Aim & Scope

 "International Archives of Medical Research" (IAMR) is a refereed academic online journal has been started to publish in April 2011. Journal of English Language is open access, peer-reviewed, electronic-only journal.

The journal aims to publish papers of general interest relating to advances in medical practice and novel treatments that will be of interest to general practitioners, medical students, and senior practitioners and specialists. It includes original research papers, case reports, reviews, articles about clinical and practical applications and editorials, short reports and letters to the editor.  

The IAMR is a peer-reviewed journal, and publishes original papers and commentaries which have relevance to medical and allied sciences:

  1. "Original articles" in all aspects of medical research.
  2. "Reviews” of recent developments in medical research.
  3. "Short Communications" giving a brief but complete account of the piece of work.
  4. "Letters to the Editor" giving brief remarks, comments upon material previously or simultaneously published in the Journal, prepublication notes and outlines of work in-progress.
  5. "Case-report" giving a full account of interesting or report cases.
  6. "Summaries of International, Regional or National Meetings" in relevant subjects.
  7. "Supplements" giving the proceedings of such meetings.
  8. "Announcements" of International, Regional or National meetings and other relevant events.

Ethical and Editorial Standards

The IAMR is committed to maintaining and conforming to the editorial and ethical standards recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Period Months
April August December
Last Update Time: 3/25/24, 4:05:59 AM

All articles published by DUJE are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This permits anyone to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited. 24456