Review Article
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Sustainable Airport Applications: Energy Efficiency and Carbon Footprint Reduction Strategies

Year 2025, , 102 - 117, 20.01.2025


Sustainability, in its most fundamental sense, is the awareness of a series of measures taken to prevent the unconscious spending of limited natural resources with future generations in mind. It is an order in which the environment is effectively protected and the continuity of economic growth is ensured. Within the scope of the United Nations' 2030 sustainability goals, strict practices and audits are noteworthy in the aviation sector, one of the important sectors where carbon emissions are tried to be limited. In pursuit of these objectives, numerous airports have embarked on endeavors to generate social impact through the implementation of social responsibility initiatives, the development of technological applications, energy efficiency applications, solid waste applications, water and wastewater management applications, and accessibility and accessibility applications.This study undertakes a comprehensive examination of the practices employed in the world's leading sustainable airports, with the aim of ensuring sustainability, energy efficiency, and carbon footprint reduction. It further seeks to illuminate the benefits engendered by these practices. The study will address the sustainability practices of the airports and the projects and legislative arrangements developed for the establishment of sustainability in Turkey. By reflecting these practices in a holistic manner, it is planned to create awareness among airport managements that want to achieve sustainability goals and to guide them with examples of practices.


  • ACI Europe (2004). The Social and Economic Impacts of Airports, InterVISTAS and Airports Council Internatio nal Europe and York Aviation.
  • ACI Europe, (2020). Accredited airports. Erişim Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2024.
  • ACI Europe. (2015). The economic impact of European airports. InterVISTAS.
  • ACI Europe. (2017). Airport Carbon Accreditation Annual Report 2016-2017. ACI Europe.
  • Airport Council International (ACI). (2017). Airport Digital Transformation: Best Practices and Case Studies. ACI World.
  • Akyüz, M. K., Altuntaş, Ö., Söğüt, M. Z., Karakoç, T. H., & Kurama, S. (2018). Determination of optimum insulation thickness for building's walls with respect to different insulation materials: a case study of International Hasan Polatkan Airport terminal. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 4(2), 147-161.
  • Ammoury, M., & Salman, B. (2024). Advancing Sustainability and Resilience of Airports through Deployment of New Technologies in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic. ASCE OPEN: Multidisciplinary Journal of Civil Engineering, 2(1), 04024006.
  • Andreopoulou, Z., & Gkantalidou, S. (2023). Sustainable practices and green policies in airports: The case of airport of Thessaloniki Makedonia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
  • AVINOR (2018). Annual and CSR Report.
  • Barral, V. (2012). Sustainable development in international law: nature and operation of an evolutive legal norm. European Journal of International Law, 23(2), 377-400.
  • Baxter, G. (2022). Sustainable Airport Water Management: The Case of Hong Kong International Airport. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 7, 5.
  • Baxter, G., Srisaeng, P., & Wild, G. (2018). An assessment of sustainable airport water management: The case of Osaka’s Kansai international airport. Infrastructures, 3(4), 54.
  • Budd, L., & Ison, S. (2019). Air Transport Management: An International Perspective. Routledge.
  • Chang, Y. H., & Yeh, C. H. (2016). Managing corporate social responsibility strategies of airports: The case of Taiwan’s Taoyuan International Airport Corporation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 92, 338-348.
  • Changi Airport Company (2020). CHAMP10NING SUSTAINABILITY.
  • Changi Airport. (2022). Annual Sustainability Report.
  • Chen, S., Wu, L., Ng, K. K., Liu, W., & Wang, K. (2024). How airports enhance the environmental sustainability of operations: A critical review from the perspective of Operations Research. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 183, 103440.
  • Cheremisinoff, N.P., (2003). Handbook of Solid Waste Management and Waste Minimization Technologies. Elsevier Science, Burlington, USA,pp. 20-58.
  • Culberson, S. D. (2011). Environmental impact of airports. Airport Engineering: Planning, Design, and Development of 21st Century Airports,, 704-738.
  • de Castro Carvalho, I., Calijuri, M. L., Assemany, P. P., e Silva, M. D. F. M., Neto, R. F. M., da Fonseca Santiago, A., & de Souza, M. H. B. (2013). Sustainable airport environments: A review of water conservation practices in airports. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 74, 27-36.
  • Demirci, S., Doğan, T. G., & Eroğlu, E. Havalimanlarında Sürdürülebilirlik: Singapur Changi Havalimanı. Düzce Üniversitesi Süs ve Tıbbi Bitkiler Botanik Bahçesi Dergisi, 2(1), 14-26.
  • DHMİ (2023). DHMİ Faaliyet Raporu 2023. Devlet Hava Meydanları İşletmesi Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Douglas, I. & Lawson, N. (2003). Airport construction: materials use and geomorphic change. Journal of Air Transport Management, 9(3), 177–185.
  • Edwards, B. (2004). The modern airport terminal: New approaches to airport architecture (2. bs.). London, UK & New York, ABD: Taylor & Francis.
  • (2024). “İstanbul Havalimanı enerji tüketimini yüzde 11 azalttı” Erişim adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2024.
  • European Commission. (2019). Union of equality: Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities 2021-2030. European Commission.
  • Gedik, Y. (2020). Sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel boyutlarla sürdürülebilirlik ve sürdürülebilir kalkinma. Uluslararası Ekonomi Siyaset İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(3), 196-215.
  • Greer, F., Rakas, J., & Horvath, A. (2020). Airports and environmental sustainability: a comprehensive review. Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), 103007.
  • Gürsel, S., Demir, R. ve Rodoplu, H. (2023) The effect of digitalisation on sustainability and smart airport, Int. J. Sustainable Aviation, 9(1), 26–40.
  • Halpern, N., Budd, T., Suau-Sanchez, P., Bråthen, S., & Mwesiumo, D. (2021). Conceptualising airport digital maturity and dimensions of technological and organisational transformation. Journal of Airport Management, 15(2), 182-203.
  • Heathrow. (2023). Sustainability Strategy.
  • ICAO, A Focus on the Production of Renewable Energy at the Airport Site. Québec, Canada: International Civil Aviation Organization, 2017.
  • IGA İstanbul Havalimanı. (2023). Küçük Kanatlar Programı.
  • Kalyoncu, M. A. (2023). Havaalanlarında sürdürülebilir atık yönetimi uygulamaları: İstanbul Havalimanı (Master's thesis, Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü Çevre Bilimleri ve Enerji Yönetimi Ana Bilim Dalı).
  • Kara, F. (2021). Havalimanlarının Afet Yönetimindeki Rolü. Havacılık ve Çevre Dergisi.
  • Karaman, A. S., Kilic, M., & Uyar, A. (2018). Sustainability reporting in the aviation industry: worldwide evidence. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 9(4), 362-391.
  • Kazda, T.; Caves, B.; Kamenický, M. (2007). Environmental control, in A. Kazda, R. E. Caves (Eds.). Airport design and operation. 2nd ed. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 457–500.
  • Koenig, G.G., Ryerson, C.C. (2011). An investigation of infrared deicing through experimentation. Cold Reg. Sci. Technol. 65, 79–87.
  • Leung, R.W.K., Li, D.C.H., Yu, W.K., Chui, H.K., Lee, T.O., Loosdrecht, M.C.M.V., Chen, G.H., (2012). Integration of seawater and grey water reuse to maximize alternative water resource for coastal areas: the case of the Hong Kong International Airport. Water Sci. Technol. 65, 410–417.
  • Liao, Z., Chen, Z., Xu, A., Gao, Q., Song, K., Liu, J., Hu, H.Y., 2021. Wastewater treatment and reuse situations and influential factors in major Asian countries. J. Environ. Manag. 282, 1–8.
  • Ma, D. (2024). Research on Green and Sustainable Management Strategy for Airports: a Case Study of Zhengzhou Xinzheng Airport.
  • Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (2019). Gaining Momentum-Sustainability Report.
  • Mohammed, M. H., & Latif, S. D. (2024). Forecasting daily rainfall in a humid subtropical area: an innovative machine learning approach. Journal of Hydroinformatics, jh2024016.
  • Morrell, P., & Lu, C. H.-Y. (2000). Aircraft noise social cost and charge mechanisms – a case study of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 5(4), 305–320.
  • Ortega Alba S and Manana M 2017 Characterization and analysis of energy demand patterns in airports Energies
  • Radomska, M., Chernyak, L., & Samsoniuk, O. (2018). The improvement of energy-saving performance at Ukrainian airports. Advances in sustainable aviation, 189-203.
  • Rodoplu, H. & Gürsel, S. (2022). “Sustainability Practices in Airport”. In: Karakoc, T.H., Colpan, C.O., Dalkiran, A. (eds) New Frontiers in Sustainable Aviation. Sustainable Aviation. Springer, Cham.
  • San Francisco International Airport. (2023). Sustainability Report.
  • Sarbassov, Y., Venetis, C., Aiymbetov, B., Abylkhani, B., Yagofarova, A., Tokmurzin, D., ... & Inglezakis, V. J. (2020). Municipal solid waste management and greenhouse gas emissions at international airports: a case study of Astana International Airport. Journal of Air Transport Management, 85, 101789.
  • SITA. (2022). 2022 Air Transport IT Insights. SITA. Erişim adresi: Erişim tarihi: 12.12.2024.
  • Somerville, A., Baxter, G. S., Richardson, S., & Wild, G. (2015). Sustainable water management at major Australian regional airports: The case of Mildura Airport. Aviation, 19(2), 83-89.
  • Sreenath, S., Sudhakar, K., & Yusop, A. F. (2021). Sustainability at airports: Technologies and best practices from ASEAN countries. Journal of environmental management, 299, 113639.
  • Sulej-Suchomska, A. M., Szumińska, D., de la Guardia, M., Przybyłowski, P., & Polkowska, Ż. (2024). Airport Runoff Water: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives. Sustainability, 16(18), 8176.
  • Thomas, C.; Hooper, P. (2013). Sustainable development and environmental capacity of airports, in N. J. Ashford, H. P. M. Stanton, C. A. Moore, et al. (Eds.). Airport operations. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 553–578.
  • Torum, O., & Yılmaz, A. K. (2009). Havacılıkta Sürdürülebilirlik Yönetimi: Türkiye’deki Hava Limanları İçin Sürdürülebilirlik Uygulamaları Araştırması. Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies, 4(2), 47-58.
  • Toy, A., & Dündar, A. O. Green Logistics Practices In Aviation Industry: A Research On Antalya Airport. Honorary Chair, 268.
  • Wavetec (2024). Flight into the Future: Digital Transformation in Airports. Erişim adresi:,in%20passenger%20satisfaction%20by%208%25. Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2024.
  • Yavuz, İ. (2022). Havaalanlarında Çevresel Sürdürülebilirlik Uygulamaları Kapsamında Karbon Emisyonu Azaltımının Değerlendirilmesi, Yayınlanmamış Yükseklisans Tezi, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Havacılık Yönetimi ABD.
  • Yıldız, Ö. F., Yılmaz, M., Çelik, A., & İmik, E. (2020). Havalimanlarında yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının kullanılması. Journal of Aviation, 4(1), 162-174.
  • Yılmaz, D., & Korkmaz, F. (2021). Havalimanlarında Güneş Enerji Sistemlerinin Kullanılması İle İşletme Maliyetinin Azaltılması. Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik Uygulamaları ve Teknolojik Gelişmeler Dergisi, 4(2), 79-87.
  • Zabihi, H., & Habib, F. (2012). Sustainability in building and construction: revising definitions and concepts. International Journal of Emerging Sciences, 2(4), 570.

Sürdürülebilir Havaalanı Uygulamaları: Enerji Verimliliği ve Karbon Ayak İzi Azaltma Stratejileri

Year 2025, , 102 - 117, 20.01.2025


Sürdürülebilirlik en basit anlamda sınırlı doğal kaynakların gelecek nesilleri düşünerek, bilinçsizce harcanmasının önüne geçilmesi adına alınan bir dizi önleme dair farkındalıktır. Sürdürülebilirlik çevrenin etkin şekilde korunduğu, ekonomik büyümenin sürekliliğinin sağlandığı düzendir. Birleşmiş Milletler 2030 sürdürülebilirlik hedefleri kapsamında karbon salınımının sınırlanmaya çalışıldığı önemli sektörlerden havacılık sektöründe sıkı uygulamalar ve denetimler dikkat çekmektedir. Birçok havalimanı sürdürülebilirlik hedeflerini yakalamak adına sosyal sorumluluk faaliyetleri ile toplumsal etki yaratmaya çalışmakta, teknolojik uygulamalar geliştirmeye çalışarak; enerji verimliliği uygulamaları, katı atık uygulamaları, su ve atık su yönetimi uygulamaları, ulaşılabilirlik ve erişilebilirlik uygulamaları geliştirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanması, enerji verimliliği ve karbon ayak izi azaltmak adına dünyanın önde gelen sürdürülebilir havalimanlarında hayata geçirilen bu uygulamalar tanıtılmakta ve bu uygulamaların yarattığı faydalar yansıtılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Türkiye’de sürdürülebilirliğin yerleştirilmesi adına geliştirilen proje ve mevzuat düzenlemeleri ile havalimanlarının sürdürülebilirlik uygulamaları ele alınmaktadır. Bu uygulamaların bütüncül bir şekilde yansıtılmasıyla sürdürülebilirlik hedeflerini yakalamak isteyen havalimanı yönetimlerinde farkındalık oluşturulması ve uygulama örnekleri ile yol gösterilmesi planlanmaktadır.


  • ACI Europe (2004). The Social and Economic Impacts of Airports, InterVISTAS and Airports Council Internatio nal Europe and York Aviation.
  • ACI Europe, (2020). Accredited airports. Erişim Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2024.
  • ACI Europe. (2015). The economic impact of European airports. InterVISTAS.
  • ACI Europe. (2017). Airport Carbon Accreditation Annual Report 2016-2017. ACI Europe.
  • Airport Council International (ACI). (2017). Airport Digital Transformation: Best Practices and Case Studies. ACI World.
  • Akyüz, M. K., Altuntaş, Ö., Söğüt, M. Z., Karakoç, T. H., & Kurama, S. (2018). Determination of optimum insulation thickness for building's walls with respect to different insulation materials: a case study of International Hasan Polatkan Airport terminal. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 4(2), 147-161.
  • Ammoury, M., & Salman, B. (2024). Advancing Sustainability and Resilience of Airports through Deployment of New Technologies in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic. ASCE OPEN: Multidisciplinary Journal of Civil Engineering, 2(1), 04024006.
  • Andreopoulou, Z., & Gkantalidou, S. (2023). Sustainable practices and green policies in airports: The case of airport of Thessaloniki Makedonia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
  • AVINOR (2018). Annual and CSR Report.
  • Barral, V. (2012). Sustainable development in international law: nature and operation of an evolutive legal norm. European Journal of International Law, 23(2), 377-400.
  • Baxter, G. (2022). Sustainable Airport Water Management: The Case of Hong Kong International Airport. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 7, 5.
  • Baxter, G., Srisaeng, P., & Wild, G. (2018). An assessment of sustainable airport water management: The case of Osaka’s Kansai international airport. Infrastructures, 3(4), 54.
  • Budd, L., & Ison, S. (2019). Air Transport Management: An International Perspective. Routledge.
  • Chang, Y. H., & Yeh, C. H. (2016). Managing corporate social responsibility strategies of airports: The case of Taiwan’s Taoyuan International Airport Corporation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 92, 338-348.
  • Changi Airport Company (2020). CHAMP10NING SUSTAINABILITY.
  • Changi Airport. (2022). Annual Sustainability Report.
  • Chen, S., Wu, L., Ng, K. K., Liu, W., & Wang, K. (2024). How airports enhance the environmental sustainability of operations: A critical review from the perspective of Operations Research. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 183, 103440.
  • Cheremisinoff, N.P., (2003). Handbook of Solid Waste Management and Waste Minimization Technologies. Elsevier Science, Burlington, USA,pp. 20-58.
  • Culberson, S. D. (2011). Environmental impact of airports. Airport Engineering: Planning, Design, and Development of 21st Century Airports,, 704-738.
  • de Castro Carvalho, I., Calijuri, M. L., Assemany, P. P., e Silva, M. D. F. M., Neto, R. F. M., da Fonseca Santiago, A., & de Souza, M. H. B. (2013). Sustainable airport environments: A review of water conservation practices in airports. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 74, 27-36.
  • Demirci, S., Doğan, T. G., & Eroğlu, E. Havalimanlarında Sürdürülebilirlik: Singapur Changi Havalimanı. Düzce Üniversitesi Süs ve Tıbbi Bitkiler Botanik Bahçesi Dergisi, 2(1), 14-26.
  • DHMİ (2023). DHMİ Faaliyet Raporu 2023. Devlet Hava Meydanları İşletmesi Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Douglas, I. & Lawson, N. (2003). Airport construction: materials use and geomorphic change. Journal of Air Transport Management, 9(3), 177–185.
  • Edwards, B. (2004). The modern airport terminal: New approaches to airport architecture (2. bs.). London, UK & New York, ABD: Taylor & Francis.
  • (2024). “İstanbul Havalimanı enerji tüketimini yüzde 11 azalttı” Erişim adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2024.
  • European Commission. (2019). Union of equality: Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities 2021-2030. European Commission.
  • Gedik, Y. (2020). Sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel boyutlarla sürdürülebilirlik ve sürdürülebilir kalkinma. Uluslararası Ekonomi Siyaset İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(3), 196-215.
  • Greer, F., Rakas, J., & Horvath, A. (2020). Airports and environmental sustainability: a comprehensive review. Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), 103007.
  • Gürsel, S., Demir, R. ve Rodoplu, H. (2023) The effect of digitalisation on sustainability and smart airport, Int. J. Sustainable Aviation, 9(1), 26–40.
  • Halpern, N., Budd, T., Suau-Sanchez, P., Bråthen, S., & Mwesiumo, D. (2021). Conceptualising airport digital maturity and dimensions of technological and organisational transformation. Journal of Airport Management, 15(2), 182-203.
  • Heathrow. (2023). Sustainability Strategy.
  • ICAO, A Focus on the Production of Renewable Energy at the Airport Site. Québec, Canada: International Civil Aviation Organization, 2017.
  • IGA İstanbul Havalimanı. (2023). Küçük Kanatlar Programı.
  • Kalyoncu, M. A. (2023). Havaalanlarında sürdürülebilir atık yönetimi uygulamaları: İstanbul Havalimanı (Master's thesis, Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü Çevre Bilimleri ve Enerji Yönetimi Ana Bilim Dalı).
  • Kara, F. (2021). Havalimanlarının Afet Yönetimindeki Rolü. Havacılık ve Çevre Dergisi.
  • Karaman, A. S., Kilic, M., & Uyar, A. (2018). Sustainability reporting in the aviation industry: worldwide evidence. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 9(4), 362-391.
  • Kazda, T.; Caves, B.; Kamenický, M. (2007). Environmental control, in A. Kazda, R. E. Caves (Eds.). Airport design and operation. 2nd ed. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 457–500.
  • Koenig, G.G., Ryerson, C.C. (2011). An investigation of infrared deicing through experimentation. Cold Reg. Sci. Technol. 65, 79–87.
  • Leung, R.W.K., Li, D.C.H., Yu, W.K., Chui, H.K., Lee, T.O., Loosdrecht, M.C.M.V., Chen, G.H., (2012). Integration of seawater and grey water reuse to maximize alternative water resource for coastal areas: the case of the Hong Kong International Airport. Water Sci. Technol. 65, 410–417.
  • Liao, Z., Chen, Z., Xu, A., Gao, Q., Song, K., Liu, J., Hu, H.Y., 2021. Wastewater treatment and reuse situations and influential factors in major Asian countries. J. Environ. Manag. 282, 1–8.
  • Ma, D. (2024). Research on Green and Sustainable Management Strategy for Airports: a Case Study of Zhengzhou Xinzheng Airport.
  • Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (2019). Gaining Momentum-Sustainability Report.
  • Mohammed, M. H., & Latif, S. D. (2024). Forecasting daily rainfall in a humid subtropical area: an innovative machine learning approach. Journal of Hydroinformatics, jh2024016.
  • Morrell, P., & Lu, C. H.-Y. (2000). Aircraft noise social cost and charge mechanisms – a case study of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 5(4), 305–320.
  • Ortega Alba S and Manana M 2017 Characterization and analysis of energy demand patterns in airports Energies
  • Radomska, M., Chernyak, L., & Samsoniuk, O. (2018). The improvement of energy-saving performance at Ukrainian airports. Advances in sustainable aviation, 189-203.
  • Rodoplu, H. & Gürsel, S. (2022). “Sustainability Practices in Airport”. In: Karakoc, T.H., Colpan, C.O., Dalkiran, A. (eds) New Frontiers in Sustainable Aviation. Sustainable Aviation. Springer, Cham.
  • San Francisco International Airport. (2023). Sustainability Report.
  • Sarbassov, Y., Venetis, C., Aiymbetov, B., Abylkhani, B., Yagofarova, A., Tokmurzin, D., ... & Inglezakis, V. J. (2020). Municipal solid waste management and greenhouse gas emissions at international airports: a case study of Astana International Airport. Journal of Air Transport Management, 85, 101789.
  • SITA. (2022). 2022 Air Transport IT Insights. SITA. Erişim adresi: Erişim tarihi: 12.12.2024.
  • Somerville, A., Baxter, G. S., Richardson, S., & Wild, G. (2015). Sustainable water management at major Australian regional airports: The case of Mildura Airport. Aviation, 19(2), 83-89.
  • Sreenath, S., Sudhakar, K., & Yusop, A. F. (2021). Sustainability at airports: Technologies and best practices from ASEAN countries. Journal of environmental management, 299, 113639.
  • Sulej-Suchomska, A. M., Szumińska, D., de la Guardia, M., Przybyłowski, P., & Polkowska, Ż. (2024). Airport Runoff Water: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives. Sustainability, 16(18), 8176.
  • Thomas, C.; Hooper, P. (2013). Sustainable development and environmental capacity of airports, in N. J. Ashford, H. P. M. Stanton, C. A. Moore, et al. (Eds.). Airport operations. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 553–578.
  • Torum, O., & Yılmaz, A. K. (2009). Havacılıkta Sürdürülebilirlik Yönetimi: Türkiye’deki Hava Limanları İçin Sürdürülebilirlik Uygulamaları Araştırması. Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies, 4(2), 47-58.
  • Toy, A., & Dündar, A. O. Green Logistics Practices In Aviation Industry: A Research On Antalya Airport. Honorary Chair, 268.
  • Wavetec (2024). Flight into the Future: Digital Transformation in Airports. Erişim adresi:,in%20passenger%20satisfaction%20by%208%25. Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2024.
  • Yavuz, İ. (2022). Havaalanlarında Çevresel Sürdürülebilirlik Uygulamaları Kapsamında Karbon Emisyonu Azaltımının Değerlendirilmesi, Yayınlanmamış Yükseklisans Tezi, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Havacılık Yönetimi ABD.
  • Yıldız, Ö. F., Yılmaz, M., Çelik, A., & İmik, E. (2020). Havalimanlarında yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının kullanılması. Journal of Aviation, 4(1), 162-174.
  • Yılmaz, D., & Korkmaz, F. (2021). Havalimanlarında Güneş Enerji Sistemlerinin Kullanılması İle İşletme Maliyetinin Azaltılması. Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik Uygulamaları ve Teknolojik Gelişmeler Dergisi, 4(2), 79-87.
  • Zabihi, H., & Habib, F. (2012). Sustainability in building and construction: revising definitions and concepts. International Journal of Emerging Sciences, 2(4), 570.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Ecology, Sustainability and Energy
Journal Section Research Article

Nilgün Çayalan 0000-0001-9492-9459

Hakan Rodoplu 0000-0001-9670-814X

Publication Date January 20, 2025
Submission Date December 23, 2024
Acceptance Date December 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Çayalan, N., & Rodoplu, H. (2025). Sürdürülebilir Havaalanı Uygulamaları: Enerji Verimliliği ve Karbon Ayak İzi Azaltma Stratejileri. Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(38), 102-117.