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Year 2013, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 71 - 87, 01.12.2013


Pazarlama literatüründe, pazar uzmanı tüketicilerin dar kapsamda bir yorumu olan fiyat konusunda bilgili (uzman) tüketiciler, az ilgi görmüş bir konudur. Geçmişte gerçekleştirilen araştırmalar ağırlıklı olarak, fiyat konusunda bilgili tüketicileri bilgi aramaya ve bu bilgileri diğer kişiler ile paylaşmaya iten güdülerin neler olduğuna odaklanmıştır. Fiyat konusunda bilgili tüketicilerin ürünleri değerlendirirken algıladıkları değerler bağlamında da anlaşılması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, fiyat konusunda bilgili tüketici düzeyleri ile algılanan değer boyutları (PERVAL ölçeği) arasındaki ilişkilerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Sonuçlar, fiyat konusunda bilgili tüketiciler arasında, kalite/performans, duygusal değerler ve fiyat/değer için para boyutları açısından anlamlı farklılıklar olduğunu göstermektedir


  • Aalto-Setälä, V., Raıjas, A (2003). Actual Market Prices and Consumer Price Knowledge. The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 12 (2/3), ABI/INFORM Global, 180-192.
  • Abratt, R., Nel, D., Nezer, C. (1995). Role of the Market Maven in Retailing: A General Marketplace Influencer. Journal of Business and Psychology, 10 (1), 31-55.
  • Agarwal, S., Teas, R.K. (2001). Perceived Value: Mediating Role of Perceived Risk. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 9 (4), 1-14.
  • Byun, Sang-Eun, Sternquıst, B. (2010). Reconceptualization of Price Mavenism: Do Chinese Consumers Get a Glow When They Know?. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22 (3), 279-293.
  • Carver, R.H., Nash, J.G. (2011). Doing Data Analysis with SPSS: Version 18.0, 5th edition, Boston: Duxbury Press.
  • Chelmınskı, P., Coulter, R. (2002). Examining Polish Market Mavens and Their Attitudes Toward Advertising. Journal of East-West Business, 8 (1), 77-90.
  • CLARK, R.A. And GOLDSMITH, R.E. (2005). Market Mavens: Psychological Influences. Psychology & Marketing, 22 (4), 289- 312.
  • Clark, R.A., Goldsmıth, R.E., Goldsmıth, E.B. (2008). Market Mavenism and Consumer Self-Confidence. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7, 239-248.
  • Corder, G.W., Foreman, D.I. (2009). Nonparametric Statistics for Non- Statisticians: A Step-by-Step Approach. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • De Vaus, D. (2004). Analyzing Social Science Data: 50 Key Problems in Data Analysis. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Dı Nısıo, R., Dı Battısta, T. (2010). An Application of The Structural Equation Models to Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Assessment. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis: Decision Support Systems and Services Evaluation, 1 (1), 42-53.
  • Feıck, L.F., Prıce, L.L. (1987). The Market Maven: A Diffuser of Marketplace Information. The Journal of Marketing, 51 (1), 83- 97.
  • Fıtzmaurıce, J. (2011). Market Mavens’ Motivations to Acquire Information. The Marketing Management Journal, 21 (1), 71-83.
  • Gallarza, M.G., Saura, I.G. (2006). Value Dimensions, Perceived Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Investigation of University Students’ Travel Behaviour. Tourism Management, 27 (3), 437-452.
  • Hair, Jr., J.F., Celsi, M.W., Money, A.H., Samouel, P., Page, M.J. (2011). Essentials of Business Research Methods. 2nd edition, New York: M.E.Sharpe, Inc.
  • Hazelwood, E., Lawson, R., Aıtken, R. (2009). An Essential Guide to Audience Development. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 27 (6), 789-804.
  • Helkkula, A., Kelleher, C., Pıhlström, M. (2012). Characterizing Value as an Experience: Implications for Service Researchers and Managers. Journal of Service Research, 15 (1), 59-75.
  • Hıgıe, R.A., Feıck, L.F., Prıce, L.L. (1987). Types and Amount of Word-of- Mouth Communications about Retailing. Journal of Retailing, 63 (3), 260-278.
  • Hınz, O. (2007). False Information in Internet Auction Communities. 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA, 178.
  • Holbrook, M.B., Hırschman, E.C. (1982). The Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumption Fantasies, Feelings and Fun. Journal of Consumer Research, 9 (2), 132-140.
  • Hsu, C.-H., Hsu, S.-Y., Chen, C.-H., Chen, C.-Y. (June, 2010). The Purchasing Intention of Industrial Lubricating Oil. 7th International Conference on Services Systems and Services Management-ICSSSM, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, 988-993.
  • Iacobuccı, D., Duhachek, A. (2003). Advancing Alpha: Measuring Reliability with Confidence. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13 (4), 478-487.
  • Ivens, B., Müller, B., Guese, K. (2009). A Taxonomy of Price Behaviour. in Advances in Consumer Research Vol. 36, eds. Ann L. McGill and Sharon Shavitt, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 1005-1005.
  • Jın, B., Sternquıst, B. (2004). Shopping is truly a joy. The Service Industries Journal, 24 (6), 1-18.
  • Jın, B., Sternquıst, B., Koh, A. (2003). Price as Hedonic Shopping. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 31 (4), 378-402.
  • Lee, D., Traıl, G.T., Kwon, H.H., Anderson, D.F. (2011). Consumer Values versus Perceived Product Attributes: Relationships among Items from the MVS, PRS, and PERVAL Scales. Sport Management Review, 14 (1), 89-101.
  • Lıchtensteın, D.R., Burton, S. (1990). An Assessment Of The Moderating Effects of Market Mavenism and Value Consciousness On Price- Quality Perception Accuracy. in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 17, Eds. Marvin E. Goldberg, Gerald Gorn, and Richard W. Pollay, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, 53-59.
  • Lıchtensteın, D.R., Rıdgway, N.M., Netemeyer, R.G. (1993). Price Perceptions and Consumer Shopping Behavior: A Field Study. Journal of Marketing Research, 30 (2), 234-245.
  • Meyers, L.S., Gamst, G., Guarino, A.J. (2006). Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation. California: Sage Pub.
  • Monroe, K.B. (1990). Pricing: Making Profitable Decisions. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Mooradıan, T.A. (1996). The Five Factor Model and Market Mavenism. in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 23, Eds. Kim P. Corfman and John G. Lynch Jr., Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, 260-263.
  • Moore, M., Mcgowan, K.M. (2001). The Polish Consumer’s Concept of Price as a Marketplace Cue. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 2 (1), 1-10.
  • Morgan, G.Arthur, Griego, O.V., Gloeckner, G.W. (2001). SPSS for Windows: An Introduction to Use and Interpretation in Research. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Ohanıan, R., Tashchıan, A. (1992). Consumers’ Shopping Effort and Evaluation of Store Image Attributes: The Roles of Purchasing Involvement and Recreational Shopping Interest. Journal of Applied Business Research, 8 (4), 4-49.
  • Orth, U.R., Wolf, M.Mcgarry, Dodd, T.H. (2005). Dimensions of Wine Region Equity and Their Impact on Consumer Preferences. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 14 (2), 88-97.
  • Prıce, L.L., Feıck, L.F., Hıgıe, R.A. (1987). Information Sensitive Consumers and Market Information. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 21 (2), 328-341.
  • Prıce, L.L., Feıck, L.F., Guskey, A. (1995). Everyday Market Helping Behavior. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 14 (2), 255-266.
  • Rao, V.R. (1984). Pricing Research in Marketing: The State of the Art. The Journal of Business, 57 (1), Part 2: Pricing Strategy, S39- S60.
  • Sánchez-Garcıa, J., Molıner-Tena, M.A., Callarısa-Fıol, L., Rodríguez- Artola, R.M. (2007). Relationship Quality of an Establishment and Perceived Value of a Purchase. The Service Industries Journal, 27 (2), 151-174.
  • Slama, M.E., Wıllıams, T.G. (1990). Generalization of the Market Maven’s Information provision Tendency across Product Categories. Advances in Consumer Research, 17, 48-52.
  • Solomon, M. (2004). Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being. 6th ed. Englewood Cliffs, New York: Pearson Prentice-Hall.
  • Summers, J., Lorterapong, A., Morgan, M.J. (2006). Factors Influencing Consumer Intentions to Purchase Seasonally Discounted Athletic Footwear in Thailand. International Conference of the Academy of Business Administration, Munich, Germany, 185-196.
  • Supphellen, M. (2000). Understanding Core Brand Equity: Guidelines for In-Depth Elicitation of Brand Associations. International Journal of Market Research, 42 (3), 319-364.
  • Sweeney, J.C., Soutar, G.N. (2001). Consumer Perceived Value: The Development of a Multiple Item Scale. Journal of Retailing, 77 (2), 203-220.
  • Tatzel, M. (2002). Money Worlds’ and Well-Being: An Integration of Money Dispositions, Materialism and Price-Related Behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology, 23, 103-126.
  • Tsaı, D., Lee, H.-C. (2009). Demographics, Psychographics, Price Searching and Recall in Retail Shopping. The Service Industries Journal, 29 (9), 1243-1259.
  • Wıedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Mıtchell, V.-W. (2001). The Mannmaven: An Agent for Diffusing Market Information. Journal of Marketing Communications, 7 (4), 195–212.
  • Wıllıams, T., Slama, M.E., Rogers, J. (1985). Behavioral Characteristics of the Recreational Shopper and Implications for Retail Management. Academy of Marketing Science Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 13 (3), 307-316.
  • Wıllıams, T.G., Slama, M.E. (1995). Market Mavens’ Purchase Decision Evaluative Criteria: Implications for Brand and Store Promotion Efforts. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 12 (3), 4-21.
  • Zeithaml, V.A. (1988). Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence. The Journal of Marketing, 52 (3), 2-22.


Year 2013, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 71 - 87, 01.12.2013


Price mavenism, which is “a narrow interpretation of market mavenism” has received little attention in marketing literature. Historically, research has been mainly focused on what motivates price mavens to engage in information search and to share their knowledge with others. It should also be understood price mavens by means of their value perceptions when they are evaluating products. This study aims to determine the interrelationships between price maven levels and perceived value dimensions (PERVAL scale). The results indicate that there are significant differences between price mavens by means of quality/performance, emotional values and price/value for money


  • Aalto-Setälä, V., Raıjas, A (2003). Actual Market Prices and Consumer Price Knowledge. The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 12 (2/3), ABI/INFORM Global, 180-192.
  • Abratt, R., Nel, D., Nezer, C. (1995). Role of the Market Maven in Retailing: A General Marketplace Influencer. Journal of Business and Psychology, 10 (1), 31-55.
  • Agarwal, S., Teas, R.K. (2001). Perceived Value: Mediating Role of Perceived Risk. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 9 (4), 1-14.
  • Byun, Sang-Eun, Sternquıst, B. (2010). Reconceptualization of Price Mavenism: Do Chinese Consumers Get a Glow When They Know?. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22 (3), 279-293.
  • Carver, R.H., Nash, J.G. (2011). Doing Data Analysis with SPSS: Version 18.0, 5th edition, Boston: Duxbury Press.
  • Chelmınskı, P., Coulter, R. (2002). Examining Polish Market Mavens and Their Attitudes Toward Advertising. Journal of East-West Business, 8 (1), 77-90.
  • CLARK, R.A. And GOLDSMITH, R.E. (2005). Market Mavens: Psychological Influences. Psychology & Marketing, 22 (4), 289- 312.
  • Clark, R.A., Goldsmıth, R.E., Goldsmıth, E.B. (2008). Market Mavenism and Consumer Self-Confidence. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7, 239-248.
  • Corder, G.W., Foreman, D.I. (2009). Nonparametric Statistics for Non- Statisticians: A Step-by-Step Approach. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • De Vaus, D. (2004). Analyzing Social Science Data: 50 Key Problems in Data Analysis. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Dı Nısıo, R., Dı Battısta, T. (2010). An Application of The Structural Equation Models to Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Assessment. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis: Decision Support Systems and Services Evaluation, 1 (1), 42-53.
  • Feıck, L.F., Prıce, L.L. (1987). The Market Maven: A Diffuser of Marketplace Information. The Journal of Marketing, 51 (1), 83- 97.
  • Fıtzmaurıce, J. (2011). Market Mavens’ Motivations to Acquire Information. The Marketing Management Journal, 21 (1), 71-83.
  • Gallarza, M.G., Saura, I.G. (2006). Value Dimensions, Perceived Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Investigation of University Students’ Travel Behaviour. Tourism Management, 27 (3), 437-452.
  • Hair, Jr., J.F., Celsi, M.W., Money, A.H., Samouel, P., Page, M.J. (2011). Essentials of Business Research Methods. 2nd edition, New York: M.E.Sharpe, Inc.
  • Hazelwood, E., Lawson, R., Aıtken, R. (2009). An Essential Guide to Audience Development. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 27 (6), 789-804.
  • Helkkula, A., Kelleher, C., Pıhlström, M. (2012). Characterizing Value as an Experience: Implications for Service Researchers and Managers. Journal of Service Research, 15 (1), 59-75.
  • Hıgıe, R.A., Feıck, L.F., Prıce, L.L. (1987). Types and Amount of Word-of- Mouth Communications about Retailing. Journal of Retailing, 63 (3), 260-278.
  • Hınz, O. (2007). False Information in Internet Auction Communities. 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA, 178.
  • Holbrook, M.B., Hırschman, E.C. (1982). The Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumption Fantasies, Feelings and Fun. Journal of Consumer Research, 9 (2), 132-140.
  • Hsu, C.-H., Hsu, S.-Y., Chen, C.-H., Chen, C.-Y. (June, 2010). The Purchasing Intention of Industrial Lubricating Oil. 7th International Conference on Services Systems and Services Management-ICSSSM, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, 988-993.
  • Iacobuccı, D., Duhachek, A. (2003). Advancing Alpha: Measuring Reliability with Confidence. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13 (4), 478-487.
  • Ivens, B., Müller, B., Guese, K. (2009). A Taxonomy of Price Behaviour. in Advances in Consumer Research Vol. 36, eds. Ann L. McGill and Sharon Shavitt, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 1005-1005.
  • Jın, B., Sternquıst, B. (2004). Shopping is truly a joy. The Service Industries Journal, 24 (6), 1-18.
  • Jın, B., Sternquıst, B., Koh, A. (2003). Price as Hedonic Shopping. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 31 (4), 378-402.
  • Lee, D., Traıl, G.T., Kwon, H.H., Anderson, D.F. (2011). Consumer Values versus Perceived Product Attributes: Relationships among Items from the MVS, PRS, and PERVAL Scales. Sport Management Review, 14 (1), 89-101.
  • Lıchtensteın, D.R., Burton, S. (1990). An Assessment Of The Moderating Effects of Market Mavenism and Value Consciousness On Price- Quality Perception Accuracy. in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 17, Eds. Marvin E. Goldberg, Gerald Gorn, and Richard W. Pollay, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, 53-59.
  • Lıchtensteın, D.R., Rıdgway, N.M., Netemeyer, R.G. (1993). Price Perceptions and Consumer Shopping Behavior: A Field Study. Journal of Marketing Research, 30 (2), 234-245.
  • Meyers, L.S., Gamst, G., Guarino, A.J. (2006). Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation. California: Sage Pub.
  • Monroe, K.B. (1990). Pricing: Making Profitable Decisions. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Mooradıan, T.A. (1996). The Five Factor Model and Market Mavenism. in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 23, Eds. Kim P. Corfman and John G. Lynch Jr., Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, 260-263.
  • Moore, M., Mcgowan, K.M. (2001). The Polish Consumer’s Concept of Price as a Marketplace Cue. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 2 (1), 1-10.
  • Morgan, G.Arthur, Griego, O.V., Gloeckner, G.W. (2001). SPSS for Windows: An Introduction to Use and Interpretation in Research. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Ohanıan, R., Tashchıan, A. (1992). Consumers’ Shopping Effort and Evaluation of Store Image Attributes: The Roles of Purchasing Involvement and Recreational Shopping Interest. Journal of Applied Business Research, 8 (4), 4-49.
  • Orth, U.R., Wolf, M.Mcgarry, Dodd, T.H. (2005). Dimensions of Wine Region Equity and Their Impact on Consumer Preferences. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 14 (2), 88-97.
  • Prıce, L.L., Feıck, L.F., Hıgıe, R.A. (1987). Information Sensitive Consumers and Market Information. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 21 (2), 328-341.
  • Prıce, L.L., Feıck, L.F., Guskey, A. (1995). Everyday Market Helping Behavior. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 14 (2), 255-266.
  • Rao, V.R. (1984). Pricing Research in Marketing: The State of the Art. The Journal of Business, 57 (1), Part 2: Pricing Strategy, S39- S60.
  • Sánchez-Garcıa, J., Molıner-Tena, M.A., Callarısa-Fıol, L., Rodríguez- Artola, R.M. (2007). Relationship Quality of an Establishment and Perceived Value of a Purchase. The Service Industries Journal, 27 (2), 151-174.
  • Slama, M.E., Wıllıams, T.G. (1990). Generalization of the Market Maven’s Information provision Tendency across Product Categories. Advances in Consumer Research, 17, 48-52.
  • Solomon, M. (2004). Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being. 6th ed. Englewood Cliffs, New York: Pearson Prentice-Hall.
  • Summers, J., Lorterapong, A., Morgan, M.J. (2006). Factors Influencing Consumer Intentions to Purchase Seasonally Discounted Athletic Footwear in Thailand. International Conference of the Academy of Business Administration, Munich, Germany, 185-196.
  • Supphellen, M. (2000). Understanding Core Brand Equity: Guidelines for In-Depth Elicitation of Brand Associations. International Journal of Market Research, 42 (3), 319-364.
  • Sweeney, J.C., Soutar, G.N. (2001). Consumer Perceived Value: The Development of a Multiple Item Scale. Journal of Retailing, 77 (2), 203-220.
  • Tatzel, M. (2002). Money Worlds’ and Well-Being: An Integration of Money Dispositions, Materialism and Price-Related Behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology, 23, 103-126.
  • Tsaı, D., Lee, H.-C. (2009). Demographics, Psychographics, Price Searching and Recall in Retail Shopping. The Service Industries Journal, 29 (9), 1243-1259.
  • Wıedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Mıtchell, V.-W. (2001). The Mannmaven: An Agent for Diffusing Market Information. Journal of Marketing Communications, 7 (4), 195–212.
  • Wıllıams, T., Slama, M.E., Rogers, J. (1985). Behavioral Characteristics of the Recreational Shopper and Implications for Retail Management. Academy of Marketing Science Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 13 (3), 307-316.
  • Wıllıams, T.G., Slama, M.E. (1995). Market Mavens’ Purchase Decision Evaluative Criteria: Implications for Brand and Store Promotion Efforts. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 12 (3), 4-21.
  • Zeithaml, V.A. (1988). Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence. The Journal of Marketing, 52 (3), 2-22.
There are 50 citations in total.


Other ID JA54MS86TR
Journal Section Articles

Kalender Özcan Atılgan This is me

Ayşe Şahin This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Atılgan, K. Ö., & Şahin, A. (2013). HOW PRICE MAVENS PERCEIVE VALUE OF PRODUCTS? A STUDY ON PERVAL SCALE. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 71-87.
AMA Atılgan KÖ, Şahin A. HOW PRICE MAVENS PERCEIVE VALUE OF PRODUCTS? A STUDY ON PERVAL SCALE. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. December 2013;14(2):71-87.
Chicago Atılgan, Kalender Özcan, and Ayşe Şahin. “HOW PRICE MAVENS PERCEIVE VALUE OF PRODUCTS? A STUDY ON PERVAL SCALE”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 14, no. 2 (December 2013): 71-87.
EndNote Atılgan KÖ, Şahin A (December 1, 2013) HOW PRICE MAVENS PERCEIVE VALUE OF PRODUCTS? A STUDY ON PERVAL SCALE. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 14 2 71–87.
IEEE K. Ö. Atılgan and A. Şahin, “HOW PRICE MAVENS PERCEIVE VALUE OF PRODUCTS? A STUDY ON PERVAL SCALE”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 71–87, 2013.
ISNAD Atılgan, Kalender Özcan - Şahin, Ayşe. “HOW PRICE MAVENS PERCEIVE VALUE OF PRODUCTS? A STUDY ON PERVAL SCALE”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 14/2 (December 2013), 71-87.
JAMA Atılgan KÖ, Şahin A. HOW PRICE MAVENS PERCEIVE VALUE OF PRODUCTS? A STUDY ON PERVAL SCALE. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;14:71–87.
MLA Atılgan, Kalender Özcan and Ayşe Şahin. “HOW PRICE MAVENS PERCEIVE VALUE OF PRODUCTS? A STUDY ON PERVAL SCALE”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 2, 2013, pp. 71-87.
Vancouver Atılgan KÖ, Şahin A. HOW PRICE MAVENS PERCEIVE VALUE OF PRODUCTS? A STUDY ON PERVAL SCALE. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;14(2):71-87.

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