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Local Entrepreneurialism and State Rescaling in Turkey

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 8, 16 - 49, 31.01.2013


The paper examines the links between the rise of local entrepreneurialism and state rescaling in a neo-liberal context. The thrust of the article is that the agency of localities, increasingly manifested in the form of local entrepreneurialism, emerges through the political activism of a local bourgeoisie, in pursuit of a multiscalar local accumulation strategy. The article focuses on the spatial interest representation strate-gies of the local bourgeoisie introducing the concept of scalar strategies of representation, to examine in what ways the broader state rescaling process contributes to the formation of local agency and how this agency influences state rescaling. The city of Gaziantep, Turkey, constitutes its empirical focus.


  • Aksoy, S. (1995/2003) Yeni Sağ ve devletin değişimi. in: B. Aykaç, Ş. Durgun and H. Yayman (Eds) Türkiye’de kamu yönetimi, pp. 545-559. Ankara: Yargı Yayınevi. Altıok, M. (1998) 1980 sonrası Türkiye’de sermaye birikimi ve kriz. METU Studies in Development, 25(2),
  • 245-274. Amin, A. and Thrift, N. (1999) Institutional issues for the European regions. in: T. J. Barnes and M. S. Gertler (Eds) The New Industrial Geography: Re-gions, Regulation and Institutions, (pp. 292-314). London: Routledge. Aslan, M. (2000) Transcription of meeting minutes, in: Merkezi planlamadan katılımcı planlamaya: GAP Bölge Kalkınma Planı – Bilgilendirme Toplantısı, Çalışma Raporu 2, (pp. 31-33). Gaziantep: T. C. Başbakanlık GAP-BKİ. Ayata, S. (1999) Bir yerel sanayi odağı olarak Gaziantep’de girişimcilik, sanayi kültürü ve dış ekonomik dünya ile ilişkiler. Ekonomide Durum, 85-112.
  • Barkey, H. (1990) The state and the industrialisation crisis in Turkey. San Fran-sisco, CA: Westview. Bayırbağ, M. K. (2005) Urban coalitions and rescaling of the state. Paper pre-sented at the CPSA 2005 Conference, London (Ontario), June. Bayırbağ, M. K. (2007)
  • Local entrepreneurialism, state rescaling and scalar strate-gies of representation: the case of the city of Gaziantep, Turkey.
  • Unpublished PhD thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa. Boratav, K., Türel, O. and Yeldan, E. (1995) The Turkish economy in 1981-92: a balance sheet, problems and prospects, METU Studies in Development, 22(1),
  • 1-36. Brenner, N. (1999) Globalization as reterritorialization: the rescaling of urban governance in the European Union, Urban Studies, 36(3), 431-451. Brenner, N. (2004) New state spaces: Urban governance and the rescaling of state-hood. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Buğra,
  • A. (1994) Devlet ve işadamları. Ankara: İletişim. Cabus, P. (2001) The meaning of local in a global economy: the ‘region’s ad-vocacy of local interests’ as a necessary component of current global/local theories. European Planning Studies, 9(8), 1011-1029. Cooke, P. (1997) Regions in a global market: the experiences of Wales and Baden-Württemberg. Review of International Political Economy, 4(2), 349-381. Cooke, P. and Morgan,
  • K. (1998) The associational economy: Firms, regions and innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Cox, K. R. (1998) Spaces of dependence, spaces of engagement and the poli-tics of scale, or: looking for local politics, Political Geography, 17(1),
  • 1-23. DiGaetano, A. and Lawless, P. (1999) Urban governance and industrial de-cline: governing structures and policy agendas in Birmingham and Shef-field, England, and Detroit, Michigan, 1980-1997, Urban Affairs Review, 34(4),
  • 546-577. DPT (2002) Denizli ve Gaziantep illeri imalat sanayinin yapısı [Structure of the manufacturing industry of the provinces of Denizli and Gaziantep]. DPT-2650, Ankara. Eraydın, A. (2002) Yeni sanayi odakları: yerel kalkınmanın yeniden kavramlaştı-rılması. Ankara: ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi. Ergüder,
  • Ü. (1991) The Motherland Party,1983-1989, in: M. Heper and J. M.
  • (Eds) Political Parties and Democracy in Turkey, (pp. 152-169). Lon-don: L. B. Tourinsand L.G. Ltd. Eyüboğlu,
  • D. (2000) Anadolu sanayinde girişimci özellikleri. Ankara: Milli Pro-düktivite Merkezi. Fukuyama, F. (1995) Trust: The social virtues and the creation of prosperity. New York: Free Press. Gambetti, Z.
  • (2004) The conflictual (trans) formation of the public sphere in urban space: the case of Diyarbakır. Working Paper No. 2004/38, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute. Genieys,
  • W. (1998) Autonomous communities and the state in Spain: the role of intermediary elites, in: P. LeGales and C. Lequesne (Eds) Regions in Eu-rope, (pp. 166-180). London: Routledge. Genieys, W., Ballart, X. and Valarie,
  • P. (2004) From ‘great’ leaders to building networks: the emergence of a new urban leadership in Southern Europe?, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,
  • 28, 183-199. GTZ (1998) Gaziantep sanayi odası strateji özet raporu. 10 August 1998. Report by the German Technical Collaboration Institution, 10 August, to the the Gaziantep Sanayi Odası [Gaziantep Chamber of Industry]. Güler,
  • B. A. (1996) Yeni Sağ ve devletin değişimi: yapısal uyarlama politikaları. Ankara: TODAİE. Güler, B. A. (2003) Yönetişim: tüm iktidar sermayeye, Praksis, 9,
  • 93-116. Hamel, P., Boudreau, J.-A., Keil, R. and Jouve, B.(2006) Comparing metropoli-tan governance: the cases of Montreal and Toronto (manuscript). Harvey, D. (1989/2001) From managerialism to entrepreneurialism: the trans-formation in urban governance in late capitalism, in: D. Harvey (Ed.) Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography. New York: Routledge. Hirst, P. (1993) Associational democracy, in: D. Held (Ed.) Prospects for De-mocracy, (pp. 112-135). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. İlkin, S. (1992) 1980 sonrasında büyük ihracatçıların örgütlenmesi ve Türkiye Dış Ticaret Derneği, METU Studies in Development, 19(2), 145-180. Jessop, B. (1990) State theory: Putting capitalist states in their place. Cambridge: Polity Press. Jessop, B. (2000) The crisis of the national spatio-temporal fix and the tenden-tial ecological dominance of globalizing capitalism, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(2), 323-360.
  • Jessop, B. (2002) Time and space in the globalization of capital and their im-plications for state power, Rethinking Marxism, 14(1), pp. 97-117. Jonas, M. and Ward, K. (2002) Urban policy under capitalism: towards a ‘fourth-cut’ theory of crisis. Working Paper No. 50, Spatial Policy Analysis Series, School of Geography, University of Manchester. Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2002) Elections and governance, in: S. Sayarı and Y. Esmer (Eds) Politics, parties, and elections in Turkey, (pp. 55-72). London: Lynne Rienner Publisherst Kılıçaslan, Y. and Saral, G. (2005) Locating population dynamics in explain-ing regional income differentials: inferences for regional policies. Paper prepared for the conference on Middle East and North African Economies: Past Perspectives and Future Challenges, Brussels, June. King, R. (1983) The political practice of local business association, in: R. King (Ed.) Capital and Politics,( pp. 107-131). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Lefebvre, H. (1991) The Production of Space, (D. Nicholson-Smith, Trans.). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Leibowitz, J. (2003) Institutional barriers to associative city-region gover-nance: the politics of institution-building and economic governance in ‘Canada’s Technology Triangle’, Urban Studies, 40(13), 2613-2642. Lovering, J. (1999) Theory led by policy: the inadequacies of ‘the new regio-nalism’ (ilustrated in the case of Wales), International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23, pp. 379-395. MacLeod, G. (2001) New regionalism reconsidered: globalisation and the remaking of political economic space, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 25(4), 804-829. MacLeod, G. and Goodwin, M. (1999) Space, scale and state strategy: rethink-ing urban and regional governance, Progress in Human Geography, 23(4), 503-527. Mahon, R. and Keil, R. (2006) The political economy of scale: an introduction (manuscript). McGuirk, P. M. (2003) Producing the capacity to govern in global Sydney: a multiscaled account, Journal of Urban Affairs, 25(2), 201-223. MPM (Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi) (1998) Gaziantep, verimliliği artırma projesi. Ankara: MPM. Müftüoğlu, T. (Ed.) (1992) Mevzuatın küçük işletmelere maliyeti. TES-AR Tar-tışma Notları, Ankara: TESK. Öncü, A. (1980) Chambers of industry in Turkey: an inquiry into state-industry relations as a distributive domain, in: E. Özbudun and A. Ulusan (Eds) The Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey, (pp. 455-480). New York: Holmes and Meier Publishers. Öngen, T. (2003) ‘Yeni Liberal’ dönüşüm projesi ve Türkiye deneyimi, in: A. H. Köse, F. Şenses and E. Yeldan (Eds) Küresel düzen: birikim, devlet ve sı-nıflar, (pp. 161-189). İstanbul: İletişim. Özsabuncuoğlu, L H., Özsağır, A. and Uğur, A. A. (1999) Son dönem Gazian-tep ekonomisi, in: Y. Küçükdağ (Ed.) Cumhuriyetin 75. Yılına armağan, (pp. 31-46). Gaziantep: Gaziantep Üniversitesi Vakfı Kültür Yayınları. Özsağır, A. (1999) Cumhuriyetin 75. Yılında Gaziantep sanayii, in: Y. Küçükdağ (Ed.) Cumhuriyetin 75. yılına armağan, (pp. 63-81). Gaziantep: Gaziantep Üniversitesi Vakfı Kültür Yayınları. Peck, J. and Tickell, A. (2002) Neoliberalising space, Antipode, 34(3), 380-404. Piore, M. J. and Sabel, S. F. (1984) The second industrial divide: Possibilities for prosperity. New York: Basic Books. Poulantzas, N. (1978) State, power, socialism. London: Verso. Putnam, R. (1993) Making democracy work: civic traditions in modern Italy. Prin-ceton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Putnam, R. (2000) Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American communi-ty. New York: Simon and Schuster. Rousseau, J. (2000) The new political scales of citizenship in a global era: the poli-tics of hydroelectric development in the James Bay Region. Unpublished PhD thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa. Sayarı, S. (2002) The changing party system, in: S. Sayarı and Y. Esmer (Eds) Politics, parties, and elections in Turkey, (pp. 9-32). London: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Şengül, H. T. (2001) Kentsel çelişki ve siyaset. İstanbul: WALD. Şerbetçi, M. K. (1997) Opinion piece. GBB Kültür Dergisi. Şimşek, S. (2004) The transformation of civil society in Turkey: from quantity to quality, Turkish Studies, 5(3), 46-74. Smith, N. (1992) Geography, difference and the politics of scale, in: J. Doher-ty, E. Grahamand M. Maiek (Eds) Post-modernism and the Social Sciences, Soskice, D. (1999) Divergent production regimes: coordinated and uncoordi-nated market economies in the 1980s and 1990s, in: H. Kitschelt, P. Lange, G. Marks and J. D. Stephens (Eds) Continuity and change in contemporary capitalism, (pp. 101-134). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Storper, M. (1999) The resurgence of regional economics, in: T. J. Barnes and M. S. Gertler (Eds) The new industrial geography: Regions, regulation and in-stitutions, (pp. 23-53). London: Routledge. Swyngedouw, E. (1997) Excluding the other: the production of scale and scaled politics, in: R. Lee and J. Wills (Eds) Geographies of Economies, (pp. 167-176). London: Arnold. Turgut, M. (1995) GAP’ın sahipleri. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Yayınları. Ward, K. and Jonas, A. E. G. (2004) Competitive city-regionalism as a politics of space: a critical reinterpretation of the new regionalism, Environment and Planning A, 36, (pp. 2119-2139). Whatmore, S. and Thorne, L. (1997) Nourishing networks: alternative geo-graphies of food, in: D. Goodman and M. Watts (Eds) Globalising Food: Agrarian Questions and Global Restructuring, (pp. 287-304). London: Rout-ledge. Wood, S. (2000) Reconciling production and protection: the varieties of capi-talism approach to the study of welfare states. Paper presented to the con-ference European Welfare States: Domestic and International Challenges, October. Yeldan, E. (2001) Küreselleşme sürecinde Türkiye ekonomisi: bölüşüm, birikim ve büyüme. İstanbul: İletisim.
  • Appendix
  • Newspapers and Other Non-academic Information Sources Değişim: the GSO’s official journal, Gaziantep. Gaziantep’te Sabah: local newspaper, Gaziantep. Genç Çizgi: the GAGIAD’s official journal, Gaziantep. Hürriyet, national newspaper, İstanbul. Yorum: local journal, Gaziantep.
  • Interviewee List
  • Atay, Aynur: General Secretary of the GAGEV; ex-policy specialist of the GAP-GİDEM centre in Gaziantep (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Burnukara, Ali: industrialist; ex-member of the GTSO assembly (2004, Gazi-antep).
  • Doğan, Hamit: policy specialist, the EU Business Centre in Gaziantep; ex-policy specialist of the GAP-GİDEM centre in Gaziantep (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Ekici, Akif: expresident of Gaziantep OSB (2004,Gaziantep). Ercan,
  • Turgut: industrialist; member of the GAGİAD management board. (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Geylani, Mustafa: expresident of the GTO; expresident of the GTO assembly (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Göncü, Kürşat: General Secretary of the GSO (2004, Gaziantep). Hjorth, Soren: policy specialist (founding coordinator of the EU Business Centre in Gaziantep) (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Öğüt, Figen: Deputy-General Secretary of the GTO; Director of the EU In-formation office (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Ölçal, Mesut: General Secretary of the GTO (2004,Gaziantep). Tuzcu, Aykut: owner of the local newspaper, Gaziantep’te Sabah; ex-member of the GSO assembly (founding member) (2004, Gaziantep).

Türkiye’de Yerel Girişimcilik ve Devletin Yeniden Ölçeklenmesi

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 8, 16 - 49, 31.01.2013


Bu makale, neoliberal bağlamda yerel girişimciliğin yükselişi ile devletin yeniden ölçeklenmesi arasındaki bağlantıları incelemektedir. Çalışma, yerelliklerin giderek ‚yerel girişimcilik‛ biçiminde ortaya çıkan (siyasal ve iktisadi) bir aktöre dönüşmesi sürecinin doğasını açıklamayı amaçlamaktadır. Yerel girişimciliğin ortaya çıkışının, çok ölçekli bir sermaye birikim stratejisini hayata geçirmek için yerel burjuvazinin siyasal anlamda harekete geçmesiyle yakından ilgili olduğunu savlamaktadır. Makale, bu anlamda, devletin geçirmekte olduğu (daha geniş anlamda) yeniden ölçeklenme sürecinin, yerel siyasal hareketlenmenin oluşumuna nasıl katkıda bulunduğunu ve yerelliğin bir aktör haline gelmesinin de devletin yeniden ölçeklenmesini nasıl etkilediğini ele almaktadır. Bu amaçla, ‚ölçek temelli/ölçeksel temsil stratejileri‛ kavramının kullanılmasını önererek yerel burjuvazinin mekansal çıkar temsil stratejilerini odağına koymaktadır. Çalışmanın görgül odağını, Gaziantep kenti oluşturmaktadır.


  • Aksoy, S. (1995/2003) Yeni Sağ ve devletin değişimi. in: B. Aykaç, Ş. Durgun and H. Yayman (Eds) Türkiye’de kamu yönetimi, pp. 545-559. Ankara: Yargı Yayınevi. Altıok, M. (1998) 1980 sonrası Türkiye’de sermaye birikimi ve kriz. METU Studies in Development, 25(2),
  • 245-274. Amin, A. and Thrift, N. (1999) Institutional issues for the European regions. in: T. J. Barnes and M. S. Gertler (Eds) The New Industrial Geography: Re-gions, Regulation and Institutions, (pp. 292-314). London: Routledge. Aslan, M. (2000) Transcription of meeting minutes, in: Merkezi planlamadan katılımcı planlamaya: GAP Bölge Kalkınma Planı – Bilgilendirme Toplantısı, Çalışma Raporu 2, (pp. 31-33). Gaziantep: T. C. Başbakanlık GAP-BKİ. Ayata, S. (1999) Bir yerel sanayi odağı olarak Gaziantep’de girişimcilik, sanayi kültürü ve dış ekonomik dünya ile ilişkiler. Ekonomide Durum, 85-112.
  • Barkey, H. (1990) The state and the industrialisation crisis in Turkey. San Fran-sisco, CA: Westview. Bayırbağ, M. K. (2005) Urban coalitions and rescaling of the state. Paper pre-sented at the CPSA 2005 Conference, London (Ontario), June. Bayırbağ, M. K. (2007)
  • Local entrepreneurialism, state rescaling and scalar strate-gies of representation: the case of the city of Gaziantep, Turkey.
  • Unpublished PhD thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa. Boratav, K., Türel, O. and Yeldan, E. (1995) The Turkish economy in 1981-92: a balance sheet, problems and prospects, METU Studies in Development, 22(1),
  • 1-36. Brenner, N. (1999) Globalization as reterritorialization: the rescaling of urban governance in the European Union, Urban Studies, 36(3), 431-451. Brenner, N. (2004) New state spaces: Urban governance and the rescaling of state-hood. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Buğra,
  • A. (1994) Devlet ve işadamları. Ankara: İletişim. Cabus, P. (2001) The meaning of local in a global economy: the ‘region’s ad-vocacy of local interests’ as a necessary component of current global/local theories. European Planning Studies, 9(8), 1011-1029. Cooke, P. (1997) Regions in a global market: the experiences of Wales and Baden-Württemberg. Review of International Political Economy, 4(2), 349-381. Cooke, P. and Morgan,
  • K. (1998) The associational economy: Firms, regions and innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Cox, K. R. (1998) Spaces of dependence, spaces of engagement and the poli-tics of scale, or: looking for local politics, Political Geography, 17(1),
  • 1-23. DiGaetano, A. and Lawless, P. (1999) Urban governance and industrial de-cline: governing structures and policy agendas in Birmingham and Shef-field, England, and Detroit, Michigan, 1980-1997, Urban Affairs Review, 34(4),
  • 546-577. DPT (2002) Denizli ve Gaziantep illeri imalat sanayinin yapısı [Structure of the manufacturing industry of the provinces of Denizli and Gaziantep]. DPT-2650, Ankara. Eraydın, A. (2002) Yeni sanayi odakları: yerel kalkınmanın yeniden kavramlaştı-rılması. Ankara: ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi. Ergüder,
  • Ü. (1991) The Motherland Party,1983-1989, in: M. Heper and J. M.
  • (Eds) Political Parties and Democracy in Turkey, (pp. 152-169). Lon-don: L. B. Tourinsand L.G. Ltd. Eyüboğlu,
  • D. (2000) Anadolu sanayinde girişimci özellikleri. Ankara: Milli Pro-düktivite Merkezi. Fukuyama, F. (1995) Trust: The social virtues and the creation of prosperity. New York: Free Press. Gambetti, Z.
  • (2004) The conflictual (trans) formation of the public sphere in urban space: the case of Diyarbakır. Working Paper No. 2004/38, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute. Genieys,
  • W. (1998) Autonomous communities and the state in Spain: the role of intermediary elites, in: P. LeGales and C. Lequesne (Eds) Regions in Eu-rope, (pp. 166-180). London: Routledge. Genieys, W., Ballart, X. and Valarie,
  • P. (2004) From ‘great’ leaders to building networks: the emergence of a new urban leadership in Southern Europe?, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,
  • 28, 183-199. GTZ (1998) Gaziantep sanayi odası strateji özet raporu. 10 August 1998. Report by the German Technical Collaboration Institution, 10 August, to the the Gaziantep Sanayi Odası [Gaziantep Chamber of Industry]. Güler,
  • B. A. (1996) Yeni Sağ ve devletin değişimi: yapısal uyarlama politikaları. Ankara: TODAİE. Güler, B. A. (2003) Yönetişim: tüm iktidar sermayeye, Praksis, 9,
  • 93-116. Hamel, P., Boudreau, J.-A., Keil, R. and Jouve, B.(2006) Comparing metropoli-tan governance: the cases of Montreal and Toronto (manuscript). Harvey, D. (1989/2001) From managerialism to entrepreneurialism: the trans-formation in urban governance in late capitalism, in: D. Harvey (Ed.) Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography. New York: Routledge. Hirst, P. (1993) Associational democracy, in: D. Held (Ed.) Prospects for De-mocracy, (pp. 112-135). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. İlkin, S. (1992) 1980 sonrasında büyük ihracatçıların örgütlenmesi ve Türkiye Dış Ticaret Derneği, METU Studies in Development, 19(2), 145-180. Jessop, B. (1990) State theory: Putting capitalist states in their place. Cambridge: Polity Press. Jessop, B. (2000) The crisis of the national spatio-temporal fix and the tenden-tial ecological dominance of globalizing capitalism, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(2), 323-360.
  • Jessop, B. (2002) Time and space in the globalization of capital and their im-plications for state power, Rethinking Marxism, 14(1), pp. 97-117. Jonas, M. and Ward, K. (2002) Urban policy under capitalism: towards a ‘fourth-cut’ theory of crisis. Working Paper No. 50, Spatial Policy Analysis Series, School of Geography, University of Manchester. Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2002) Elections and governance, in: S. Sayarı and Y. Esmer (Eds) Politics, parties, and elections in Turkey, (pp. 55-72). London: Lynne Rienner Publisherst Kılıçaslan, Y. and Saral, G. (2005) Locating population dynamics in explain-ing regional income differentials: inferences for regional policies. Paper prepared for the conference on Middle East and North African Economies: Past Perspectives and Future Challenges, Brussels, June. King, R. (1983) The political practice of local business association, in: R. King (Ed.) Capital and Politics,( pp. 107-131). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Lefebvre, H. (1991) The Production of Space, (D. Nicholson-Smith, Trans.). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Leibowitz, J. (2003) Institutional barriers to associative city-region gover-nance: the politics of institution-building and economic governance in ‘Canada’s Technology Triangle’, Urban Studies, 40(13), 2613-2642. Lovering, J. (1999) Theory led by policy: the inadequacies of ‘the new regio-nalism’ (ilustrated in the case of Wales), International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23, pp. 379-395. MacLeod, G. (2001) New regionalism reconsidered: globalisation and the remaking of political economic space, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 25(4), 804-829. MacLeod, G. and Goodwin, M. (1999) Space, scale and state strategy: rethink-ing urban and regional governance, Progress in Human Geography, 23(4), 503-527. Mahon, R. and Keil, R. (2006) The political economy of scale: an introduction (manuscript). McGuirk, P. M. (2003) Producing the capacity to govern in global Sydney: a multiscaled account, Journal of Urban Affairs, 25(2), 201-223. MPM (Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi) (1998) Gaziantep, verimliliği artırma projesi. Ankara: MPM. Müftüoğlu, T. (Ed.) (1992) Mevzuatın küçük işletmelere maliyeti. TES-AR Tar-tışma Notları, Ankara: TESK. Öncü, A. (1980) Chambers of industry in Turkey: an inquiry into state-industry relations as a distributive domain, in: E. Özbudun and A. Ulusan (Eds) The Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey, (pp. 455-480). New York: Holmes and Meier Publishers. Öngen, T. (2003) ‘Yeni Liberal’ dönüşüm projesi ve Türkiye deneyimi, in: A. H. Köse, F. Şenses and E. Yeldan (Eds) Küresel düzen: birikim, devlet ve sı-nıflar, (pp. 161-189). İstanbul: İletişim. Özsabuncuoğlu, L H., Özsağır, A. and Uğur, A. A. (1999) Son dönem Gazian-tep ekonomisi, in: Y. Küçükdağ (Ed.) Cumhuriyetin 75. Yılına armağan, (pp. 31-46). Gaziantep: Gaziantep Üniversitesi Vakfı Kültür Yayınları. 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  • Appendix
  • Newspapers and Other Non-academic Information Sources Değişim: the GSO’s official journal, Gaziantep. Gaziantep’te Sabah: local newspaper, Gaziantep. Genç Çizgi: the GAGIAD’s official journal, Gaziantep. Hürriyet, national newspaper, İstanbul. Yorum: local journal, Gaziantep.
  • Interviewee List
  • Atay, Aynur: General Secretary of the GAGEV; ex-policy specialist of the GAP-GİDEM centre in Gaziantep (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Burnukara, Ali: industrialist; ex-member of the GTSO assembly (2004, Gazi-antep).
  • Doğan, Hamit: policy specialist, the EU Business Centre in Gaziantep; ex-policy specialist of the GAP-GİDEM centre in Gaziantep (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Ekici, Akif: expresident of Gaziantep OSB (2004,Gaziantep). Ercan,
  • Turgut: industrialist; member of the GAGİAD management board. (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Geylani, Mustafa: expresident of the GTO; expresident of the GTO assembly (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Göncü, Kürşat: General Secretary of the GSO (2004, Gaziantep). Hjorth, Soren: policy specialist (founding coordinator of the EU Business Centre in Gaziantep) (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Öğüt, Figen: Deputy-General Secretary of the GTO; Director of the EU In-formation office (2004, Gaziantep).
  • Ölçal, Mesut: General Secretary of the GTO (2004,Gaziantep). Tuzcu, Aykut: owner of the local newspaper, Gaziantep’te Sabah; ex-member of the GSO assembly (founding member) (2004, Gaziantep).
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Mustafa Kemal Bayırbağ A Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 8

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayırbağ A, M. K. (2013). Local Entrepreneurialism and State Rescaling in Turkey. İDEALKENT, 4(8), 16-49.