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When Resource Precedes Human in Organizational Behaviour: A Systematic Review on Organizational Dehumanization

Year 2024, , 820 - 835, 31.10.2024


Organizational dehumanization expresses the perceptions of the employees regarding that fact they are being treated as resources or property of the organization rather than humans by the organization. The present study intended to examine the effects of organizational dehumanization on the organization and its employees through systematic review. In the study, the data was collected by searching the keywords determined in Turkish and English in the Web of Science, Pubmed, Ulakbim, Science Direct, and Springer Link databases. 23 studies were included in the scope of the research. As a result of the study, it was concluded that organizational dehumanization negatively affects the employees and thus the organizations. In addition, the study observed that there were scarcely any studies regarding organizational dehumanization in the national literature, and the performance of studies on the subject with different sample groups was suggested.


  • ARINO-MATEO, E., RAMIREZ-VIELMA, R., ARRIAGADA-VENEGAS, M., NAZAR-CARTER, G., & PEREZ-JORGE, D. (2022). Validation of the Organizational Dehumanization Scale in Spanish-Speaking Contexts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 4805- 4819.
  • AY, F. A., FİLİZÖZ, B., & ÖNCÜL, M. S. (2014). Kariyer Yönetimi Uygulamalarının İş Tatminine Etkisi: Kamu ve Özel Sağlık Çalışanlarına Yönelik Bir Asistraştırma. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 45-61.
  • BASTIAN. B., & HASLAM, N. (2010). Excluded from humanity: The dehumanizing effects of social ostracism. Journal of experimental social psychology, 46(1), 107-113.
  • BELL, C. M., & KHOURY, C. (2016). Organizational powerlessness, dehumanization, and gendered effects of procedural justice. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(2), 570-585.
  • BİLGİNOĞLU, E., & YOZGAT, U. (2022). Örgütsel İnsandışılaştırma e İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişkide, İşe Angaje Olma ve İş Tatmininin Aracı Rolü. Journal of Management And Economics Research, 20(1), 1-18.
  • BRISON, N., STINGLHAMBER, F., & CAESENS, G. (2022). Organizational dehumanization. In Oxford research encyclopedia of psychology.
  • CAESENS, G., & STINGLHAMBER, F. (2019). The relationship between organizational dehumanization and outcomes: The mediating role of emotional exhaustion. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 61(9), 699-703.
  • CAESENS, G., NGUYEN, N., & STINGLHAMBER, F. (2019). Abusive supervision and organizational dehumanization. Journal of Business and Psychology, 34, 709-728.
  • CAESENS, G., STINGLHAMBER, F., DEMOULIN, S., & DE WILDE, M. (2017). Perceived organizational support and employees’ well-being: The mediating role of organizational dehumanization. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(4), 527-540.
  • CHEUNG, F. (2022). Work-related smartphone use at night and job satisfaction: testing a moderated mediation model of emotional exhaustion and organizational dehumanization. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(17), 10674- 10688.
  • CHRISTOFF, K. (2014). Dehumanization in organizational settings: Some scientific and ethical considerations. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8, 748-53.
  • DICKERSIN, K., SCHERER, R., & LEFEBVRE, C. (1994). Systematic reviews: identifying relevant studies for systematic reviews. British medical journal, 309(6964), 1286-1291.
  • FIORINI, K. (2019). Dehumanization in the workplace. (Doctoral Thesis). Sımon Fraser Unıversıty, Faculty of Education, Kanada.
  • GIP, H., GUCHAIT, P., PAŞAMEHMETOĞLU, A., & KHOA, D. T. (2023). How organizational dehumanization impacts hospitality employees service recovery performance and sabotage behaviors: the role of psychological well-being and tenure. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(1), 64-91.
  • GÖK, S. (2009). Örgüt ikliminin çalışanların motivasyonuna etkisi üzerine bir araştırma. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2), 587-605.
  • HAGAN, J., & RYMOND-RICHMOND, W. (2008). The collective dynamics of racial dehumanization and genocidal victimization in Darfur. American Sociological Review, 73(6), 875-902.
  • HASLAM, N. (2006). Dehumanization: An integrative review. Personality and social psychology review, 10(3), 252-264.
  • HASLAM, N., STRATEMEYER, M. (2016). Recent research on dehumanization. Current Opinion in Psychology, 11, 25-29.
  • IŞIKHAN, V. (2016). Çalışanlarda tükenmişlik sendromu. Akciğer kanserinde destek tedavisi içinde (ss. 366-391), TÜSAD Eğitim Kitapları Serisi, Ankara.
  • KRAMER, R. M., LEWICKI, R. J. (2010). Repairing and Enhancing Trust: Approaches to Reducing Organizational Trust Deficits. Academy of Management Annals, 4(1), 245–277.
  • LAGIOS, C., CAESENS, G., NGUYEN, N., & STINGLHAMBER, F. (2021). Explaining the Negative Consequences of Organizational Dehumanization. Journal of Personnel Psychology. Early View, 21, 86–93.
  • LAGIOS, C., NGUYEN, N., STINGLHAMBER, F., & CAESENS, G. (2022). Dysfunctional rules in organizations: The mediating role of organizational dehumanization in the relationship between red tape and employees’ outcomes. European Management Journal. Advance online publication.
  • MOHER, D., LIBERATI, A., TETZLAFF, J., ALTMAN, D. G., & PRISMA GROUP*, T. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. Annals of internal medicine, 151(4), 264-269.
  • MUHAMMAD, L., & SARWAR, A. (2021). When and why organizational dehumanization leads to deviant work behaviors in hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 99, 103044-103055.
  • NGUYEN, N., BESSON, T., & STINGLHAMBER, F. (2022). Emotional labor: The role of organizational dehumanization. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27(2), 179-232.
  • NGUYEN, N., DAO, Q. A., NHAN, T. L. A., & STINGLHAMBER, F. (2021). Organizational dehumanization and emotional labor: A cross-cultural comparison between Vietnam and the United Kingdom. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 52(1), 43-60.
  • ONGORI, H. (2007). A review of the literature on employee turnover. African Journal of Business Management, 1(3), 49-54.
  • OUCHI, W. G., & WILKINS, A. L. (1985). Organizational culture. Annual review of sociology, 11(1), 457-483.
  • POPAY, J., ROBERTS, H., SOWDEN, A., PETTICREW, M., ARAI, L., RODGERS, M., ... & DUFFY, S. (2006). Guidance on the conduct of narrative synthesis in systematic reviews. A product from the ESRC methods programme Version, 1(1), 1-92.
  • PUVIA, E., & VAES, J. (2013). Being a body: Women’s appearance related self-views and their dehumanization of sexually objectified female targets. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 68(7-8), 484–495.
  • ROBINSON, S. L., BENNETT, R. J. (1995). A typology of deviant workplace behaviors: A multidimensional scaling study. Academy of management journal, 38(2), 555-572.
  • RUBBAB, U. E., KHATTAK, S. A., SHAHAB, H., & AKHTER, N. (2022). Impact of organizational dehumanization on employee knowledge hiding. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 803905- 803916.
  • SAINZ, M., & BALDISSARRI, C. (2021). Abusive leadership versus objectifying job features: Factors that influence organizational dehumanization and workers’ self‐objectification. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51(8), 825-837.
  • SAINZ, M., DELGADO, N., & MORIANO, J. A. (2021). The link between authentic leadership, organizational dehumanization and stress at work. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 37(2), 85-92.
  • SARWAR, A., KHAN, J., MUHAMMAD, L., MUBARAK, N., & JAAFAR, M. (2021). Relationship between organisational dehumanization and nurses' deviant behaviours: A moderated mediation model. Journal of nursing management, 29(5), 1036-1045.
  • SIĞRI, Ü. GÜRBÜZ, S. (Ed.). (2013). Örgütsel davranış. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • SILIĞ, A. (2003), Banka Çalışanlarının Tükenmişlik Düzeylerinin Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi, (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). T.C. Eskişehir Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
  • STINGLHAMBER, F., CAESENS, G., CHALMAGNE, B., DEMOULIN, S., & MAURAGE, P. (2021). Leader–member exchange and organizational dehumanization: The role of supervisor’s organizational embodiment. European Management Journal, 39(6), 745-754.
  • STINGLHAMBER, F., NGUYEN, N., JOSSE, M., & DEMOULIN, S. (2022). The development of prison officers’ job satisfaction and its impact on depersonalization of incarcerated persons: The role of organizational dehumanization. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 49(11), 1600-1617.
  • STINGLHAMBER, F., NGUYEN, N., OHANA, M., LAGIOS, C., DEMOULIN, S., & MAURAGE, P. (2021). For whom and why organizational dehumanization is linked to deviant behaviours. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(1), 203-229.
  • TSENG, S. T. (2020). When Resource Precedes Human in Human Resource Management: Organizational Dehumanization and the Roles of HR Attributions and Supervisor Bottom-Line Mentality [Doctoral dissertation, University of Akron]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.
  • VALTORTA, R. R., BALDISSARRI, C., & VOLPATO, C. (2022). Burnout and workplace dehumanization at the supermarket: A field study during the COVID‐19 outbreak in Italy. Journal of community & applied social psychology, 32(4), 767-785.
  • VAYRYNEN, T., LAARI-SALMELA, S. (2018). Men, mammals, or machines? Dehumanization embedded in organizational practices. Journal of Business Ethics, 147(1), 95-113.
  • VENEGAS, M. A., RAMIREZ, R., & MATEO, E. A. (2021). The moderating role of organizational dehumanization in the relationship between authentic leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors. UCJC Business & Society Review, 18(1), 90-127.
  • ZAHEER, A., MCEVILY, B., & PERRONE, V. (1998). Does Trust Matter? Exploring the Effects of Interorganizational and Interpersonal Trust on Performance. Organization Science, 9(2), 141–159.

Örgütlerde Kaynağın İnsanın Önüne Geçmesi: Örgütsel İnsandışılaştırma Üzerine Sistematik Bir Derleme

Year 2024, , 820 - 835, 31.10.2024


Örgütsel insandışılaştırma, çalışanların çalıştığı örgüt tarafından bir insandan ziyade, örgütün kaynağı veya mülkü olarak muamele gördüğüne ilişkin algılarını ifade etmektedir. Bu çalışma sistematik derleme yoluyla, örgütsel insandışılaştırmanın örgüt ve çalışanlara etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada, Web of Science, Pubmed, Ulakbim, Science Direct, Springer Link veri tabanlarında Türkçe ve İngilizce dilinde belirlenen anahtar sözcükler taranarak veri toplanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamına 23 çalışma dâhil edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda örgütsel insandışılaştırmanın çalışanları ve dolayısı ile örgütleri olumsuz etkilediği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bununla birlikte çalışmada, ulusal literatürde örgütsel insandışılaştırma konusuna yönelik çalışmaların yok denecek kadar az olduğu görülmüş ve konuya özgü farklı örneklem gruplarıyla çalışmaların yapılması önerilmiştir.


  • ARINO-MATEO, E., RAMIREZ-VIELMA, R., ARRIAGADA-VENEGAS, M., NAZAR-CARTER, G., & PEREZ-JORGE, D. (2022). Validation of the Organizational Dehumanization Scale in Spanish-Speaking Contexts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 4805- 4819.
  • AY, F. A., FİLİZÖZ, B., & ÖNCÜL, M. S. (2014). Kariyer Yönetimi Uygulamalarının İş Tatminine Etkisi: Kamu ve Özel Sağlık Çalışanlarına Yönelik Bir Asistraştırma. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 45-61.
  • BASTIAN. B., & HASLAM, N. (2010). Excluded from humanity: The dehumanizing effects of social ostracism. Journal of experimental social psychology, 46(1), 107-113.
  • BELL, C. M., & KHOURY, C. (2016). Organizational powerlessness, dehumanization, and gendered effects of procedural justice. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(2), 570-585.
  • BİLGİNOĞLU, E., & YOZGAT, U. (2022). Örgütsel İnsandışılaştırma e İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişkide, İşe Angaje Olma ve İş Tatmininin Aracı Rolü. Journal of Management And Economics Research, 20(1), 1-18.
  • BRISON, N., STINGLHAMBER, F., & CAESENS, G. (2022). Organizational dehumanization. In Oxford research encyclopedia of psychology.
  • CAESENS, G., & STINGLHAMBER, F. (2019). The relationship between organizational dehumanization and outcomes: The mediating role of emotional exhaustion. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 61(9), 699-703.
  • CAESENS, G., NGUYEN, N., & STINGLHAMBER, F. (2019). Abusive supervision and organizational dehumanization. Journal of Business and Psychology, 34, 709-728.
  • CAESENS, G., STINGLHAMBER, F., DEMOULIN, S., & DE WILDE, M. (2017). Perceived organizational support and employees’ well-being: The mediating role of organizational dehumanization. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(4), 527-540.
  • CHEUNG, F. (2022). Work-related smartphone use at night and job satisfaction: testing a moderated mediation model of emotional exhaustion and organizational dehumanization. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(17), 10674- 10688.
  • CHRISTOFF, K. (2014). Dehumanization in organizational settings: Some scientific and ethical considerations. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8, 748-53.
  • DICKERSIN, K., SCHERER, R., & LEFEBVRE, C. (1994). Systematic reviews: identifying relevant studies for systematic reviews. British medical journal, 309(6964), 1286-1291.
  • FIORINI, K. (2019). Dehumanization in the workplace. (Doctoral Thesis). Sımon Fraser Unıversıty, Faculty of Education, Kanada.
  • GIP, H., GUCHAIT, P., PAŞAMEHMETOĞLU, A., & KHOA, D. T. (2023). How organizational dehumanization impacts hospitality employees service recovery performance and sabotage behaviors: the role of psychological well-being and tenure. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(1), 64-91.
  • GÖK, S. (2009). Örgüt ikliminin çalışanların motivasyonuna etkisi üzerine bir araştırma. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2), 587-605.
  • HAGAN, J., & RYMOND-RICHMOND, W. (2008). The collective dynamics of racial dehumanization and genocidal victimization in Darfur. American Sociological Review, 73(6), 875-902.
  • HASLAM, N. (2006). Dehumanization: An integrative review. Personality and social psychology review, 10(3), 252-264.
  • HASLAM, N., STRATEMEYER, M. (2016). Recent research on dehumanization. Current Opinion in Psychology, 11, 25-29.
  • IŞIKHAN, V. (2016). Çalışanlarda tükenmişlik sendromu. Akciğer kanserinde destek tedavisi içinde (ss. 366-391), TÜSAD Eğitim Kitapları Serisi, Ankara.
  • KRAMER, R. M., LEWICKI, R. J. (2010). Repairing and Enhancing Trust: Approaches to Reducing Organizational Trust Deficits. Academy of Management Annals, 4(1), 245–277.
  • LAGIOS, C., CAESENS, G., NGUYEN, N., & STINGLHAMBER, F. (2021). Explaining the Negative Consequences of Organizational Dehumanization. Journal of Personnel Psychology. Early View, 21, 86–93.
  • LAGIOS, C., NGUYEN, N., STINGLHAMBER, F., & CAESENS, G. (2022). Dysfunctional rules in organizations: The mediating role of organizational dehumanization in the relationship between red tape and employees’ outcomes. European Management Journal. Advance online publication.
  • MOHER, D., LIBERATI, A., TETZLAFF, J., ALTMAN, D. G., & PRISMA GROUP*, T. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. Annals of internal medicine, 151(4), 264-269.
  • MUHAMMAD, L., & SARWAR, A. (2021). When and why organizational dehumanization leads to deviant work behaviors in hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 99, 103044-103055.
  • NGUYEN, N., BESSON, T., & STINGLHAMBER, F. (2022). Emotional labor: The role of organizational dehumanization. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27(2), 179-232.
  • NGUYEN, N., DAO, Q. A., NHAN, T. L. A., & STINGLHAMBER, F. (2021). Organizational dehumanization and emotional labor: A cross-cultural comparison between Vietnam and the United Kingdom. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 52(1), 43-60.
  • ONGORI, H. (2007). A review of the literature on employee turnover. African Journal of Business Management, 1(3), 49-54.
  • OUCHI, W. G., & WILKINS, A. L. (1985). Organizational culture. Annual review of sociology, 11(1), 457-483.
  • POPAY, J., ROBERTS, H., SOWDEN, A., PETTICREW, M., ARAI, L., RODGERS, M., ... & DUFFY, S. (2006). Guidance on the conduct of narrative synthesis in systematic reviews. A product from the ESRC methods programme Version, 1(1), 1-92.
  • PUVIA, E., & VAES, J. (2013). Being a body: Women’s appearance related self-views and their dehumanization of sexually objectified female targets. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 68(7-8), 484–495.
  • ROBINSON, S. L., BENNETT, R. J. (1995). A typology of deviant workplace behaviors: A multidimensional scaling study. Academy of management journal, 38(2), 555-572.
  • RUBBAB, U. E., KHATTAK, S. A., SHAHAB, H., & AKHTER, N. (2022). Impact of organizational dehumanization on employee knowledge hiding. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 803905- 803916.
  • SAINZ, M., & BALDISSARRI, C. (2021). Abusive leadership versus objectifying job features: Factors that influence organizational dehumanization and workers’ self‐objectification. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51(8), 825-837.
  • SAINZ, M., DELGADO, N., & MORIANO, J. A. (2021). The link between authentic leadership, organizational dehumanization and stress at work. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 37(2), 85-92.
  • SARWAR, A., KHAN, J., MUHAMMAD, L., MUBARAK, N., & JAAFAR, M. (2021). Relationship between organisational dehumanization and nurses' deviant behaviours: A moderated mediation model. Journal of nursing management, 29(5), 1036-1045.
  • SIĞRI, Ü. GÜRBÜZ, S. (Ed.). (2013). Örgütsel davranış. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • SILIĞ, A. (2003), Banka Çalışanlarının Tükenmişlik Düzeylerinin Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi, (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). T.C. Eskişehir Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
  • STINGLHAMBER, F., CAESENS, G., CHALMAGNE, B., DEMOULIN, S., & MAURAGE, P. (2021). Leader–member exchange and organizational dehumanization: The role of supervisor’s organizational embodiment. European Management Journal, 39(6), 745-754.
  • STINGLHAMBER, F., NGUYEN, N., JOSSE, M., & DEMOULIN, S. (2022). The development of prison officers’ job satisfaction and its impact on depersonalization of incarcerated persons: The role of organizational dehumanization. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 49(11), 1600-1617.
  • STINGLHAMBER, F., NGUYEN, N., OHANA, M., LAGIOS, C., DEMOULIN, S., & MAURAGE, P. (2021). For whom and why organizational dehumanization is linked to deviant behaviours. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(1), 203-229.
  • TSENG, S. T. (2020). When Resource Precedes Human in Human Resource Management: Organizational Dehumanization and the Roles of HR Attributions and Supervisor Bottom-Line Mentality [Doctoral dissertation, University of Akron]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.
  • VALTORTA, R. R., BALDISSARRI, C., & VOLPATO, C. (2022). Burnout and workplace dehumanization at the supermarket: A field study during the COVID‐19 outbreak in Italy. Journal of community & applied social psychology, 32(4), 767-785.
  • VAYRYNEN, T., LAARI-SALMELA, S. (2018). Men, mammals, or machines? Dehumanization embedded in organizational practices. Journal of Business Ethics, 147(1), 95-113.
  • VENEGAS, M. A., RAMIREZ, R., & MATEO, E. A. (2021). The moderating role of organizational dehumanization in the relationship between authentic leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors. UCJC Business & Society Review, 18(1), 90-127.
  • ZAHEER, A., MCEVILY, B., & PERRONE, V. (1998). Does Trust Matter? Exploring the Effects of Interorganizational and Interpersonal Trust on Performance. Organization Science, 9(2), 141–159.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Organisational Behaviour
Journal Section Articles

Semanur Oktay 0000-0003-3466-7914

Selma Söyük 0000-0001-9822-9417

Early Pub Date October 31, 2024
Publication Date October 31, 2024
Acceptance Date February 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Oktay, S., & Söyük, S. (2024). Örgütlerde Kaynağın İnsanın Önüne Geçmesi: Örgütsel İnsandışılaştırma Üzerine Sistematik Bir Derleme. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(2), 820-835.

Creative Commons Lisansı
İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.