Year 2017,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 11 - 17, 15.12.2017
Ibrahim Karatas
Recep Halicioglu
Yusuf Fedai
- 1. Toyota’s Global Strategy,, Toyota Motor Corparation, 16 April 2003
- 2. Yıldız M. ve Topçu T., Hibrit ve Tümü Elektrikli Araçlarda Kontrol ve Enerji Yönetimi Sistemleri, Ankara, Ağustos 2012
- 3. Serrao L. , Onori S. , Rizzoni G. , American Control Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA, June 2009
- 4. Yamaguchi M. , Muramoto I. and Takahashi N.; 2002, Control system for hybrid vehicle, Orijinal hak sahibi: Nissan motor Co. Ltd. , No: US6480767 B2, 12 Kasım 2002.
- 5. Salmasi F.R. , Control Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Evolution, Classification Comparison, and Future Trends, Member, IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, September 2007
- 6. Wirasingha, Sanjaka G., and Emadi A. , Classification and review of control strategies for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology, January 2011
- 7. Zaher M. and Cetinkunt S. , Real-time energy management control for hybrid electric powertrains, Journal of Control Science and Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 801237, 10 pages, 2013.
- 8. Jalil N, Kheir N. A., and Salman M., “Rule-based energy management strategy for a series hybrid vehicle,” in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 689–693, Albuquerque, NM, USA, June 1997.
- 9. Schouten N. J., Salman M. and Kheir N.A., “Fuzzy Logic Control for Parallel Hybrid Vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 10, No. 3, May 2002.
- 10. Panday A. and Bansal H.O. , A Review of Optimal Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Published 18 November 2014
- 11. Liu, Wei. Introduction to hybrid vehicle system modeling and control. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
- 12. Rajagopalan A., Washington G., Rizzoni G., Guezennec Y., Development of fuzzy logic control and advanced emissions modelling for parallel hybrid vehicles, December 2003.
- 13. Delprat S., Guerra T. M., Paganelli G., Lauber J., and Delhom M., “Control strategy optimization for an hybrid parallel powertrain,” in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, IEEE, Arlington, USA, June 2001.
- 14. Tate E. and Boyd S. , “Finding ultimate limits of performance for hybrid electric vehicles,” in Proceedings of Society of Automotive Engineers 2000 Future Transportation Technology Conference, 2001.
- 15. Pisu P. , Silani E. , Rizzoni G. , and Savaresi S. M. , ’A LMI-based supervisory robust control for hybrid vehicles’, in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Denver, USA, June 2003.
- 16. Bellman Richard E., Dreyfus Stuart E. ‘Applied dynamic programming’, Princeton University Press, 1962.
- 17. Larsson V. , Johannesso L. , Egardt B. ‘Impact of trip length uncertainty on optimal discharging strategies for PHEVs’ ,6th IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control Munich, Germany, July 12-14, 2010
- 18. Johnson V. H. , Wipke K. B. , and Rausen D. J. , “HEV control strategy for real-time optimization of fuel economy and emissions,” Society Automotive Engineers, vol. 109, no. 3, pp. 1677 1690, 2000.
- 19. Paganelli G. , Delprat S. , Guerra T. M. , Rimaux J. , and Santin J. J. , “Equivalent consumption minimization strategy for parallel hybrid powertrains,” in Proceedings of the 55th Vehicular Technology Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2002.
- 20. Harmon F. G. , ‘Neural Network Control of a Parallel Hybrid-Electric Propulsion System for a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, June 2005,
- 21. Arsie I., Graziosi M. , Pianese C., Rizzo G., and Sorrentino M., “Optimization of supervisory control strategy for parallel hybrid vehicle with provisional load estimate,” Advanced Vehicle Control, 2004.
- 22. Eberhart R. C. and Kennedy J. , “A new optimizer using particle swarm theory,” in Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Micro Machine and Human Science, Nagoya
- 23. Desai C. and Williamson S. S. , “Particle swarmoptimization for efficient selection of hybrid electric vehicle design parameters,” in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, USA, September 2010.
- 24. West M. J. , Bingham C. M., and Schofield N., “Predictive control for energy management in all/more electric vehicles with multiple energy storage units,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, M. J. West, Ed., pp. 222–228, June 2003.
- 25. Pontryagin L. , ‘The Mathematical Theory of Optimal Processes.’ Vol. 4, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1962.
- 26. Stockar S. , Marano V. , Canova M. , Rizzoni G. , and Guzzella L. , “Energy-optimal control of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles for real-world driving cycles,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 2949–2962, 2011.
- 27. Boyalı A. , Hibrid Elektrikli Yol Taşıtlarının Modellenmesi ve Kontrolü, Doktora, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009.
Investigation of hybrid electric vehicle control systems
Year 2017,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 11 - 17, 15.12.2017
Ibrahim Karatas
Recep Halicioglu
Yusuf Fedai
Although hybrid vehicles are not widely used, they have an important role in terms of energy saving in the world. Control systems are one of the most important mechanisms in these vehicles for efficiency of energy usage. In this study, it is explained what the control systems of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) are used and how they are used by review them. It is firstly shown how the internal components of the hybrid vehicle are controlled by the control systems and how the control unit is placed. The control systems are then individually classified among themselves. Control systems that are divided into two groups, which are rule based and optimization based, are collected under these two main headings.
- 1. Toyota’s Global Strategy,, Toyota Motor Corparation, 16 April 2003
- 2. Yıldız M. ve Topçu T., Hibrit ve Tümü Elektrikli Araçlarda Kontrol ve Enerji Yönetimi Sistemleri, Ankara, Ağustos 2012
- 3. Serrao L. , Onori S. , Rizzoni G. , American Control Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA, June 2009
- 4. Yamaguchi M. , Muramoto I. and Takahashi N.; 2002, Control system for hybrid vehicle, Orijinal hak sahibi: Nissan motor Co. Ltd. , No: US6480767 B2, 12 Kasım 2002.
- 5. Salmasi F.R. , Control Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Evolution, Classification Comparison, and Future Trends, Member, IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, September 2007
- 6. Wirasingha, Sanjaka G., and Emadi A. , Classification and review of control strategies for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology, January 2011
- 7. Zaher M. and Cetinkunt S. , Real-time energy management control for hybrid electric powertrains, Journal of Control Science and Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 801237, 10 pages, 2013.
- 8. Jalil N, Kheir N. A., and Salman M., “Rule-based energy management strategy for a series hybrid vehicle,” in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 689–693, Albuquerque, NM, USA, June 1997.
- 9. Schouten N. J., Salman M. and Kheir N.A., “Fuzzy Logic Control for Parallel Hybrid Vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 10, No. 3, May 2002.
- 10. Panday A. and Bansal H.O. , A Review of Optimal Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Published 18 November 2014
- 11. Liu, Wei. Introduction to hybrid vehicle system modeling and control. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
- 12. Rajagopalan A., Washington G., Rizzoni G., Guezennec Y., Development of fuzzy logic control and advanced emissions modelling for parallel hybrid vehicles, December 2003.
- 13. Delprat S., Guerra T. M., Paganelli G., Lauber J., and Delhom M., “Control strategy optimization for an hybrid parallel powertrain,” in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, IEEE, Arlington, USA, June 2001.
- 14. Tate E. and Boyd S. , “Finding ultimate limits of performance for hybrid electric vehicles,” in Proceedings of Society of Automotive Engineers 2000 Future Transportation Technology Conference, 2001.
- 15. Pisu P. , Silani E. , Rizzoni G. , and Savaresi S. M. , ’A LMI-based supervisory robust control for hybrid vehicles’, in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Denver, USA, June 2003.
- 16. Bellman Richard E., Dreyfus Stuart E. ‘Applied dynamic programming’, Princeton University Press, 1962.
- 17. Larsson V. , Johannesso L. , Egardt B. ‘Impact of trip length uncertainty on optimal discharging strategies for PHEVs’ ,6th IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control Munich, Germany, July 12-14, 2010
- 18. Johnson V. H. , Wipke K. B. , and Rausen D. J. , “HEV control strategy for real-time optimization of fuel economy and emissions,” Society Automotive Engineers, vol. 109, no. 3, pp. 1677 1690, 2000.
- 19. Paganelli G. , Delprat S. , Guerra T. M. , Rimaux J. , and Santin J. J. , “Equivalent consumption minimization strategy for parallel hybrid powertrains,” in Proceedings of the 55th Vehicular Technology Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2002.
- 20. Harmon F. G. , ‘Neural Network Control of a Parallel Hybrid-Electric Propulsion System for a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, June 2005,
- 21. Arsie I., Graziosi M. , Pianese C., Rizzo G., and Sorrentino M., “Optimization of supervisory control strategy for parallel hybrid vehicle with provisional load estimate,” Advanced Vehicle Control, 2004.
- 22. Eberhart R. C. and Kennedy J. , “A new optimizer using particle swarm theory,” in Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Micro Machine and Human Science, Nagoya
- 23. Desai C. and Williamson S. S. , “Particle swarmoptimization for efficient selection of hybrid electric vehicle design parameters,” in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, USA, September 2010.
- 24. West M. J. , Bingham C. M., and Schofield N., “Predictive control for energy management in all/more electric vehicles with multiple energy storage units,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, M. J. West, Ed., pp. 222–228, June 2003.
- 25. Pontryagin L. , ‘The Mathematical Theory of Optimal Processes.’ Vol. 4, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1962.
- 26. Stockar S. , Marano V. , Canova M. , Rizzoni G. , and Guzzella L. , “Energy-optimal control of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles for real-world driving cycles,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 2949–2962, 2011.
- 27. Boyalı A. , Hibrid Elektrikli Yol Taşıtlarının Modellenmesi ve Kontrolü, Doktora, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009.