The US-China Rivalry in Latin America After 2000
Year 2024,
Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 192 - 215, 17.05.2024
Nuri Gök
Süleyman Ekici
Since the 2000s, the rivalry between the United States and China has been generally perceived as a threat to American hegemony in the international system. Alongside Asia, Latin America has turned into one of the battlefields of geostrategic rivalry. China has been steadily increasing its influence and presence in the region where the US has regarded as its backyard since the declaration of the "Monroe Doctrine". The US has taken some actions to deter China from having a more influential position in the region. China is being considered as a political and economic alternative to the US by Latin American countries. The main argument of this study is that China has gained an undeniable footprint in Latin America thanks to its long-term, well-planned policies; Beijing can use its growing influence in the region as leverage in case of a conflict with the US in the South-Asia area within the context of a hegemonic war.
- ABBASI, I. (2007, Summer). Changing Dynamics of US Influence in Latin America. Strategic Studies, 27(2), 103-129.
- ALLISON, G. (2015, Sept 24). The Thucydides Trap: Are the U.S. and China Headed for War? Retrieved 04 04, 2021, from The Atlantic: united-states-china-war-thucydides-trap/406756/
- BABB, C. (2020, March 11). Pentagon Deploying More Ships, Forces to Latin America. Retrieved from The VOA:
- BORDACHEV, T. (2021, 05 07). Not Cold and Not War. Retrieved 05 22, 2021, from Valdai Club:
- BRITZKY, H. (2023, March 08). US generals warn China is aggressively expanding its influence in South America and the Caribbean. Retrieved from CNN:
- BUXTON, J. (2011, July). Understanding Obama's Latin American Policy. Latin American Perspectives, 29-45.
- CARDONA, D. (2019). China in Latin America: an inconvenient guest. Oasis, 30, 77-96.
- CORDESMAN, A. H. (2020, September 9). The Real World Capabilities of ISIS: The Threat Continues. Retrieved 12 28, 2020, from Centre for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS):
- CSIS. (2021, 08 15). Speaker Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit: Implications for the Indo-Pacific. Retrieved from Center for Strategic & International Studies:
- DOLLAR, D. (2017). China’s Investment in Latin America. Brookings.
- ELLIS, E. (2014). China’s Growing Relationship with Latin America and the Caribbean. Air & Space Journal, 3-17.
- ELLIS, E. (2017). The Strategic Context of China’s Advance in Latin America: An Update. Asia Center, DGRIS.
- ELLIS, E. (2020). Chinese Security Engagement in Latin America. the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
- ELLIS, E. (2021, 1 27). Why China’s Advance in Latin America Matters. Retrieved 5 11, 2021, from National Defence:
- ELLIS, E. (2021, 1 27). Why China’s Advance in Latin America Matters. Retrieved from National Defence:
- GILDERHUS, M. (2006, March). The Monroe Doctrine: Meanings and Implications. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 36(1), 5-16.
- GILPIN, R. (1988, Spring). The Theory of Hegemonic War. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 18(4), pp. 591-613.
- GIUSTO, P. (2020, November 16). Latin America, the new battlefield of China-US competition. Retrieved 05 18, 2021, from Asia Power Watch:
- GLASER, B. S. (2013). Pivot to Asia: Prepare for Unintended Consequences. CISS.
- GOMPERT, D. C., STUTH, A., & CRISTINA, C. (2016). War with China: Thinking Through the Unthinkable. San Monica: RAND Corporation.
- GÖK, N. (2018). Sebep ve sonuçlarıyla bir kısır döngü: darbeler. Arjantin, Brezilya, Şili ve Türkiye üzerine bir inceleme. Master Thesis (Unpublished). Malatya, Turkey: İnönü University.
HAKIM, P. (2006, Jan.-Feb.). Is Washington Losing Latin America. Foreign Affairs, 85(1), 39-53.
- HASS, R. (2021, 05 20). Playing the China Card. Retrieved 05 22, 2021, from Noema:
- HEYDARIAN, R. J. (2021, April 17). Strategic Wisdom: Why a Sino-American Confrontation Is Not Inevitable. Retrieved from China&US Focus:
- IESALC. (2019). UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (. Caracas, Venezuela: UNESCO-IESALC).
- JENKINS, R., PETERS, E. D., & MOREIRA, M. M. (2008). The Impact of China on Latin America and the Caribbean. World Development, 36(2), 235-253.
- MANUZZI, A. (2023, Feb 07). The tedious China scare in Latin America. Retrieved from Responsible Statecraft:
- MARCELLA, G. (2012, Jan 20). China’s Military Activity in Latin America. Retrieved 4 06, 2021, from Americas Quarterly:
- MEARSHEIMER, J. J. (2014, Oct 25). Can China Rise Peacefully? Retrieved 03 30, 2021, from The National Interest: page= 0%2C1
- MEDEIROS, E. (2009). China’s Foreign Policy Actions. In China's International Behavior: Activism, Opportunism, and Diversification (pp. 93-191). Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
- MYERS, M. (2021, Jan 14). China’s Quiet Play For Latin America. Retrieved 05 20, 2021, from Noema:
- NUGENT, C., & CAMPELL, C. (2021, Feb 04). The U.S. and China Are Battling for Influence in Latin America, and the Pandemic Has Raised the Stakes. Retrieved 04 02, 2021, from TIME:
- OLIVA, M. (2020, May 21). Stop Calling It a New Cold War, China is not USSR. Retrieved from The Geopolitics:
- PALACIO, A. (2022, July 14). Is China Winning Latin America? Retrieved from Project Syndicate:
- PARRADO, E. (2019, May 7). How Latin America Is Holding Back Its Own Growth. Retrieved 05 17, 2021, from Americas Quarterly:
- PAZ, G. S. (2012, March). China, United States and Hegemonic Challenge in Latin America. The China Quarterly(209), 18-34.
- PERTHES, V. (2021). Dimensions of rivalry: China, the United States, and Europe. China International Strategy Review, 1-8.
- PEW RESEARCH CENTER. (2019). Pew Research Center, December, 2019, “China’s Economic Growth Mostly Welcomed in Emerging Markets, but Neighbors Wary of Its Influence. Pew Research Center.
- PICCONE, T. (2016). The Geopolitics of China’s Rise in Latin America. Washington, D.C: Brookings.
- QINGGUO, J. (2021, March 28). Malign or Benign? China–U.S. Strategic Competition Under Biden. Retrieved 04 16, 2021, from EastAsisForum:
- REID, M. (2015, September/October). Obama and Latin America: A Promising Day in the Neighborhood. Foreign Affairs, 94(5), 45-53.
- ROLLAND, N. (2020). China’s Vision for a New World Order. Washington, USA: The National Bureau of Asian Research.
- ROSS, R. (2013). US Grand Strategy, the Rise of China, and US National Security Strategy for East Asia. Strategic Studies Quarterly, 20-40.
- ROY, D. (2023, June 15). China’s Growing Influence in Latin America. Retrieved from Council of Foreign Relations:
- SCUL, D., & HAILY, C. (2022). O N E V I S I O N I N T H R E E P L A N S : Build Back Better World & the G7 Global Infrastructure Initiatives. E3G.
- SIMMONS, J. (1907, Feb). The Monroe Doctrine: Its Status. Michigan Law Review, 5(4), 236-249.
- STEINMÜLLER, H. (2014). China’s growing influence in Latin America. In:.
- STRATHAIRN, D. (2020, March 20). Competing for Influence: China in Latin America. Retrieved from
- SULLIVAN, M., & LUM, T. (2022). China’s Engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington: US Congress.
- SUSHENTSOV, A. (2021, 05 18). How US Intelligence Community Views Rivalry With Russia and China. Retrieved 05 22, 2021, from Valdai Discussion Club:
- The Monroe Doctrine: Meanings and Implications. (2006, March). Presidential Studies Quarterly, 36(1), 5-16.
- TOKMAK, E. (2022, 11 05). Latin Amerika Üzerinde Artan Çin Etkisi. Retrieved from ANKASAM:
- TREVISAN, C. (2021). Trade, Investment, Technology, and Training Are China’s Tools to Influence Latin America. Retrieved from
- TRINKUNAS, H. (2016). Renminbi Diplomacy? The Limits of China’s Influence on Latin America’s Domestic Politics. Brookings.
- US DEPARTMENT of DEFENCE. (2016). Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2016. Washington: US Department of State.
- US DEPARTMENT of DEFENCE. (2020). Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2020. Washington, US: US Defense Department.
- VAN DER TOGT, T. (2020). How the US and Europe could realign their Russia and China policies after the Presidential Elections. Atlantisch Perspectief, 44(5), 53-58.
- WALTZ, K. (1998, Spring). The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 18(4), 615-628.
- WEDELL, L. (2019, February 27). How Latin America Factors Into the US-China Rivalry. Retrieved 05 10, 2021, from The Diplomat:
- WIBAWA, T. (2019, Jun 14). Could China's rise to power really be 'peaceful' and different to anything we've ever seen before? Retrieved 04 03, 2021, from News:
- WOŹNIAK, M. (2016). Thee Ukraine Crisis and Shift in US Foreign Policy. Interdıscıplınary Polıtıcal And Cultural Journal, 18(2), 87-102.
- YU, L. (2015). China’s strategic partnership with Latin America: a fulcrum in China’s rise. International Affairs, 91(5), 1047-1068.
2000 Sonrası Dönemde Latin Amerika’daki ABD-Çin Rekabeti
Year 2024,
Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 192 - 215, 17.05.2024
Nuri Gök
Süleyman Ekici
Yeni yüzyılın başından itibaren Çin ve ABD arasında yaşanan rekabet genellikle uluslararası sistemdeki Amerikan hegemonyasına karşı bir meydan okuma olarak değerlendirilmektedir. İki büyük gücün arasında yaşanan rekabetin en yoğun olduğu Asya’nın yanısıra, yakın dönemde ABD’nin Monroe Doktrininden beri arka bahçesi olarak gördüğü Latin Amerika’da bu geostratejik mücadelenin görüldüğü alanlardan biri haline gelmiştir. Çin, ABD’nin bölgeye olan ilgisini kaybetmesinden de yararlanarak, son yirmi yılda bu bölgedeki ekonomik, politik ve askeri gücünü önemli ölçüde artırmıştır. Çin’in bölgedeki artan etkisini tehdit olarak algılayan ABD, bu durumu önlemeye yönelik adımlar atsa da şu ana kadar kendi adına olumlu bir sonuç alamamıştır. Çin bölgede her geçen gün artan bir şekilde ABD’nin politik ve ekonomik alternatifi olarak görülmektedir. Çalışmada Çin’in bölgede uzun vadeli, iyi planlanmış politikaları sayesinde inkar edilemez bir etkinlik kazandığı ve Çin’in bu durumu Güney Asya’da patlak verebilecek hegemonic bir savaş durumunda ABD’ye karşı bir koz olarak kullanabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
- ABBASI, I. (2007, Summer). Changing Dynamics of US Influence in Latin America. Strategic Studies, 27(2), 103-129.
- ALLISON, G. (2015, Sept 24). The Thucydides Trap: Are the U.S. and China Headed for War? Retrieved 04 04, 2021, from The Atlantic: united-states-china-war-thucydides-trap/406756/
- BABB, C. (2020, March 11). Pentagon Deploying More Ships, Forces to Latin America. Retrieved from The VOA:
- BORDACHEV, T. (2021, 05 07). Not Cold and Not War. Retrieved 05 22, 2021, from Valdai Club:
- BRITZKY, H. (2023, March 08). US generals warn China is aggressively expanding its influence in South America and the Caribbean. Retrieved from CNN:
- BUXTON, J. (2011, July). Understanding Obama's Latin American Policy. Latin American Perspectives, 29-45.
- CARDONA, D. (2019). China in Latin America: an inconvenient guest. Oasis, 30, 77-96.
- CORDESMAN, A. H. (2020, September 9). The Real World Capabilities of ISIS: The Threat Continues. Retrieved 12 28, 2020, from Centre for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS):
- CSIS. (2021, 08 15). Speaker Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit: Implications for the Indo-Pacific. Retrieved from Center for Strategic & International Studies:
- DOLLAR, D. (2017). China’s Investment in Latin America. Brookings.
- ELLIS, E. (2014). China’s Growing Relationship with Latin America and the Caribbean. Air & Space Journal, 3-17.
- ELLIS, E. (2017). The Strategic Context of China’s Advance in Latin America: An Update. Asia Center, DGRIS.
- ELLIS, E. (2020). Chinese Security Engagement in Latin America. the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
- ELLIS, E. (2021, 1 27). Why China’s Advance in Latin America Matters. Retrieved 5 11, 2021, from National Defence:
- ELLIS, E. (2021, 1 27). Why China’s Advance in Latin America Matters. Retrieved from National Defence:
- GILDERHUS, M. (2006, March). The Monroe Doctrine: Meanings and Implications. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 36(1), 5-16.
- GILPIN, R. (1988, Spring). The Theory of Hegemonic War. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 18(4), pp. 591-613.
- GIUSTO, P. (2020, November 16). Latin America, the new battlefield of China-US competition. Retrieved 05 18, 2021, from Asia Power Watch:
- GLASER, B. S. (2013). Pivot to Asia: Prepare for Unintended Consequences. CISS.
- GOMPERT, D. C., STUTH, A., & CRISTINA, C. (2016). War with China: Thinking Through the Unthinkable. San Monica: RAND Corporation.
- GÖK, N. (2018). Sebep ve sonuçlarıyla bir kısır döngü: darbeler. Arjantin, Brezilya, Şili ve Türkiye üzerine bir inceleme. Master Thesis (Unpublished). Malatya, Turkey: İnönü University.
HAKIM, P. (2006, Jan.-Feb.). Is Washington Losing Latin America. Foreign Affairs, 85(1), 39-53.
- HASS, R. (2021, 05 20). Playing the China Card. Retrieved 05 22, 2021, from Noema:
- HEYDARIAN, R. J. (2021, April 17). Strategic Wisdom: Why a Sino-American Confrontation Is Not Inevitable. Retrieved from China&US Focus:
- IESALC. (2019). UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (. Caracas, Venezuela: UNESCO-IESALC).
- JENKINS, R., PETERS, E. D., & MOREIRA, M. M. (2008). The Impact of China on Latin America and the Caribbean. World Development, 36(2), 235-253.
- MANUZZI, A. (2023, Feb 07). The tedious China scare in Latin America. Retrieved from Responsible Statecraft:
- MARCELLA, G. (2012, Jan 20). China’s Military Activity in Latin America. Retrieved 4 06, 2021, from Americas Quarterly:
- MEARSHEIMER, J. J. (2014, Oct 25). Can China Rise Peacefully? Retrieved 03 30, 2021, from The National Interest: page= 0%2C1
- MEDEIROS, E. (2009). China’s Foreign Policy Actions. In China's International Behavior: Activism, Opportunism, and Diversification (pp. 93-191). Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
- MYERS, M. (2021, Jan 14). China’s Quiet Play For Latin America. Retrieved 05 20, 2021, from Noema:
- NUGENT, C., & CAMPELL, C. (2021, Feb 04). The U.S. and China Are Battling for Influence in Latin America, and the Pandemic Has Raised the Stakes. Retrieved 04 02, 2021, from TIME:
- OLIVA, M. (2020, May 21). Stop Calling It a New Cold War, China is not USSR. Retrieved from The Geopolitics:
- PALACIO, A. (2022, July 14). Is China Winning Latin America? Retrieved from Project Syndicate:
- PARRADO, E. (2019, May 7). How Latin America Is Holding Back Its Own Growth. Retrieved 05 17, 2021, from Americas Quarterly:
- PAZ, G. S. (2012, March). China, United States and Hegemonic Challenge in Latin America. The China Quarterly(209), 18-34.
- PERTHES, V. (2021). Dimensions of rivalry: China, the United States, and Europe. China International Strategy Review, 1-8.
- PEW RESEARCH CENTER. (2019). Pew Research Center, December, 2019, “China’s Economic Growth Mostly Welcomed in Emerging Markets, but Neighbors Wary of Its Influence. Pew Research Center.
- PICCONE, T. (2016). The Geopolitics of China’s Rise in Latin America. Washington, D.C: Brookings.
- QINGGUO, J. (2021, March 28). Malign or Benign? China–U.S. Strategic Competition Under Biden. Retrieved 04 16, 2021, from EastAsisForum:
- REID, M. (2015, September/October). Obama and Latin America: A Promising Day in the Neighborhood. Foreign Affairs, 94(5), 45-53.
- ROLLAND, N. (2020). China’s Vision for a New World Order. Washington, USA: The National Bureau of Asian Research.
- ROSS, R. (2013). US Grand Strategy, the Rise of China, and US National Security Strategy for East Asia. Strategic Studies Quarterly, 20-40.
- ROY, D. (2023, June 15). China’s Growing Influence in Latin America. Retrieved from Council of Foreign Relations:
- SCUL, D., & HAILY, C. (2022). O N E V I S I O N I N T H R E E P L A N S : Build Back Better World & the G7 Global Infrastructure Initiatives. E3G.
- SIMMONS, J. (1907, Feb). The Monroe Doctrine: Its Status. Michigan Law Review, 5(4), 236-249.
- STEINMÜLLER, H. (2014). China’s growing influence in Latin America. In:.
- STRATHAIRN, D. (2020, March 20). Competing for Influence: China in Latin America. Retrieved from
- SULLIVAN, M., & LUM, T. (2022). China’s Engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington: US Congress.
- SUSHENTSOV, A. (2021, 05 18). How US Intelligence Community Views Rivalry With Russia and China. Retrieved 05 22, 2021, from Valdai Discussion Club:
- The Monroe Doctrine: Meanings and Implications. (2006, March). Presidential Studies Quarterly, 36(1), 5-16.
- TOKMAK, E. (2022, 11 05). Latin Amerika Üzerinde Artan Çin Etkisi. Retrieved from ANKASAM:
- TREVISAN, C. (2021). Trade, Investment, Technology, and Training Are China’s Tools to Influence Latin America. Retrieved from
- TRINKUNAS, H. (2016). Renminbi Diplomacy? The Limits of China’s Influence on Latin America’s Domestic Politics. Brookings.
- US DEPARTMENT of DEFENCE. (2016). Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2016. Washington: US Department of State.
- US DEPARTMENT of DEFENCE. (2020). Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2020. Washington, US: US Defense Department.
- VAN DER TOGT, T. (2020). How the US and Europe could realign their Russia and China policies after the Presidential Elections. Atlantisch Perspectief, 44(5), 53-58.
- WALTZ, K. (1998, Spring). The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 18(4), 615-628.
- WEDELL, L. (2019, February 27). How Latin America Factors Into the US-China Rivalry. Retrieved 05 10, 2021, from The Diplomat:
- WIBAWA, T. (2019, Jun 14). Could China's rise to power really be 'peaceful' and different to anything we've ever seen before? Retrieved 04 03, 2021, from News:
- WOŹNIAK, M. (2016). Thee Ukraine Crisis and Shift in US Foreign Policy. Interdıscıplınary Polıtıcal And Cultural Journal, 18(2), 87-102.
- YU, L. (2015). China’s strategic partnership with Latin America: a fulcrum in China’s rise. International Affairs, 91(5), 1047-1068.