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Year 2011, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 1 - 27, 01.12.2011


Çalışmanın amacı online perakendecilikte tüketici bağlılığını etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla faktör analizinden yararlanılmış ve üç faktör altında toplam 28 faktör belirlenmiştir. Tüketicilerin perakende sanal mağaza bağlılıkları aynı zamanda yıllık satın alma miktarı (TL), satın alma sayısı ve sipariş sıklığı gibi temel ölçütler yardımıyla da belirlenebilmektedir. Çalışmanın temel varsayımı bu ölçütlerin tüketicilerin perakende sanal mağaza bağlılık düzeylerine göre ayrıştırılmalarında etkili olduğudur. Varsayımın geçerliliği diskriminant analizi yardımıyla test edilmiş ve yıllık satın alma miktarının (TL) diğer ölçütlere göre tüketicilerin bağlılık düzeylerine göre ayrıştırılmalarında daha fazla etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada ayrıca, perakende sanal mağaza özelliklerinin (tüketici memnuniyeti, website özellikleri ve online alışveriş kolaylıkları) düzeyi ile tüketicilerin perakende sanal mağaza bağlılık düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki Ki-Kare analiz yöntemiyle test edilmiş ve aralarında pozitif ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir


  • Akgül, A., & Çevik, O. (2003). İstatistiksel Analiz Teknikleri: SPSS’te İşletme Yönetimi Uygulamaları. Ankara: Emek Ofset.
  • Alba, J., Lynch, J., Weitz, B., Janiszewski, C., Lutz, R., Sawyer, A. & Wood, S. (1997). Interactive Home Shopping: Consumer, Retailer and Manufacturer Incentives to Participate in Electronic Marketplaces. Journal of Marketing, 61(3), 38-54.
  • Baş, T. (2006). Anket Nasıl Hazırlanır? Uygulanır? Değerlendirilir? Ankara: Seçkin Kitabevi.
  • Bryant, C., Kent, E., Lindenberger, J. & Schreiher, J. (1998). Increasing Consumer Satisfaction. Marketing Health Services, 18(4), 4-18.
  • Brynjolfsson, E. & Smith, M.D. (2000). Frictionless Commerce? A Comparison of Internet and Conventional Retailers. Management Science, 46(4), 563-585.
  • Chaudhuri, A. & Holbrook, M.B. (2001). The Chain of Effects from Brand Trust and Brand Affect to Brand Performance: The Role of Brand Loyalty. Journal of Marketing, 65(2), 81-93.
  • Chou, Y. (2005). Critical Faktors of the Buyer Decision-Process Model in Business-to-Customer (B2C) E-Commerce in Taiwan. Doktora Tezi. Lynn University.
  • Chowdhury, J., Reardon, J. & Srivastava, R. (1998). Alternative Modes of Measuring Store Image: An Empirical Assessment of Structured Versus Unstructured Measures. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 6, 72-76.
  • Darden, W.R. & Babin, B.J. (1994). Exploring the Concept of Affective Quality: Expanding the Concept of Retail Personality. Journal of Business Research, 29, 101-109.
  • (2000). Dialscore Ratings.
  • Dick, A.S. & Basu, K. (1994). Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(2), 99-113.
  • Dickson, J.P. & MacLachlan, D.L. (1990). Social Distance and Shopping Behavior. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 18(2), 153-61.
  • Donio, F., Massari, P. & Passiante, G. (2006). Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty in a Digital Environment: An Empirical Test. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23(7), 445-457.
  • Duffy, D.L. (1998). Customer Loyalty Strategies. The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 15(5), 435-445.
  • Engel, J.F., Blackwell, R.D. & Miniard, P.W. (1995). Consumer Behavior. 8. Baskı. Orlando, FL: Dryden.
  • Eroğlu, A. (2008a). Faktör Analizi. (Ed. Ş. Kalaycı), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri (s. 321-331) içinde. Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Eroğlu, A. (2008b). Ayırma (Diskriminant Analizi). (Ed. Ş. Kalaycı), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri (s. 335-344) içinde. Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Feinberg, R. & Kadam, R. (2002). E-CRM Web Service Attributes as Determinants of Customer Satisfaction with Retail Web Sites. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 13(5), 432- 452.
  • Ghose, S. & Dou, W. (1998). Interactive Functions and Their Impacts on the Appeal on Internet Presence Sites. Journal of Advertising Research, 38(2), 29-43.
  • Golden, L.L., Albaum, G. & Zimmer, M.R. (1987). The Numerical Comparative Scale: An Economical Format for Retail Image Measurement. Journal of Retailing, 63(4), 393-410.
  • Greenleaf, E.A. & Lehmann, D.R. (1993). Reasons for Substantial Delay in Consumer Decision-Making. Journal of Consumer Research, 22(2), 186-99.
  • Griffin, J. (1995). Customer Loyalty: How to Earn It, How to Keep It. New York, NY: Lexington Books.
  • Heim, G.R. & Sinha, K.K. (2001). Operational Drivers of Customer Loyalty in Electronic Retailing: An Empirical Analysis of Electronic Food Retailers. Manufacturing&Service Operations Management, 3(3), 264-272.
  • Hofacker, C. (1999). Internet Marketing. Dripping Springs, TX: Digital Springs, Inc.
  • Hoffman, D.L. & Novak, T.P. (2000). How to Acquiring Customers on the Web. Harvard Business Review, 78(3), 179-188.
  • Howell, R.A. ve Soucy, S.R. (1990). Customer Profitability: As Critical as Product Profitability. Management Accounting, 72(4), 43-47.
  • Kaplan, R.S. & Norton, D.P. (2004). The Strategy Map: Guide to Aligning Intangible Assets. Strategy & Leadership, 32(5), 10-17.
  • Kasulis, J.J. & Lusch, R.F. (1981). Validating the Retail Store Image Concept. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 9, 419-35.
  • Keaveney, S.M. & Hunt, K.A. (1992). Conceptualization and Operationalization of Retail Store Image: A Case of Rival Middle- Level Theories. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 20(2), 165-175.
  • Koo, D.M. (2005). Inter-Relationships among Store Images, Store Satisfaction, and Store Loyalty among Korea Discount Retail Patrons. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 15(4), 42- 71.
  • Korner, V. & Zimmermann, H. (2000). Management of Customer Relationships in Business Media (MCR-BM). Electronic Markets, 10(3), 162-168.
  • Kotler, P. (2003). Marketing Insights Form A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley&Sons.
  • Lindquist, J.D. (1974/75). Meaning of Image. Journal of Retailing, 50(4), 29-38.
  • Lutz, R.J. (1991). The Role of Attitude Theory in Marketing. H.H. Kassarjian ve T.S. Robertson (Ed.), Perspectives in Consumer Behavior (s. 317-39).
  • Martineau, P. (1958). The Personality of the Retail Store. Harvard Business Review, 36, 47-55.
  • Mazursky, D. & Jacoby, J. (1986). Exploring the Development of Store Images. Journal of Retailing, 62(2), 145-165.
  • McKinney, V., Yoon, K. & Zahedi, F. (2002). The Measurement of Web- Customer Satisfaction: An Expectation and Disconfirmation Approach. Information Systems Research, 13(3), 296-315.
  • Miyazaki, A.D. & Fernandez, A. (2001). Consumer Perceptions of Privacy and Security Risks for Online Shopping. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35(1), 27-44.
  • Morales, F.X.M. & Fernandez, M.M.T. (2004). How Much Difference Is There Between Industrial District Firms? A Net Value Creation Approach. Research Policy, 33, 473-486.
  • Mowen, J.C. (1987). Consumer Behavior. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Company.
  • Nakip, M. (2006). Pazarlama Araştırmaları. Ankara: Seçkin Kitabevi.
  • Nielsen, J. (1999). User Interface Directions for the Web. Communications of the ACM, 42(1), 65-72.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1997). Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
  • Pan, F. (2004). Selecting Consumer Oriented Alliance Partner to Assure Customer Satisfaction in International Markets. Journal of America Academy of Business, 4(1), 278-286.
  • Ramaswami, S., Strader, T. & Brett, K. (2000/01). Determinants of On- Line Channel Use for Purchasing Financial Products. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 5(2), 95-118.
  • Reichheld, F.F. (1996). The Loyalty Effect. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Richard, M.O. (2005). Modeling The Impact of Internet Atmospherics on Surfer Behavior. Journal of Business Research, 58(12), 1632-1642.
  • Rosen, S. (2001). Sticky Web Site is Key to Success. Communication World, 18(3), 36-37.
  • Sally, T., VanSteenkiste, S., Canobbio, V., Thomas, P. & Vermilion, M. (1999). Best Practices in Online Apparel Retailing. İndirilme Tarihi: 11 Ocak 1999, WWW:Web: /student projects/index.htm
  • Seock, Y. (2003). Analysis of Clothing Websites For Young Customer Retention Based on A Model of Customer Relationship Management Via The Internet. Doktora Tezi. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Shim, S., Eastlick, M.A., Lotz, S.L. & Warrington, P. (2001). An Online Prepurchase Intentions Model: The Role of Intention to Search. Journal of Retailing, 77(3), 397-416.
  • Sirohi, N., McLaughlin, E. & Wittink, D. (1998). A Model of Consumer Perceptions and Store Loyalty Intentions for a Supermarket Retailer. Journal of Retailing, 74(2), 223-245.
  • Srinivasan, S.S. Anderson, R. & Ponnavolu, K. (2002). Customer Loyalty in E-commerce: An Exploration of Its Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Retailing, 8(1), 41-50.
  • Steenkamp, J.B.E.M. & Wedel, M. (1991). Segmenting Retailer Markets on Store Image Using A Consumer-Based Methodology. Journal of Retailing, 67(3), 300-320.
  • Swaminathan, V., Lepkowska-White, E. & Rao, B.P. (1999) Browsers or Buyers in Cyberspace? An Investigation of Factors Influencing Electronic Communication, 5(2). Journal of Computer-Mediated
  • Szymanski, D.M. & Hise, R.T. (2000). E-Satisfaction: An Initial Examination. Journal of Retailing, 76(3), 309-322.
  • Tarafdar, M. & Zhang, J. (2005). Analyzing the Influence of Web Site Design Parameters on Website Usability1. Information Resources Management Journal, 18(4), 62-80.
  • Ulgado, F.M. (2002). Country-Of-Origin Effects on E-Commerce. Journal of American Academy of Business, 2(1), 250-253.
  • U.S. Department of Commerce (1998). The Emerging Digital Economy. İndirilme 20 Nisan 2001, WWW:Web:
  • Vrechopoulos, A.P. & Siomkos, G.J. (2002). Virtual Store Atmosphere in Non-Store Retailing. Journal of Internet Marketing, 3(1). İndirilme Tarihi: 7-03.htm 2003. WWW:Web:http//
  • Yun, Z.S. & Good, L.K. (2002). E-Customer Loyalty Intentions Toward the E-Tailer. Proceedings of 2002 Spring ACRA Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Yun, Z.S. & Good, L.K. (2007). Developing Customer Loyalty from E-Tail Store Image Attributes. Managing Service Quality, 17(1), 4-22.


Year 2011, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 1 - 27, 01.12.2011


The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting consumer loyalty in online retailing. For this purpose, factor analysis is utilized and a total of 28 factors under 3 main factors are identified. Consumers’ virtual retail store loyalty can be determined with the help of some basic criteria such as the annual purchase amount (TL), the number of purchase, and the frequency of order. The basic assumption of the study is that these criteria are effective in classifying consumers according to their levels of loyalty to the virtual retail store. The validity of this assumption has been tested through discriminant analysis and it is decided that the annual amount of purchase (TL) is more effective than the other criteria in the classification of consumers according to their levels of loyalty. In addition, the relationship between the characteristics of the virtual retail store (consumer satisfaction, website features, online shopping facilities) and consumers’ levels of loyalty to the virtual retail store has been tested with Chisquare analysis method and was determined that there was a positive relationship between them


  • Akgül, A., & Çevik, O. (2003). İstatistiksel Analiz Teknikleri: SPSS’te İşletme Yönetimi Uygulamaları. Ankara: Emek Ofset.
  • Alba, J., Lynch, J., Weitz, B., Janiszewski, C., Lutz, R., Sawyer, A. & Wood, S. (1997). Interactive Home Shopping: Consumer, Retailer and Manufacturer Incentives to Participate in Electronic Marketplaces. Journal of Marketing, 61(3), 38-54.
  • Baş, T. (2006). Anket Nasıl Hazırlanır? Uygulanır? Değerlendirilir? Ankara: Seçkin Kitabevi.
  • Bryant, C., Kent, E., Lindenberger, J. & Schreiher, J. (1998). Increasing Consumer Satisfaction. Marketing Health Services, 18(4), 4-18.
  • Brynjolfsson, E. & Smith, M.D. (2000). Frictionless Commerce? A Comparison of Internet and Conventional Retailers. Management Science, 46(4), 563-585.
  • Chaudhuri, A. & Holbrook, M.B. (2001). The Chain of Effects from Brand Trust and Brand Affect to Brand Performance: The Role of Brand Loyalty. Journal of Marketing, 65(2), 81-93.
  • Chou, Y. (2005). Critical Faktors of the Buyer Decision-Process Model in Business-to-Customer (B2C) E-Commerce in Taiwan. Doktora Tezi. Lynn University.
  • Chowdhury, J., Reardon, J. & Srivastava, R. (1998). Alternative Modes of Measuring Store Image: An Empirical Assessment of Structured Versus Unstructured Measures. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 6, 72-76.
  • Darden, W.R. & Babin, B.J. (1994). Exploring the Concept of Affective Quality: Expanding the Concept of Retail Personality. Journal of Business Research, 29, 101-109.
  • (2000). Dialscore Ratings.
  • Dick, A.S. & Basu, K. (1994). Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(2), 99-113.
  • Dickson, J.P. & MacLachlan, D.L. (1990). Social Distance and Shopping Behavior. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 18(2), 153-61.
  • Donio, F., Massari, P. & Passiante, G. (2006). Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty in a Digital Environment: An Empirical Test. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23(7), 445-457.
  • Duffy, D.L. (1998). Customer Loyalty Strategies. The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 15(5), 435-445.
  • Engel, J.F., Blackwell, R.D. & Miniard, P.W. (1995). Consumer Behavior. 8. Baskı. Orlando, FL: Dryden.
  • Eroğlu, A. (2008a). Faktör Analizi. (Ed. Ş. Kalaycı), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri (s. 321-331) içinde. Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Eroğlu, A. (2008b). Ayırma (Diskriminant Analizi). (Ed. Ş. Kalaycı), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri (s. 335-344) içinde. Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Feinberg, R. & Kadam, R. (2002). E-CRM Web Service Attributes as Determinants of Customer Satisfaction with Retail Web Sites. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 13(5), 432- 452.
  • Ghose, S. & Dou, W. (1998). Interactive Functions and Their Impacts on the Appeal on Internet Presence Sites. Journal of Advertising Research, 38(2), 29-43.
  • Golden, L.L., Albaum, G. & Zimmer, M.R. (1987). The Numerical Comparative Scale: An Economical Format for Retail Image Measurement. Journal of Retailing, 63(4), 393-410.
  • Greenleaf, E.A. & Lehmann, D.R. (1993). Reasons for Substantial Delay in Consumer Decision-Making. Journal of Consumer Research, 22(2), 186-99.
  • Griffin, J. (1995). Customer Loyalty: How to Earn It, How to Keep It. New York, NY: Lexington Books.
  • Heim, G.R. & Sinha, K.K. (2001). Operational Drivers of Customer Loyalty in Electronic Retailing: An Empirical Analysis of Electronic Food Retailers. Manufacturing&Service Operations Management, 3(3), 264-272.
  • Hofacker, C. (1999). Internet Marketing. Dripping Springs, TX: Digital Springs, Inc.
  • Hoffman, D.L. & Novak, T.P. (2000). How to Acquiring Customers on the Web. Harvard Business Review, 78(3), 179-188.
  • Howell, R.A. ve Soucy, S.R. (1990). Customer Profitability: As Critical as Product Profitability. Management Accounting, 72(4), 43-47.
  • Kaplan, R.S. & Norton, D.P. (2004). The Strategy Map: Guide to Aligning Intangible Assets. Strategy & Leadership, 32(5), 10-17.
  • Kasulis, J.J. & Lusch, R.F. (1981). Validating the Retail Store Image Concept. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 9, 419-35.
  • Keaveney, S.M. & Hunt, K.A. (1992). Conceptualization and Operationalization of Retail Store Image: A Case of Rival Middle- Level Theories. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 20(2), 165-175.
  • Koo, D.M. (2005). Inter-Relationships among Store Images, Store Satisfaction, and Store Loyalty among Korea Discount Retail Patrons. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 15(4), 42- 71.
  • Korner, V. & Zimmermann, H. (2000). Management of Customer Relationships in Business Media (MCR-BM). Electronic Markets, 10(3), 162-168.
  • Kotler, P. (2003). Marketing Insights Form A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley&Sons.
  • Lindquist, J.D. (1974/75). Meaning of Image. Journal of Retailing, 50(4), 29-38.
  • Lutz, R.J. (1991). The Role of Attitude Theory in Marketing. H.H. Kassarjian ve T.S. Robertson (Ed.), Perspectives in Consumer Behavior (s. 317-39).
  • Martineau, P. (1958). The Personality of the Retail Store. Harvard Business Review, 36, 47-55.
  • Mazursky, D. & Jacoby, J. (1986). Exploring the Development of Store Images. Journal of Retailing, 62(2), 145-165.
  • McKinney, V., Yoon, K. & Zahedi, F. (2002). The Measurement of Web- Customer Satisfaction: An Expectation and Disconfirmation Approach. Information Systems Research, 13(3), 296-315.
  • Miyazaki, A.D. & Fernandez, A. (2001). Consumer Perceptions of Privacy and Security Risks for Online Shopping. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35(1), 27-44.
  • Morales, F.X.M. & Fernandez, M.M.T. (2004). How Much Difference Is There Between Industrial District Firms? A Net Value Creation Approach. Research Policy, 33, 473-486.
  • Mowen, J.C. (1987). Consumer Behavior. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Company.
  • Nakip, M. (2006). Pazarlama Araştırmaları. Ankara: Seçkin Kitabevi.
  • Nielsen, J. (1999). User Interface Directions for the Web. Communications of the ACM, 42(1), 65-72.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1997). Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
  • Pan, F. (2004). Selecting Consumer Oriented Alliance Partner to Assure Customer Satisfaction in International Markets. Journal of America Academy of Business, 4(1), 278-286.
  • Ramaswami, S., Strader, T. & Brett, K. (2000/01). Determinants of On- Line Channel Use for Purchasing Financial Products. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 5(2), 95-118.
  • Reichheld, F.F. (1996). The Loyalty Effect. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Richard, M.O. (2005). Modeling The Impact of Internet Atmospherics on Surfer Behavior. Journal of Business Research, 58(12), 1632-1642.
  • Rosen, S. (2001). Sticky Web Site is Key to Success. Communication World, 18(3), 36-37.
  • Sally, T., VanSteenkiste, S., Canobbio, V., Thomas, P. & Vermilion, M. (1999). Best Practices in Online Apparel Retailing. İndirilme Tarihi: 11 Ocak 1999, WWW:Web: /student projects/index.htm
  • Seock, Y. (2003). Analysis of Clothing Websites For Young Customer Retention Based on A Model of Customer Relationship Management Via The Internet. Doktora Tezi. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Shim, S., Eastlick, M.A., Lotz, S.L. & Warrington, P. (2001). An Online Prepurchase Intentions Model: The Role of Intention to Search. Journal of Retailing, 77(3), 397-416.
  • Sirohi, N., McLaughlin, E. & Wittink, D. (1998). A Model of Consumer Perceptions and Store Loyalty Intentions for a Supermarket Retailer. Journal of Retailing, 74(2), 223-245.
  • Srinivasan, S.S. Anderson, R. & Ponnavolu, K. (2002). Customer Loyalty in E-commerce: An Exploration of Its Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Retailing, 8(1), 41-50.
  • Steenkamp, J.B.E.M. & Wedel, M. (1991). Segmenting Retailer Markets on Store Image Using A Consumer-Based Methodology. Journal of Retailing, 67(3), 300-320.
  • Swaminathan, V., Lepkowska-White, E. & Rao, B.P. (1999) Browsers or Buyers in Cyberspace? An Investigation of Factors Influencing Electronic Communication, 5(2). Journal of Computer-Mediated
  • Szymanski, D.M. & Hise, R.T. (2000). E-Satisfaction: An Initial Examination. Journal of Retailing, 76(3), 309-322.
  • Tarafdar, M. & Zhang, J. (2005). Analyzing the Influence of Web Site Design Parameters on Website Usability1. Information Resources Management Journal, 18(4), 62-80.
  • Ulgado, F.M. (2002). Country-Of-Origin Effects on E-Commerce. Journal of American Academy of Business, 2(1), 250-253.
  • U.S. Department of Commerce (1998). The Emerging Digital Economy. İndirilme 20 Nisan 2001, WWW:Web:
  • Vrechopoulos, A.P. & Siomkos, G.J. (2002). Virtual Store Atmosphere in Non-Store Retailing. Journal of Internet Marketing, 3(1). İndirilme Tarihi: 7-03.htm 2003. WWW:Web:http//
  • Yun, Z.S. & Good, L.K. (2002). E-Customer Loyalty Intentions Toward the E-Tailer. Proceedings of 2002 Spring ACRA Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Yun, Z.S. & Good, L.K. (2007). Developing Customer Loyalty from E-Tail Store Image Attributes. Managing Service Quality, 17(1), 4-22.
There are 62 citations in total.


Other ID JA54PK28PK
Journal Section Articles

Sabiha Kılıç This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


Chicago Kılıç, Sabiha. “ONLINE PERAKENDECİLİKTE TÜKETİCİ BAĞLILIĞINI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLERE DAİR AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 12, no. 1 (December 2011): 1-27.
EndNote Kılıç S (December 1, 2011) ONLINE PERAKENDECİLİKTE TÜKETİCİ BAĞLILIĞINI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLERE DAİR AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 12 1 1–27.
IEEE S. Kılıç, “ONLINE PERAKENDECİLİKTE TÜKETİCİ BAĞLILIĞINI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLERE DAİR AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 1–27, 2011.
ISNAD Kılıç, Sabiha. “ONLINE PERAKENDECİLİKTE TÜKETİCİ BAĞLILIĞINI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLERE DAİR AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 12/1 (December 2011), 1-27.
MLA Kılıç, Sabiha. “ONLINE PERAKENDECİLİKTE TÜKETİCİ BAĞLILIĞINI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLERE DAİR AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, 2011, pp. 1-27.

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