Research Article
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Siber Zorbalık ve Ceza Hukuku

Year 2019, Volume: 77 Issue: 1, 425 - 450, 19.06.2019


Bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerinin hızlı gelişimi ve ulaşılabilirliği, taciz ve benzer nitelikteki olayların internet üzerinden gerçekleştirilmeleri sonucunu doğurmaktadır. Yüz yüze tacizden farklı olarak siber taciz ya da zorbalık olayları çok çeşitli fiilleri kapsayacak biçimde ve bu nedenle birçok görünüm biçimini de içeren dünya genelinde yeni bir fenomen haline gelmiştir. Her ne kadar henüz siber tacize ilişkin gerek Avrupa gerekse dünya genelinde ortak bir tanım yapılmamışsa da en basitiyle internet üzerinden gerçekleştirilen taciz, zorbalık anlamına gelmektedir. Siber taciz vakalarının işlenme sıklığı ve sayısı her geçen gün daha da artma eğilimi göstermekte, tacizcilerin internet kullanma oranı da artış göstermesi ile beraber özellikle çocukların bu fiillere maruz kalma ihtimali de yükselmektedir. İnternet ortamında gerçekleşen siber taciz vakaları çocukların güvenliği ve refahı bakımından büyük bir endişe kaynağı teşkil etmektedir. Bu nedenle, çalışmamızda siber taciz kavramının başat unsurlarını tespit etmeye çalıştık. Bu unsurlar, yüksek seviye anonimlik, mağdurun kendini savunma imkanlarının büyük ölçüde kısıtlanmış olması ve tekerrür ihtimalinin oldukça yüksek olmasıdır. Çalışmamızda, siber taciz kavramının bu ayırıcı vasıflarını sırasıyla tahlil edeceğiz. Bu kavramsal analizin akabinde, karşılaştırmalı hukukta siber taciz konusunda benimsenen yaklaşım ve çözümleri değerlendireceğiz. Nihayet, siber taciz fiillerinin suç haline getirilip getirilmemesi gerektiği sorusunu ve ceza hukuku dışındaki çözüm ihtimallerini ele alacağız. 


  • Agate J. and Ledward J, ‘Social Media: How The Net is Closing in on Cyberbullies’ (24) 8 (2013) Ent. L.R. 263–268.
  • Ambos K, ‘The Overall Function of International Criminal Law: Striking the Right Balance Between the Rechtsgut and the Harm Principles’, (2015) 9(2) Criminal Law and Philosophy, 301-329.
  • Betts L R., Cyberbullying, Approaches, Consequences and Interventions (Palgrave 2016)
  • Bostancı Bozbayındır G., Introduction to Law (Anadolu University 2017)
  • Bychawska-Siniarska D., Protecting The Right To Freedom Of Expression Under The European Convention On Human Rights, (2017 Council of Europe)
  • Campbell M. and Zavrsnik A, Cyberbullying Through The New Media (Psychology Press 2013)
  • Connor T. P. and Scott J., Integrating Traditional Bullying and Cyberbullying: Challenges of Definition and Measurement in Adolescents, (27) Education Psychology Review 135-152.
  • Cornelius K., ‘Plaedoyer für einen Cybermobbing-Straftatbestand’ (2014) ZRP 164-167.
  • Hargrave A. M., ‘Protecting Children from Harmful Content Report Prepared for the Council of Europe’s Group of Specialists on Human Rights in the Information Society’ (Council of Europe 2009)
  • Herring J., Criminal Law, (8th Palgrave Macmillan Law Masters). ITU Report on Understanding cybercrime, Phenomena, Challenges and Legal Response, (ITU 2012) Klip A, European Criminal Law, (3th Intersentia 2018)
  • Kowalski, Giumatti, Schroder and Lattanner, ‘Bullying in the Digital Age: A critical review and meta-analysis of cyberbullying research among youth’ (2014) 4 (140) Psychological Bulletin 1073-1137.
  • Law Reform Commission, The Report of Harmful Communication and Digital Safety Bill, (2016).
  • Lidsky L. and Garcia A., ‘How Not to Criminalize Cyberbullying’ (2012) 77 Missouri Law Review 693-726.
  • Macenaite M, Regulation of Children’s Online Privacy (Tilburg University Research Master Paper 2012)
  • Mason K. L., ‘Cyberbullying: A Preliminary Assessment for School Personell, Psychology in the Schools’ (2008) 45(4) Psychology in the Schools 323-348.
  • Menesini, Nocentini, Palladino, Scheithauer, Krumbholz and Frisen, Cyberbullying Through the New Media (Psychology Press 2013).
  • Nixon, C.L., ‘Current perspectives: The Impact of Cyberbullying on Adolescent Health’ (2014) (5) Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics 143-158.
  • Nuotio K., The boundaries of the criminal law, (Oxford Scholarship 2011).
  • OECD Report on New Technologies and 21st Century Children: Recent Trends and Outcomes, (OECD Official Document Education Working Paper No. 179)
  • Olweus D., ‘School Bullying: Development and Some Important Challenges’, (2013) (9) Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 751-780.
  • Patel K, ‘Cyberbullying: What’s the Status in England?’ (2011-2012) 13 (2) San Diego International Law Journal 589-622.
  • Pelka P, Cybermobbing und die Notwendigkeit einer neuen Strafrechtsnorm in Deutschland (Grin Verlag 2015)
  • Persak N., Criminalising Harmful Conduct (Springer 2006). Quing L, Smith P and Cross D, Cyberbullying in the Global Playground, (Wiley-Blackwell 2012.
  • Rodkin P. and Fischer K., ‘Cyberbullying from Psychological and Legal Perspectives’, (2012) 3(77) Missouri Law Review 619-640.
  • Satzger H., International and European Criminal Law (2th, Beck/Hart/Nomos 2018).
  • Shariff S, Hoff D., ‘Cyberbullying: Clarifying Legal Boundaries for School Supervision in Cyberspace’, (2007) 1 (1) International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 76-118.
  • Schultz M., ‘The Responsible Web: How Tort Law Can Save the Internet’ 5(2) (2014) Journal of European Tort Law 182- 204.
  • Schwaighofer, Wiener Kommentar StGB, (2th, Manz Verlag Wien) Smith P., Steffgen G. and Sittichai R., ‘The Nature of Cyberbullying and an international Network’ Cyberbullying through the new media (Psychology 2013)
  • Tokunga R.S., ‘Following you home from school: A critical review and synthesis of research on cyberbullying victimization’ Computers in Human Behaviour 26(3) 277-287.
  • Wang J., Iannotti R.J. and Luk J.W., ‘Patterns of Adolescent Bullying Behaviours: Physical, Verbal, Exclusion, Rumor and Cyber’ (2012) 50(4) Journal of School Psychology 521-534.
  • Weber N and Pelfrey W. V. Jr, Cyberbullying-Consequences, Causes and Coping Strategies (Lfb Scholarly Pub 2014)
  • Willard N.E, Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats: Responding to the Challenge of Online Social Aggression, Threats, and Distress, Champaign, (IL: Research Press. 2007)
  • Electronic Resources
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Cyberbullying and Criminal Law

Year 2019, Volume: 77 Issue: 1, 425 - 450, 19.06.2019


As a result of the rapid growth and availability of information and communication technology (ICT) traditional bullying and harassment activities have started to appear on the internet. Current forms of cyberbullying and cyberharassment are a cause of great concern with respect to children’s safety and well-being. Cyberbullying lacks a universally accepted definition, namely there is no consensus on a single definition of cyberbullying - which is, after all, generally understood as bullying occurring on the internet - determined at an international or European level. However, in this study we have identified the distinctive features of cyberbullying, that is, the high degree of anonymity, power imbalance between the offencer and the victim, potentially public nature of cyberbullying and defencelessness of the victim, and the high probablity of repetition with anonymity being one of the unique features of cyberbullying. We shall analyse all these elements of cyberbullying, respectively. After this conceptual analysis, we shall assess the approaches and solutions that have been adopted towards cyberbullying in a comparative manner. Finally, we will address the question of whether acts of cyberbulllying should be criminalized and we will discuss the employability of options other than criminal law. 


  • Agate J. and Ledward J, ‘Social Media: How The Net is Closing in on Cyberbullies’ (24) 8 (2013) Ent. L.R. 263–268.
  • Ambos K, ‘The Overall Function of International Criminal Law: Striking the Right Balance Between the Rechtsgut and the Harm Principles’, (2015) 9(2) Criminal Law and Philosophy, 301-329.
  • Betts L R., Cyberbullying, Approaches, Consequences and Interventions (Palgrave 2016)
  • Bostancı Bozbayındır G., Introduction to Law (Anadolu University 2017)
  • Bychawska-Siniarska D., Protecting The Right To Freedom Of Expression Under The European Convention On Human Rights, (2017 Council of Europe)
  • Campbell M. and Zavrsnik A, Cyberbullying Through The New Media (Psychology Press 2013)
  • Connor T. P. and Scott J., Integrating Traditional Bullying and Cyberbullying: Challenges of Definition and Measurement in Adolescents, (27) Education Psychology Review 135-152.
  • Cornelius K., ‘Plaedoyer für einen Cybermobbing-Straftatbestand’ (2014) ZRP 164-167.
  • Hargrave A. M., ‘Protecting Children from Harmful Content Report Prepared for the Council of Europe’s Group of Specialists on Human Rights in the Information Society’ (Council of Europe 2009)
  • Herring J., Criminal Law, (8th Palgrave Macmillan Law Masters). ITU Report on Understanding cybercrime, Phenomena, Challenges and Legal Response, (ITU 2012) Klip A, European Criminal Law, (3th Intersentia 2018)
  • Kowalski, Giumatti, Schroder and Lattanner, ‘Bullying in the Digital Age: A critical review and meta-analysis of cyberbullying research among youth’ (2014) 4 (140) Psychological Bulletin 1073-1137.
  • Law Reform Commission, The Report of Harmful Communication and Digital Safety Bill, (2016).
  • Lidsky L. and Garcia A., ‘How Not to Criminalize Cyberbullying’ (2012) 77 Missouri Law Review 693-726.
  • Macenaite M, Regulation of Children’s Online Privacy (Tilburg University Research Master Paper 2012)
  • Mason K. L., ‘Cyberbullying: A Preliminary Assessment for School Personell, Psychology in the Schools’ (2008) 45(4) Psychology in the Schools 323-348.
  • Menesini, Nocentini, Palladino, Scheithauer, Krumbholz and Frisen, Cyberbullying Through the New Media (Psychology Press 2013).
  • Nixon, C.L., ‘Current perspectives: The Impact of Cyberbullying on Adolescent Health’ (2014) (5) Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics 143-158.
  • Nuotio K., The boundaries of the criminal law, (Oxford Scholarship 2011).
  • OECD Report on New Technologies and 21st Century Children: Recent Trends and Outcomes, (OECD Official Document Education Working Paper No. 179)
  • Olweus D., ‘School Bullying: Development and Some Important Challenges’, (2013) (9) Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 751-780.
  • Patel K, ‘Cyberbullying: What’s the Status in England?’ (2011-2012) 13 (2) San Diego International Law Journal 589-622.
  • Pelka P, Cybermobbing und die Notwendigkeit einer neuen Strafrechtsnorm in Deutschland (Grin Verlag 2015)
  • Persak N., Criminalising Harmful Conduct (Springer 2006). Quing L, Smith P and Cross D, Cyberbullying in the Global Playground, (Wiley-Blackwell 2012.
  • Rodkin P. and Fischer K., ‘Cyberbullying from Psychological and Legal Perspectives’, (2012) 3(77) Missouri Law Review 619-640.
  • Satzger H., International and European Criminal Law (2th, Beck/Hart/Nomos 2018).
  • Shariff S, Hoff D., ‘Cyberbullying: Clarifying Legal Boundaries for School Supervision in Cyberspace’, (2007) 1 (1) International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 76-118.
  • Schultz M., ‘The Responsible Web: How Tort Law Can Save the Internet’ 5(2) (2014) Journal of European Tort Law 182- 204.
  • Schwaighofer, Wiener Kommentar StGB, (2th, Manz Verlag Wien) Smith P., Steffgen G. and Sittichai R., ‘The Nature of Cyberbullying and an international Network’ Cyberbullying through the new media (Psychology 2013)
  • Tokunga R.S., ‘Following you home from school: A critical review and synthesis of research on cyberbullying victimization’ Computers in Human Behaviour 26(3) 277-287.
  • Wang J., Iannotti R.J. and Luk J.W., ‘Patterns of Adolescent Bullying Behaviours: Physical, Verbal, Exclusion, Rumor and Cyber’ (2012) 50(4) Journal of School Psychology 521-534.
  • Weber N and Pelfrey W. V. Jr, Cyberbullying-Consequences, Causes and Coping Strategies (Lfb Scholarly Pub 2014)
  • Willard N.E, Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats: Responding to the Challenge of Online Social Aggression, Threats, and Distress, Champaign, (IL: Research Press. 2007)
  • Electronic Resources
  • < >,
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  • <>; <>
  • < gov/news/health/sep2010/nichd-21.htm.>
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There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Gulsah Bostanci Bozbayindir This is me 0000-0003-0602-2713

Publication Date June 19, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 77 Issue: 1


APA Bostanci Bozbayindir, G. (2019). Cyberbullying and Criminal Law. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, 77(1), 425-450.
AMA Bostanci Bozbayindir G. Cyberbullying and Criminal Law. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası. June 2019;77(1):425-450.
Chicago Bostanci Bozbayindir, Gulsah. “Cyberbullying and Criminal Law”. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 77, no. 1 (June 2019): 425-50.
EndNote Bostanci Bozbayindir G (June 1, 2019) Cyberbullying and Criminal Law. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 77 1 425–450.
IEEE G. Bostanci Bozbayindir, “Cyberbullying and Criminal Law”, İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 425–450, 2019.
ISNAD Bostanci Bozbayindir, Gulsah. “Cyberbullying and Criminal Law”. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 77/1 (June 2019), 425-450.
JAMA Bostanci Bozbayindir G. Cyberbullying and Criminal Law. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası. 2019;77:425–450.
MLA Bostanci Bozbayindir, Gulsah. “Cyberbullying and Criminal Law”. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, vol. 77, no. 1, 2019, pp. 425-50.
Vancouver Bostanci Bozbayindir G. Cyberbullying and Criminal Law. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası. 2019;77(1):425-50.