Research Article
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Religious Discourses and Policies Towards the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 485 - 499, 29.11.2021


Considering that Palestinian-Israeli conflict is one of the cases in the current international system that is predominantly shaped by the religion factor, it is an important question how and to what extent both Turkey and Iran legitimize their strategies using religious discourse. Although both states rely on Islamic beliefs in their approaches towards the cause of Palestinians and both utilize religious rhetoric extensively to shore up their domestic support, they differ in how in their discourses and policies towards Israel. In this regard, the study first discusses the current literature on the role of religion in foreign policy and international relations. Then, how religious values and beliefs have informed the foreign policy discourse and behavior of Turkey and Iran with specific focus on the Palestinian-Israeli issue are discussed.


  • AFP. (2005, June 30). Iran’s Ahmadinejad looks to export “new Islamic revolution.” The Daily Star Lebanon.
  • Ahdiyyih, M. (2008). Ahmadinejad and the Mahdi. Middle East Quarterly, 27–36.
  • Akbarzadeh, S., & Barry, J. (2016). State Identity in Iranian Foreign Policy. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 43(4), 613–629.
  • Amuzegar, J. (2007). The Ahmadinejad Era: Preparing for the Apocalypse. Journal of International Affairs, 60(2), 35–53.
  • Asad, T. (2003). Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity. Stanford University Press.
  • Berger, P. L. (Ed.). (1999). The Desecularization of the World: Resurgent Religion and World Politics. Ethics and Public Policy Center; W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.
  • Bush. (2002, January 29). Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union.
  • Byman, D. (Ed.). (2001). Iran’s Security Policy in the post-Revolutionary Era. RAND.
  • Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Siyonizme Karşı Yahudiler Birliği heyetini kabul etti. (2019, September 23).
  • Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Mescid-i Aksa Çağrısı. (2021, May 12).
  • Darabinia, M., Marzband, R., & Foroughiniya, H. (2017). Imam Khomeini’s Foreign Policy: Conceptual Framework, Perspectives and Challenges. Journal of International Relations and Foreign Policy, 5(2), 32–38.
  • Davos’ta Erdoğan—Peres Tartışması. (2009, January 30). Amerika’nin Sesi | Voice of America - Turkish.
  • Davutoğlu, A. (2004). Stratejik Derinlik: Türkiye’nin Uluslararası Konumu. Küre Yayınları.
  • Davutoğlu, A. (2008). Turkey’s Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007. Insight Turkey, 10(1), 77–96.
  • Dışişleri Bakanı Sayın Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun Türk Ocakları’nın Kuruluşunun 100. Yılını Kutlama Etkinlikleri Kapsamında Düzenlenen “Büyük Türkiye’ye Doğru” Sempozyumunda Yaptığı Konuşma. (2011, March 26). T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı.
  • Djalili, M.-R., & Kellner, T. (2011). İran’ın Son İki Yüzyıllık Tarihi. Bilge Kültür Sanat.
  • Ehteshami, A., & Zweiri, M. (2007). Iran and The Rise of Its Neoconservatives: The Politics of Tehran’s Silent Revolution. I.B. Tauris.
  • Erdoğan “Siyonizm” ile İlgili Sözlerine Açıklık Getirdi. (2013, March 20). CNN Türk.
  • Erdoğan’dan Kudüs Teklifi: 3 Dinin Temsilcilerinden Oluşan Bir Komisyon Yönetsin. (2021, May 17).
  • Fathi, N. (2005). Wipe Israel “off the map” Iranian says. The New York Times.
  • Fox, J. (2001). Religion as an Overlooked Element of International Relations. International Studies Review, 3(3), 53–73.
  • Fox, J., & Sandler, S. (2004). Bringing Religion into International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan US.
  • Fox, J., & Sandler, S. (2005). The Question of Religion and World Politics. Terrorism and Political Violence, 17(3), 293–303.
  • Fukuyama, F. (1992). The End of History and the Last Man. Free Press ; Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; Maxwell Macmillan International.
  • Gold, D. (2012). The Emergence of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ Regime. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.
  • Güder, S., & Mercan, M. H. (2012). 2000 Sonrası Türk Dış Politikasının Temel Parametreleri ve Orta Doğu. İnsan ve Toplum, 2(3), 57–92.
  • Haynes, J. (1994). Religion in Third World Politics. Rienner.
  • Haynes, J. (2005). Religion and International Relations after ‘9/11.’ Democratization, 12(3), 398–413.
  • Haynes, J. (2007). Introduction to International Relations and Religion. Pearson Longman.
  • Haynes, J. (2008). Religion and Foreign Policy Making in the USA, India and Iran: Towards a Research Agenda. Third World Quarterly, 29(1), 143–165.
  • Huntington, S. P. (1993a). If Not Civilizations, What? Paradigms of the Post-Cold War World. Foreign Affairs, 72(5), 186–194.
  • Huntington, S. P. (1993b). The Clash of Civilizations? Foreign Affairs, 72(3), 22.
  • Huntington, S. P. (1996). The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Simon & Schuster.
  • Hurd, E. S. (2004). The Political Authority of Secularism in International Relations. European Journal of International Relations, 10(2), 235–262.
  • Hurd, E. S. (2008). The Politics of Secularism in International Relations. Princeton University Press.
  • Johnston, D. (Ed.). (2003). Faith-Based Diplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik. Oxford University Press.
  • Johnston, D., Sampson, C., & Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington, D.C.) (Eds.). (1994). Religion: The Missing Dimension of Statecraft. Oxford University Press.
  • Juergensmeyer, M. (2003). Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence (3rd ed., rev.updated). University of California Press.
  • Khosrokhavar, F., & Roy, O. (2000). İran: Bir Devrimin Tükenişi. Metis yay.
  • Koslowski, R., & Kratochwil, F. V. (1994). Understanding Change in International Politics: The Soviet Empire’s Demise and the International System. International Organization, 48(2), 215–247.
  • Kratochwil, F. (2006). History, Action and Identity: Revisiting the ‘Second’ Great Debate and Assessing its Importance for Social Theory. European Journal of International Relations, 12(1), 5–29.
  • Köprülü, N. (2019). Turkey’s Identity and Foreign Policy in Transition since 2002: The Case Of Relations with Palestine. In M. Hatay & Z. Tziarras (Eds.), Kinship and Diasporas in Turkish Foreign Policy: Examples from Europe, the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean (pp. 89–103). Peace Research Institute Oslo.
  • Luttwak, E. (1995). The Missing Dimension. In D. Johnston & C. Sampson (Eds.), Religion, The Missing Dimension of Statecraft (1st edition). Oxford University Press.
  • Moslem, M. (2002). Factional Politics in post-Khomeini Iran (1st ed). Syracuse University Press.
  • Mottale, M. (2011). Iran’s Clerical Regime’s ‘Jewish Problem.’ Democracy and Security, 7(3), 258–270. National Security Strategy of United States of America 2002. (2002).
  • Nia, M. M. (2012). Discourse and Identity in Iran’s Foreign Policy. Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs, 3(3), 29–64.
  • Norris, P., & Inglehart, R. (2004). Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Özcan, M. (2008). Harmonizing Foreign Policy: Turkey, the EU and the Middle East (1 edition). Routledge.
  • Ozkan, M. (2013). Turkey, Islamic Politics and the ‘Turkish Model.’ Strategic Analysis, 37(5), 534–538.
  • Ozkan, M., & Chatterjee, K. (2019). Islamic Values in Foreign Policy: Perspectives on ‘Secular’ Turkey and ‘Islamic’ Iran. In Krishnan Srinivasan, James Mayall, & Sanjay Pulipaka (Eds.), Values in Foreign Policy: Investigating Ideals and Interests (pp. 115–134). Rowman & Littlefield International.
  • Peres TBMM’de konuştu. (2007, November 13).
  • Petito, F., & Hatzopoulos, P. (Eds.). (2003). Religion in International Relations: The Return from Exile (1st ed). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Philpott, D. (2000). The Religious Roots of Modern International Relations. World Politics, 52(2), 206–245.
  • Riesebrodt, M. (2000). Fundamentalism and the Resurgence of Religion. Numen, 47(3), 266–287.
  • Schmitt, C. (2005). Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty (University of Chicago Press ed). University of Chicago Press.
  • Sinkaya, B. (2005). Devrimden Günümüze İran Dış Politikası’nın Dönüşümü. Mülkiyeliler Birliği Dergisi, 247(5–6).
  • Snyder, J. L. (Ed.). (2011). Religion and International Relations Theory. Columbia University Press.
  • Stern, J. (2003). Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill (1st ed). Ecco.
  • Taleblu, B. B. (2014, October 23). The Long Shadow of the Iran-Iraq War [Text]. The National Interest; The Center for the National Interest.
  • The Guardian. (2005). Holocaust a myth, says Iranian president.
  • Thomas, S. (2000). Religion and International Conflict. In K. R. Dark (Ed.), Religion and International Relations (pp. 1–23). Palgrave.
  • Thomas, S. M. (2003). Taking Religious and Cultural Pluralism Seriously. In P. Hatzopoulos & F. Petito (Eds.), Religion in International Relations (pp. 21–53). Palgrave Macmillan US.
  • Thomas, S. M. (2005). The Global Resurgence of Religion and the Transformation of International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan US.
  • Toft, M. D., Philpott, D., & Shah, T. S. (2011). God’s Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics (1st ed). W.W. Norton.

Religious Discourses and Policies Towards the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 485 - 499, 29.11.2021


Mevcut uluslararası sistemde din-siyaset ilişkisinin en açık şekilde görüldüğü vaka olarak Filistin- İsrail meselesi düşünüldüğünde hem Türkiye hem de İran’ın dini referanslar yoluyla hayata geçirdikleri stratejileri nasıl ve ne düzeyde meşrulaştırdıkları önemli bir sorudur. Özellikle tarafların Filistin yaklaşımları benzer olmakla beraber her iki ülkenin İsrail’e yönelik tavır ve söyleminde dini referansların kullanımının boyut değiştirmesi bu karşılaştırmayı daha anlamlı hale getirmektedir. Bu bağlamda makalede öncelikle dinin dış politika ve uluslararası ilişkilerdeki rolüne dair gelişen literatürün bir tartışması yapılacak sonrasında ise Türkiye ve İran’ın Filistin-İsrail meselesini dini argümanlar üzerinden nasıl gördüğü ardından da her iki ülkenin bu meseleye yaklaşımında dinin nasıl bir rolü olduğu derinlemesine tartışılacaktır.


  • AFP. (2005, June 30). Iran’s Ahmadinejad looks to export “new Islamic revolution.” The Daily Star Lebanon.
  • Ahdiyyih, M. (2008). Ahmadinejad and the Mahdi. Middle East Quarterly, 27–36.
  • Akbarzadeh, S., & Barry, J. (2016). State Identity in Iranian Foreign Policy. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 43(4), 613–629.
  • Amuzegar, J. (2007). The Ahmadinejad Era: Preparing for the Apocalypse. Journal of International Affairs, 60(2), 35–53.
  • Asad, T. (2003). Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity. Stanford University Press.
  • Berger, P. L. (Ed.). (1999). The Desecularization of the World: Resurgent Religion and World Politics. Ethics and Public Policy Center; W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.
  • Bush. (2002, January 29). Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union.
  • Byman, D. (Ed.). (2001). Iran’s Security Policy in the post-Revolutionary Era. RAND.
  • Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Siyonizme Karşı Yahudiler Birliği heyetini kabul etti. (2019, September 23).
  • Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Mescid-i Aksa Çağrısı. (2021, May 12).
  • Darabinia, M., Marzband, R., & Foroughiniya, H. (2017). Imam Khomeini’s Foreign Policy: Conceptual Framework, Perspectives and Challenges. Journal of International Relations and Foreign Policy, 5(2), 32–38.
  • Davos’ta Erdoğan—Peres Tartışması. (2009, January 30). Amerika’nin Sesi | Voice of America - Turkish.
  • Davutoğlu, A. (2004). Stratejik Derinlik: Türkiye’nin Uluslararası Konumu. Küre Yayınları.
  • Davutoğlu, A. (2008). Turkey’s Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007. Insight Turkey, 10(1), 77–96.
  • Dışişleri Bakanı Sayın Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun Türk Ocakları’nın Kuruluşunun 100. Yılını Kutlama Etkinlikleri Kapsamında Düzenlenen “Büyük Türkiye’ye Doğru” Sempozyumunda Yaptığı Konuşma. (2011, March 26). T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı.
  • Djalili, M.-R., & Kellner, T. (2011). İran’ın Son İki Yüzyıllık Tarihi. Bilge Kültür Sanat.
  • Ehteshami, A., & Zweiri, M. (2007). Iran and The Rise of Its Neoconservatives: The Politics of Tehran’s Silent Revolution. I.B. Tauris.
  • Erdoğan “Siyonizm” ile İlgili Sözlerine Açıklık Getirdi. (2013, March 20). CNN Türk.
  • Erdoğan’dan Kudüs Teklifi: 3 Dinin Temsilcilerinden Oluşan Bir Komisyon Yönetsin. (2021, May 17).
  • Fathi, N. (2005). Wipe Israel “off the map” Iranian says. The New York Times.
  • Fox, J. (2001). Religion as an Overlooked Element of International Relations. International Studies Review, 3(3), 53–73.
  • Fox, J., & Sandler, S. (2004). Bringing Religion into International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan US.
  • Fox, J., & Sandler, S. (2005). The Question of Religion and World Politics. Terrorism and Political Violence, 17(3), 293–303.
  • Fukuyama, F. (1992). The End of History and the Last Man. Free Press ; Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; Maxwell Macmillan International.
  • Gold, D. (2012). The Emergence of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ Regime. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.
  • Güder, S., & Mercan, M. H. (2012). 2000 Sonrası Türk Dış Politikasının Temel Parametreleri ve Orta Doğu. İnsan ve Toplum, 2(3), 57–92.
  • Haynes, J. (1994). Religion in Third World Politics. Rienner.
  • Haynes, J. (2005). Religion and International Relations after ‘9/11.’ Democratization, 12(3), 398–413.
  • Haynes, J. (2007). Introduction to International Relations and Religion. Pearson Longman.
  • Haynes, J. (2008). Religion and Foreign Policy Making in the USA, India and Iran: Towards a Research Agenda. Third World Quarterly, 29(1), 143–165.
  • Huntington, S. P. (1993a). If Not Civilizations, What? Paradigms of the Post-Cold War World. Foreign Affairs, 72(5), 186–194.
  • Huntington, S. P. (1993b). The Clash of Civilizations? Foreign Affairs, 72(3), 22.
  • Huntington, S. P. (1996). The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Simon & Schuster.
  • Hurd, E. S. (2004). The Political Authority of Secularism in International Relations. European Journal of International Relations, 10(2), 235–262.
  • Hurd, E. S. (2008). The Politics of Secularism in International Relations. Princeton University Press.
  • Johnston, D. (Ed.). (2003). Faith-Based Diplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik. Oxford University Press.
  • Johnston, D., Sampson, C., & Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington, D.C.) (Eds.). (1994). Religion: The Missing Dimension of Statecraft. Oxford University Press.
  • Juergensmeyer, M. (2003). Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence (3rd ed., rev.updated). University of California Press.
  • Khosrokhavar, F., & Roy, O. (2000). İran: Bir Devrimin Tükenişi. Metis yay.
  • Koslowski, R., & Kratochwil, F. V. (1994). Understanding Change in International Politics: The Soviet Empire’s Demise and the International System. International Organization, 48(2), 215–247.
  • Kratochwil, F. (2006). History, Action and Identity: Revisiting the ‘Second’ Great Debate and Assessing its Importance for Social Theory. European Journal of International Relations, 12(1), 5–29.
  • Köprülü, N. (2019). Turkey’s Identity and Foreign Policy in Transition since 2002: The Case Of Relations with Palestine. In M. Hatay & Z. Tziarras (Eds.), Kinship and Diasporas in Turkish Foreign Policy: Examples from Europe, the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean (pp. 89–103). Peace Research Institute Oslo.
  • Luttwak, E. (1995). The Missing Dimension. In D. Johnston & C. Sampson (Eds.), Religion, The Missing Dimension of Statecraft (1st edition). Oxford University Press.
  • Moslem, M. (2002). Factional Politics in post-Khomeini Iran (1st ed). Syracuse University Press.
  • Mottale, M. (2011). Iran’s Clerical Regime’s ‘Jewish Problem.’ Democracy and Security, 7(3), 258–270. National Security Strategy of United States of America 2002. (2002).
  • Nia, M. M. (2012). Discourse and Identity in Iran’s Foreign Policy. Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs, 3(3), 29–64.
  • Norris, P., & Inglehart, R. (2004). Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Özcan, M. (2008). Harmonizing Foreign Policy: Turkey, the EU and the Middle East (1 edition). Routledge.
  • Ozkan, M. (2013). Turkey, Islamic Politics and the ‘Turkish Model.’ Strategic Analysis, 37(5), 534–538.
  • Ozkan, M., & Chatterjee, K. (2019). Islamic Values in Foreign Policy: Perspectives on ‘Secular’ Turkey and ‘Islamic’ Iran. In Krishnan Srinivasan, James Mayall, & Sanjay Pulipaka (Eds.), Values in Foreign Policy: Investigating Ideals and Interests (pp. 115–134). Rowman & Littlefield International.
  • Peres TBMM’de konuştu. (2007, November 13).
  • Petito, F., & Hatzopoulos, P. (Eds.). (2003). Religion in International Relations: The Return from Exile (1st ed). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Philpott, D. (2000). The Religious Roots of Modern International Relations. World Politics, 52(2), 206–245.
  • Riesebrodt, M. (2000). Fundamentalism and the Resurgence of Religion. Numen, 47(3), 266–287.
  • Schmitt, C. (2005). Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty (University of Chicago Press ed). University of Chicago Press.
  • Sinkaya, B. (2005). Devrimden Günümüze İran Dış Politikası’nın Dönüşümü. Mülkiyeliler Birliği Dergisi, 247(5–6).
  • Snyder, J. L. (Ed.). (2011). Religion and International Relations Theory. Columbia University Press.
  • Stern, J. (2003). Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill (1st ed). Ecco.
  • Taleblu, B. B. (2014, October 23). The Long Shadow of the Iran-Iraq War [Text]. The National Interest; The Center for the National Interest.
  • The Guardian. (2005). Holocaust a myth, says Iranian president.
  • Thomas, S. (2000). Religion and International Conflict. In K. R. Dark (Ed.), Religion and International Relations (pp. 1–23). Palgrave.
  • Thomas, S. M. (2003). Taking Religious and Cultural Pluralism Seriously. In P. Hatzopoulos & F. Petito (Eds.), Religion in International Relations (pp. 21–53). Palgrave Macmillan US.
  • Thomas, S. M. (2005). The Global Resurgence of Religion and the Transformation of International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan US.
  • Toft, M. D., Philpott, D., & Shah, T. S. (2011). God’s Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics (1st ed). W.W. Norton.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Orjinal Makale

Muhammed Hüseyin Mercan 0000-0003-4699-0700

Haris Ubeyde Dündar 0000-0002-8614-0551

Publication Date November 29, 2021
Submission Date October 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Mercan, M. H., & Dündar, H. U. (2021). Religious Discourses and Policies Towards the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict. İçtimaiyat, 5(2), 485-499.

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