Dear Researcher,
The Journal of Izmir Democracy
University Health Sciences (IDUHeS) a peer reviewed multidisciplinary
international journal publishing original and high-quality articles, critical
reviews, case studies etc, covering a wide range of topics in all health
sciences areas (Medicine, Pharmacy, Nutrition and Dietetics, Veterinary Sciences, Dentistry,
Physiotheraphy, Nursing, Midwifery, Sport Sciences, Management of Health
Foundations, Speech Theraphy). IDUHeS is an open access journal that publishes
papers submitted in Turkish and English languages. (Publishes 3 issues in a
year May, September and December))
The Journal welcomes submission of original and significant contributions that meets the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Articles submitted should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration elsewhere.
We invite you to submit your manuscript (s) to our editorial office at .
Before Submission,
Authors have to read through the submission guidelines carefully and submitted papers should strictly follow the format as outlined in our instruction for authors.
As of 2018, authors are required to enter their ORCID (Open Researcher Contributor ID) numbers while sending publications to journals.