volume in Gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa) by Stereology and Computed Tomography. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2021;10:178–183.
MLA Demircioğlu, İsmail et al. “Calculation of The Intracranial Volume in Gazelles (Gazella Subgutturosa) by Stereology and Computed Tomography”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 10, no. 2, 2021, pp. 178-83, doi:10.31196/huvfd.1005996.
Vancouver Demircioğlu İ, Koçyiğit A, Aydoğdu S, Gezer İnce N, Yılmaz B. Calculation of The Intracranial Volume in Gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa) by Stereology and Computed Tomography. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2021;10(2):178-83.