Al-Hajailan, T., A. (1999). Evaluation of English as a foreign language
textbook for thirdgrade secondary boys’ schools in Saudi Arabia.
Doctoral dissertation, Mississippi State University, Mississippi.
Askildson, V. (2008). What do teachers and students want from a foreign
languagetextbook? Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona,
Borg, S. (2003). Teacher cognition in language teaching: A review of
research on what language teachers think,know, believe, and do.
Language Teaching, 36, 81-109.
Chen, F. H., Looi, C. K. & Chen, W. (2009). Integrating technology in the
classroom: A visualconceptualization of teachers’ knowledge, goals
and beliefs. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25, 470-488.
Kitchenham, A. (2006). Teachers and technology: A transformative
journey. Journal of Transformative Education,4, 202-225.
Lee, R. N. F. & Bathmaker A. (2007). The use of English textbooks for
teaching English to’vocational’ students in Singapore secondary
schools: A survey of teachers’ beliefs. RELC, 38, 350-374.
Li, L. & Walsh, S. (2011). Technology uptake in Chinese EFL classes.
Language TeachingResearch, (15). 99-125.
Lin, S. (2011). Foreign Language Teaching in U.S. Higher Education
Classrooms: An Investigation of the Relationship between Teacher
Pedagogical Beliefs and Classroom Teaching. Doctoral dissertation,
Portland State University, Oregon.
Mundy, M., Kupczynski, L. & Kee, R. (2012). Teacher’s perceptions of
technology use in theschools. SAGE Open, 2, 1-8.
Qasem, R., F. (2010). The relationship between postsecondary foreign
language teachers’ beliefs in student-centeredness and their
educational technology practices. Doctoral dissertation, Northcentral
University, Arizona.
Russell, M., Bebell, D., O’Dwyer, L. & O’Connor, K. (2003). Examining
teacher technologyuse: Implications for preservice and inservice
teacher preparation. Journal of Teacher Education,54, 297-310.
Straub, E. T., (2009). Understanding technology adoption: Theory and
future directions for informal learning. Review of Educational
Research, 79, 625-649.
Woods, D. (1996). Teacher cognition in language teaching: beliefs,
decision-making, and classroom practice.Cambridge Applied
Linguistics series, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Woods
Zacharias, N. (2005). Teachers’ beliefs about internationally-published
materials: A survey oftertiary Englishteachers in Indonesia. RELC,
36(1), 23-37.
Al-Hajailan, T., A. (1999). Evaluation of English as a foreign language
textbook for thirdgrade secondary boys’ schools in Saudi Arabia.
Doctoral dissertation, Mississippi State University, Mississippi.
Askildson, V. (2008). What do teachers and students want from a foreign
languagetextbook? Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona,
Borg, S. (2003). Teacher cognition in language teaching: A review of
research on what language teachers think,know, believe, and do.
Language Teaching, 36, 81-109.
Chen, F. H., Looi, C. K. & Chen, W. (2009). Integrating technology in the
classroom: A visualconceptualization of teachers’ knowledge, goals
and beliefs. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25, 470-488.
Kitchenham, A. (2006). Teachers and technology: A transformative
journey. Journal of Transformative Education,4, 202-225.
Lee, R. N. F. & Bathmaker A. (2007). The use of English textbooks for
teaching English to’vocational’ students in Singapore secondary
schools: A survey of teachers’ beliefs. RELC, 38, 350-374.
Li, L. & Walsh, S. (2011). Technology uptake in Chinese EFL classes.
Language TeachingResearch, (15). 99-125.
Lin, S. (2011). Foreign Language Teaching in U.S. Higher Education
Classrooms: An Investigation of the Relationship between Teacher
Pedagogical Beliefs and Classroom Teaching. Doctoral dissertation,
Portland State University, Oregon.
Mundy, M., Kupczynski, L. & Kee, R. (2012). Teacher’s perceptions of
technology use in theschools. SAGE Open, 2, 1-8.
Qasem, R., F. (2010). The relationship between postsecondary foreign
language teachers’ beliefs in student-centeredness and their
educational technology practices. Doctoral dissertation, Northcentral
University, Arizona.
Russell, M., Bebell, D., O’Dwyer, L. & O’Connor, K. (2003). Examining
teacher technologyuse: Implications for preservice and inservice
teacher preparation. Journal of Teacher Education,54, 297-310.
Straub, E. T., (2009). Understanding technology adoption: Theory and
future directions for informal learning. Review of Educational
Research, 79, 625-649.
Woods, D. (1996). Teacher cognition in language teaching: beliefs,
decision-making, and classroom practice.Cambridge Applied
Linguistics series, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Woods
Zacharias, N. (2005). Teachers’ beliefs about internationally-published
materials: A survey oftertiary Englishteachers in Indonesia. RELC,
36(1), 23-37.
Gültekin, D., & Karabınar, S. (2016). Course Books and Technology Use in Language Teaching: Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 97-124.