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1800’lerin Küresel Krizleri, Büyük Depresyon ve 2008 Krizi

Year 2017, , 77 - 127, 11.04.2017


Finansal krizler dünya ekonomik düzenini
sarsan afetlerdir. Bu afetler toplumların yaşam standartlarını da
etkilemektedir. 18. yy.’dan itibaren ulus devletlerin ortaya çıkışı ulusal
ekonomileri de birbirine yakınlaştırmıştır. Karşılıklı ticaret ve buna bağlı
finans ilişkilerin de artması ulusal para ve finans kurumlarını da birbiri ile
olan bağlantılarını hızlandırmıştır. Fakat dönemin Klasik öğreti anlayışı par
ve finans piyasalarını düzenleyecek ve denetim altında tutacak yetkili
kurumları oluşturamamıştır. Bu yüzden 20. yy. kadar finansal krizler daha sık
aralıklarla yaşanmıştır. 1930 sonrası Büyük Depresyon ve Keynesyen Devrim
yetkili ulusal para kurumları olan Merkez Bankalarına müdahale yetkilerini
vererek ulusal para ve finans sahalarını düzenlemeleri için tecrübe
kazanmalarına olanak sağlamıştır. 20 yy. içinde yaşanan finansal krizler ise
ağırlıklı iki nedenden dolayı ortaya çıkmaktadır.  Birincisi küresel para ve finans sistemine
hakim ülkenin hatalı para ve finans politikaları sonucunda çevresindeki
ülkeleri de içine alacak şekilde ortaya çıkmaktadır. İkincisi ise serbest
dolaşımlı küresel finans akımlarının düzensiz dağılımı ve yükselen Pazar
ekonomilerindeki kontrolsüz dalgalanmayla krizlerin çıkmasıdır.  Çalışmanın hedefi finansal krizler öncesinde
yaşanan iktisadi süreçlerin incelenmesi ve bu krizlere ne tür toplum ekonomisi
hareketlerinin neden olabileceğini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Olası finansal krizlere
karşı nasıl hazır olunabileceği konusu da aynı zamanda tartışılacaktır


  • AHAMED, Liaquat, Lord of Finance–The Bankers Who Broke the World, The Penguin Press, 2009.
  • AKTAN, Coşkun Can, Hüseyin ŞEN, Globalleşme, Ekonomik Kriz ve Türkiye, TOSYÖV Yayınları, 1999.
  • ALLEN, Larry, “ The Global Financial System 1750-2000”, Reaktion Books Publishing, 2001.
  • BERNANKE, Ben, Harold JAMES, “The Gold Standart, Deflation, and Financial Crisis in the Great Depression: An International Comparison”, NBER Working Paper No: 3488, October 1990,
  • BLINDER, Alan, After the Music Stopped, The Financial Crisis, The Response and The Work Ahead, The Penquin Press, 2013.
  • BOCUTOĞLU, Ersan, “Hyman P. Minksy’in Konjonktür Teorisi 2007-2010 Küresel Krizi Açıklamaya Uygun mu? Heterodoks Değerlendirme”, Bankacılar, Türkiye Bankacılar Birliği Yayını, Sayı 75, Aralık 2010, s. 10 ve 14.
  • BOIANOVSKY, Mauro, “Wicksell on the American Crisis 1907”, Journal of History of Economic Thought, Vol: 33.2, 2011,, ss. 1-6.
  • BORDO, Micheal, Harold JAMES, “The Great Depression Analogy”, NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper 155584, December 2009,
  • BORDO, Micheal, Olivier JEANNE, “Boom-Busts in Asset Prices, Economic Instability and Monetary Policy”, NBER Working Papers, No: 8966,
  • BRAUN, H.J., The German Economy in the Twentieth Century, Routledge Publishing, 1990.
  • BRUNNER, Robert F., Sean D. CARR, The Panic of 1907–Lessons Learned from the Market’s Perfect Storm, Published by John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2007.
  • BURKETT, Paul , “Forgetting the Lessons of Great Depression”, Review of Social Economy, Spring 1994, Vol:52, Issue 1, ss. 70-71.
  • BURTON, Theodore E., “Financial Crises”, BiblioLife, LLC Publishing, Original Copyright 1902 by D. Appleton and Company,, ss. 282-283.
  • CABRAL, Ricardo, “A Perspective on the Symptons and Causes of the Financial Crisis”, Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 37, www.elsevier. com/locate/jbf, 2013, ss. 103-104.
  • CALOMIRIS, Charles W., “Financial Factors in the Great Depression”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 7, Number 2, Spring 1993, ss. 61-80.
  • CALOMIRIS, Charles & David WHEELOCK, “Was the Great Depression a Watershed for American Monetary Policy” in The Defining Moment: The Great Depression and The American Economy in the Twentieth Century, Ed. Micheal Bordo, NBER Onlinebook,, 1998.
  • CALOMIRIS, Charles W., Larry SCHWEIKART, “The Panic of 1857: Origins, Transmission, and Containment”, The Journal of Economic History, Vol: 51, no: 4, 1991, ss. 808-809.
  • CLAESSEM, Stijin, Ayhan KÖSE, Marco E. TERRONES , “The Global Financial Crisis: How Similar? How Different? How Costly?”, Journal of Asian Economics,, 2010, ss. 248-264.
  • COY, Peter, “Message from Vienna, 1931”, in Bloomberg Businessweek, 25 Nisan-1 Mayıs 2011, ss. 12-13.
  • CUIKERMAN, Alex, “Reflections on the Crisis and on its Lessons for Regulatory Reform and Central Bank Policies”, Journal of Financial Stability, No:7,, 2011, ss. 27-34.
  • DEMİR, Fırat, “Büyük İstikrar Döneminden Büyük Durgunluk Dönemine: Krizdeki Kapitalizm veya Kriz Kapitalizmi”, Ülke Deneyimleri Işığında Küresel Kriz ve Yeni Ekonomik Düzen, der: Fikret Şenses ve diğerleri, İletişim Yayınları, 2013, ss.125-126.
  • DESAI, Meghnad, Financial Crises and Global Governance, Routledge Publishing, 2004.
  • EĞİLMEZ, Mahfi, Küresel Finans Krizi- Piyasa Krizinin Eleştirisi, Remzi Kitabevi, 3.Baskı, 2009.
  • EICHGREEN, Barry, Harold JAMES, Golden Fetters: The Gold Standart and the Great Depression,1919-1939, Oxford University Press, 1992.
  • FISHER, Irving , “The Dept Deflation of Great Depressions”, Econometrica, No: 1, ss. 347-349. FORUM, Temmuz 2009, s.11,
  • FRANKEL, Jeffrey, George SARAULES, “Can Leading Indicators Asess Country Vulnerability? Evidence from the 2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis”, Journal of International Economics, 87,, 2012, ss. 216-230.
  • FRIEDMAN, Jeffrey, “Capitalism and The Crisis: Bankers, Bonuses, Idealogy and Ignorence” in What Caused The Financial Crisis, Edited by Jeffrey Friedman, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010, ss. 1-2.
  • GALBRAITH, John Kenneth, Büyük Kriz -1929, (çeviren: Elif Nihan Akbaş), Pegasus Yayınları, 2009.
  • GROSSMAN. Richard S., Christopher MEISNERR , “International Aspect of The Great Depression and The Crisis of 2007: Similarities, differences and Lessons”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 26, No:3, www.elsevier. com, 2010, s. 332.
  • HAFER, Rik W., Scott E.HEIN, The Stock Market, Greenwood Press, 2007.
  • HANSEN, Greg, Dimitri PADIMITRI, “Did the New Deal Prolong or Worsen the Great Depression?”, Challenge, Vol:53, No:1; 2010, s. 64.
  • HENNING, Friedrich Wilhelm, Das Industrialieserte Deutschland 1914 bis 1992, 8. Auflage, Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag, Paderborn, 1993.
  • HILT, Eric, “Rogue Finance: The life and Fire Insurance Company and Panic of 1826”, Business History Review, 83 (Spring 2009), ss. 87-100.
  • HUGHES, J.R.T., The Commercial Crisis of 1857, Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol:8, No: 2, June 1956, s. 194.
  • IRMLER, Heinrich, “Bankenkrise und Vollbeschaftigungspolitik (1931-1936)”, in Wahrung und Wirtschaft in Deutschland 1876-1975, Deutsche Bundesbank Publikation, 1976, ss. 284-285.
  • IRWIN, Douglas A., “Did France Cause the Great Depression?”, NBER Working Paper No. 16350 September 2010, w16350, s. 1, 36.
  • ISSING, Otmar, “Some Lessons from the Financial Market Crisis”, International Finance, 12/3,, 2009, ss. 432-438.
  • JAMES, Harold , “Globalizition and Great Depressions” , Foreign Policy Research Institute, Winter 2002,, ss. 128-129.
  • JONES, Edward David, Economic Crises, General Books, LLC, 2009.
  • KAZ, “Granatsplitter aus dem alltaglichen Imperialismus: Zur Finanz und Bankenkrise”, Ausgabe 222, 2011,
  • KEHOE, Timothy, Edward C. PRESCOOT, “Great Depressions of the 20th Century”, Review of Economic Dynamics, 5, 2002,, s. 2
  • KINDLEBERGER, Charles Poor, Historical Economics- Art or Science, University of California Press-Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1990.
  • KOZANOĞLU, Hayri, Küresel Krizin Anatomisi, Agora Kitaplığı, 2009.
  • KUTLU, Hüseyin Ali, Savaş DEMİRCİ, “Küresel Finansal Krizi (2007-?) Ortaya Çıkaran Nedenler, Krizin Etkileri, Krizden Kısmi Çıkış ve Mevcut Durum”, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Ekim/2011, ss. 122-124.
  • KUTTNER, Kenneth, “Victorian Financal Crises and Their Implications for the Future”, Business Economics, 2010, Vol: 45, no: 2, ss. 102-103.
  • LEBERGOT, Stanley, Pursuing Happines: American Consumers in the Twentieth Century, Princeton University Press, 1993.
  • LEPLER, Jessica M., The Many panics of 1837-People, Politics and the Creation of Transatlantic Financial Crisis, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
  • LEVY, Dominique, Gerard DUMENIL, Crisis of Neoliberalism, Harvard University Press, 2011.
  • MADDISON, Angus, The World Economy in the 20th Century, Development Centre Studies, OECD Publishing, 1989, ss. 51-52.
  • MARICHAL, Carlos, “World Financial Crises: Lessons of the Past”, Finance and The Common Good/BIEN Commun, Volume II-III, 2009, ss. 37-38
  • McELVAINE, Robert S., “The Great Depression; America, 1929-1941”, Three River Press, 2009.
  • MISHKIN, Frederic S., “Asymmetric Information and Financial Crisis: A Historical Perspective” in Financial Markets and Financial Crises, Edited by R. Glenn Hubbard, NBER Publishing, 1991, ss. 81-82.
  • NEROZZI, Sebastiano, “From the Great Depression to Bretton Woods: Jacop Viner and the International Monetary Stabilition”, European Journal History of Economic Thought, 18/1, 2011, ss. 55-63.
  • OKTAR, Suat, Levent DALYANCI, “Finansal Kriz Teorileri ve Türkiye Ekonomisinde 1990 Sonrası Finansal Krizler”, Marmara Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt 19, 2010, s. 7.
  • ORPHANIDES, Athanasios, “Monetary Policy in Deflation: The Liquidity Trap in History and Practice”, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 15, 2004, s. 106.
  • OTHMAN, Rohana, R. ABDULAZIZ, Isa IBRAHIM, “A Perspective on The Subprime Crisis 2007: Lessons to be Learnt in Relation to the Asian Financial Crisis 1997”, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, Issue 23,, 2010, s. 103.
  • ÖZ, Sumru, “Kriz ve Korumacılık: Tarih Tekerrür Edecek mi?”, TÜSİAD-KOÇ UNIVERSİTY ECONOMIC RESEARCH. ÖZER, Mustafa, Finansal Krizler, Piyasa Başarısızlıkları ve Finansal İstikrarı Sağlamaya Yönelik Politikalar, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, 1996.
  • POMFRED, Richard, “The Financial Sector and the Future of Capitalism”, Economic System, 34,, 2010, ss. 22-37.
  • RAZIN Assaf, Steven ROSEFIELDE, “Currency and Financial Crisis of the 1990’s”, CESifo Economic Studies, Volume: 57,, 3/2011, ss. 503-508.
  • RICH, George, The Cross of Cold- Money and the Canadian Business Cycle in 1867-1913, Carleton University Press, 1988.
  • RICHARDSON, Gary, Categories and Causes of Bank Distress during the Great Depression,1929-1933, Explorations in Economic History, Volume 44, 2007,, ss. 588-589.
  • RICHEBACHER, Kurt, “An Unprecendented Speculative Spree”, Richebächer Letters-23 March 2007,
  • ROBUNI, Nouriel, Stephen MIHM, Kriz Ekonomisi, Pegasus Yayınları, 2012.
  • ROTHBARD, Murray N., America’s Great Depression, Mises Institute Publishing, 5.Edition, 2000, ss. 214-215.
  • RÖPKE, Wilhelm, Crises & Cycles, The Ludwig von Mises Institute Publishing, 2007.
  • SCHNABEL, Isabel , “The role of Liquidity and Implicit Guarantees in The German Twin Crisis of 1931”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 28, 2009, s. 3.
  • SCHUBERT, Aurel, Credit-Anstalt Crisis 1931, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
  • SHAHROKHI, Manuchehr, “The Global Financial Crisis 2007-2010 and The Future of Capitalism”, Global Finance Journal, no 22,, 2011, s. 201.
  • SIKLOS, Pierre L., “The Fed’s Reaction to the Stock Market During the Great Depression: Fact or Artefact?”, Explorations in Economic History Volume 45, 2008,, s. 182.
  • SÖNMEZ, Sinan, “Kalkınmanın Finansmanı, Emperyalizm ve Finansal Serbestlik Üçgeninde Dış Borçlanma”, Ekonomik Yaklaşım, Cilt:21, Sayı 75, s. 126.
  • SYLLA, Richard, R. WRIGHT, D. COWEN, “Alexander Hamilton, Central Banker: Crisis Management During the U.S. Financial Panic of 1792”, Business History Review, 83 (Spring 2009), s. 61, 64-65.
  • TABB, William K., “Four Crisis of the Contemporary World Capitalist System”, Montly Review, Volume 60, Issue 05, , 2008, ss. 44-55.
  • TERMIN, Peter , “Lessons from the Great Depression”, The MIT Press, 1989.
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Global Crises of the 1800s, Great Depression and 2008 Crisis

Year 2017, , 77 - 127, 11.04.2017


The financial crisis are the disasters
that the world economic order have convulsed. These disasters were affected
infinitely the social living standarts.
 The emergence of the nation state from the 18th century, national
economies are also closer together. Bilateral trade has accelerated and
connections with each other as well as with financial institutions to increase
the national currency and the related financial relationships. But the era of
the classical doctrine understanding money and to regulate financial markets
and to keep under control could create the appropriate authorities. So 20th
Century up to the financial crisis were experienced more frequently. After the
Great Depression and the Keynesian Revolution in 1930 by the competent national
monetary authorities, the Central Bank has the authority to intervene to allow
them to gain experience in the field of national monetary and financial
arrangements. 20 yy. Financial crises are emerging in the mainly two reasons.
First, global currency and the surrounding countries as a result of faulty
monetary and financial policy of the country is emerging to dominate the
financial system to include as well. The second is the free circulation of the
current global financial crisis with irregular distribution and the emergence
of uncontrolled fluctuations in emerging market economies. The object of this
work is study and resarch the ecomoic process before the financial crisis and
to reveal which social economic affairs are the reasons for financial crisis.
Add to this object it will be discussed how the financial actors can be on the
alert towards the potential financial crisis.


  • AHAMED, Liaquat, Lord of Finance–The Bankers Who Broke the World, The Penguin Press, 2009.
  • AKTAN, Coşkun Can, Hüseyin ŞEN, Globalleşme, Ekonomik Kriz ve Türkiye, TOSYÖV Yayınları, 1999.
  • ALLEN, Larry, “ The Global Financial System 1750-2000”, Reaktion Books Publishing, 2001.
  • BERNANKE, Ben, Harold JAMES, “The Gold Standart, Deflation, and Financial Crisis in the Great Depression: An International Comparison”, NBER Working Paper No: 3488, October 1990,
  • BLINDER, Alan, After the Music Stopped, The Financial Crisis, The Response and The Work Ahead, The Penquin Press, 2013.
  • BOCUTOĞLU, Ersan, “Hyman P. Minksy’in Konjonktür Teorisi 2007-2010 Küresel Krizi Açıklamaya Uygun mu? Heterodoks Değerlendirme”, Bankacılar, Türkiye Bankacılar Birliği Yayını, Sayı 75, Aralık 2010, s. 10 ve 14.
  • BOIANOVSKY, Mauro, “Wicksell on the American Crisis 1907”, Journal of History of Economic Thought, Vol: 33.2, 2011,, ss. 1-6.
  • BORDO, Micheal, Harold JAMES, “The Great Depression Analogy”, NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper 155584, December 2009,
  • BORDO, Micheal, Olivier JEANNE, “Boom-Busts in Asset Prices, Economic Instability and Monetary Policy”, NBER Working Papers, No: 8966,
  • BRAUN, H.J., The German Economy in the Twentieth Century, Routledge Publishing, 1990.
  • BRUNNER, Robert F., Sean D. CARR, The Panic of 1907–Lessons Learned from the Market’s Perfect Storm, Published by John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2007.
  • BURKETT, Paul , “Forgetting the Lessons of Great Depression”, Review of Social Economy, Spring 1994, Vol:52, Issue 1, ss. 70-71.
  • BURTON, Theodore E., “Financial Crises”, BiblioLife, LLC Publishing, Original Copyright 1902 by D. Appleton and Company,, ss. 282-283.
  • CABRAL, Ricardo, “A Perspective on the Symptons and Causes of the Financial Crisis”, Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 37, www.elsevier. com/locate/jbf, 2013, ss. 103-104.
  • CALOMIRIS, Charles W., “Financial Factors in the Great Depression”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 7, Number 2, Spring 1993, ss. 61-80.
  • CALOMIRIS, Charles & David WHEELOCK, “Was the Great Depression a Watershed for American Monetary Policy” in The Defining Moment: The Great Depression and The American Economy in the Twentieth Century, Ed. Micheal Bordo, NBER Onlinebook,, 1998.
  • CALOMIRIS, Charles W., Larry SCHWEIKART, “The Panic of 1857: Origins, Transmission, and Containment”, The Journal of Economic History, Vol: 51, no: 4, 1991, ss. 808-809.
  • CLAESSEM, Stijin, Ayhan KÖSE, Marco E. TERRONES , “The Global Financial Crisis: How Similar? How Different? How Costly?”, Journal of Asian Economics,, 2010, ss. 248-264.
  • COY, Peter, “Message from Vienna, 1931”, in Bloomberg Businessweek, 25 Nisan-1 Mayıs 2011, ss. 12-13.
  • CUIKERMAN, Alex, “Reflections on the Crisis and on its Lessons for Regulatory Reform and Central Bank Policies”, Journal of Financial Stability, No:7,, 2011, ss. 27-34.
  • DEMİR, Fırat, “Büyük İstikrar Döneminden Büyük Durgunluk Dönemine: Krizdeki Kapitalizm veya Kriz Kapitalizmi”, Ülke Deneyimleri Işığında Küresel Kriz ve Yeni Ekonomik Düzen, der: Fikret Şenses ve diğerleri, İletişim Yayınları, 2013, ss.125-126.
  • DESAI, Meghnad, Financial Crises and Global Governance, Routledge Publishing, 2004.
  • EĞİLMEZ, Mahfi, Küresel Finans Krizi- Piyasa Krizinin Eleştirisi, Remzi Kitabevi, 3.Baskı, 2009.
  • EICHGREEN, Barry, Harold JAMES, Golden Fetters: The Gold Standart and the Great Depression,1919-1939, Oxford University Press, 1992.
  • FISHER, Irving , “The Dept Deflation of Great Depressions”, Econometrica, No: 1, ss. 347-349. FORUM, Temmuz 2009, s.11,
  • FRANKEL, Jeffrey, George SARAULES, “Can Leading Indicators Asess Country Vulnerability? Evidence from the 2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis”, Journal of International Economics, 87,, 2012, ss. 216-230.
  • FRIEDMAN, Jeffrey, “Capitalism and The Crisis: Bankers, Bonuses, Idealogy and Ignorence” in What Caused The Financial Crisis, Edited by Jeffrey Friedman, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010, ss. 1-2.
  • GALBRAITH, John Kenneth, Büyük Kriz -1929, (çeviren: Elif Nihan Akbaş), Pegasus Yayınları, 2009.
  • GROSSMAN. Richard S., Christopher MEISNERR , “International Aspect of The Great Depression and The Crisis of 2007: Similarities, differences and Lessons”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 26, No:3, www.elsevier. com, 2010, s. 332.
  • HAFER, Rik W., Scott E.HEIN, The Stock Market, Greenwood Press, 2007.
  • HANSEN, Greg, Dimitri PADIMITRI, “Did the New Deal Prolong or Worsen the Great Depression?”, Challenge, Vol:53, No:1; 2010, s. 64.
  • HENNING, Friedrich Wilhelm, Das Industrialieserte Deutschland 1914 bis 1992, 8. Auflage, Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag, Paderborn, 1993.
  • HILT, Eric, “Rogue Finance: The life and Fire Insurance Company and Panic of 1826”, Business History Review, 83 (Spring 2009), ss. 87-100.
  • HUGHES, J.R.T., The Commercial Crisis of 1857, Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol:8, No: 2, June 1956, s. 194.
  • IRMLER, Heinrich, “Bankenkrise und Vollbeschaftigungspolitik (1931-1936)”, in Wahrung und Wirtschaft in Deutschland 1876-1975, Deutsche Bundesbank Publikation, 1976, ss. 284-285.
  • IRWIN, Douglas A., “Did France Cause the Great Depression?”, NBER Working Paper No. 16350 September 2010, w16350, s. 1, 36.
  • ISSING, Otmar, “Some Lessons from the Financial Market Crisis”, International Finance, 12/3,, 2009, ss. 432-438.
  • JAMES, Harold , “Globalizition and Great Depressions” , Foreign Policy Research Institute, Winter 2002,, ss. 128-129.
  • JONES, Edward David, Economic Crises, General Books, LLC, 2009.
  • KAZ, “Granatsplitter aus dem alltaglichen Imperialismus: Zur Finanz und Bankenkrise”, Ausgabe 222, 2011,
  • KEHOE, Timothy, Edward C. PRESCOOT, “Great Depressions of the 20th Century”, Review of Economic Dynamics, 5, 2002,, s. 2
  • KINDLEBERGER, Charles Poor, Historical Economics- Art or Science, University of California Press-Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1990.
  • KOZANOĞLU, Hayri, Küresel Krizin Anatomisi, Agora Kitaplığı, 2009.
  • KUTLU, Hüseyin Ali, Savaş DEMİRCİ, “Küresel Finansal Krizi (2007-?) Ortaya Çıkaran Nedenler, Krizin Etkileri, Krizden Kısmi Çıkış ve Mevcut Durum”, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Ekim/2011, ss. 122-124.
  • KUTTNER, Kenneth, “Victorian Financal Crises and Their Implications for the Future”, Business Economics, 2010, Vol: 45, no: 2, ss. 102-103.
  • LEBERGOT, Stanley, Pursuing Happines: American Consumers in the Twentieth Century, Princeton University Press, 1993.
  • LEPLER, Jessica M., The Many panics of 1837-People, Politics and the Creation of Transatlantic Financial Crisis, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
  • LEVY, Dominique, Gerard DUMENIL, Crisis of Neoliberalism, Harvard University Press, 2011.
  • MADDISON, Angus, The World Economy in the 20th Century, Development Centre Studies, OECD Publishing, 1989, ss. 51-52.
  • MARICHAL, Carlos, “World Financial Crises: Lessons of the Past”, Finance and The Common Good/BIEN Commun, Volume II-III, 2009, ss. 37-38
  • McELVAINE, Robert S., “The Great Depression; America, 1929-1941”, Three River Press, 2009.
  • MISHKIN, Frederic S., “Asymmetric Information and Financial Crisis: A Historical Perspective” in Financial Markets and Financial Crises, Edited by R. Glenn Hubbard, NBER Publishing, 1991, ss. 81-82.
  • NEROZZI, Sebastiano, “From the Great Depression to Bretton Woods: Jacop Viner and the International Monetary Stabilition”, European Journal History of Economic Thought, 18/1, 2011, ss. 55-63.
  • OKTAR, Suat, Levent DALYANCI, “Finansal Kriz Teorileri ve Türkiye Ekonomisinde 1990 Sonrası Finansal Krizler”, Marmara Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt 19, 2010, s. 7.
  • ORPHANIDES, Athanasios, “Monetary Policy in Deflation: The Liquidity Trap in History and Practice”, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 15, 2004, s. 106.
  • OTHMAN, Rohana, R. ABDULAZIZ, Isa IBRAHIM, “A Perspective on The Subprime Crisis 2007: Lessons to be Learnt in Relation to the Asian Financial Crisis 1997”, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, Issue 23,, 2010, s. 103.
  • ÖZ, Sumru, “Kriz ve Korumacılık: Tarih Tekerrür Edecek mi?”, TÜSİAD-KOÇ UNIVERSİTY ECONOMIC RESEARCH. ÖZER, Mustafa, Finansal Krizler, Piyasa Başarısızlıkları ve Finansal İstikrarı Sağlamaya Yönelik Politikalar, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, 1996.
  • POMFRED, Richard, “The Financial Sector and the Future of Capitalism”, Economic System, 34,, 2010, ss. 22-37.
  • RAZIN Assaf, Steven ROSEFIELDE, “Currency and Financial Crisis of the 1990’s”, CESifo Economic Studies, Volume: 57,, 3/2011, ss. 503-508.
  • RICH, George, The Cross of Cold- Money and the Canadian Business Cycle in 1867-1913, Carleton University Press, 1988.
  • RICHARDSON, Gary, Categories and Causes of Bank Distress during the Great Depression,1929-1933, Explorations in Economic History, Volume 44, 2007,, ss. 588-589.
  • RICHEBACHER, Kurt, “An Unprecendented Speculative Spree”, Richebächer Letters-23 March 2007,
  • ROBUNI, Nouriel, Stephen MIHM, Kriz Ekonomisi, Pegasus Yayınları, 2012.
  • ROTHBARD, Murray N., America’s Great Depression, Mises Institute Publishing, 5.Edition, 2000, ss. 214-215.
  • RÖPKE, Wilhelm, Crises & Cycles, The Ludwig von Mises Institute Publishing, 2007.
  • SCHNABEL, Isabel , “The role of Liquidity and Implicit Guarantees in The German Twin Crisis of 1931”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 28, 2009, s. 3.
  • SCHUBERT, Aurel, Credit-Anstalt Crisis 1931, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
  • SHAHROKHI, Manuchehr, “The Global Financial Crisis 2007-2010 and The Future of Capitalism”, Global Finance Journal, no 22,, 2011, s. 201.
  • SIKLOS, Pierre L., “The Fed’s Reaction to the Stock Market During the Great Depression: Fact or Artefact?”, Explorations in Economic History Volume 45, 2008,, s. 182.
  • SÖNMEZ, Sinan, “Kalkınmanın Finansmanı, Emperyalizm ve Finansal Serbestlik Üçgeninde Dış Borçlanma”, Ekonomik Yaklaşım, Cilt:21, Sayı 75, s. 126.
  • SYLLA, Richard, R. WRIGHT, D. COWEN, “Alexander Hamilton, Central Banker: Crisis Management During the U.S. Financial Panic of 1792”, Business History Review, 83 (Spring 2009), s. 61, 64-65.
  • TABB, William K., “Four Crisis of the Contemporary World Capitalist System”, Montly Review, Volume 60, Issue 05, , 2008, ss. 44-55.
  • TERMIN, Peter , “Lessons from the Great Depression”, The MIT Press, 1989.
  • WISMAN, Jon D, Barton BAKER, “Rising Inequality and Financial Crises of 1929 and 2008”,, ss. 1-34.
  • WRAY, L. Randall, “Money Manager Capitalism and the Global Financial Crisis”, The Levy Economics Institute Working Paper Collection, Nr: 578,, 2009, ss. 16-18.
  • YELLEN, Janet L., “Macroprudential Supervision and Monetary Policy in the Post-Crisis World”, Business Economics, Volume : 46 no: 1,, 2011, ss. 3-10.
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  • ZINN, Hans Werner, Casino Capitalism, How the Financial Crisis Came About, What Needs to be Done Now, Oxford University Press, 2010.
There are 78 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Emre Akbaş

Publication Date April 11, 2017
Acceptance Date December 6, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Akbaş, M. E. (2017). 1800’lerin Küresel Krizleri, Büyük Depresyon ve 2008 Krizi. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4(1), 77-127.

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