Research Article
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Year 2021, , 58 - 78, 12.01.2021



  • Ali, A., Pigou, D.,Clarke, L., & McLachlan, C. (2017). Literature review on motor skill and physical activity in preschool children in New Zealand. Advances in Physical Education, 7, 10-26.
  • Aluja-Fabregat, A., & Torrubia-Beltri, R. (1998). Viewing of mass media violence, perception of violence, personality and academic achievement. Personality and Individual Differences, 25(5), 973-989.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics- AAP (2009). Policy Statement- Media Policy. Pediatric, 124 (5), 1495-1503. Retrieved from
  • Berger, A. A. (2014). Media Analysis Techniques. San Francisco: Sage Publications.
  • Brodin, J. & Lindstrand, P. (2005). Children’s learning in outdoor environments. Paper presented at the Early Childhood 11th Biennal Conference, Cyprus University, Nicosia, August 23 rd -26 th 2005.
  • Brodin, J., & Lindstrand, P. (2006). Inclusion of children in outdoor education. Learning in Motion, Report I., TKH- report No. 43, Child & Youth Science. Stockholm: Stockholm Institute of Education.
  • Burke, R. (2008). Becoming individuals together: Socialisation in the Japanese preschool. Sites: a journal of social anthropology and cultural studies, 5(2), 135-160.
  • Chan, K. (2012). Consumerism and Gender in Children’s TV in Sexy Girls, Heroes and Funny Losers: Gender Representations in Children’s TV around the World (Ed. Maya Götz& Dafna Lemish). Peter Lang, Frankfurt.
  • Carson, R. (1956). The sense of wonder. New York: Harper & Row.
  • Conezio, K., & French, L. (2002). Science in the preschool classroom. Young children, 57(5), 12-18.
  • Cooper, A. (2015). Nature and the outdoor learning environment: The forgotten resource in early childhood education. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 3(1), 85-97. Retrieved from
  • Cullen, J. (1988). Preschool children's learning strategies. Set: research information for teachers, 2.
  • Duignan, M., Signal, L., & Thomson, G. (2014). Good intentions, but inadequate practices-sun protection in early childhood centres, a qualitative study from New Zealand. NZ Med J, 127, 40-50. Retrieved from
  • Engdahl, K. (2005). We want to live – live forever. An empirical study on children’s interaction and play on two preschool playgrounds]. Report 41, TKH, Stockholm Institute of Education.
  • Fröbel, F. (1895). Friedrich Froebel's pedagogics of the kindergarten (Vol. 30). D. Appleton.
  • Gerritsen, S. (2016). Nutrition education for early childhood managers, teachers and nursery cooks: a prerequisite for effective obesity prevention. Public Health, 140, 56-58. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2016.05.025
  • Hemara, W. (2000). Maori Pedagogies. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
  • Holdom, J. (2018). Science, technology, engineering and mathematics learning through the lens of Te whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa: Early childhood curriculum. He Kupu 5(3), 1-11. Retrieved from
  • Horkheimer, M. & Adorno, T. W. (2002). Dialectic of enlightenment. Stanford University Press: California.
  • Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience As The Source Of Learning And Development, Prentice Hall Inc., EnglewoodCliffs, New Jersey. Retrieved from , 03.06.2011
  • Kraft, R. J. & Kielsmeier, J. C. (1995). Experiential Learning. Kendall/ Hunt, Iowa.
  • Ku, H. Y. (2011). Measuring the Physical Activity of Children aged 3 to 7 years (Doctoral dissertation, University of Otago).
  • Kumar, K., & Whyte, M. (2018). Interactive science in a sociocultural environment in early childhood. He Kupu, 5(3), 20-27. Retrieved from
  • Levine, M. (1998). See No Evil: A Guide to Protecting Our Children from Media Violence. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
  • Lindstrand, P. (2004). Playground and outdoor play. A literature review. Research report 42 in the series TKH. Stockholm: Stockholm Institute of Education: Department of Human development, learning and special education.
  • Louv, R. (2005). Last child in the woods. North Carolina: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill.
  • McCulloch, D. (2009). A history of Christianity. The three thousand years. Dublin: Penguin Irlanda.
  • McLachlan, C. (2013). Children's learning and development in New Zealand: physical, cognitive and socio-emotional perspectives. The engine of the new New Zealand lecture series. Retrieved from
  • McClain, C., & Vandermaas-Peeler, M. (2016). Outdoor Explorations with Preschoolers: An Observational Study of Young Children's Developing Relationship with the Natural World. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 4(1), 37-53. Retrieved from
  • Ministry of Health (2017). Sit Less, Move More, Sleep Well: Active play guidelines for under-fives. Wellington: Ministry of Health. Retrieved from
  • Misiaszek, G. W. (2018). Educating the global environmental citizen: Understanding ecopedagogy in local and global contexts. New York: Routledge.
  • New Zealand Birds (2018). Tui. Retrieved from
  • O’Brien, N. (2015). Strategies for teachers developing strategies for mathematics in early childhood education. He Kupu, 4(1), 18-22. Retrieved from
  • Okur-Berberoglu, E. (2015). Children-teenagers, media addiction and outdoor education. The Journal of Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education, 12(2), 45. Retrieved from
  • Oliver, M., Schofield, G. M., Kolt, G. S., & McLachlan, C. (2007). Physical Activity in Early Childhood: Current State of Knowledge. New Zealand Research in Early Childhood Education, 10, 47-68. Retrieved from
  • Oliver, M. (2008). Physical activity in New Zealand preschoolers: amount, associations, and accounts (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology).
  • Piaget, J. (1981). Intelligence and affectivity: Their relationship during child development.(Trans & Ed TA Brown & CE Kaegi). Annual Reviews.
  • Potter, W. J. (2005). Media Literacy (3rd Edition). London: Sage Publication.
  • Powers, D. L. (2004). The Effects of An Outdoor Education Program on Life Effectiviness Skills of Participant. Master of Science Thesis, California State University, USA.
  • Roberts, D. F., & Foehr, U. G. (2008). Trends in media use. The future of children, 11-37.
  • Raustorp, A., Pagels, P., Boldemann, C., Cosco, N., Söderström, M., & Mårtensson, F. (2012). Accelerometer measured level of physical activity indoors and outdoors during preschool time in Sweden and the United States. Journal of physical activity and health, 9(6), 801-808. Retrieved from
  • Shanely, S. D. (2006). Towards An Understanding Of An Outdoor Education Program: Listening To Participants’ Stories. PhD Thesis, University of Florida, USA.
  • Siraj-Blatchford, J. &; MacLeod-Brudenell, I. (1999). Supporting Science, Design And Technology (Editors: Vicky Hurst and Jevefer Joseph). Buckhingham: Open University Press.
  • Stephenson, A. (1999). Opening up the outdoors: A case study of young children's outdoor experiences in one childcare centre. M. Ed Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington. Retrieved from
  • Stine, S. (1997). Landscapes for learning. New York: John Wiley&Sons, Inc.
  • Stufflebeam, D. L. (2001). Evaluations models. New Directions for Evaluation, Spring 2001 89, 7-98. Retrieved from
  • Te Whāriki, Early Childhood Curriculum of New Zealand (2017). Ministry of Education 2017 Revision. Retrieved from
  • Vandermaas-Peeler, M., & McClain, C. (2015). The Green Bean Has to Be Longer than Your Thumb: An Observational Study of Preschoolers' Math and Science Experiences in a Garden. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 3(1), 8-27. Retrieved from
  • Waite, S. (2009, April). Outdoor learning for children aged 2–11: Perceived barriers, potential solutions. In Fourth International Outdoor Education Research Conference, La Trope University, Beechworth, Victoria, Australia (pp. 15-18). Retrieved from
  • Wilson, R. A. (1996). Starting Early: Environmental Education during the Early Childhood Years. ERIC Digest. Retrieved from
  • Walters, R. & Zwaga, W. (2001). The Younger Audience. New Zealand: Dunmore Printing Company.
  • Wood, J. M. (2007). Understanding and computing Cohen’s Kappa: A tutorial. WebPsychEmpiricist. Retrieved from
  • Yıldırım, G., & Akamca, G. Ö. (2017). The effect of outdoor learning activities on the development of preschool children. South African journal of education, 37(2). Retrieved from
  • Yildirim, A. & Simsek, H. (2006). Qualitative methods for social science. Ankara: Seckin Publication.
  • Young, L. (2017). Under 5 Energize: Improving child nutrition and physical activity through early childhood centres (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology). Retrieved from
  • Zanovello, I. (1999). Outdoor and Environmental Education Centres: A Case Study of Starthcona Park Lodge and Outdoor Education Centre, British Columbia, Canada. A Master Degree Thesis, Faculty of Environmental Design, The University of Calgary, Alberta.

Some Effects of Unstructured Outdoor Plays on a Child: A Case Study from New Zealand

Year 2021, , 58 - 78, 12.01.2021


Outdoors are considered a rich learning environment by the researchers. The literature mentions different positive outputs of outdoor plays. There are not many studies related to unstructured outdoor plays. The aim of this study is to determine some effects of unstructured outdoor plays on a child in New Zealand. Qualitative approach is used within a case study. The defined themes at the end of the study are observing, exploring, cognitive development, creativity and self-confidence. It is needed more experimental studies with control groups.


  • Ali, A., Pigou, D.,Clarke, L., & McLachlan, C. (2017). Literature review on motor skill and physical activity in preschool children in New Zealand. Advances in Physical Education, 7, 10-26.
  • Aluja-Fabregat, A., & Torrubia-Beltri, R. (1998). Viewing of mass media violence, perception of violence, personality and academic achievement. Personality and Individual Differences, 25(5), 973-989.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics- AAP (2009). Policy Statement- Media Policy. Pediatric, 124 (5), 1495-1503. Retrieved from
  • Berger, A. A. (2014). Media Analysis Techniques. San Francisco: Sage Publications.
  • Brodin, J. & Lindstrand, P. (2005). Children’s learning in outdoor environments. Paper presented at the Early Childhood 11th Biennal Conference, Cyprus University, Nicosia, August 23 rd -26 th 2005.
  • Brodin, J., & Lindstrand, P. (2006). Inclusion of children in outdoor education. Learning in Motion, Report I., TKH- report No. 43, Child & Youth Science. Stockholm: Stockholm Institute of Education.
  • Burke, R. (2008). Becoming individuals together: Socialisation in the Japanese preschool. Sites: a journal of social anthropology and cultural studies, 5(2), 135-160.
  • Chan, K. (2012). Consumerism and Gender in Children’s TV in Sexy Girls, Heroes and Funny Losers: Gender Representations in Children’s TV around the World (Ed. Maya Götz& Dafna Lemish). Peter Lang, Frankfurt.
  • Carson, R. (1956). The sense of wonder. New York: Harper & Row.
  • Conezio, K., & French, L. (2002). Science in the preschool classroom. Young children, 57(5), 12-18.
  • Cooper, A. (2015). Nature and the outdoor learning environment: The forgotten resource in early childhood education. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 3(1), 85-97. Retrieved from
  • Cullen, J. (1988). Preschool children's learning strategies. Set: research information for teachers, 2.
  • Duignan, M., Signal, L., & Thomson, G. (2014). Good intentions, but inadequate practices-sun protection in early childhood centres, a qualitative study from New Zealand. NZ Med J, 127, 40-50. Retrieved from
  • Engdahl, K. (2005). We want to live – live forever. An empirical study on children’s interaction and play on two preschool playgrounds]. Report 41, TKH, Stockholm Institute of Education.
  • Fröbel, F. (1895). Friedrich Froebel's pedagogics of the kindergarten (Vol. 30). D. Appleton.
  • Gerritsen, S. (2016). Nutrition education for early childhood managers, teachers and nursery cooks: a prerequisite for effective obesity prevention. Public Health, 140, 56-58. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2016.05.025
  • Hemara, W. (2000). Maori Pedagogies. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
  • Holdom, J. (2018). Science, technology, engineering and mathematics learning through the lens of Te whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa: Early childhood curriculum. He Kupu 5(3), 1-11. Retrieved from
  • Horkheimer, M. & Adorno, T. W. (2002). Dialectic of enlightenment. Stanford University Press: California.
  • Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience As The Source Of Learning And Development, Prentice Hall Inc., EnglewoodCliffs, New Jersey. Retrieved from , 03.06.2011
  • Kraft, R. J. & Kielsmeier, J. C. (1995). Experiential Learning. Kendall/ Hunt, Iowa.
  • Ku, H. Y. (2011). Measuring the Physical Activity of Children aged 3 to 7 years (Doctoral dissertation, University of Otago).
  • Kumar, K., & Whyte, M. (2018). Interactive science in a sociocultural environment in early childhood. He Kupu, 5(3), 20-27. Retrieved from
  • Levine, M. (1998). See No Evil: A Guide to Protecting Our Children from Media Violence. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
  • Lindstrand, P. (2004). Playground and outdoor play. A literature review. Research report 42 in the series TKH. Stockholm: Stockholm Institute of Education: Department of Human development, learning and special education.
  • Louv, R. (2005). Last child in the woods. North Carolina: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill.
  • McCulloch, D. (2009). A history of Christianity. The three thousand years. Dublin: Penguin Irlanda.
  • McLachlan, C. (2013). Children's learning and development in New Zealand: physical, cognitive and socio-emotional perspectives. The engine of the new New Zealand lecture series. Retrieved from
  • McClain, C., & Vandermaas-Peeler, M. (2016). Outdoor Explorations with Preschoolers: An Observational Study of Young Children's Developing Relationship with the Natural World. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 4(1), 37-53. Retrieved from
  • Ministry of Health (2017). Sit Less, Move More, Sleep Well: Active play guidelines for under-fives. Wellington: Ministry of Health. Retrieved from
  • Misiaszek, G. W. (2018). Educating the global environmental citizen: Understanding ecopedagogy in local and global contexts. New York: Routledge.
  • New Zealand Birds (2018). Tui. Retrieved from
  • O’Brien, N. (2015). Strategies for teachers developing strategies for mathematics in early childhood education. He Kupu, 4(1), 18-22. Retrieved from
  • Okur-Berberoglu, E. (2015). Children-teenagers, media addiction and outdoor education. The Journal of Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education, 12(2), 45. Retrieved from
  • Oliver, M., Schofield, G. M., Kolt, G. S., & McLachlan, C. (2007). Physical Activity in Early Childhood: Current State of Knowledge. New Zealand Research in Early Childhood Education, 10, 47-68. Retrieved from
  • Oliver, M. (2008). Physical activity in New Zealand preschoolers: amount, associations, and accounts (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology).
  • Piaget, J. (1981). Intelligence and affectivity: Their relationship during child development.(Trans & Ed TA Brown & CE Kaegi). Annual Reviews.
  • Potter, W. J. (2005). Media Literacy (3rd Edition). London: Sage Publication.
  • Powers, D. L. (2004). The Effects of An Outdoor Education Program on Life Effectiviness Skills of Participant. Master of Science Thesis, California State University, USA.
  • Roberts, D. F., & Foehr, U. G. (2008). Trends in media use. The future of children, 11-37.
  • Raustorp, A., Pagels, P., Boldemann, C., Cosco, N., Söderström, M., & Mårtensson, F. (2012). Accelerometer measured level of physical activity indoors and outdoors during preschool time in Sweden and the United States. Journal of physical activity and health, 9(6), 801-808. Retrieved from
  • Shanely, S. D. (2006). Towards An Understanding Of An Outdoor Education Program: Listening To Participants’ Stories. PhD Thesis, University of Florida, USA.
  • Siraj-Blatchford, J. &; MacLeod-Brudenell, I. (1999). Supporting Science, Design And Technology (Editors: Vicky Hurst and Jevefer Joseph). Buckhingham: Open University Press.
  • Stephenson, A. (1999). Opening up the outdoors: A case study of young children's outdoor experiences in one childcare centre. M. Ed Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington. Retrieved from
  • Stine, S. (1997). Landscapes for learning. New York: John Wiley&Sons, Inc.
  • Stufflebeam, D. L. (2001). Evaluations models. New Directions for Evaluation, Spring 2001 89, 7-98. Retrieved from
  • Te Whāriki, Early Childhood Curriculum of New Zealand (2017). Ministry of Education 2017 Revision. Retrieved from
  • Vandermaas-Peeler, M., & McClain, C. (2015). The Green Bean Has to Be Longer than Your Thumb: An Observational Study of Preschoolers' Math and Science Experiences in a Garden. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 3(1), 8-27. Retrieved from
  • Waite, S. (2009, April). Outdoor learning for children aged 2–11: Perceived barriers, potential solutions. In Fourth International Outdoor Education Research Conference, La Trope University, Beechworth, Victoria, Australia (pp. 15-18). Retrieved from
  • Wilson, R. A. (1996). Starting Early: Environmental Education during the Early Childhood Years. ERIC Digest. Retrieved from
  • Walters, R. & Zwaga, W. (2001). The Younger Audience. New Zealand: Dunmore Printing Company.
  • Wood, J. M. (2007). Understanding and computing Cohen’s Kappa: A tutorial. WebPsychEmpiricist. Retrieved from
  • Yıldırım, G., & Akamca, G. Ö. (2017). The effect of outdoor learning activities on the development of preschool children. South African journal of education, 37(2). Retrieved from
  • Yildirim, A. & Simsek, H. (2006). Qualitative methods for social science. Ankara: Seckin Publication.
  • Young, L. (2017). Under 5 Energize: Improving child nutrition and physical activity through early childhood centres (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology). Retrieved from
  • Zanovello, I. (1999). Outdoor and Environmental Education Centres: A Case Study of Starthcona Park Lodge and Outdoor Education Centre, British Columbia, Canada. A Master Degree Thesis, Faculty of Environmental Design, The University of Calgary, Alberta.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environment and Culture
Journal Section Research Papers

Emel Okur-berberoğlu

Publication Date January 12, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Okur-berberoğlu, E. (2021). Some Effects of Unstructured Outdoor Plays on a Child: A Case Study from New Zealand. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, 11(1), 58-78.
AMA Okur-berberoğlu E. Some Effects of Unstructured Outdoor Plays on a Child: A Case Study from New Zealand. IEJEE-Green. January 2021;11(1):58-78. doi:10.18497/iejeegreen.772763
Chicago Okur-berberoğlu, Emel. “Some Effects of Unstructured Outdoor Plays on a Child: A Case Study from New Zealand”. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education 11, no. 1 (January 2021): 58-78.
EndNote Okur-berberoğlu E (January 1, 2021) Some Effects of Unstructured Outdoor Plays on a Child: A Case Study from New Zealand. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education 11 1 58–78.
IEEE E. Okur-berberoğlu, “Some Effects of Unstructured Outdoor Plays on a Child: A Case Study from New Zealand”, IEJEE-Green, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 58–78, 2021, doi: 10.18497/iejeegreen.772763.
ISNAD Okur-berberoğlu, Emel. “Some Effects of Unstructured Outdoor Plays on a Child: A Case Study from New Zealand”. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education 11/1 (January 2021), 58-78.
JAMA Okur-berberoğlu E. Some Effects of Unstructured Outdoor Plays on a Child: A Case Study from New Zealand. IEJEE-Green. 2021;11:58–78.
MLA Okur-berberoğlu, Emel. “Some Effects of Unstructured Outdoor Plays on a Child: A Case Study from New Zealand”. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, vol. 11, no. 1, 2021, pp. 58-78, doi:10.18497/iejeegreen.772763.
Vancouver Okur-berberoğlu E. Some Effects of Unstructured Outdoor Plays on a Child: A Case Study from New Zealand. IEJEE-Green. 2021;11(1):58-7.