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Türk Halı Sektörünün Küresel Rekabet Gücü: Tüfte ve Dokuma Halıda Karşılaştırmalı Üstünlükler

Year 2024, , 228 - 239, 17.05.2024


Kıt kaynaklara sahip ülkeler daha verimli oldukları endüstrilerde uzmanlaşmalıdırlar. Halı sektörü Türkiye'nin ihracatta üst sıralarda olduğu bir sektördür. Dokuma ve tüfte halı endüstrisi dünya halı ticaretinin çok büyük bir bölümüne sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'nin dokuma ve tüfte halı endüstrilerindeki rekabet gücünü analiz etmek ve Çin, Belçika ve Hindistan ile kıyaslamaktır. Çalışma sonucunda Türkiye dokuma ve tüfte halı sektöründe karşılaştırmalı üstünlüğe sahip olmuştur. Belçika ve Hindistan'da her iki sektörde karşılaştırmalı üstünlüğe sahiptir. Ancak Çin'in karşılaştırmalı üstünlüğü her iki sektörde de bulunmamaktadır.


Bu makale 6. Uluslararası Ekonomi ve Finans Konferansında bildiri olarak sunulmuştur. Başta İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi olmak üzere konferansta emeği geçen herkese ve değerli katılımcılara teşekkürü bir borç bilirim.


  • ABBAS, S., & WAHEED, A. (2017). Trade competitiveness of Pakistan: evidence from the revealed comparative advantage approach. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal. 27(5), 462-475.
  • BALASSA, B., (1965). Trade Liberalization and “Revealed” Comparative Advantage. The Manchester School. 33(2), 99–123.
  • BASHİMOV, G. (2017). Halı sektöründe karşılaştırmalı üstünlük: Türkiye, Çin ve Hindistan örneği. İktisadi Yenilik Dergisi, 4(3), 39-51.
  • BILGIN, M. H., DEMIR, E., LAU, M. C. K., KIN‐MAN TO, C., & ZHANG, Z. M. (2011). The Turkish handmade carpet industry: an analysis in comparison with select Asian countries. Journal of the Textile Institute, 102(6), 514-526.
  • CELE, L. P., HENNESSY, T., & THORNE, F. (2022). Evaluating farm and export competitiveness of the Irish dairy industry: post-quota analysis. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal. 32(7).
  • DALUM, B., LAURSEN, K. and VILLUMSEN, G., (1998). Structural change in OECD export specialization patterns: de-specialization and ’stickiness. International Review of Applied Economics. 12(3), 447-467.
  • ELSALIH, O., SERTOGLU, K., BESIM, M., (2021). Comparative advantage of crude oil production: evidence from 28 oil-producing countries. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development. 30(2), 275-294.
  • GORDEEV, R., (2020). Comparative advantages of Russian forest products on the global market. Forest Policy and Economics. 119, 102286.
  • HINLOOPEN, J., MARREWIJK, C., (2001). On the empirical distribution of the Balassa index. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv. 137(1), 1-35.
  • HOANG, V., TRAN, K., TU, B., NGUYEN, V., NGUYEN, A., (2017). Agricultural Competitiveness of Vietnam by the RCA and the NRCA Indices, and Consistency of Competitiveness Indices. AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics. 9(665-2018-3598), 53-67.
  • KARABAY, G., & SARIÇOBAN, K. (2021). Research on Competitiveness in Technical Textiles: Comparison of Countries Having the Lion’s Share of Technical Textile World Exports and Turkey. Fibres & Textiles In Eastern Europe, 29(6), 22-31.
  • KATHURIA, L. M., (2013). Analyzing competitiveness of clothing export sector of India and Bangladesh: Dynamic revealed comparative advantage approach. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal. 23(2), 131-157.
  • KILIÇARSLAN, Z., (2021). Comparative Analysis of The Competitiveness in The Steel Sector: The Case of Top 10 Steel-Producing Countries. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 60, 755-773.
  • LAURSEN, K., (1998). Revealed comparative advantage and the alternatives as measures of international specialization. DRUID Working Paper, No. 98- 30.
  • MINISTRY of TRADE of TURKEY, Kolay İhracat Platformu,
  • NASEER, M., ASHFAQ, M., HASSAN, S., ADIL, S. A., ARIYAWARDANA, A., (2019). Outlook on the global trade competitiveness of Pakistan’s mandarin industry: An application of revealed symmetric comparative advantage framework. Outlook on Agriculture. 48(1), 66-74.
  • ROSSATO, F., SUSAETA, A., ADAMS, D., HIDALGO, I., DE ARAUJO, T., DE QUEIROZ, A., (2018). Comparison of revealed comparative advantage indexes with application to trade tendencies of cellulose production from planted forests in Brazil, Canada, China, Sweden, Finland and the United States. Forest Policy and Economics. (97), 59-66.
  • ŞAHIN, D. (2015). Türkiye ve Çin’in tekstil ve hazir giyim sektöründe rekabet gücünün analizi. Akademik Bakış Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (47), 155-171.
  • SAKI, Z., MOORE, M., KANDILOV, I., ROTHENBERG, L., GODFREY, A., (2019). Revealed comparative advantage for US textiles and apparel. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal. 29(4), 462-478.
  • SARIÇOBAN, K., & YALÇIN, M. (2020). Türkiye’nin halı sektörü ihracat rekabet gücünün belirlenmesi ve halı ihracatında söz sahibi ülkeler ile bir karşılaştırma. Tekstil ve Mühendis, 27(118), 98-110.
  • SINGH, V. K., & GAUTAM, A. (2019). Export performance and revealed comparative advantage of India for handloom industry. Indore Management Journal, 11(01), 21-36.
  • TRADEMAP. Trade statistics for international business development.,
  • UNCOMTRADE, (2022). United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database. United Nations – Department of Economic and Social Affairs. https://comtrade.un. org/data/.
  • YASMIN, B., & ALTAF, S. (2014). Revealed comparative advantage of carpets and textile floor covering industry in Pakistan, India and China. Journal of Economic Cooperation & Development, 35(4).
  • YU, R., CAI, J., LEUNG, P., (2009). The normalized revealed comparative advantage index. The Annals of Regional Science. 43(1), 267-282.

The Global Competitiveness of Turkish Carpet Industry: Comparative Advantages of Tufted and Woven Carpet

Year 2024, , 228 - 239, 17.05.2024


Countries with scarce resources should specialize in industries in which they are more productive. The carpet industry is an industry where Turkey is at the top of the list in exports. The woven and tufted carpet industry has a large part of the world carpet trade. The aim of this study is to analyze the competitiveness of Turkey in the weaving and tufted carpet industries and to compare it with China, Belgium and India. As a result of the study, Turkey has a comparative advantage in the weaving and tufted carpet sector. It has a comparative advantage in both sectors in Belgium and India. However, China's comparative advantage is not found in both sectors.


  • ABBAS, S., & WAHEED, A. (2017). Trade competitiveness of Pakistan: evidence from the revealed comparative advantage approach. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal. 27(5), 462-475.
  • BALASSA, B., (1965). Trade Liberalization and “Revealed” Comparative Advantage. The Manchester School. 33(2), 99–123.
  • BASHİMOV, G. (2017). Halı sektöründe karşılaştırmalı üstünlük: Türkiye, Çin ve Hindistan örneği. İktisadi Yenilik Dergisi, 4(3), 39-51.
  • BILGIN, M. H., DEMIR, E., LAU, M. C. K., KIN‐MAN TO, C., & ZHANG, Z. M. (2011). The Turkish handmade carpet industry: an analysis in comparison with select Asian countries. Journal of the Textile Institute, 102(6), 514-526.
  • CELE, L. P., HENNESSY, T., & THORNE, F. (2022). Evaluating farm and export competitiveness of the Irish dairy industry: post-quota analysis. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal. 32(7).
  • DALUM, B., LAURSEN, K. and VILLUMSEN, G., (1998). Structural change in OECD export specialization patterns: de-specialization and ’stickiness. International Review of Applied Economics. 12(3), 447-467.
  • ELSALIH, O., SERTOGLU, K., BESIM, M., (2021). Comparative advantage of crude oil production: evidence from 28 oil-producing countries. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development. 30(2), 275-294.
  • GORDEEV, R., (2020). Comparative advantages of Russian forest products on the global market. Forest Policy and Economics. 119, 102286.
  • HINLOOPEN, J., MARREWIJK, C., (2001). On the empirical distribution of the Balassa index. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv. 137(1), 1-35.
  • HOANG, V., TRAN, K., TU, B., NGUYEN, V., NGUYEN, A., (2017). Agricultural Competitiveness of Vietnam by the RCA and the NRCA Indices, and Consistency of Competitiveness Indices. AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics. 9(665-2018-3598), 53-67.
  • KARABAY, G., & SARIÇOBAN, K. (2021). Research on Competitiveness in Technical Textiles: Comparison of Countries Having the Lion’s Share of Technical Textile World Exports and Turkey. Fibres & Textiles In Eastern Europe, 29(6), 22-31.
  • KATHURIA, L. M., (2013). Analyzing competitiveness of clothing export sector of India and Bangladesh: Dynamic revealed comparative advantage approach. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal. 23(2), 131-157.
  • KILIÇARSLAN, Z., (2021). Comparative Analysis of The Competitiveness in The Steel Sector: The Case of Top 10 Steel-Producing Countries. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 60, 755-773.
  • LAURSEN, K., (1998). Revealed comparative advantage and the alternatives as measures of international specialization. DRUID Working Paper, No. 98- 30.
  • MINISTRY of TRADE of TURKEY, Kolay İhracat Platformu,
  • NASEER, M., ASHFAQ, M., HASSAN, S., ADIL, S. A., ARIYAWARDANA, A., (2019). Outlook on the global trade competitiveness of Pakistan’s mandarin industry: An application of revealed symmetric comparative advantage framework. Outlook on Agriculture. 48(1), 66-74.
  • ROSSATO, F., SUSAETA, A., ADAMS, D., HIDALGO, I., DE ARAUJO, T., DE QUEIROZ, A., (2018). Comparison of revealed comparative advantage indexes with application to trade tendencies of cellulose production from planted forests in Brazil, Canada, China, Sweden, Finland and the United States. Forest Policy and Economics. (97), 59-66.
  • ŞAHIN, D. (2015). Türkiye ve Çin’in tekstil ve hazir giyim sektöründe rekabet gücünün analizi. Akademik Bakış Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (47), 155-171.
  • SAKI, Z., MOORE, M., KANDILOV, I., ROTHENBERG, L., GODFREY, A., (2019). Revealed comparative advantage for US textiles and apparel. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal. 29(4), 462-478.
  • SARIÇOBAN, K., & YALÇIN, M. (2020). Türkiye’nin halı sektörü ihracat rekabet gücünün belirlenmesi ve halı ihracatında söz sahibi ülkeler ile bir karşılaştırma. Tekstil ve Mühendis, 27(118), 98-110.
  • SINGH, V. K., & GAUTAM, A. (2019). Export performance and revealed comparative advantage of India for handloom industry. Indore Management Journal, 11(01), 21-36.
  • TRADEMAP. Trade statistics for international business development.,
  • UNCOMTRADE, (2022). United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database. United Nations – Department of Economic and Social Affairs. https://comtrade.un. org/data/.
  • YASMIN, B., & ALTAF, S. (2014). Revealed comparative advantage of carpets and textile floor covering industry in Pakistan, India and China. Journal of Economic Cooperation & Development, 35(4).
  • YU, R., CAI, J., LEUNG, P., (2009). The normalized revealed comparative advantage index. The Annals of Regional Science. 43(1), 267-282.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Industrial Marketing, Retail
Journal Section Articles

Yunus Emre Topcu 0000-0003-4324-1376

Early Pub Date May 16, 2024
Publication Date May 17, 2024
Acceptance Date April 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Topcu, Y. E. (2024). The Global Competitiveness of Turkish Carpet Industry: Comparative Advantages of Tufted and Woven Carpet. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(1), 228-239.

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