Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 89 - 101, 31.12.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, örgütteki adalet iklimi aracılığıyla anlamlı iş algısı ile yaşamdan memnuniyet arasındaki bağlantıyı araştırmaktır.

Tasarım/Yöntem: Nicel araştırma yöntemi ile sınanacak hipotezler için İstanbul'daki büyük şirketlerden farklı çalışma alanlarından toplanan veriler anket yöntemiyle yürütülerek, analiz için 193 geçerli anket elde edilmiştir. İşin anlamlılığı belirli bir meslek grubu ile bağlantılı olmadığından dolayı çalışmanın örneklemi pazarlama, finans, İK, Ar-Ge gibi çeşitli departmanlardan beyaz yakalı çalışanları kapsamaktadır.

Sonuçlar: SPSS ve Smart-PLS programları aracılığıyla yapılan analizler sonucunda anlamlı iş algısı boyutlarından pozitif anlam boyutunun etkileşimsel adalet aracılığıyla yaşam doyumunu etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmış olup, pozitif anlam boyutunun formal işlemlere yönelik algı üzerinde de etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Yaşam doyumu etkileşimsel adaletin yanı sıra dağıtımsal adalet algısından da etkilenmektedir.

Özgün Değer: Geçmiş çalışmalarda da belirtildiği gibi bir örgütteki adalet iklimi hem çalışanların iş yeri deneyimlerinde hem de yaşam doyumlarında önemli bir göstergedir. Anlamlı iş örgütsel davranış literatüründe görece olarak yeni ve az çalışılan bir kavram olmakla birlikte, işe anlam yüklemenin, önde gelen motivasyon teorileri tarafından anlamlı ve tatmin edici bir yaşam algısı için önemli bir araç olduğu ifade edilmiştir. Bu çalışma ile hem alan yazına hem uygulayıcılara anlamlı iş algısının önemini ve iş-işyeri-yaşam üçgeninin önemini vurgulayarak katkı sağlamak hedeflenmiştir.


  • Akbolat, M., Isik, O., Yilmaz, A., & Akca, N. (2015). The effect of organizational justice perception on job satisfaction of health employees. International Journal of Recent Advances in Organizational Behaviour and Decision Sciences, 1(2), 360-372.
  • Alderfer, C. P. (1972). Existence, relatedness, and growth: Human needs in organizational settings.
  • Allan, B. A., Batz-Barbarich, C., Sterling, H. M., & Tay, L. (2019). Outcomes of meaningful work: A meta‐analysis. Journal of management studies, 56(3), 500-528.
  • Al-Zu'bi, H. A. (2010). A study of relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction. International journal of business and management, 5(12), 102.
  • Arnold, K. A., Turner, N., Barling, J., Kelloway, E. K., & McKee, M. C. (2007). Transformational leadership and psychological well-being: the mediating role of meaningful work. Journal of occupational health psychology, 12(3), 193.
  • Beadle, R., & Knight, K. (2012). Virtue and meaningful work. Business Ethics Quarterly, 22(2), 433-450.
  • Behrani, P. (2017). Organisational justice and employee happiness. International Journal of Research and Review, 4(7), 123-129.
  • Bowie, N. E. (1998). A Kantian theory of meaningful work. Journal of Business Ethics, 1083-1092.
  • Britt, T. W., Dickinson, J. M., Moore, D., Castro, C. A., & Adler, A. B. (2007). Correlates and consequences of morale versus depression under stressful conditions. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12(1), 34.
  • Clark, L., Leedy, S., McDonald, L., Muller, B., Lamb, C., Mendez, T., ... & Schonwetter, R. (2007). Spirituality and job satisfaction among hospice interdisciplinary team members. Journal of palliative medicine, 10(6), 1321-1328.
  • Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological bulletin, 112(1), 155.
  • Cropanzano, R., Bowen, D. E., & Gilliland, S. W. (2007). The management of organizational justice. Academy of management perspectives, 21(4), 34-48.
  • Cummins, R. A. (2005). The domains of life satisfaction: An attempt to order chaos. In Citation classics from social indicators research (pp. 559-584). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Cummins, R.A.: 1996, ‘The Domains of Life Satisfaction: An Attempt to Order Chaos’, Social Indicators Research 38, pp. 303-332.
  • Diener, E. D., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J., & Griffin, S. (1985). The satisfaction with life scale. Journal of personality assessment, 49(1), 71-75.
  • Ehrhart, M. G. (2004). Leadership and procedural justice climate as antecedents of unit‐level organizational citizenship behavior. Personnel psychology, 57(1), 61-94.
  • Flanagan, J.: 1978, ‘A Research Approach to Improving our Quality of Life’, American Psychologist 33, pp. 138-147.
  • Folger, R. G., & Cropanzano, R. (1998). Organizational justice and human resource management (Vol. 7). Sage.
  • Fornell C, Larcker DF (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 39-50.
  • Fried, Y., & Ferris, G. R. (1987). The validity of the job characteristics model: A review and meta‐analysis. Personnel psychology, 40(2), 287-322.
  • Hackman, J. R. & Oldham, G. R. (1976). Motivation through the design of work: test of a theory. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 16, 250-279.
  • Hackman, J. R., Oldham, G., Janson, R., & Purdy, K. A. (1975). New strategy for job enrichment. California Management Review, 57-71.
  • Hair, J. F. Jr., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L. & Black, W. C. (1995). Multivariate Data Analysis (3rd ed). New York: Macmillan.
  • Holtz, B. C., & Harold, C. M. (2009). Fair today, fair tomorrow? A longitudinal investigation of overall justice perceptions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 1185-11.
  • Hoyt, D. R., Kaiser, M. A., Peters, G. R., & Babchuk, N. (1980). Life satisfaction and activity theory: A multidimensional approach. Journal of Gerontology, 35(6), 935-941.
  • Hu, J., & Hirsh, J. (2017). The benefits of meaningful work: A meta-analysis. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2017, No. 1, p. 13866). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
  • Judge, T. A., & Locke, E. A. (1993). Effect of dysfunctional thought processes on subjective well-being and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied psychology, 78(3), 475.
  • Judge, T. A., & Watanabe, S. (1993). Another look at the job satisfaction-life satisfaction relationship. Journal of applied psychology, 78(6), 939.
  • Judge, T. A., & Watanabe, S. (1993). Another look at the job satisfaction-life satisfaction relationship. Journal of applied psychology, 78(6), 939.
  • Kline, R. B. (2005). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling 2nd ed. New York: Guilford, 3.
  • Konovsky, M. A. (2000). Understanding procedural justice and its impact on business organizations. Journal of management, 26(3), 489-511.
  • Korotkov D. L., (1998). The Sense of Coherence: Making Sense Out of Chaos, In: Wong P. T. P., Fry P., Editors: The Human Quest for Meaning: A Handbook of Psychological Research and Clinical Applications (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ), 51-70.
  • Lambert, E. G., Hogan, N. L., Jiang, S., Elechi, O. O., Benjamin, B., Morris, A., ... & Dupuy, P. (2010). The relationship among distributive and procedural justice and correctional life satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intent: An exploratory study. Journal of Criminal justice, 38(1), 7-16.
  • Lambert, E. G., Keena, L. D., Leone, M., May, D., & Haynes, S. H. (2020). The effects of distributive and procedural justice on job satisfaction and organizational commitment ofcorrectional staff. The Social Science Journal, 57(4), 405-416.
  • Le, H., Jiang, Z., Fujimoto, Y., & Nielsen, I. (2018). Inclusion and affective well-being: Roles of justice perceptions. Personnel Review.
  • Lerner, M. J. (1980). The belief in a just world: A fundamental delusion. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Leventhal, G. S. (1980). What should be done with equity theory? New approaches to the study of fairness in social relationships. In K. Gergen, M. Greenberg, & R. Willis (Eds.), Social exchange: Advances in theory and research (pp. 27–55). New York, NY: Plenum Press.
  • Liao, H., & Rupp, D. E. (2005). The impact of justice climate and justice orientation on work outcomes: a cross-level multifoci framework. Journal of Applied psychology, 90(2), 242.
  • Lucas, T., Zhdanova, L., Wendorf, C. A., & Alexander, S. (2013). Procedural and distributive justice beliefs for self and others: Multilevel associations with life satisfaction and self-rated health. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14(4), 1325-1341.
  • Magnano, P., Santisi, G., Zammitti, A., Zarbo, R., & Di Nuovo, S. (2019). Self-perceived employability and meaningful work: The mediating role of courage on quality of life. Sustainability, 11(3), 764.
  • Marcoen, A., & Vanham, R. (1981). Life satisfaction, locus of control, self-disclosure. Psychologica Belgica, 21(1), 65-81.
  • Maslow, A. (1965). Self-actualization and beyond.
  • May, D. R., Gilson, R. L., & Harter, L. M. (2004). The psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety and availability and the engagement of the human spirit at work. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 77(1), 11-37.
  • McGregor, D. (1960). Theory X and theory Y. Organization theory, 358(374), 5.
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  • Mert, İ. S., Sen, C., & Alzghoul, A. (2021). Organizational justice, life satisfaction, and happiness: the mediating role of workplace social courage. Kybernetes.
  • Moorman, R. H. (1991). The relationship between organizational justice and organizational cit- izenship behaviors: Do fairness perceptions influence employee citizenship? Journal of Applied Psychology, 76: 845-855.
  • Naumann, S. E., & Bennett, N. (2000). A case for procedural justice climate: Development and test of a multilevel model. Academy of Management Journal, 43, 881–890.
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  • Novanto, Y., Handoyo, S., & Setiawan, J. L. (2021). Predicting the life satisfaction of Indonesian Christian employees: Examining the role of religiosity, perceived organizational support, and meaningful work. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat: Indonesian Journal of Indigenous Psychology.
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  • Pavot, W., Diener, E. D., Colvin, C. R., & Sandvik, E. (1991). Further validation of the Satisfaction with Life Scale: Evidence for the cross-method convergence of well-being measures. Journal of personality assessment, 57(1), 149-161.
  • Polat, M. (2018). Eğitim bilimlerinde pls-sem yaklaşımının kullanılabilirliği ve bir uygulama. Social Sciences Studies Journal, 4(25), 5325-5337.
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Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 89 - 101, 31.12.2021


Objectives: The main purpose of this study is to investigate the link between meaningful work perception and life satisfaction through the justice climate in the organization. Within this scope, the study also aims to find out the connection among meaningful work perception and organizational variables, which are highly emphasized in the literature, and thus to reveal the importance of meaningful work perception for both the literature and practitioners.

Methods: This study is designed as quantitative research and the quota sampling method (limits are: work experience- sector- employee number of organization) is preferred to obtain the data. Sİnce the meaningfulness of the work is not related to a specific occupational group according to previous researches, the sample of the study includes white-collar employees from various departments such as marketing, finance, HR, and R&D. Within the survey method conducted data gathered different work areas from large companies in Istanbul, 193 valid questionnaires are obtained for analysis. A socio-demographic form and three well-known scales are used to evaluate the participants' perceptions.

Results: Analyses of the study are conducted through SPSS and Smart-PLS programs. First of all construct validity is measured with both Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Then Cronbach alpha, rho_A, CR, and AVE values are computed and variables are found to be valid and reliable. Hypotheses are tested with Structural Equation Modeling and Bootstrapping analysis is performed. Significant connections among the variables are found. According to findings, meaningful work is not directly effective on life satisfaction. And interactional justice is a full mediator in the positive meaning and life satisfaction relationship. Secondly, life satisfaction is directly affected by distributive justice and interactional justice dimensions of organizational justice climate. And also the other dimensions of meaningful work have no significant effect on justice climate perception.

Originality: As stated in previous studies, the climate of justice in an organization is an important indicator of both the workplace experience of the employees and their life satisfaction. Although the concept of meaningful work is relatively new and few studied in organizational behavior literature, it had been stated by leading motivation theories attributing meaning to work is an important instrument for meaningful and satisfying life perception. Meaningful work is mostly thought to have contributions to oneself and the community, however, studies show that this is due to the employee's perception of his work. This theoretical background indicates that meaningful work perception could be related to organizations’ justice perception and also can be beneficial to both individual and organizational desired outcomes. So emphasizing the importance of the phenomenon is the main motivation of the study, so that this study's findings can be an important contribution to both organizational behavior literature and practitioners especially in human resources activities in companies.


  • Akbolat, M., Isik, O., Yilmaz, A., & Akca, N. (2015). The effect of organizational justice perception on job satisfaction of health employees. International Journal of Recent Advances in Organizational Behaviour and Decision Sciences, 1(2), 360-372.
  • Alderfer, C. P. (1972). Existence, relatedness, and growth: Human needs in organizational settings.
  • Allan, B. A., Batz-Barbarich, C., Sterling, H. M., & Tay, L. (2019). Outcomes of meaningful work: A meta‐analysis. Journal of management studies, 56(3), 500-528.
  • Al-Zu'bi, H. A. (2010). A study of relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction. International journal of business and management, 5(12), 102.
  • Arnold, K. A., Turner, N., Barling, J., Kelloway, E. K., & McKee, M. C. (2007). Transformational leadership and psychological well-being: the mediating role of meaningful work. Journal of occupational health psychology, 12(3), 193.
  • Beadle, R., & Knight, K. (2012). Virtue and meaningful work. Business Ethics Quarterly, 22(2), 433-450.
  • Behrani, P. (2017). Organisational justice and employee happiness. International Journal of Research and Review, 4(7), 123-129.
  • Bowie, N. E. (1998). A Kantian theory of meaningful work. Journal of Business Ethics, 1083-1092.
  • Britt, T. W., Dickinson, J. M., Moore, D., Castro, C. A., & Adler, A. B. (2007). Correlates and consequences of morale versus depression under stressful conditions. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12(1), 34.
  • Clark, L., Leedy, S., McDonald, L., Muller, B., Lamb, C., Mendez, T., ... & Schonwetter, R. (2007). Spirituality and job satisfaction among hospice interdisciplinary team members. Journal of palliative medicine, 10(6), 1321-1328.
  • Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological bulletin, 112(1), 155.
  • Cropanzano, R., Bowen, D. E., & Gilliland, S. W. (2007). The management of organizational justice. Academy of management perspectives, 21(4), 34-48.
  • Cummins, R. A. (2005). The domains of life satisfaction: An attempt to order chaos. In Citation classics from social indicators research (pp. 559-584). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Cummins, R.A.: 1996, ‘The Domains of Life Satisfaction: An Attempt to Order Chaos’, Social Indicators Research 38, pp. 303-332.
  • Diener, E. D., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J., & Griffin, S. (1985). The satisfaction with life scale. Journal of personality assessment, 49(1), 71-75.
  • Ehrhart, M. G. (2004). Leadership and procedural justice climate as antecedents of unit‐level organizational citizenship behavior. Personnel psychology, 57(1), 61-94.
  • Flanagan, J.: 1978, ‘A Research Approach to Improving our Quality of Life’, American Psychologist 33, pp. 138-147.
  • Folger, R. G., & Cropanzano, R. (1998). Organizational justice and human resource management (Vol. 7). Sage.
  • Fornell C, Larcker DF (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 39-50.
  • Fried, Y., & Ferris, G. R. (1987). The validity of the job characteristics model: A review and meta‐analysis. Personnel psychology, 40(2), 287-322.
  • Hackman, J. R. & Oldham, G. R. (1976). Motivation through the design of work: test of a theory. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 16, 250-279.
  • Hackman, J. R., Oldham, G., Janson, R., & Purdy, K. A. (1975). New strategy for job enrichment. California Management Review, 57-71.
  • Hair, J. F. Jr., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L. & Black, W. C. (1995). Multivariate Data Analysis (3rd ed). New York: Macmillan.
  • Holtz, B. C., & Harold, C. M. (2009). Fair today, fair tomorrow? A longitudinal investigation of overall justice perceptions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 1185-11.
  • Hoyt, D. R., Kaiser, M. A., Peters, G. R., & Babchuk, N. (1980). Life satisfaction and activity theory: A multidimensional approach. Journal of Gerontology, 35(6), 935-941.
  • Hu, J., & Hirsh, J. (2017). The benefits of meaningful work: A meta-analysis. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2017, No. 1, p. 13866). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
  • Judge, T. A., & Locke, E. A. (1993). Effect of dysfunctional thought processes on subjective well-being and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied psychology, 78(3), 475.
  • Judge, T. A., & Watanabe, S. (1993). Another look at the job satisfaction-life satisfaction relationship. Journal of applied psychology, 78(6), 939.
  • Judge, T. A., & Watanabe, S. (1993). Another look at the job satisfaction-life satisfaction relationship. Journal of applied psychology, 78(6), 939.
  • Kline, R. B. (2005). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling 2nd ed. New York: Guilford, 3.
  • Konovsky, M. A. (2000). Understanding procedural justice and its impact on business organizations. Journal of management, 26(3), 489-511.
  • Korotkov D. L., (1998). The Sense of Coherence: Making Sense Out of Chaos, In: Wong P. T. P., Fry P., Editors: The Human Quest for Meaning: A Handbook of Psychological Research and Clinical Applications (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ), 51-70.
  • Lambert, E. G., Hogan, N. L., Jiang, S., Elechi, O. O., Benjamin, B., Morris, A., ... & Dupuy, P. (2010). The relationship among distributive and procedural justice and correctional life satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intent: An exploratory study. Journal of Criminal justice, 38(1), 7-16.
  • Lambert, E. G., Keena, L. D., Leone, M., May, D., & Haynes, S. H. (2020). The effects of distributive and procedural justice on job satisfaction and organizational commitment ofcorrectional staff. The Social Science Journal, 57(4), 405-416.
  • Le, H., Jiang, Z., Fujimoto, Y., & Nielsen, I. (2018). Inclusion and affective well-being: Roles of justice perceptions. Personnel Review.
  • Lerner, M. J. (1980). The belief in a just world: A fundamental delusion. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Leventhal, G. S. (1980). What should be done with equity theory? New approaches to the study of fairness in social relationships. In K. Gergen, M. Greenberg, & R. Willis (Eds.), Social exchange: Advances in theory and research (pp. 27–55). New York, NY: Plenum Press.
  • Liao, H., & Rupp, D. E. (2005). The impact of justice climate and justice orientation on work outcomes: a cross-level multifoci framework. Journal of Applied psychology, 90(2), 242.
  • Lucas, T., Zhdanova, L., Wendorf, C. A., & Alexander, S. (2013). Procedural and distributive justice beliefs for self and others: Multilevel associations with life satisfaction and self-rated health. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14(4), 1325-1341.
  • Magnano, P., Santisi, G., Zammitti, A., Zarbo, R., & Di Nuovo, S. (2019). Self-perceived employability and meaningful work: The mediating role of courage on quality of life. Sustainability, 11(3), 764.
  • Marcoen, A., & Vanham, R. (1981). Life satisfaction, locus of control, self-disclosure. Psychologica Belgica, 21(1), 65-81.
  • Maslow, A. (1965). Self-actualization and beyond.
  • May, D. R., Gilson, R. L., & Harter, L. M. (2004). The psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety and availability and the engagement of the human spirit at work. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 77(1), 11-37.
  • McGregor, D. (1960). Theory X and theory Y. Organization theory, 358(374), 5.
  • Medley, M. L. (1980). Life satisfaction across four stages of adult life. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 11(3), 193-209.
  • Mert, İ. S., Sen, C., & Alzghoul, A. (2021). Organizational justice, life satisfaction, and happiness: the mediating role of workplace social courage. Kybernetes.
  • Moorman, R. H. (1991). The relationship between organizational justice and organizational cit- izenship behaviors: Do fairness perceptions influence employee citizenship? Journal of Applied Psychology, 76: 845-855.
  • Naumann, S. E., & Bennett, N. (2000). A case for procedural justice climate: Development and test of a multilevel model. Academy of Management Journal, 43, 881–890.
  • Niehoff, B. P., & Moorman, R. H. (1993). Justice as a mediator of the relationship between methods of monitoring and organizational citizenship behavior. Academy of Management journal, 36(3), 527-556.
  • Novanto, Y., Handoyo, S., & Setiawan, J. L. (2021). Predicting the life satisfaction of Indonesian Christian employees: Examining the role of religiosity, perceived organizational support, and meaningful work. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat: Indonesian Journal of Indigenous Psychology.
  • Oldham, G. R., & Cummings, A. (1996). Employee creativity: Personal and contextual factors at work. Academy of management journal, 39(3), 607-634.
  • Patel, C., Budhwar, P., & Varma, A. (2012). Overall justice, work group identification and work outcomes: Test of moderated mediation process. Journal of World Business, 47, 213-222.
  • Pavot, W., Diener, E. D., Colvin, C. R., & Sandvik, E. (1991). Further validation of the Satisfaction with Life Scale: Evidence for the cross-method convergence of well-being measures. Journal of personality assessment, 57(1), 149-161.
  • Polat, M. (2018). Eğitim bilimlerinde pls-sem yaklaşımının kullanılabilirliği ve bir uygulama. Social Sciences Studies Journal, 4(25), 5325-5337.
  • Priesemuth, M., Arnaud, A., & Schminke, M. (2013). Bad behavior in groups: The impact of overall justice climate and functional dependence on counterproductive work behavior in work units. Group & Organization Management, 38(2), 230-257.
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There are 80 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Öznur Gülen Ertosun 0000-0001-9339-2610

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Acceptance Date December 19, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 2



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