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Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 34 - 42, 29.12.2018


Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğu (OSB)
duyusal ve fiziksel problemlerin birlikte görüldüğü nörogelişimsel bir
bozukluktur. Bu problemlerin düzeltilmesi amacıyla klinik tedavilere ilaveten
hayvan destekli terapilerden yararlanılmaktadır. Bu hayvan destekli terapilerde
gine-pigler, tavşanlar, lamalar, atlar, köpekler ve yunuslar tercih
edilmektedir. Yapılan çalışmalar hayvan destekli terapilerin otizmli bireylerde
duyusal ve fiziksel gelişmeler sağladığını göstermiştir.


  • Akı E, Temuçin K, Aran OT. (2016) Su İçi Terapatik Aktivitelerin Vestibuler İşlem, Postür Taklidi, Bilateral Motor Koordinasyona Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 4 / 2 (Mayıs): 103-113.
  • Armutlu K, Fil A, Özçelik Y. (2010). Spasticty and Its Management with Physical Therapy Applications with Multiple Sclerosis Patıents: Nova Science Publishers, 133-144
  • Arslan, E., Gonca İ. (2015) 12 haftalık egzersiz programının Atipik otizmli çocukların kaba motor beceri düzeylerine Etkisi. International Journal of Sport, Exercise & Training Sciences-IJSETS 1.1: 51-62.
  • Baranek, G. T. (2002). Efficacy of sensory and motor interventions for children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 32, 397–422.
  • Brensing K, Linke K (2003) Behavior of dolphins towards adults and children during swim-with-dolphin programs and towards children with disabilities during therapy sessions. Anthrozoös, 16:315–331.
  • Clayton, H. M. (2002). Walk this way. USDF Connection,April, 39–42.
  • Cunningham AB, Schreibman L. (2008) Stereotypy in autism: The importance of function. Res Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2(3), 469-479
  • Emck, C., Bosscher, R. J., van Wieringen, P. C. W., Doreleijers, T., & Beek, P. J. (2011). Gross motor performance and physical fitness in children with psychiatric disorders. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 53, 150–155.
  • Esposito, L., McCardle, P., Maholmes, V., McCune, S., & Griffin, J. A. (2011a). Introduction. In P. McCardle, S. McCune, J. A. Griffin, L. Esposito, & L. S. Freund (Eds.), Animals in our lives: Human–animal interaction in family, community, and therapeutic settings (pp. 1–5). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.
  • Esposito, L., McCune, S., Griffin, J. A., & Maholmes, V. (2011b). Directions in human–animal interaction research: Child development, health, and therapeutic interventions. Child Development Perspectives.
  • Fawcett NR, Gullone E (2001) Cute and cuddly and a whole lot more? A call for empirical investigation into the therapeutic benefits of human-animal interaction for children. Behav Chang, 18:124–133.
  • Friedmann, E., & Son, H. (2009). The human-companion animal bond: How humans benefit. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 39(2), 293–326.
  • Ghaziuddin M, Butler E. (1998) Clumsiness in autism and asperger syndrome: a further report. J Intell Disabil Res; 42:43-48 Grandin, T. (2011). The role that animals can play with individuals with autism. In P. McCardle, S. McCune, J. A. Griffin, L. Esposito, &
  • L. S. Freund (Eds.), Animals in our lives: Human–animal interaction in family, community, and therapeutic settings (pp. 183–195). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.
  • Hanley GP, Iwata BA, McCord BE. (2003) Functional analysis of problem behavior: A review. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,:36(2), 147-185
  • Jansiewicz EM, Goldberg MC, Newschaffer CJ, Denckla MB, Landa R, Mostofsky SH. (2006) Motor signs distinguish children with high functioning autism and asperger’s syndrome from controls. J Autism Dev Disord; 36:613-21
  • Kanner, L. (1943). Autistic disturbances of affective contact. Nervous Child, 2, 217–250.
  • Karine S., Mariely L., André SM., Carla F., Liliana S. (2018) Can Dogs Assist Children with Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder in Complying with Challenging Demands? An Exploratory Experiment with a Live and a Robotic Dog, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 24;3, 238-242
  • Katcher, A. H., & Wilkins, G. G. (1998). Animal-assisted therapy in the treatment of disruptive behavior disorder in childhood. In A. Lundberg (Ed.), The environment and mental health (pp. 193–204). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Kientz MA, Dunn W. A (1997) comparison of the performance of children with and without autism on the sensory profile. Am J Occup Ther.;51: 530-537
  • Minshew, NJ., Sung, K., Jones, BL., Furman, JM. (2004). Underdevelopment of the postural control system in autism. Neurology, 63, 2056–2061.
  • Molloy CA, Dietrich KN, Bhattacharya A. (2003) Postural stability in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord.;33:643-652
  • Nicholson, H., Kehle, TJ., Bray, MA., & van Heest, J. (2011). The effects of antecedent physical activity on the academic engagement of children with autism spectrum disorder. Psychology in the Schools, 48, 198–213.
  • O’Haire M. (2013) Animal-Assisted Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder J Autism Dev Disord (2013) 43:1606–1622 DOI 10.1007/s10803-012-1707-5
  • Pan CY, Tsai CL, Chu CH. (2009) Fundamental movement skills in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. Dec;39(12):1694-1705
  • Pitetti KH, Rendoff AD, Grover T, et al. (2007) The efficacy of a 9- month treadmill walking program on the exercise capacity and weight reduction for adolescents with severe autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 37: 997-1006.
  • Rogers SJ, Hepburn SL, Stackhouse T, Wehner E. (2003) Imitation performance in toddlers with autism and those with other developmental disorders. J Child Psychol Psychiatry; 44:763-781
  • Roslyn M., Stefan E., Martyn P. (2018) ‘It just opens up their world’: autism, empathy, and the therapeutic effects of equine interactions, Anthropology &Medicine, 25:2, 220-234,
  • Serpell, J. A. (2006). Animal-assisted interventions in historical perspective. In A. H. Fine (Ed.), Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: Theoretical foundations and guidelines for practice (2nd ed., pp. 3–20). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
  • Shurtleff, T. L., Standeven, J. W., & Engsberg, J. R. (2009). Changes in dynamic trunk/head stability and functional reach after hippotherapy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,90, 1185–1195
  • Solomon, O. (2012) “Doing, Being and Becoming: The Sociality of Children with Autism in Activities with Therapy Dogs and Other People.” Cambridge Anthropology, 30 (1): 109–126.
  • Sowa M, Meulenbroek R. (2012) Effects of physical exercise on Autism Spectrum Disorders: A meta-analysis, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders:6;46–57
  • Stone WL, Ousley OY, Littleford CD. (1997) Motor imitation in young children with autism: what’s the object? J Abnorm Child Psychol; 25:475-485
  • Williams E, Kendell-Scott L, Costall A. (2005) Parents’ experiences of introducing everyday object use to their children with autism. Autism; 9:495-514
  • Yanardağ M, Ergun N, Yılmaz İ. (2009) Otistik çocuklarda adapte edilmiş egzersiz eğitiminin fiziksel uygunluk düzeyine etkisi. Fizyoter Rehabil.;20(1):25-31.
Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 34 - 42, 29.12.2018



  • Akı E, Temuçin K, Aran OT. (2016) Su İçi Terapatik Aktivitelerin Vestibuler İşlem, Postür Taklidi, Bilateral Motor Koordinasyona Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 4 / 2 (Mayıs): 103-113.
  • Armutlu K, Fil A, Özçelik Y. (2010). Spasticty and Its Management with Physical Therapy Applications with Multiple Sclerosis Patıents: Nova Science Publishers, 133-144
  • Arslan, E., Gonca İ. (2015) 12 haftalık egzersiz programının Atipik otizmli çocukların kaba motor beceri düzeylerine Etkisi. International Journal of Sport, Exercise & Training Sciences-IJSETS 1.1: 51-62.
  • Baranek, G. T. (2002). Efficacy of sensory and motor interventions for children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 32, 397–422.
  • Brensing K, Linke K (2003) Behavior of dolphins towards adults and children during swim-with-dolphin programs and towards children with disabilities during therapy sessions. Anthrozoös, 16:315–331.
  • Clayton, H. M. (2002). Walk this way. USDF Connection,April, 39–42.
  • Cunningham AB, Schreibman L. (2008) Stereotypy in autism: The importance of function. Res Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2(3), 469-479
  • Emck, C., Bosscher, R. J., van Wieringen, P. C. W., Doreleijers, T., & Beek, P. J. (2011). Gross motor performance and physical fitness in children with psychiatric disorders. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 53, 150–155.
  • Esposito, L., McCardle, P., Maholmes, V., McCune, S., & Griffin, J. A. (2011a). Introduction. In P. McCardle, S. McCune, J. A. Griffin, L. Esposito, & L. S. Freund (Eds.), Animals in our lives: Human–animal interaction in family, community, and therapeutic settings (pp. 1–5). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.
  • Esposito, L., McCune, S., Griffin, J. A., & Maholmes, V. (2011b). Directions in human–animal interaction research: Child development, health, and therapeutic interventions. Child Development Perspectives.
  • Fawcett NR, Gullone E (2001) Cute and cuddly and a whole lot more? A call for empirical investigation into the therapeutic benefits of human-animal interaction for children. Behav Chang, 18:124–133.
  • Friedmann, E., & Son, H. (2009). The human-companion animal bond: How humans benefit. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 39(2), 293–326.
  • Ghaziuddin M, Butler E. (1998) Clumsiness in autism and asperger syndrome: a further report. J Intell Disabil Res; 42:43-48 Grandin, T. (2011). The role that animals can play with individuals with autism. In P. McCardle, S. McCune, J. A. Griffin, L. Esposito, &
  • L. S. Freund (Eds.), Animals in our lives: Human–animal interaction in family, community, and therapeutic settings (pp. 183–195). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.
  • Hanley GP, Iwata BA, McCord BE. (2003) Functional analysis of problem behavior: A review. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,:36(2), 147-185
  • Jansiewicz EM, Goldberg MC, Newschaffer CJ, Denckla MB, Landa R, Mostofsky SH. (2006) Motor signs distinguish children with high functioning autism and asperger’s syndrome from controls. J Autism Dev Disord; 36:613-21
  • Kanner, L. (1943). Autistic disturbances of affective contact. Nervous Child, 2, 217–250.
  • Karine S., Mariely L., André SM., Carla F., Liliana S. (2018) Can Dogs Assist Children with Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder in Complying with Challenging Demands? An Exploratory Experiment with a Live and a Robotic Dog, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 24;3, 238-242
  • Katcher, A. H., & Wilkins, G. G. (1998). Animal-assisted therapy in the treatment of disruptive behavior disorder in childhood. In A. Lundberg (Ed.), The environment and mental health (pp. 193–204). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Kientz MA, Dunn W. A (1997) comparison of the performance of children with and without autism on the sensory profile. Am J Occup Ther.;51: 530-537
  • Minshew, NJ., Sung, K., Jones, BL., Furman, JM. (2004). Underdevelopment of the postural control system in autism. Neurology, 63, 2056–2061.
  • Molloy CA, Dietrich KN, Bhattacharya A. (2003) Postural stability in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord.;33:643-652
  • Nicholson, H., Kehle, TJ., Bray, MA., & van Heest, J. (2011). The effects of antecedent physical activity on the academic engagement of children with autism spectrum disorder. Psychology in the Schools, 48, 198–213.
  • O’Haire M. (2013) Animal-Assisted Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder J Autism Dev Disord (2013) 43:1606–1622 DOI 10.1007/s10803-012-1707-5
  • Pan CY, Tsai CL, Chu CH. (2009) Fundamental movement skills in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. Dec;39(12):1694-1705
  • Pitetti KH, Rendoff AD, Grover T, et al. (2007) The efficacy of a 9- month treadmill walking program on the exercise capacity and weight reduction for adolescents with severe autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 37: 997-1006.
  • Rogers SJ, Hepburn SL, Stackhouse T, Wehner E. (2003) Imitation performance in toddlers with autism and those with other developmental disorders. J Child Psychol Psychiatry; 44:763-781
  • Roslyn M., Stefan E., Martyn P. (2018) ‘It just opens up their world’: autism, empathy, and the therapeutic effects of equine interactions, Anthropology &Medicine, 25:2, 220-234,
  • Serpell, J. A. (2006). Animal-assisted interventions in historical perspective. In A. H. Fine (Ed.), Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: Theoretical foundations and guidelines for practice (2nd ed., pp. 3–20). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
  • Shurtleff, T. L., Standeven, J. W., & Engsberg, J. R. (2009). Changes in dynamic trunk/head stability and functional reach after hippotherapy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,90, 1185–1195
  • Solomon, O. (2012) “Doing, Being and Becoming: The Sociality of Children with Autism in Activities with Therapy Dogs and Other People.” Cambridge Anthropology, 30 (1): 109–126.
  • Sowa M, Meulenbroek R. (2012) Effects of physical exercise on Autism Spectrum Disorders: A meta-analysis, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders:6;46–57
  • Stone WL, Ousley OY, Littleford CD. (1997) Motor imitation in young children with autism: what’s the object? J Abnorm Child Psychol; 25:475-485
  • Williams E, Kendell-Scott L, Costall A. (2005) Parents’ experiences of introducing everyday object use to their children with autism. Autism; 9:495-514
  • Yanardağ M, Ergun N, Yılmaz İ. (2009) Otistik çocuklarda adapte edilmiş egzersiz eğitiminin fiziksel uygunluk düzeyine etkisi. Fizyoter Rehabil.;20(1):25-31.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Ayşe Akkuş This is me

Ebru Köse

Mesut Erdoğan This is me

Betül Taşpınar This is me

Ferruh Taşpınar

Publication Date December 29, 2018
Submission Date December 20, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Akkuş, A., Köse, E., Erdoğan, M., Taşpınar, B., et al. (2018). OTIZM SPEKTRUM BOZUKLUĞUNDA EVCİL HAYVAN DESTEĞİ. Izmir Democracy University Health Sciences Journal, 1(3), 34-42.

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