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Barışçıl Kaplan: ASEAN Yolu’nda Barış’ın Tesisi ve Sürdürülebilirliğinde Zorluklar

Year 2025, Issue: 38, 286 - 309, 20.01.2025


Güneydoğu Asya Ülkeleri Birliği (ASEAN) uzun süredir Güneydoğu Asya’da barış ve istikrarın korunmasına odaklanan başarılı bir bölgesel işbirliği modeli olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Ancak bölge, toprak anlaşmazlıkları, siyasi istikrarsızlık ve sınır ötesi suç ve terör tehdidi dâhil olmak üzere barışa yönelik çeşitli zorluklarla karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Bu çalışma ASEAN bölgesindeki barış ve güvenliğin durumunu incelemektedir. Makale, ASEAN’da barışın korunmasına katkıda bulunan, örgütün ASEAN Yolu olarak isimlendirilen müdahale etmeme ilkesi, çatışma çözümü için bölgesel mekanizmaların geliştirilmesi ve ekonomik entegrasyonun desteklenmesi gibi temel faktörleri analiz etmektedir. Aynı zamanda büyük güçler arasında artan jeopolitik gerilimler, iklim değişikliğinin etkisi ve geleneksel olmayan güvenlik sorunlarının artması da dâhil olmak üzere barışa yönelik ortaya çıkan tehditleri de değerlendirmeye tabi tutmaktadır. Ayrıca çalışma, geleceğe yönelik ASEAN’da barışın muhtemel durumunu tartışarak, sürekli bölgesel işbirliğine, ASEAN’ın kurumsal kapasitesinin güçlendirilmesine ve bölgedeki barış ve güvenliğe yönelik çok yönlü zorluklara çözüm bulmak için kapsamlı stratejilerin geliştirilmesine olan ihtiyacın da altını çizmektedir.


  • Acharya, A. (2001). Constructing a security community in Southeast Asia: ASEAN and the Problem of regional order. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Alagappa, M. (1988a). Asian security practice material and ideational influences. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Alagappa, M. (1988b). In search of peace: Confidence building and conflict reduction in the Pacific: Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Roundtable - 10-11 January 1987. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia: Institute of Strategic and International Studies.
  • Alagappa, M. (2011). International relations studies in Asia: Distinctive trajectories. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 11(2), 193–230.
  • Anwar, D. F. (2000). Indonesia: National vs regional resilience. D. Cunha içinde, Southeast Asian Perspectives on Security (s. 81-97). Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
  • ASEAN. (2008a). Mayıs 16, 2024 tarihinde ASEAN Charter: adresinden alındı
  • ASEAN. (2008b, Mayıs 25). Mayıs 5, 2024 tarihinde ASEAN-UN International Pledging Conference on Cyclone Nargis Yangon, Myanmar: adresinden alındı
  • ASEAN. (2021, Nisan 24). Mayıs 14, 2024 tarihinde Chairman’s Statement on the ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting: adresinden alındı
  • Aung, H. M. (2022, Kasım 29). Time for ASEAN to recognise Myanmar’s shadow government. Mayıs 10, 2024 tarihinde East Asia Forum: adresinden alındı
  • BBC. (2021, Mart 11). Mart 5, 2024 tarihinde Myanmar nun: Sister Ann Rose Nu Tawng explains her act of courage: adresinden alındı
  • Caballero–Anthony, M. (2017). From Comprehensive Security to Regional Resilience: Coping with Nontraditional Security Challenges. A. Baviera, & L. Maramis içinde, ASEAN@50 - Building ASEAN Community: Political–Security and Socio-cultural Reflections (s. 123-145). Manila: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia.
  • Carr, E. H. (1964). Twenty Years’ Crisis, 1919-1939. New York: Harpertorch Books.
  • Chia, S. Y., & Plummer, M. (2015). ASEAN economic cooperation and integration: Progress, challenges and future directions. London: Cambridge University Press.
  • CNBC. (2016, Temmuz 26). Philippines says dropping South China Sea ruling from ASEAN statement no win for China. Mayıs 6, 2024 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • Cook, A., & Yogendran, S. (2020). Conceptualising humanitarian civil- military partnerships in the asia-pacific: (re-)ordering cooperation. C. Jones, & G. Mulloy içinde, East Asia, Peacekeeping Operations, and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (Cilt 74, s. 35–53). London: Routledge.
  • Curley, M., & Thomas, N. (2004). Human security and public health in Southeast Asia: the SARS outbreak. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 58(1), 17-32.
  • Deutsch, K. W. (2015). Political Community and the North American Area. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Emmers, R. (2018). Unpacking ASEAN Neutrality: The Quest for Autonomy and Impartiality in Southeast Asia. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 40(3), 349–370.
  • Fishbein, E., Lusan, N. N., & Hkawng, J. T. (2021, Nisan 3). Frontier Myanmar. Mayıs 5, 2024 tarihinde The last fight: With growing support for federal army, Kachin prepares for war: adresinden alındı
  • Galtung, J. (1969). Violence, peace, and peace research. Journal of Peace Research, 6(3), 167–191.
  • Gault-Williams, M. (2019). Organisasi Papua Merdeka: The free Papua movement lives. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 19(4), 32-43.
  • Hai, D. T. (2014). Vietnam's Evolving Claims. L. Buszynski, & C. B. Roberts içinde, The South China Sea Maritime Dispute (s. 83-110). London: Routledge.
  • Hall, R. A., & Deinla, I. (2021). Shifts in the humanitarian space? Examining NGO–military engagements during the 2017 crisis in Marawi, Philippines. Asian Politics & Policy, 13, 349-365.
  • Hall, R., & Dumpit, D. (2024). egitimate Use of Violence? Interrogating the Hero-Soldier of the Marawi War in the Philippines. U. Ben-Shalom, R. Moelker, N. Stern, & E. Ben-Ari içinde, Military Heroism in a Post-Heroic Era. The Military and Society (s. 205-23). Cham: Springer .
  • Hopf, T. (1998). The promise of constructivism in international relations theory. International Security, 23(1), 171-200.
  • ICG. (2020). Identity Crisis: Ethnicity and Conflict in Myanmar. Brussels: International Crisis Group. Mayıs 2, 2024 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • Kambo, G., & Yani, A. A. (2021). Political Identity and Religious Prejudice in a Post-Conflict Society: A Case Study of Poso, Indonesia. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 56(3), 519-527.
  • Katsumata, H. (2006). Establishment of the ASEAN Regional Forum: constructing a ‘talking shop’ or a ‘norm brewery’? The Pacific Review, 19(2), 181-98.
  • Leifer, M. (1989). ASEAN and the Security of South-East Asia. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Leifer, M. (1996). The ASEAN Regional Forum: Extending ASEAN’s Model of Regional Security. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Lorch, J., & Sombatpoonsiri, J. (2023). COVID-19 and Civil Society in Southeast Asia: Beyond Shrinking Civic Space. Voluntas, 34, 613-625.
  • Mahbubani, K. (2017). The ASEAN Miracle: A Catalyst for Peace. Singapore: NUS Press.
  • Md. Ismail Hossain, I. A., & Mehedi, N. (2021). The Rohingya Refugee Crisis: A Threat to Peace and Security in South Asia. The International Journal of Community and Social Development, 3(4), 353-371.
  • Mearsheimer, J. (1995). The false promise of international institutions. International Security, 19(3), 5–49.
  • Meyer, J. S., & Peters, J. E. (2007). On the Ground: The Secret War in Vietnam. Oceanside: Levin Publishing Group.
  • Miller, B. (2007). States, nations, and the great powers. The sources of regional war and peace. London: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mishael, G., Setiyono, J., & Hardiwinoto, S. (2016). Kebijakan Operasi Militer Tentara Nasional Indonesia Terhadap Organisasi Papua Merdeka Dalam Perspektif Hukum Humaniter Internasional. Diponegoro Law Journal, 5(2), 1-16.
  • MN. (2021, April 28). Myanmar Now. Mayıs 5, 2024 tarihinde NCA-signatory EAOs take ‘initial step’ toward forming coalition with non-signatories: adresinden alındı
  • Papagiorcopulo, S. (2017, Mayıs 27). Philippines Facing Multiple Threats: Talks With Communist Rebels Resume. Haziran 3, 2024 tarihinde Foreign Brief: adresinden alındı
  • Paul, T. V. (2020). The study of peaceful change in world politics. T. Paul, D. W. Larson, H. A. Trinkunas, A. Wivel, & R. Emmers içinde, The Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations (s. 4-26). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Putra, B. A., & Darwis, B. R. (2019). ASEAN Political-Security Communty: Challenges of Establishing Regional Security in the Southeast Asia. Journal of International Studies, 12(1), 33-49.
  • Quang, N. M., & Oishi, M. (2016). Spiralling Insurgency in the Deep South: Thailand’s Unseen Road to Ethnic Conflict Management. M. Oishi içinde, Contemporary Conflicts in Southeast Asia: Towards a New ASEAN Way of Conflict Management (s. 61-87). Singapore: Springer.
  • Rabasa, A., & John, H. (2002). The military and democracy in indonesia, challenges, politics, and power. California: RAND.
  • Rupprecht, K. (2014). Separatist conflicts in the ASEAN region: comparing Southern Thailand and Mindanao. ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 21- 40.
  • Russett, B., & Oneal, J. (2001). Triangulating Peace: Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organizations. New York: W. W. Norton .
  • Sattar, Y. (2020). Southeast Asian Conflict Areas And the United Nations’ Involvement. A. E. Muharrem Hilmi Özev içinde, The United Nations and its Conflict Resolution Role (s. 57-73). İstanbul: Istanbul University Press.
  • Severino, R. C. (2008). ASEAN. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ISEAS.
  • Severino, R. C., & Menon, J. (2013). Overview. S. Basu Das, J. Menon, O. Shrestha, & R. Severino içinde, The ASEAN Economic Community: A Work in Progress (s. 1-30). Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
  • Subhan, A. (2018, Mayıs 17). The Asean Post. Mayıs 6, 2024 tarihinde Facilitating disaster relief across ASEAN: adresinden alındı
  • Suryohadiprojo, S. (2016). Ketahanan Nasional Indonesia. Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional, 2(1), 13-32.
  • Temiz, S. (2019a). ASEAN ve Güneydoğu Asya Bölgeselciliği Üzerine Etkisi. KAÜİİBFD, 10(20), 1086 -1116.
  • Temiz, S. (2019b). Kâğıt Kaplan- Zayıf Bir Pakt Olarak Güneydoğu Asya Antlaşması Teşkilatı (Seato) Ve Bölgesel Siyasi Etkileri. SBAD - Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 285-302.
  • Temiz, S. (2020a). ASEAN'da Kollektif Kimlik İnşa Çabaları ve Sömürgecilik Etkisi. G. Çağar içinde, Biz ve Ötekiler - Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kimlik Perspektifinden Dış Politika (s. 209-237). Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Temiz, S. (2020b). Asya-Pasifik'te Uluslararası ve Bölgesel Güvenliğe Yönelik Politika Geliştirme Mekanizması: ASEAN Bölgesel Forumu. H. Acar içinde, Küresel Terör ve Güvenlik Politikaları (s. 373-397). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Temiz, S. (2021). ASEAN - Güneydoğu Asya Ülkeleri Birliği Siyasi Yapısı ve Gelişimi. Ankara: Gazi Kiabevi.
  • TST. (2021, Nisan 3). The Straits Times. Mayıs 4, 2024 tarihinde Rebel group says more than 12,000 displaced by Myanmar junta air strikes: adresinden alındı
  • Viajar, V. D. (2022). Contentions and Contradictions: The Rise of Duterte’s Authoritarianism with Fascist Tendencies Amidst the Hegemonic Crisis of (Neo)Liberal Democracy in the Philippines. B. Nehe, A. T. Santana, F. Nizaruddin, I. D. Matute, S. Fernandes, K. Mlotshwa, & J. G. Karam içinde, International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies - Global Authoritarianism Perspectives and Contestations from the South (s. 261-280). Verlag: Majuskel Medienproduktion GmbH.
  • WPD. (2022, Şubat 27). The Abundance of Traditional Languages in West Papua and What Are They. Haziran 3, 2024 tarihinde West Papua Diary: adresinden alındı
  • Yunanto, S., & Damayanti, A. (2024). The politics of labeling TNPPB-OPM as terrorist: Explanation, process, and implications. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 1-18.

Peaceful Tiger: Challenges in Building and Sustaining Peace on the ASEAN Road

Year 2025, Issue: 38, 286 - 309, 20.01.2025


This study examines the state of peace and security in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region. ASEAN has long been hailed as a successful model of regional cooperation, with a focus on maintaining peace and stability in Southeast Asia. However, the region has faced various challenges to peace, including territorial disputes, political instability, and the threat of transnational crime and terrorism. The article analyzes the key factors that have contributed to the maintenance of peace in ASEAN, such as the organization’s principle of non-interference, the development of regional mechanisms for conflict resolution, and the promotion of economic integration. It also explores the emerging threats to peace, including the growing geopolitical tensions between major powers, the impact of climate change, and the rise of non-traditional security challenges. The article concludes by discussing the future prospects for peace in ASEAN, highlighting the need for continued regional cooperation, the strengthening of ASEAN’s institutional capacity, and the development of comprehensive strategies to address the multifaceted challenges to peace and security in the region.


  • Acharya, A. (2001). Constructing a security community in Southeast Asia: ASEAN and the Problem of regional order. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Alagappa, M. (1988a). Asian security practice material and ideational influences. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Alagappa, M. (1988b). In search of peace: Confidence building and conflict reduction in the Pacific: Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Roundtable - 10-11 January 1987. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia: Institute of Strategic and International Studies.
  • Alagappa, M. (2011). International relations studies in Asia: Distinctive trajectories. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 11(2), 193–230.
  • Anwar, D. F. (2000). Indonesia: National vs regional resilience. D. Cunha içinde, Southeast Asian Perspectives on Security (s. 81-97). Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
  • ASEAN. (2008a). Mayıs 16, 2024 tarihinde ASEAN Charter: adresinden alındı
  • ASEAN. (2008b, Mayıs 25). Mayıs 5, 2024 tarihinde ASEAN-UN International Pledging Conference on Cyclone Nargis Yangon, Myanmar: adresinden alındı
  • ASEAN. (2021, Nisan 24). Mayıs 14, 2024 tarihinde Chairman’s Statement on the ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting: adresinden alındı
  • Aung, H. M. (2022, Kasım 29). Time for ASEAN to recognise Myanmar’s shadow government. Mayıs 10, 2024 tarihinde East Asia Forum: adresinden alındı
  • BBC. (2021, Mart 11). Mart 5, 2024 tarihinde Myanmar nun: Sister Ann Rose Nu Tawng explains her act of courage: adresinden alındı
  • Caballero–Anthony, M. (2017). From Comprehensive Security to Regional Resilience: Coping with Nontraditional Security Challenges. A. Baviera, & L. Maramis içinde, ASEAN@50 - Building ASEAN Community: Political–Security and Socio-cultural Reflections (s. 123-145). Manila: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia.
  • Carr, E. H. (1964). Twenty Years’ Crisis, 1919-1939. New York: Harpertorch Books.
  • Chia, S. Y., & Plummer, M. (2015). ASEAN economic cooperation and integration: Progress, challenges and future directions. London: Cambridge University Press.
  • CNBC. (2016, Temmuz 26). Philippines says dropping South China Sea ruling from ASEAN statement no win for China. Mayıs 6, 2024 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • Cook, A., & Yogendran, S. (2020). Conceptualising humanitarian civil- military partnerships in the asia-pacific: (re-)ordering cooperation. C. Jones, & G. Mulloy içinde, East Asia, Peacekeeping Operations, and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (Cilt 74, s. 35–53). London: Routledge.
  • Curley, M., & Thomas, N. (2004). Human security and public health in Southeast Asia: the SARS outbreak. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 58(1), 17-32.
  • Deutsch, K. W. (2015). Political Community and the North American Area. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Emmers, R. (2018). Unpacking ASEAN Neutrality: The Quest for Autonomy and Impartiality in Southeast Asia. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 40(3), 349–370.
  • Fishbein, E., Lusan, N. N., & Hkawng, J. T. (2021, Nisan 3). Frontier Myanmar. Mayıs 5, 2024 tarihinde The last fight: With growing support for federal army, Kachin prepares for war: adresinden alındı
  • Galtung, J. (1969). Violence, peace, and peace research. Journal of Peace Research, 6(3), 167–191.
  • Gault-Williams, M. (2019). Organisasi Papua Merdeka: The free Papua movement lives. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 19(4), 32-43.
  • Hai, D. T. (2014). Vietnam's Evolving Claims. L. Buszynski, & C. B. Roberts içinde, The South China Sea Maritime Dispute (s. 83-110). London: Routledge.
  • Hall, R. A., & Deinla, I. (2021). Shifts in the humanitarian space? Examining NGO–military engagements during the 2017 crisis in Marawi, Philippines. Asian Politics & Policy, 13, 349-365.
  • Hall, R., & Dumpit, D. (2024). egitimate Use of Violence? Interrogating the Hero-Soldier of the Marawi War in the Philippines. U. Ben-Shalom, R. Moelker, N. Stern, & E. Ben-Ari içinde, Military Heroism in a Post-Heroic Era. The Military and Society (s. 205-23). Cham: Springer .
  • Hopf, T. (1998). The promise of constructivism in international relations theory. International Security, 23(1), 171-200.
  • ICG. (2020). Identity Crisis: Ethnicity and Conflict in Myanmar. Brussels: International Crisis Group. Mayıs 2, 2024 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • Kambo, G., & Yani, A. A. (2021). Political Identity and Religious Prejudice in a Post-Conflict Society: A Case Study of Poso, Indonesia. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 56(3), 519-527.
  • Katsumata, H. (2006). Establishment of the ASEAN Regional Forum: constructing a ‘talking shop’ or a ‘norm brewery’? The Pacific Review, 19(2), 181-98.
  • Leifer, M. (1989). ASEAN and the Security of South-East Asia. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Leifer, M. (1996). The ASEAN Regional Forum: Extending ASEAN’s Model of Regional Security. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Lorch, J., & Sombatpoonsiri, J. (2023). COVID-19 and Civil Society in Southeast Asia: Beyond Shrinking Civic Space. Voluntas, 34, 613-625.
  • Mahbubani, K. (2017). The ASEAN Miracle: A Catalyst for Peace. Singapore: NUS Press.
  • Md. Ismail Hossain, I. A., & Mehedi, N. (2021). The Rohingya Refugee Crisis: A Threat to Peace and Security in South Asia. The International Journal of Community and Social Development, 3(4), 353-371.
  • Mearsheimer, J. (1995). The false promise of international institutions. International Security, 19(3), 5–49.
  • Meyer, J. S., & Peters, J. E. (2007). On the Ground: The Secret War in Vietnam. Oceanside: Levin Publishing Group.
  • Miller, B. (2007). States, nations, and the great powers. The sources of regional war and peace. London: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mishael, G., Setiyono, J., & Hardiwinoto, S. (2016). Kebijakan Operasi Militer Tentara Nasional Indonesia Terhadap Organisasi Papua Merdeka Dalam Perspektif Hukum Humaniter Internasional. Diponegoro Law Journal, 5(2), 1-16.
  • MN. (2021, April 28). Myanmar Now. Mayıs 5, 2024 tarihinde NCA-signatory EAOs take ‘initial step’ toward forming coalition with non-signatories: adresinden alındı
  • Papagiorcopulo, S. (2017, Mayıs 27). Philippines Facing Multiple Threats: Talks With Communist Rebels Resume. Haziran 3, 2024 tarihinde Foreign Brief: adresinden alındı
  • Paul, T. V. (2020). The study of peaceful change in world politics. T. Paul, D. W. Larson, H. A. Trinkunas, A. Wivel, & R. Emmers içinde, The Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations (s. 4-26). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Putra, B. A., & Darwis, B. R. (2019). ASEAN Political-Security Communty: Challenges of Establishing Regional Security in the Southeast Asia. Journal of International Studies, 12(1), 33-49.
  • Quang, N. M., & Oishi, M. (2016). Spiralling Insurgency in the Deep South: Thailand’s Unseen Road to Ethnic Conflict Management. M. Oishi içinde, Contemporary Conflicts in Southeast Asia: Towards a New ASEAN Way of Conflict Management (s. 61-87). Singapore: Springer.
  • Rabasa, A., & John, H. (2002). The military and democracy in indonesia, challenges, politics, and power. California: RAND.
  • Rupprecht, K. (2014). Separatist conflicts in the ASEAN region: comparing Southern Thailand and Mindanao. ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 21- 40.
  • Russett, B., & Oneal, J. (2001). Triangulating Peace: Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organizations. New York: W. W. Norton .
  • Sattar, Y. (2020). Southeast Asian Conflict Areas And the United Nations’ Involvement. A. E. Muharrem Hilmi Özev içinde, The United Nations and its Conflict Resolution Role (s. 57-73). İstanbul: Istanbul University Press.
  • Severino, R. C. (2008). ASEAN. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ISEAS.
  • Severino, R. C., & Menon, J. (2013). Overview. S. Basu Das, J. Menon, O. Shrestha, & R. Severino içinde, The ASEAN Economic Community: A Work in Progress (s. 1-30). Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
  • Subhan, A. (2018, Mayıs 17). The Asean Post. Mayıs 6, 2024 tarihinde Facilitating disaster relief across ASEAN: adresinden alındı
  • Suryohadiprojo, S. (2016). Ketahanan Nasional Indonesia. Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional, 2(1), 13-32.
  • Temiz, S. (2019a). ASEAN ve Güneydoğu Asya Bölgeselciliği Üzerine Etkisi. KAÜİİBFD, 10(20), 1086 -1116.
  • Temiz, S. (2019b). Kâğıt Kaplan- Zayıf Bir Pakt Olarak Güneydoğu Asya Antlaşması Teşkilatı (Seato) Ve Bölgesel Siyasi Etkileri. SBAD - Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 285-302.
  • Temiz, S. (2020a). ASEAN'da Kollektif Kimlik İnşa Çabaları ve Sömürgecilik Etkisi. G. Çağar içinde, Biz ve Ötekiler - Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kimlik Perspektifinden Dış Politika (s. 209-237). Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Temiz, S. (2020b). Asya-Pasifik'te Uluslararası ve Bölgesel Güvenliğe Yönelik Politika Geliştirme Mekanizması: ASEAN Bölgesel Forumu. H. Acar içinde, Küresel Terör ve Güvenlik Politikaları (s. 373-397). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Temiz, S. (2021). ASEAN - Güneydoğu Asya Ülkeleri Birliği Siyasi Yapısı ve Gelişimi. Ankara: Gazi Kiabevi.
  • TST. (2021, Nisan 3). The Straits Times. Mayıs 4, 2024 tarihinde Rebel group says more than 12,000 displaced by Myanmar junta air strikes: adresinden alındı
  • Viajar, V. D. (2022). Contentions and Contradictions: The Rise of Duterte’s Authoritarianism with Fascist Tendencies Amidst the Hegemonic Crisis of (Neo)Liberal Democracy in the Philippines. B. Nehe, A. T. Santana, F. Nizaruddin, I. D. Matute, S. Fernandes, K. Mlotshwa, & J. G. Karam içinde, International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies - Global Authoritarianism Perspectives and Contestations from the South (s. 261-280). Verlag: Majuskel Medienproduktion GmbH.
  • WPD. (2022, Şubat 27). The Abundance of Traditional Languages in West Papua and What Are They. Haziran 3, 2024 tarihinde West Papua Diary: adresinden alındı
  • Yunanto, S., & Damayanti, A. (2024). The politics of labeling TNPPB-OPM as terrorist: Explanation, process, and implications. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 1-18.
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Far East Studies
Journal Section Research Article

Süleyman Temiz 0000-0002-4439-4035

Publication Date January 20, 2025
Submission Date June 5, 2024
Acceptance Date December 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Issue: 38


APA Temiz, S. (2025). Barışçıl Kaplan: ASEAN Yolu’nda Barış’ın Tesisi ve Sürdürülebilirliğinde Zorluklar. Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(38), 286-309.