m-quasi Einstein Metric and Paracontact Geometry
Year 2022,
Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 304 - 312, 31.10.2022
Krishnendu De
U.c. De
Fatemah Mofarreh
The object of the upcoming article is to characterize paracontact metric manifolds conceding $m$-quasi Einstein metric. First we establish that if the metric $g$ in a $K$-paracontact manifold is the $m$-quasi Einstein metric, then the manifold is of constant scalar curvature. Furthermore, we classify $(k,\mu)$-paracontact metric manifolds whose metric is $m$-quasi Einstein metric. Finally, we construct a non-trivial example of such a manifold.
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Year 2022,
Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 304 - 312, 31.10.2022
Krishnendu De
U.c. De
Fatemah Mofarreh
- [1] Blaga, A.M.: η-Ricci solitons on para-Kenmotsu manifolds, Balkan J. Geom. Appl. 20, 1-13 (2015).
- [2] Calvaruso, G.: Homogeneous paracontact metric three-manifolds, Illinois J. Math. 55, 697-718 (2011).
- [3] Calviño-Louza, E., Seone-Bascoy, J., Vázquez-Abal, M.E. and Vázquez-Lorenzo, R.: Three-dimensional homogeneous Lorentzian Yamabe
solitons, Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg. 82, 193-203 (2012).
- [4] Cappelletti-Montano, B., Erken, I.K. and Murathan, C.: Nullity conditions in paracontact geometry, Differential Geom. Appl., 30, 665-693
- [5] Case, J.: On the non-existence of quasi-Einstein metrics, Pacific J. Math. 248, 227-284 (2010).
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Mathematicae.44, 1429-1440 (2021).
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