Ethical Principles and Publication Policy PDF file can be found here.
International Archives of Medical Research (IAMR)
Journal Publication Policies
The ethical rules and publication policies published here should be read carefully by all components (Editor, Referee, Author) who contribute to the publication process of an article.
The following institutions were used to determine the ethical principles that all components of the journal's publication process must comply with:
BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative)
ICMJE (International Committee Of Medical Journal Editors)
CC (Creative Commons)
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
Education and Science Journal Publication Policies
YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive
Publisher's Ethical Responsibilities
International Archives of Medical Research journal has been publishing studies in the field of health sciences under the management of the editorial board since 2011.
The publisher accepts that the editor is the decision maker in the article publication process and the management of the peer review process.
The publisher provides open, electronic and free access to the journal on the journal's website.
Ethical Responsibilities of Editors, Assistant Editors and Field Editors
The editor acts in a balanced, objective and fair manner while performing his/her duties, and manages the process without discrimination based on the gender, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origins of the authors.
To evaluate the studies sent to the journal and reject the studies that do not comply with the aim and scope of the journal.
To not show any privilege to any author in publishing the studies sent to the journal and to make decisions only according to the content of the publication.
To ensure that the articles sent to the referees are arranged in accordance with the blind peer review principle.
To take the necessary measures and obtain the necessary declarations from the authors to prevent possible conflicts of interest.
In case of a complaint that constitutes an ethical violation, to implement the necessary procedures in line with the journal's policies and procedures. Not to evaluate the complaint unilaterally and to grant the authors who have complaints the right to defend themselves. Not to refrain from applying the necessary sanctions if an ethical violation is detected as a result of the evaluation.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
To accept only articles related to the field of expertise and to review the article objectively and in a timely manner in order to contribute to the editor's decision-making process.
To evaluate the article objectively and only on the content of the study. To evaluate the study impartially without considering religious, political and economic interests.
To complete the evaluations within the periods determined by the journal after accepting the article.
To not evaluate the study if there is a situation in the article that violates the blind review principle and to inform the editor about this situation.
To review the articles meticulously and to provide guidance that will help increase the quality of the study.
To evaluate the evaluation in accordance with academic etiquette, in a constructive manner and by avoiding personal comments.
To protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the editor and the author and to preserve the study in a way that it will not be passed on to third parties after the evaluation process.
When they understand that there is a potential conflict of interest-community of interest (financial, institutional, collaborative or other relationships between the author and the author), to stop evaluating the article and warn the editors.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
To ensure that the articles they submit to the journal are original.
To ensure that the article they submit for publication in the journal has not been published or accepted elsewhere.
To ensure that the data related to the study is accurate, to keep their records related to their research in order and to provide access to these data upon a possible request. (Authors are obliged to keep the data related to a published article for 5 years.)
To provide appropriate references in accordance with ethical principles for authors, online pages, personal interviews, etc. used in the articles.
If the content presented matches a published or presented content in any field, to accept this conflict and to quote, to provide a copy of any work that may have similar content to the editor, if necessary, to obtain permission to reproduce or use any content from other sources, to show references.
To work in accordance with national and international laws and guidelines (WMA Declaration of Helsinki, NIH Policy on the Use of Laboratory Animals, EU Directive on the Use of Animals) for all studies involving human or animal subjects, to obtain and approve the necessary approvals. To indicate whether the study requires the approval of the relevant ethics committee and the research details in the “Materials and Methods” section of the study.
In case of any conflict of interest, to share an ethical violation with the editor and publisher when detected regarding the article, to publish an error statement, addendum, compensation statement or to withdraw the study when deemed necessary.
Notification of a Situation that Does Not Comply with Ethical Principles to the Editor
The ethical principles published in the IAMR Journal impose various responsibilities on editors, referees and authors. In case of an unethical situation regarding articles published or in the process of publication, the situation that violates the ethical principles of the journal must be reported to by e-mail.
Issues to be Considered in the Journal Publication Policy:
Plagiarism is a subject that our journal focuses on meticulously. If plagiarism is detected in an article, it is considered a serious ethical violation and a crime, regardless of whether the plagiarism is intentional or not.
The journal's editorial board evaluates allegations of plagiarism, citation manipulation and data fraud, etc. regarding studies submitted to the journal within the framework of COPE rules.
Copyright transfer
Authors who will submit a study to our journal must fill out the "Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form" document. All authors mentioned in the article must sign the form they filled out with a wet signature. The signed form should be scanned and sent to the journal by e-mail during the initial application, and later by post if needed.
Studies sent to our journal for publication must be original studies that have not been published anywhere else or are not under evaluation in any journal. A written statement is obtained from the author stating that the work has not been sent or published anywhere, and the author is held responsible in case of any problems.
When authors submit their work to our journal for evaluation, they must transfer all copyrights to their work. This transfer becomes binding with the acceptance of the article for publication, and after this process, no part of the published material can be used elsewhere without the permission of the publisher.
Authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder when using previously published content, including supporting images, tables or any other content in printed or electronic format. The authors bear all legal, financial and criminal responsibilities in this regard.
All publication processes of the journal are carried out in accordance with the guidelines published by the following organizations.
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
World Association of Medical Editors (WAME)
Council of Science Editors (CSE)
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
European Association of Science Editors (EASE)
National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest occurs when a personal or institutional benefit is gained economically in any study. For this reason, the scientific nature of a study and the reliability of the processes are directly related to the objective handling of conflicts of interest at all stages from the initiation of the scientific study to its publication.
All components of the journal and authors have responsibilities in preventing conflicts of interest. In order to prevent conflicts of interest, editors and reviewers should not have any personal, professional or financial ties with the subjects they will decide on and the author. All components involved in the evaluation and publication process of a study should inform the editorial board about possible conflicts of interest so that the articles can be evaluated within the framework of ethical principles and an independent process can be carried out.
All articles published by DUJE are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This permits anyone to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.