The basic aim of this study is to examine the psychometric properties of the UCLA Loneliness Scale Short Form-6 in Turkish adults. In addition, the loneliness scores of adults were compared. The study group of the research consists of 604 (295 + 309) adults selected by convenience sampling. In the linguistic equivalence study, the correlation coefficients between the Turkish and English items were found to be between 68 and .98 (p < .00). As a result of the explanatory factor analysis, the KMO coefficient was .82, and the result of the Bartlett Sphericity test was χ2= 452.035 (p<.001, df=15). The fit index values of the one-dimensional model as a result of confirmatory factor analysis ((χ2(24.37)/df(9)= 2.71, AGFI=.92, CFI=.96, GFI=.96, IFI=.96, NFI=.95, NNFI=.94, RFI=92, RMSEA= .076, SRMR=.047); It was seen that item factor loadings ranged between .35 and .70. Cronbach alpha internal consistency reliability coefficients were calculated as α= .77. In the concurrent validity study, the correlations were found between UCLA LSSF6, UCLA Loneliness Scale and Rotterdam Emotional Intelligence Scale with a significance level of p<.01, r=.83, r=-.56, respectively. The adjusted item-total correlation coefficients ranged from .32 to .58. It has also been found that middle-aged and older adults are lonelier than emerging adults