Historical process in most of the countries shows that the opportunities provided by the financial system are strongly efficient in the development of a country. In this development, especially in today's financial system, the acceleration of the development of the bond market may provide an important break for the growth of the economy. In this study, we will try to measure this impact. For this aim, we will evaluate the bond market in terms of the government and private sector within the international framework. We will evaluate the data of G7 countries in a comparative analysis. In the research, GDP dependent variable, international government bonds and international private sector bonds were selected as independent variables. Data's of this study based on 2000Q1-2017Q4 databases and we performed two-stage on it. Due to the seasonal, limited and long term data’s, we examine the ARDL model which based on Pesaran and Shin (1999) theory. For short-term analysis, we used VAR-Granger-Causality (Block Exogeneity Wald Tests) model. As a result, the international bond development of G7 countries did not contribute to the national economy in the short term; but long-term this contribution was efficient into the economy, except Japan and the United Kingdom.