Current Issue

Issue: 38, 1/20/25

Year: 2025

Research Article

Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciences is an international refereed and scientific journal that publishes in order to bring together qualified academic studies in social fields. Our journal prioritizes quality over quantity and publishes without compromising on the way to comply with international scientific criteria.

Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciences is an international refereed, multidisciplinary journal. Our journal, which is published with open access system, does not charge any fee from the authors. Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciences is published three times a year in January, May and October. Our journal is divided into Philosophy and Religious Sciences, Language Literature and Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Educational Sciences, Economic and Administrative Sciences and Tourism.


Manuscripts submitted to our journal must comply with the following criteria and spelling rules. Manuscripts that do not comply with these criteria and rules will be rejected directly. Please use the article template to edit your article. In addition, please read the warnings on the link carefully for the path you need to follow regarding the process.

- If a special font is used in the manuscript, the font used should be sent with the manuscript.

- Article Page Layout: It should be written on A4 size (29.7×21 cm.) paper in MS Word program. All margins of the first page should be 1 cm and all margins of the other pages should be 3 cm. Pages should not be numbered. The article must be uploaded to the system in word file format. Articles uploaded in any other format will be rejected directly.

•- Author name(s) and address: In the full text file uploaded in the first submission of the article, information such as the author's name, title, institution, and e-mail address where the author can be reached should not be included. Author names and information will be added to the first page of the article to be uploaded as a title page. When adding articles to the system in the full text file, it should be ensured that no information belonging to the author is included in the article. This is important in order to allow the referees who will review the article to move more easily. Manuscripts that include the above-mentioned information will be rejected outright.
- Turkish Title: Cambri font, capitalize the first letters of the words, 12 point, vertical.
- English Title: Cambri font, capitalize the first letters of the words, 12 pt, italicized.

- Author name(s) and address: In the full-text file uploaded in the first submission of the article, information such as the author's name, title, institution, and e-mail address where the author can be reached should not be included. Author names and information will be added to the first page of the article to be uploaded as a title page. When adding articles to the system in the full text file, it should be ensured that no information belonging to the author is included in the article. This is important in order to allow the referees who will review the article to move more easily. Manuscripts that include the above-mentioned information will be rejected directly.

-Objective (Title): It should be written in Cambri font, 10 pt, capital letters, centered, justified.

- ABSTRACT (Text): Cambri font, 9 pt, single-spaced, justified, (ABSTRACT should be at least 150 and at most 200 words)

- Keywords (Title): Cambri font, 9 pt, justified, only the first letter capitalized, (maximum 10 words)

- ABSTRACT (Title): Cambri font, 10 point, capital letters, centered, justified. (Due to language differences, the Abstract may exceed the maximum 200 words set for the Turkish Abstract or remain below the minimum 150 words)

- ABSTRACT (Text): Cambri font, 9 pt, single-spaced, justified.

- Keywords (Title): Cambri font, 9 pt, justified, only the first letter capitalized, (In the Keywords section, expressions such as of, in, the, by, on, a, etc. are not counted in the maximum 10 words)
- Extended Abstract: For articles written in languages other than English, at least 750 and at most 1000 words in English in Times New Roman font, 10 point, vertical, justified. The Extended Abstract section should be completely different from the abstract section, and the abstract should not be copied here.

- All Internal Headings including Introduction, Conclusion and References: Times New Roman, 11-point font, capitalized first letters only

• Section Headings: In the article, main, intermediate and subheadings can be used to provide an organized transfer of information. All headings must be numbered.

• Main Text: Times News Roman font, 11 pt, 3 spaces before paragraph, 3 spaces after paragraph, 1.15 line spacing, justified, first line indent 0 cm (no indent at the beginning of the paragraph).

• Tables and Figures: Tables and figures should be numbered and titled. The table number should appear above the table. Figures should be prepared for color printing. The figure number, name and source, if any, should be written just below the figure, in 10 pt, vertically, centered.

• Images: High resolution, print quality scanned images should be given in their place in the text. The rules for naming pictures should follow the rules for tables and figures. Figures, charts and illustrations can be placed in appropriate places in the text, provided that they are aesthetic.
- Footnote: Footnotes should be automatically numbered. All information in the footnote should be written in Times New Roman font, 9 pt, justified and single-spaced. Footnotes should only be used for explanations.

• Bibliography Layout: The bibliography will be written in 11 font size and 1.15 line spacing. The hanging system (1.15 value) will be used in the bibliography.

• References: To be prepared according to APA format.

- Quotations and References: Quotations exceeding three lines in the text should be written 1 cm from the left, single-spaced and in 10-point font. In such quotations, the first line indentation value should be 0.

NOTE: Please refer to the Article Template on the journal page for the order and page structure of the articles.
Starting from the January 2022 issue, the articles to be evaluated in our journal must be organized according to APA-7 (2020) rules. Accordingly, the in-text and end-of-text bibliography rules and examples to be taken as basis when preparing articles in our journal are given below. Please click on the link below for more detailed information about APA-7 and issues not included in the template below.

1. Single Authored Book
Rule in Bibliography Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year). Title of the book (Number of editions). Publisher.
Example in Bibliography Gümüş, S. (2010). Modernizm ve Postmodernizm. (1. Baskı). Can Yayınları.
Example in Text (Gümüş, 2010: 45)
2. Book with Two Authors
Rule in Bibliography Author's surname, Author's initials. and Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year). Title of the book (Number of editions). Publisher.
Example in Bibliography Sözen, M. ve Tanyeli, U. (2014). Sanat ve Kavram Terimleri Sözlüğü. (1. Baskı). Remzi Kitabevi.
Example in Text (Sözen, M. ve Tanyeli, U. 2014: 78)
3. Book with More Than Two Authors
Rule in the bibliography Author's surname, Author's initials, Author's surname, Author's initials, and Author's surname, Author's initials (Year). Title of the book (Number of editions). Publisher.
Example in Bibliography Göka, E. Topçuoğlu, A. ve Aktay, Y. (1996). Önce Söz Vardı. (1. Baskı). Vadi Yayınları.
Example in Text (Göka vd., 1996: 40)
4. Chapter in an edited book
Rule in Bibliography Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year). Title of the book chapter. Editor's initials. Editor's surname (Ed.), Title of the book (number of editions, page range) in. Publisher.
Example in Bibliography Tuğluk, A. (2021). Arketipçi eleştiri. U. Bingöl ve E. Yılmaz (Ed.), Edebiyat yazıları II – eleştiri kuramları ve metin tahlilleri (1. Baskı, s.111-129) içinde. DBY yayınları.
Example in Text (Tuğluk, 2021: 111)
5. Translated Book
Rule in Bibliography Surname of the author of the original book, Initial letter of the author's name. (Year). Title of the book (number of editions). (Translator's initials. Translator's surname, Çev.). Publisher (date of publication of the original work)
Example in Bibliography Lyotard, F. (2013). Postmodern Durum. (4. Baskı). (İ. Birkan, Çev.). Bilgesu Yayınları.
Example in Text (Deny, 2013: 66)
1. Single Authored Article in Periodicals
Rule in Bibliography Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the Periodical, Volume (number of the periodical), Page range.
Kaynakçada Örnek Harmancı, A. (2019). Edebiyatımızda Ara Nesil. Medeniyet ve Toplum Dergisi, 3(2), 157-166.
Example in Text (Harmancı, 2019: 159)
2. Two Authored Articles in Periodicals
Rule in Bibliography First author's surname, First initial. and Second author's surname, First initial. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the Periodical, Volume (number of the periodical), Page range.
Example in Bibliography Kılınççeker, Ö. ve Gök, S. (2021). Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu illerinden Türk ordusuna yapılan yardımlarda Türk Kızılayı’nın rolü (1940-1943). Mecmua Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6 (11), 274-294.
Example in Text (Kılınççeker ve Gök, 2021: 275)
3. Articles with More Than Two Authors in Periodicals
Rule in Bibliography First author's last name, first initial, second author's last name, first initial, and third author's last name, first initial. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the Periodical, Volume (number of the periodical), Page range.
Example in Bibliography Gönen M., Çelebi Öncü, E. ve Isıtan, S. (2004). İlköğretim 5. 6. 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin okuma alışkanlıklarının incelenmesi. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, (164), 7-35.
Example in Text (Gönen vd., 2004: 30).
4. Articles Published in Newspapers
Rule in Bibliography Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year, Month Day,). Title of the article. Name of the Newspaper.
Example in Bibliography İrtem, S.B. (1943, Teşrinievvel 12). Tarihten Sahifeler. Akşam.
Example in Text (İrtem, 1943: 6)
5. Translated Book
Rule in Bibliography Surname of the author of the original book, Initial letter of the author's name. (Year). Title of the book (number of editions). (Translator's initials. Translator's surname, Çev.). Publisher. (Date of publication of the original work)
Example in Bibliography Lyotard, F. (2013). Postmodern Durum. (4. Baskı). (İ. Birkan, Çev.). Bilgesu Yayınları.
Example in Text (Deny, 2013: 66)
Rule in Bibliography authors’ surname, initials (Year, Day, Month). Title of the presentation. Name of the Conference / Symposium, City, Country where the Conference / Symposium took place.
Example in Bibliography Beyoğlu, S. (2006). I. Dünya Savaşı’nda ve Millî Mücadele Yıllarında Üsküdar (1915-1922). IV. Üsküdar Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Türkiye.
Example in Text (Beyoğlu, 2006: 284)
Rule in Bibliography Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year). Title of the thesis. [Unpublished master's thesis / Unpublished doctoral thesis]. Name of the university.
Example in Bibliography Bulut, F. (2020). Bireysel ve toplumsal fayda açısından Ahmet Midhat Efendi'nin romanlarında pragmatizm. [Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi]. Dicle Üniversitesi.
Example in Text (Bulut, 2020: 145)
Rule in Bibliography Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year). Title of the book (number of editions). Publisher.
Example in Bibliography Karaağaç, G. (2013). Dil bilimi terimleri sözlüğü. Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.
Example in Text (Karaağaç, 2013: 45)
Rule in Bibliography Author's last name, Author's first name
initials. (Year). Article name. Name of the encyclopedia (C., pp.). Publisher.
Example in Bibliography Akün, Ö. F. (2006). Namık Kemal. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi (C.32, ss.361-378). Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları.
Example in Text (Akün, 2006: 364)
Rule in Bibliography Archive Name Abbreviation, Archive Name. Ledger Name [Ledger Code]. No. Number, (if applicable) Shirt No. Number. (if applicable) Access Address
Example in Bibliography BOA, Osmanlı Arşivi. Mühimme-i Asâkir Defterleri [A.DVNS.ASK.MHM.d]. No. 989, Gömlek No. 7.
Example in Text Kural Defter Kodu, No. Numarası, (varsa) Gömlek No. Numarası
Example in Text (A.DVNS. ASK.MHM.d, No. 989, Gömlek No. 7).

1. Manuscripts with Unknown Author
Rule in Bibliography Manuscript Name. City where the library is located: Library Name, Collection Name, Record Number, Vault Range. Access Address
Example in Bibliography Tefsîru suveri'l-Kur’ân. Ankara: Milli Kütüphane, Yazmalar, 363/2, 48a-72b. /eser/tefs%C3%AEru-suveril-kuran/4084
Example in Text (Yazma Eser Kısa Adı, Koleksiyon Adı, Kayıt Numarası)
Example in Text (Tefsîru suveri'l-Kur’ân, Yazmalar, 363/2).
2. Manuscripts with known authors
Rule in Bibliography Author Name. Manuscript Name. City where the library is located: Library Name, Collection Name, Record Number, Vault Range. Access Address
Example in Bibliography Meḥmed ibn Pīr ʿAlī Birgiwī. Kitāb al-Ṭarīgah al-Muḥammadīyah. Copenhagen: The Royal Library, Danish Collection, Cod. Arab. A.C. 5, 1a-227b
Example in Text (Yazar Soyadı, Koleksiyon Adı, Kayıt Numarası)
Example in Text (Birgiwī, Danish Collection, Cod. Arab. A.C. 5)
Rule in the Bibliography Name of the Institution Printing the Official Publication. (Year). Name of the report (Publication no.). Publisher. Name of the Institution Publishing the Official Publication (Year). Name of the report (Publication no.). Internet address
Example in Bibliography Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (2019). İstatistiklerle çocuk (Yayın no. 4581).
Rule in Text First reference: (Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu [TÜİK], 2019: s.)
Example Second and subsequent references in the text: (TÜİK, 2019: s.)
Rule in Bibliography Author's Surname, Initial or Group name. (Year).Title of the study. Name of the website. Retrieved from URL at .....Kaynakçada Örnek Pilav, S. (2013) Âkif Paşa. Türk Edebiyatı İsimler Sözlüğü (TEİS), adresinden 12.04.2015 tarihinde alınmıştır.
Example in Text (Pilav, 2013)
1. References to Works of the Same Author Published in Different Years: (Arslan, 2007, s. 16; 2008, s. 28-44)
2. If the same reference is made to two different publications of the same author published in the same year: (Akıncı, 2011a, s. 24-31; 2011b, s. 3-20)
3. If the Same Reference is Made to Separate Publications: (Demir, 2010, s. 37-44; Güneş, 2012, s. 55)


1. Publication Ethics

The ethical duties and responsibilities listed below have been prepared based on the recommendations and guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Our journal undertakes to comply with the ethical principles stated below.

2. Ethical Responsibilities of Publishers

The publisher does not seek any financial profit by publishing the journal.

The publisher undertakes that editors make independent decisions regarding the articles submitted to the journal.

The publisher is responsible for taking measures against all kinds of scientific misconduct, citation ganging and plagiarism regarding editors.

Matters such as freedom of thought and property rights of articles submitted to our journal are respected. Publishers protect the intellectual property and copyright of every article published in the journal. The journal management defends the rights of the journal and authors in case of possible violations.

3. Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors

3.1. General Duties and Responsibilities of Editors

The editor must ensure that the articles published in the journal comply with the journal's publication policy, the journal's purpose and scope.

The editor must take care to protect personal data in articles sent to the journal and must not publish this personal data without the explicit consent of individuals. The editor must ensure that all information regarding the article sent to the journal is kept confidential until publication.

The editor must carefully consider criticisms regarding the articles published in the journal and must adopt a constructive attitude in this regard.

The editor must keep correspondence, files and other records regarding the articles sent to the journal in electronic or printed form.

The editor must do the necessary work to raise the quality standards of the journal and the publication.

The editor must defend academic diversity of thought and freedom of scientific thought. At the same time, the journal must continue to operate by observing intellectual property rights and ethical standards.

The editor must evaluate the articles sent to the journal in terms of scientific content, regardless of the ethnic origin, gender, nationality, religious belief or political philosophy of the authors.

The editor must prioritize the principle of transparency in all publication processes (in matters requiring correction, change, or explanation for any reason in the publication) as required by the publication policy.

The editor must ensure that human and animal rights are protected in the articles submitted to the journal. The editor must reject the article in question in cases where there is no ethical committee approval regarding the subjects used in the articles or legal permissions regarding experimental research.

The editor must ensure that blind and double-review processes are carried out healthily.

Only the editor and the editorial board have full authority in assigning referees for the articles, and the editor and the editorial board are responsible for the final decision regarding the publication of the articles.

3.2. Relationships of Editors with the Journal Owner and Publisher

There must be a principle of editorial independence between the editor and the publisher.

The relationship between the editor and the publisher must be based on a written contract.

The decisions to be taken by the editor regarding the articles in the journal must be independent and not open to the intervention of the publisher and the journal owner.

3.3. Relationships of Editors with the Editorial Board

The editor must be in communication with the editorial board.

The editor should ensure that the editorial board consists of active members who contribute to the journal and are compatible with the journal's field.

The editor should ensure that the editorial board is objective and impartial in its evaluations.

3.4. Relationships of Editors with the Editorial Board

People on the editorial board of the journal should actively contribute to the development of the journal.

The editor should inform the editorial board about articles and studies related to their fields.

The editor should shape the journal's publication policy by taking into account the opinions and suggestions of the editorial board.

3.5. Relationships of Editors with Authors

The editor should ensure that authors have access to the current version of the journal's publication and writing principles and article template.

Unless there is a very important problem in the articles sent to the journal, the editor should take the articles to the preliminary evaluation stage.

The editor should provide accurate, explanatory and informative notifications and feedback to the authors about all stages of their articles.

The editor should not ignore positive referee suggestions. In case of rejection of positive referee suggestions, the reason for rejection should be evaluated within the framework of scientific, ethical, legal, etc. norms.

The editor should grant the authors the right to respond to criticisms received on the articles.

The editor should immediately forward the correction suggestions requested by the referees to the author.

3.6. Relationships of Editors with Referees

The editor should determine referees suitable for the field and content of the study for the articles sent to the journal.

The editor should send the necessary forms and files regarding the evaluation of the articles to the referees within the deadline.

The editor should remove from the referee pool referees who do not return within the deadline or do not comply with referee ethics.

The editor should review the corrections made by the author in the manuscript files.

The editor should keep the identity of the referees confidential during the publication evaluation process.

The editor should prevent evaluations that do not comply with scientific ethics and are offensive before they reach the author.

The editor should always update the referee pool of the journal and create a wide range.

The editor should make an effort to send the articles to different referees.

The editor should direct the articles sent to the journal to referees who do not have a conflict of interest or common interest.

The editor should encourage the referees to evaluate the articles in an impartial, scientific and objective manner.

3.7. Relations of Editors with Readers

The editor is responsible for taking into account the feedback from readers, researchers and practitioners and providing healthy feedback to the readers, researchers and reviewers regarding this feedback.

4. Ethical Responsibilities of Referees

4.1. Double-Blind Refereeing

Referees should act impartially and confidentially in accordance with the blind evaluation process.

4.2. Confidentiality

Works sent to referees for evaluation must be kept confidential. Works must not be shown to others and their content must not be discussed. The confidentiality rule also covers people who refuse to be referees.

4.3. Promptness

A referee who is invited to conduct a peer review must notify the editor within 15 days whether he/she will be a referee for the relevant study. The peer review process must be completed within 15 days, and authors must complete the changes notified to the responsible author within 15 days.

4.4. Citation

Referees must notify the journal editorial board if they become aware of uncited published publications, copyright infringement by the author, and plagiarism.

4.5. Impartiality

Referees must evaluate the study in an impartial, scientific, and objective manner. Referees must avoid insults and personal comments, and must conduct evaluations in accordance with minimum rules of courtesy. Referees must evaluate the relevant article by taking scientific criteria into consideration.

4.6. Courtesy

Referees should avoid unfounded evaluations that are not scientific or may have legal consequences.

4.7. Expertise

Referees should accept studies related to their field of expertise and reject studies outside their field of expertise.

4.8. Conflict of Interest - Conflict of Interest

Referees should refuse to be a referee if they notice a conflict of interest or conflict of interest regarding the study they are evaluating and report this to the journal editor.

5. Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Author(s) accept that all publication rights of the study published in the journal belong to the journal they submitted. Author(s) cannot request copyright for the articles they submit to our journal.

Author(s) should upload the articles they submit to the journal to the system in accordance with the journal's publication and writing rules and article template.

Author(s) must confirm that the article submitted to the journal for publication has not been previously published anywhere, in any language, has not been sent to another journal for publication, or has not been evaluated for publication; If the article is published in its entirety or in part, it must declare and undertake that all necessary permissions have been obtained for its publication in our journal and that it has been sent to the journal editorship together with the original copyright transfer form.

Authors should not submit more than one article to be published in the same issue.

Authors should not add the names of people who did not contribute to the article as authors.

Authors should ensure the originality of the articles they submit to the journal

Authors should assume full responsibility for all copyrighted materials (tables, figures, contributing citations, etc.) in our journal.

Authors should make appropriate references to other authors, contributors or sources and the relevant sources must be indicated.

Authors should declare any financial relationships or conflicts of interest or competing interests that should be known about the study submitted to our journal and that could potentially affect the findings or scientific results of the study; and should state in writing all financial contributions, sponsorships or project supports made to the study.

Authors should indicate the qualifications of the articles submitted to the journal if they are studies that have been presented at national or international congresses or symposiums and whose abstracts have been published.

Authors should contact the editor immediately when they detect a significant scientific error or inappropriateness in their articles published in our journal in order to withdraw their articles or correct the error in the articles.

Authors should ensure that the studies submitted to our journal comply with scientific research and publication ethics. In this regard, they should meticulously comply with the rules specified in the YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.

Authors should be informed about the ethical status of the article by the journal editor during the preliminary control, evaluation and editing process of an article.

Authors must not change their responsibilities regarding a publication that has started the evaluation process. (adding/removing authors, changing the order)

Authors must prioritize respect for fundamental human rights and animal rights in the articles they submit to the journal for publication. In this context, they must definitely obtain ethics committee approval regarding the subjects to be used in the articles.

The journal management, editor and editorial board assume that authors who submit articles to our journal for publication agree to comply with the conditions stated above.

6. Compliance with the YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive

The YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive is as follows in Article 8, "Actions contrary to scientific research and publication ethics". Authors must seriously avoid the issues detailed below:

a) Plagiarism: Presenting others' ideas, methods, data, applications, writings, figures or works as one's own work, in whole or in part, without citing their authors in accordance with scientific rules.

b) Forgery: Producing data that is not based on research, editing or changing a presented or published work based on false data, reporting or publishing these, presenting a research that has not been conducted as if it was conducted.

c) Distortion: Falsifying research records and obtained data, presenting methods, devices and materials that were not used in the research as if they were used, not evaluating data that is not in accordance with the research hypothesis, manipulating data and/or results to fit the relevant theory or assumptions, distorting or shaping research results in line with the interests of persons and institutions from which support is received.

ç) Re-publication: Presenting more than one work containing the same results of a research as separate works in associate professorship exam evaluations and academic promotions.

d) Slicing: Presenting the results of a study as separate works in evaluations for associate professorship exams and academic promotions by inappropriately separating them into pieces and publishing numerous publications without citing each other in a way that will disrupt the integrity of the study.

e) Unfair authorship: Including people who have no active contribution among the authors, not including people who have active contribution among the authors, changing the author order in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, removing the names of those who have active contribution from the work during publication or in subsequent editions, using one's influence to have one's name included among the authors even though one has no active contribution.

f) Other types of ethical violations: Not clearly stating the supporting persons, institutions or organizations and their contributions to the research in the publications of research conducted with support. Not complying with ethical rules in research conducted on humans and animals, not respecting patient rights in publications, sharing information in a work that one has been assigned to review as a referee with others before publication, using resources, places, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research for purposes other than intended, making completely unfounded, unfounded and intentional accusations of ethical violations.

Reporting a Situation That Does Not Comply with Ethical Principles to the Editor

If an unethical behavior is encountered regarding editors, referees, authors, or an unethical situation regarding an article in the evaluation process, early view, or published, it should be reported to

No fee is charged to the authors for the articles submitted to Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciences and the process operation of these articles.