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“Kings more than Men, Men less then Beasts”: a discussion of the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire in Fulke Greville’s Treatises

Year 2024, , 200 - 213, 31.05.2024


Fulke Greville (1554-1628), stood as a prominent figure in the realms of English statesmanship, courtly life, and poetry during the late Elizabethan and early Jacobean periods. Maintaining a consistent presence in the courts of Elizabeth I, James I and Charles I, Greville had a unique vantage point to observe the intricacies of courtly circles in early modern England. His sharp intellect and literary passion, coupled with his involvement in Elizabethan and Jacobean politics, elevated him to the status of one of the foremost philosopher-poets of his era. In Turkish scholarship, considerable attention has been given to Greville’s Mustapha (1610), which explores the touching theme of the execution of Şehzade Mustafa, at the command of his father Süleyman the Magnificent. While this work has been extensively discussed, Greville's treatises, offering insights into his political and philosophical perspectives on contentious issues of his time such as sovereignty, kingship, tyranny, and just rule, have not received comparable examination. Notably, his treatises Of Monarchy and Of Warres provide a comprehensive exposition of his thoughts on the rise and fall of the Ottoman state. This article, therefore aims to present a more nuanced exploration of Fulke Greville’s ideas concerning the Ottoman Empire, shedding light on his broader philosophical contributions beyond the well-discussed Mustapha. A close reading of his Treatises indicates that Greville's interest in the Ottoman State and its history was intertwined with his political stance on a pressing concern for the English court—the rivalry with Spain and the broader Catholic world.


  • Botero, Giovanni. The Trevellers breviat, or an historical description of the most famous kingdomes in the world … (London, 1601).
  • Bullough, G. (1945) Poems and dramas of fulke greville, first lord brooke. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Bullough, G. (1933) “Fulk Greville, first lord brooke”, The Modern Language Review, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 1-20.
  • Busbecq, Itinera Constantinopolitanvm et Amasianvm ab Augerio Gislenio Busbequij ... (Antwerp, 1581).
  • Chew, Samuel (1937). The Crescent and the rose: Islam and England during the Renaissance. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Çakırtaş, Ö. (2017) “Mustapha and Greville: Constructing Anglo-Ottoman diplomacy and Machiavellian identities in early modern English drama” Ideological Messaging and the Role of Political Literature, 145-158.
  • Çırakman, Aslı. (2002) From the “Terror of the World” to the “Sick Man of Europe”: European Images of Ottoman Empire and Society from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries. New York, Peter Lang.
  • Delphi Complete Works of Fulke Greville (2021), Delphi Classics. ISBN. 9781801700054.
  • Erkoç, Seda. (2016) “Dealing with tyranny: Fulke Greville’s Mustapha in the context of his other writings and of his view on Anglo-Ottoman relations” Osmanlı Araştırmaları, 47, 265-290.
  • Gajda, A. (2008), “The State of Christendom: history, political thought and the Essex circle,” Historical Research, 81/213, 423–46.
  • Gajda, A. (2012), The Earl of Essex and late Elizabethan political culture, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Geuffroy, Antoine. The order of the greate Turckes courte, of hys menne of warre, and of all hys conquestes, with the summe of Mahumetes doctryne. (London, 1524).
  • Giovio, Paolo. A shorte treatise vpon the Turkes chronicles … (London, 1546).
  • Gouws, John (2007). “Greville, Fulke, first Baron Brooke of Beauchamps Court (1554–1628)”.
  • Greville, Fulke. “A Letter to an Honorable Lady”.;view=fulltext
  • Greville, Fulke. Certaine learned and elegant vvorkes of the Right Honorable Fulke Lord Brooke written in his youth, and familiar exercise with Sir Philip Sidney. The seuerall names of which workes the following page doth declare. London, 1633.
  • Greville, Fulke. The remains of Sir Fulk Grevill Lord Brooke being poems of monarchy and religion: never before printed. London, 1670.
  • Goughe, Hugh. The Offspring of the House of Ottomano, and officers to the greate Turke. Whereunto is added Bartholomaeus Georgieviz Epitome of the Customs, Rytes, ceremonies and Religion of the Turkes … (London, 1569/1570).
  • Ingram, A. (2015). Writing the Ottomans: Turkish history in early modern England. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Jennings, H. R. and J. N. Bremmer (2016). “Salmoneus”
  • Kelliher, W. H. (1969) ‘The Warwick manuscripts of Fulke Greville’, British Museum Quarterly, 34, 107–21.
  • Levin, Harry. (1969) The Myth of the golden age in the Renaissance. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press.
  • Levy, F. J. (1972) “Fulke Greville: The courtier as philosophical poet.” Modern Language Quarterly 33: 433-448. Leunclavius, Johannes. Annales Sultanorum Othmanidarum, (1588).
  • Munster, Sebastian. A Brief collection and compendious extract of strange and memorable things … (London, 1572).
  • Knolles, Richard. The generall historie of the Turkes (London: 1603).
  • Rees, Joan (1971). Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, 1554-1628: A Critical Biography. London, Routledge.
  • Rebholz, Ronald A. (1971) ThelLife of Fulke Greville, First Lord Brooke. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Swain, J. W. (1940) “The theory of the four monarchies opposition history under the Roman Empire” Classical Philology, 35 (1), 1-21.
  • Şahin-Gülter, İ. (2018) “Mustapha ve Macbeth’de kadının devlet işlerine katılması: hegelci bir yaklaşım” Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 28 (2), 97-107.
  • Wilkes, G. A. (1959) ‘The sequence of the writings of Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke’, Studies in Philology, 56 (1959), 489–503.

“İnsandan üstün Krallar, Hayvandan değersiz insanlar": Fulke Greville'in Risaleleri'nde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun yükselişi ve çöküşüne dair bir tartışma

Year 2024, , 200 - 213, 31.05.2024


Geç Elizabeth ve erken Jakoben dönemin önemli saray figürlerinden biri olan bürokrat ve şair Fulke Greville (1554-1628), I. Elizabeth, I. James ve I. Charles'ın saraylarında varlığını istikrarlı bir şekilde sürdürebilmiş nadir devlet adamlarındandı. Saraydaki uzun mevcudiyeti ve üstlendiği önemli görevler sayesinde erken modern İngiltere’sindeki saray çevrelerinin çatışmalarını gözlemleme şansı bulmuş olan Greville, deneyimlerini keskin zekâsı ve edebi tutkusu ile birleştirerek çağının önde gelen filozof-şairlerinden biri oldu. Türkçe literatürde, Şehzade Mustafa'nın babası Kanuni Sultan Süleyman'ın emriyle idam edilmesine odaklanan tragedyası Mustapha (1610) yoğun bir ilgi görmüş olsa da Greville'in egemenlik, krallık, tiranlık ve adil yönetim gibi zamanının tartışmalı meseleleri hakkındaki siyasi ve felsefi perspektiflerine dair iç görüler sunan risaleleri, detaylı bir incelemeye tabi tutulmamıştır. Özellikle Of Monarchy ve Of Warres risaleleri, Greville’in Osmanlı devletinin yükselişi ve çöküşü hakkındaki düşüncelerini kapsamlı bir şekilde ortaya koyan önemli çalışmalardır. Bu makale, Fulke Greville'in Osmanlı devlet sistemine ilişkin fikirlerinin detaylı bir incelemesini sunmayı ve onun çok tartışılmış olan Mustafa oyunun dışında kalan felsefi çıkarımlarına ışık tutmayı amaçlamaktadır. Risalelerin yakın okuması, Greville'in Osmanlı Devleti'ne ve onun tarihine olan ilgisinin, İngiliz sarayının daha ciddi bir meselesi olan İspanya ve Katolik dünyasıyla rekabet konusundaki siyasi duruşuyla yakından ilişkili olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Botero, Giovanni. The Trevellers breviat, or an historical description of the most famous kingdomes in the world … (London, 1601).
  • Bullough, G. (1945) Poems and dramas of fulke greville, first lord brooke. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Bullough, G. (1933) “Fulk Greville, first lord brooke”, The Modern Language Review, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 1-20.
  • Busbecq, Itinera Constantinopolitanvm et Amasianvm ab Augerio Gislenio Busbequij ... (Antwerp, 1581).
  • Chew, Samuel (1937). The Crescent and the rose: Islam and England during the Renaissance. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Çakırtaş, Ö. (2017) “Mustapha and Greville: Constructing Anglo-Ottoman diplomacy and Machiavellian identities in early modern English drama” Ideological Messaging and the Role of Political Literature, 145-158.
  • Çırakman, Aslı. (2002) From the “Terror of the World” to the “Sick Man of Europe”: European Images of Ottoman Empire and Society from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries. New York, Peter Lang.
  • Delphi Complete Works of Fulke Greville (2021), Delphi Classics. ISBN. 9781801700054.
  • Erkoç, Seda. (2016) “Dealing with tyranny: Fulke Greville’s Mustapha in the context of his other writings and of his view on Anglo-Ottoman relations” Osmanlı Araştırmaları, 47, 265-290.
  • Gajda, A. (2008), “The State of Christendom: history, political thought and the Essex circle,” Historical Research, 81/213, 423–46.
  • Gajda, A. (2012), The Earl of Essex and late Elizabethan political culture, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Geuffroy, Antoine. The order of the greate Turckes courte, of hys menne of warre, and of all hys conquestes, with the summe of Mahumetes doctryne. (London, 1524).
  • Giovio, Paolo. A shorte treatise vpon the Turkes chronicles … (London, 1546).
  • Gouws, John (2007). “Greville, Fulke, first Baron Brooke of Beauchamps Court (1554–1628)”.
  • Greville, Fulke. “A Letter to an Honorable Lady”.;view=fulltext
  • Greville, Fulke. Certaine learned and elegant vvorkes of the Right Honorable Fulke Lord Brooke written in his youth, and familiar exercise with Sir Philip Sidney. The seuerall names of which workes the following page doth declare. London, 1633.
  • Greville, Fulke. The remains of Sir Fulk Grevill Lord Brooke being poems of monarchy and religion: never before printed. London, 1670.
  • Goughe, Hugh. The Offspring of the House of Ottomano, and officers to the greate Turke. Whereunto is added Bartholomaeus Georgieviz Epitome of the Customs, Rytes, ceremonies and Religion of the Turkes … (London, 1569/1570).
  • Ingram, A. (2015). Writing the Ottomans: Turkish history in early modern England. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Jennings, H. R. and J. N. Bremmer (2016). “Salmoneus”
  • Kelliher, W. H. (1969) ‘The Warwick manuscripts of Fulke Greville’, British Museum Quarterly, 34, 107–21.
  • Levin, Harry. (1969) The Myth of the golden age in the Renaissance. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press.
  • Levy, F. J. (1972) “Fulke Greville: The courtier as philosophical poet.” Modern Language Quarterly 33: 433-448. Leunclavius, Johannes. Annales Sultanorum Othmanidarum, (1588).
  • Munster, Sebastian. A Brief collection and compendious extract of strange and memorable things … (London, 1572).
  • Knolles, Richard. The generall historie of the Turkes (London: 1603).
  • Rees, Joan (1971). Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, 1554-1628: A Critical Biography. London, Routledge.
  • Rebholz, Ronald A. (1971) ThelLife of Fulke Greville, First Lord Brooke. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Swain, J. W. (1940) “The theory of the four monarchies opposition history under the Roman Empire” Classical Philology, 35 (1), 1-21.
  • Şahin-Gülter, İ. (2018) “Mustapha ve Macbeth’de kadının devlet işlerine katılması: hegelci bir yaklaşım” Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 28 (2), 97-107.
  • Wilkes, G. A. (1959) ‘The sequence of the writings of Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke’, Studies in Philology, 56 (1959), 489–503.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Early Modern History (Other)
Journal Section Orjinal Makale

Seda Erkoç Yeni 0009-0006-4325-1661

Early Pub Date May 30, 2024
Publication Date May 31, 2024
Submission Date December 29, 2023
Acceptance Date May 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Erkoç Yeni, S. (2024). “Kings more than Men, Men less then Beasts”: a discussion of the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire in Fulke Greville’s Treatises. İçtimaiyat, 8(1), 200-213.

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