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İşyeri Arkadaşlığı Örgütsel Özdeşleşmeyi Etkiler Mi? Olumlu Duyguların Aracı Rolü

Year 2023, , 157 - 169, 20.10.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, işyeri arkadaşlığı ile örgütsel özdeşleşme arasındaki ilişkide olumlu duyguların aracı etkisinin genişleme ve inşa kuramı çerçevesinde araştırılmasıdır. Bu kapsamda eğitim, sağlık ve bilgi teknolojileri gibi farklı sektörlerde çalışan 205 kişiden veri toplanarak araştırmanın hipotezleri test edilmiştir. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler korelasyon ve hiyerarşik regresyon analizi ile incelenmiştir. Araştırmada aracılık testi için Hayes'in (2013) PROCESS makro programı kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, işyeri arkadaşlığının örgütsel özdeşleşmeyi anlamlı ve olumlu bir şekilde yordadığını göstermektedir. Buna ek olarak, olumlu duygular ile işyeri arkadaşlığı ve örgütsel özdeşleşme arasında olumlu bir ilişki olduğu bulunmuştur. Son olarak, işyeri arkadaşlığı ile örgütsel özdeşleşme arasındaki ilişkide olumlu duyguların kısmi aracı etkisi bulunmuştur.


  • Abugre, J. B. (2017). Relations at workplace, cynicism, and intention to leave: A proposed conceptual framework for organizations. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 25(2), 198-216.
  • Abrams, D. & Hogg, M. A. (1990). Social identification, self-categorization, and social influence. European Review of Social Psychology, 1(1), 195-228.
  • Aguirre-Urreta, M. I. & Hu, J. (2019). Detecting common method bias: Performance of the Harman's single-factor test. ACM SIGMIS Database: The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 50(2), 45-70.
  • Ahmad, R., Ishaq, M. I. & Raza, A. (2023). The blessing or curse of workplace friendship: Mediating role of organizational identification and moderating role of political skills. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 108.
  • Alparslan, A. M., Çicek, H. & Soydemir, S. (2015). Birey- Örgüt uyumunu güçlendiren öncül: İşyeri arkadaşlığı. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 15(32), 175-194.
  • Ashforth, B. E. & Mael, F. (1989). Social identity theory and the organization. Academy of Management Review, 14(1), 20-39.
  • Bartels, J., Van Vuuren, M. & Ouwerkerk, J. W. (2019). My colleagues are my friends: The role of Facebook contacts in employee identification. Management Communication Quarterly, 33(3), 307-328. doi/10.1177/0893318919837944
  • Barsade, S.G. & Gibson, D.E. (2007). Why does affect matter in organizations? Academy of Management Perspectives, 21(1), 36-59.
  • Berman, E. M. West, J. P., & Richter, Jr, M. N. (2002). Workplace relations: Friendship patterns and consequences (according to managers). Public Administration Review, 62(2), 217-230.
  • Broch, C., Lurati, F., Zamparini, A. & Mariconda, S. (2018). The role of social capital for organizational identification: Implications for strategic communication. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 12(1), 46-66.
  • Brief, A. P. & Weiss, H. M. (2002). Organizational behavior: Affect in the workplace. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 279–307.
  • Brown, M. E. (1969). Identification and some conditions of organizational involvement. Administrative Science Quarterly, 346-355.
  • Burch, A. (2018). Workplace friendship, privacy management, and identity negotiation: An exploratory qualitative analysis (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Nebraska, Omaha.
  • Büyükyılmaz, O., & Biçer, C. (2018). İşyeri arkadaşlığının işten ayrılma niyeti üzerindeki etkisinde işe bağlılığın aracılık rolü. Social Sciences, 13(2), 28-41.
  • Change, S., Witteloostuijn, A. V. & Eden, L. (2010). From the editors: Common method variance in international research. Journal of International Business Studies, 41, 178-184.
  • Dietz, L. & Fasbender, U. (2022). Age-diverse workplace friendship: A systematic literature review and recommendations for future research. Work, Aging and Retirement, 8(2), 163-197.
  • Dutton, J. E., Dukerich, J. M. & Harquail, C. V. (1994). Organizational images and member identification. Administrative Science Quarterly, 239-263.
  • Folkman, S. & Moskowitz, J. T. (2000). Positive affect and the other side of coping. American Psychologist, 55(6), 647-654.
  • Forgas, J. P. & George, J. M. (2001). Affective influences on judgments and behavior in organizations: An information processing perspective. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86, 1, 3–34.
  • Galanakis, M., Galanopoulou, F. & Stalikas, A. (2011). Do positive emotions help us cope with occupational stress? Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 7 (2), 221-240.
  • Gilmore, P. L., Hu, X., We F., Tetrick, L. E. & Zaccaro, S. J. (2013). Positive affectivity neutralizes transformational leadership’s influence on creative performance and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34, 1061–1075.
  • George, M .J. & Brief, A. P. (1992). Feeling good-doing good: A conceptual analysis of the mood at work-organizational spontaneity relationship. Psychological Bulletin, 112(2), 310-329.
  • Guohao, L., Pervaiz, S. & Qi, H. (2021). Workplace friendship is a blessing in the exploration of supervisor behavioral integrity, affective commitment, and employee proactive behavior–An empirical research from service industries of Pakistan. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 1447-1459.
  • Haslam, S. A., Reicher, S. D. & Reynolds, K. J. (2012). Identity, influence, and change: Rediscovering John Turner's vision for social psychology. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51(2), 201-218.
  • Hekman, D. R., Bigley, G. A., Steensma, H. K. & Hereford, J. F. (2009). Combined effects of organizational and professional identification on the reciprocity dynamic for professional employees. Academy of Management Journal, 52, 506–526.
  • Hogg, M. A., Hardie, E. A. & Reynolds, K. J. (1995). Prototypical similarity, self‐categorization, and depersonalized attraction: A perspective on group cohesiveness. European Journal of Social Psychology, 25(2), 159-177.
  • Hill, E. T., Matta, F. K. & Mitchell, M. S. (2021). Seeing the glass as half full or half empty: The role of affect-induced optimistic and pessimistic states on justice perceptions and outcomes. Academy of Management Journal, 64 (4), 1265–1287.
  • Huang, S. P. (2016). A study on the effects of emotional intelligence and workplace friendship on job satisfaction and performance of employees in micro-enterprises. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 19(3), 567-583.
  • Jakobsen, M. & Jensen, R. (2015). Common method bias in public management studies. International Public Management Journal, 18(1), 3-30.
  • Jones C. & Volpe E. H. (2011) Organizational identification: Extending our understanding of social identities through social networks. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32(3), 413–434.
  • Kanten, P., Pazarcık, Y., Kanten, S. & Durmaz, M. G. (2020). İşyeri arkadaşlığının prososyal kural ihlali davranışı üzerindeki etkisinde affetme ikliminin rolü. Turizm Akademik Dergisi-Tourism Academic Journal, 7(2), 241-254.
  • Karanika-Murray, M., Duncan, N., Pontes, H. M. & Griffiths, M. D. (2015). Organizational identification, work engagement, and job satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(8), 1019-1033.
  • Kelman, H. C. (2006). Interests, relationships, identities: Three central issues for individuals and groups in negotiating their social environment. Annual Review of Psychology, 57, 1-26.
  • Kim, N. Y. & Oh, H. (2023). The effects of workplace friendship network centrality on deep acting. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1162086.
  • Kline, T. J., Sulsky, L. M. & Rever-Moriyama, S. D. (2000). Common method variance and specification errors: A practical approach to detection. The Journal of Psychology, 134(4), 401-421.
  • Kram, K. E. & Isabella, L. A. (1985). Mentoring alternatives: The role of peer relationships in career development. Academy of Management Journal, 28(1), 110-132.
  • Lee, H. E. (2005). Exploration of the relationship between friendship at work and job satisfaction: An application of balance theory (Master Thesis). Michigan State University, Michigan.
  • Lee, K. & Allen, N. J. (2022). Organizational citizenship behavior and workplace deviance: The role of effect and cognitions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87 (1), 131–142.
  • Lyubomirsky, S., King, L. & Diener, E. (2005). The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success? Psychological Bulletin, 131(6), 803–855.
  • Mael, F. & Ashforth, B. E. (1992). Alumni and their alma mater: A partial test of the reformulated model of organizational identification. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13(2), 103-123.
  • Mao, H. Y., Hsieh, A. T. & Chen, C. Y. (2012). The relationship between workplace friendship and perceived job significance. Journal of Management & Organization, 18(2), 247-262.
  • McGuire, G. M. (2007). Intimate work: A typology of the social support that workers provide to their network members. Work and Occupations, 34(2), 125-147. doi/10.1177/0730888406297313
  • Morrison, R. L. & Nolan, T. (2007). Too much of a good thing?: Difficulties with workplace friendships. University of Auckland Business Review, 9(2).
  • Mostafa, A. M. S. (2017). High-performance HR practices, positive affect, and employee outcomes, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 32(2), 163-176.
  • Nielsen, I. K., Jex, S. M. & Adams, G. A. 2000. Development and validation of scores on a two-dimensional workplace friendship scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 60(4), 628-643.
  • Pillemer, J. & Rothbard, N. P. (2018). Friends without benefits: Understanding the dark sides of workplace friendship. Academy of Management Review, 43(4), 635-660.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J. Y. & Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method biases in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(5), 879.
  • Potgieter, I., Ferreira, N. & Coetzee, M. (2019). Perceptions of sacrifice, workplace friendship, and career concerns as explanatory mechanisms of employees’ organizational commitment. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(1), 1-9.
  • Pratt, M. G. (1998). Central questions in organizational identification. Identity in Organizations, 24(3), 171-207.
  • Rego, A., Sousa, F., Marques, C. & Cunha, M. P. E. (2012a). Optimism predicting employees’ creativity: The mediating role of positive affect and the positivity ratio. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21(2), 244–270.
  • Rego, A., Sousa, F., Marques, C. & Cunha, M. P. E. (2012b). Retail employees' self-efficacy and hope to predict their positive affect and creativity. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21(6), 923-945.
  • Rhee, M., Yang, D. & Yoo, T. (2013). National culture and friendship homophily in the multinational workplace. Asian Business & Management, 12, 299-320.
  • Richter, A., Van Dick, R. & West, M.A. (2004). The relationship between group and organizational identification and effective intergroup relations. Academy of Management Proceedings, E1-E6.
  • Şahinbaş, F & Erigüç, G. (2019). Pozitif örgütsel davranış yaklaşımıyla işyeri arkadaşlığı ve işe adanma ilişkisi: Sağlık çalışanları üzerine bir araştırma. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 15(4), 1201-1225.
  • Serrano Archimi, C., Reynaud, E., Yasin, H. M. & Bhatti, Z. A. (2018). How perceived corporate social responsibility affects employee cynicism: The mediating role of organizational trust. Journal of Business Ethics, 151, 907-921.
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Does Workplace Friendship Influence Organizational Identification? The Mediator Role of Positive Affectivity

Year 2023, , 157 - 169, 20.10.2023


This study aimed to investigate the mediator effect of positive affectivity on the relationship between workplace friendship and organizational identification within the framework of the broaden-and-built theory. In this context, data were collected from 205 people working in different sectors such as education, health, and information technologies, and the hypotheses of the research were tested. The relationships between the variables were examined by correlation and hierarchical regression analysis. Hayes's (2013) PROCESS macro program was used for the mediation test in the research. The findings showed that workplace friendship significantly and positively predicts organizational identification. In addition, a positive relationship has been found between positive affectivity and workplace friendship and organizational identification. Finally, positive affectivity was found to partially mediate the relationship between workplace friendship and organizational identification.


  • Abugre, J. B. (2017). Relations at workplace, cynicism, and intention to leave: A proposed conceptual framework for organizations. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 25(2), 198-216.
  • Abrams, D. & Hogg, M. A. (1990). Social identification, self-categorization, and social influence. European Review of Social Psychology, 1(1), 195-228.
  • Aguirre-Urreta, M. I. & Hu, J. (2019). Detecting common method bias: Performance of the Harman's single-factor test. ACM SIGMIS Database: The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 50(2), 45-70.
  • Ahmad, R., Ishaq, M. I. & Raza, A. (2023). The blessing or curse of workplace friendship: Mediating role of organizational identification and moderating role of political skills. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 108.
  • Alparslan, A. M., Çicek, H. & Soydemir, S. (2015). Birey- Örgüt uyumunu güçlendiren öncül: İşyeri arkadaşlığı. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 15(32), 175-194.
  • Ashforth, B. E. & Mael, F. (1989). Social identity theory and the organization. Academy of Management Review, 14(1), 20-39.
  • Bartels, J., Van Vuuren, M. & Ouwerkerk, J. W. (2019). My colleagues are my friends: The role of Facebook contacts in employee identification. Management Communication Quarterly, 33(3), 307-328. doi/10.1177/0893318919837944
  • Barsade, S.G. & Gibson, D.E. (2007). Why does affect matter in organizations? Academy of Management Perspectives, 21(1), 36-59.
  • Berman, E. M. West, J. P., & Richter, Jr, M. N. (2002). Workplace relations: Friendship patterns and consequences (according to managers). Public Administration Review, 62(2), 217-230.
  • Broch, C., Lurati, F., Zamparini, A. & Mariconda, S. (2018). The role of social capital for organizational identification: Implications for strategic communication. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 12(1), 46-66.
  • Brief, A. P. & Weiss, H. M. (2002). Organizational behavior: Affect in the workplace. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 279–307.
  • Brown, M. E. (1969). Identification and some conditions of organizational involvement. Administrative Science Quarterly, 346-355.
  • Burch, A. (2018). Workplace friendship, privacy management, and identity negotiation: An exploratory qualitative analysis (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Nebraska, Omaha.
  • Büyükyılmaz, O., & Biçer, C. (2018). İşyeri arkadaşlığının işten ayrılma niyeti üzerindeki etkisinde işe bağlılığın aracılık rolü. Social Sciences, 13(2), 28-41.
  • Change, S., Witteloostuijn, A. V. & Eden, L. (2010). From the editors: Common method variance in international research. Journal of International Business Studies, 41, 178-184.
  • Dietz, L. & Fasbender, U. (2022). Age-diverse workplace friendship: A systematic literature review and recommendations for future research. Work, Aging and Retirement, 8(2), 163-197.
  • Dutton, J. E., Dukerich, J. M. & Harquail, C. V. (1994). Organizational images and member identification. Administrative Science Quarterly, 239-263.
  • Folkman, S. & Moskowitz, J. T. (2000). Positive affect and the other side of coping. American Psychologist, 55(6), 647-654.
  • Forgas, J. P. & George, J. M. (2001). Affective influences on judgments and behavior in organizations: An information processing perspective. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86, 1, 3–34.
  • Galanakis, M., Galanopoulou, F. & Stalikas, A. (2011). Do positive emotions help us cope with occupational stress? Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 7 (2), 221-240.
  • Gilmore, P. L., Hu, X., We F., Tetrick, L. E. & Zaccaro, S. J. (2013). Positive affectivity neutralizes transformational leadership’s influence on creative performance and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34, 1061–1075.
  • George, M .J. & Brief, A. P. (1992). Feeling good-doing good: A conceptual analysis of the mood at work-organizational spontaneity relationship. Psychological Bulletin, 112(2), 310-329.
  • Guohao, L., Pervaiz, S. & Qi, H. (2021). Workplace friendship is a blessing in the exploration of supervisor behavioral integrity, affective commitment, and employee proactive behavior–An empirical research from service industries of Pakistan. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 1447-1459.
  • Haslam, S. A., Reicher, S. D. & Reynolds, K. J. (2012). Identity, influence, and change: Rediscovering John Turner's vision for social psychology. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51(2), 201-218.
  • Hekman, D. R., Bigley, G. A., Steensma, H. K. & Hereford, J. F. (2009). Combined effects of organizational and professional identification on the reciprocity dynamic for professional employees. Academy of Management Journal, 52, 506–526.
  • Hogg, M. A., Hardie, E. A. & Reynolds, K. J. (1995). Prototypical similarity, self‐categorization, and depersonalized attraction: A perspective on group cohesiveness. European Journal of Social Psychology, 25(2), 159-177.
  • Hill, E. T., Matta, F. K. & Mitchell, M. S. (2021). Seeing the glass as half full or half empty: The role of affect-induced optimistic and pessimistic states on justice perceptions and outcomes. Academy of Management Journal, 64 (4), 1265–1287.
  • Huang, S. P. (2016). A study on the effects of emotional intelligence and workplace friendship on job satisfaction and performance of employees in micro-enterprises. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 19(3), 567-583.
  • Jakobsen, M. & Jensen, R. (2015). Common method bias in public management studies. International Public Management Journal, 18(1), 3-30.
  • Jones C. & Volpe E. H. (2011) Organizational identification: Extending our understanding of social identities through social networks. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32(3), 413–434.
  • Kanten, P., Pazarcık, Y., Kanten, S. & Durmaz, M. G. (2020). İşyeri arkadaşlığının prososyal kural ihlali davranışı üzerindeki etkisinde affetme ikliminin rolü. Turizm Akademik Dergisi-Tourism Academic Journal, 7(2), 241-254.
  • Karanika-Murray, M., Duncan, N., Pontes, H. M. & Griffiths, M. D. (2015). Organizational identification, work engagement, and job satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(8), 1019-1033.
  • Kelman, H. C. (2006). Interests, relationships, identities: Three central issues for individuals and groups in negotiating their social environment. Annual Review of Psychology, 57, 1-26.
  • Kim, N. Y. & Oh, H. (2023). The effects of workplace friendship network centrality on deep acting. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1162086.
  • Kline, T. J., Sulsky, L. M. & Rever-Moriyama, S. D. (2000). Common method variance and specification errors: A practical approach to detection. The Journal of Psychology, 134(4), 401-421.
  • Kram, K. E. & Isabella, L. A. (1985). Mentoring alternatives: The role of peer relationships in career development. Academy of Management Journal, 28(1), 110-132.
  • Lee, H. E. (2005). Exploration of the relationship between friendship at work and job satisfaction: An application of balance theory (Master Thesis). Michigan State University, Michigan.
  • Lee, K. & Allen, N. J. (2022). Organizational citizenship behavior and workplace deviance: The role of effect and cognitions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87 (1), 131–142.
  • Lyubomirsky, S., King, L. & Diener, E. (2005). The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success? Psychological Bulletin, 131(6), 803–855.
  • Mael, F. & Ashforth, B. E. (1992). Alumni and their alma mater: A partial test of the reformulated model of organizational identification. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13(2), 103-123.
  • Mao, H. Y., Hsieh, A. T. & Chen, C. Y. (2012). The relationship between workplace friendship and perceived job significance. Journal of Management & Organization, 18(2), 247-262.
  • McGuire, G. M. (2007). Intimate work: A typology of the social support that workers provide to their network members. Work and Occupations, 34(2), 125-147. doi/10.1177/0730888406297313
  • Morrison, R. L. & Nolan, T. (2007). Too much of a good thing?: Difficulties with workplace friendships. University of Auckland Business Review, 9(2).
  • Mostafa, A. M. S. (2017). High-performance HR practices, positive affect, and employee outcomes, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 32(2), 163-176.
  • Nielsen, I. K., Jex, S. M. & Adams, G. A. 2000. Development and validation of scores on a two-dimensional workplace friendship scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 60(4), 628-643.
  • Pillemer, J. & Rothbard, N. P. (2018). Friends without benefits: Understanding the dark sides of workplace friendship. Academy of Management Review, 43(4), 635-660.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J. Y. & Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method biases in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(5), 879.
  • Potgieter, I., Ferreira, N. & Coetzee, M. (2019). Perceptions of sacrifice, workplace friendship, and career concerns as explanatory mechanisms of employees’ organizational commitment. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(1), 1-9.
  • Pratt, M. G. (1998). Central questions in organizational identification. Identity in Organizations, 24(3), 171-207.
  • Rego, A., Sousa, F., Marques, C. & Cunha, M. P. E. (2012a). Optimism predicting employees’ creativity: The mediating role of positive affect and the positivity ratio. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21(2), 244–270.
  • Rego, A., Sousa, F., Marques, C. & Cunha, M. P. E. (2012b). Retail employees' self-efficacy and hope to predict their positive affect and creativity. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21(6), 923-945.
  • Rhee, M., Yang, D. & Yoo, T. (2013). National culture and friendship homophily in the multinational workplace. Asian Business & Management, 12, 299-320.
  • Richter, A., Van Dick, R. & West, M.A. (2004). The relationship between group and organizational identification and effective intergroup relations. Academy of Management Proceedings, E1-E6.
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  • Serrano Archimi, C., Reynaud, E., Yasin, H. M. & Bhatti, Z. A. (2018). How perceived corporate social responsibility affects employee cynicism: The mediating role of organizational trust. Journal of Business Ethics, 151, 907-921.
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There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Esra Çınar 0000-0002-2319-8668

Early Pub Date October 18, 2023
Publication Date October 20, 2023
Submission Date August 27, 2023
Acceptance Date October 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Çınar, E. (2023). Does Workplace Friendship Influence Organizational Identification? The Mediator Role of Positive Affectivity. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi, 10(2), 157-169.
AMA Çınar E. Does Workplace Friendship Influence Organizational Identification? The Mediator Role of Positive Affectivity. İİD. October 2023;10(2):157-169. doi:10.18394/iid.1350642
Chicago Çınar, Esra. “Does Workplace Friendship Influence Organizational Identification? The Mediator Role of Positive Affectivity”. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi 10, no. 2 (October 2023): 157-69.
EndNote Çınar E (October 1, 2023) Does Workplace Friendship Influence Organizational Identification? The Mediator Role of Positive Affectivity. İş ve İnsan Dergisi 10 2 157–169.
IEEE E. Çınar, “Does Workplace Friendship Influence Organizational Identification? The Mediator Role of Positive Affectivity”, İİD, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 157–169, 2023, doi: 10.18394/iid.1350642.
ISNAD Çınar, Esra. “Does Workplace Friendship Influence Organizational Identification? The Mediator Role of Positive Affectivity”. İş ve İnsan Dergisi 10/2 (October 2023), 157-169.
JAMA Çınar E. Does Workplace Friendship Influence Organizational Identification? The Mediator Role of Positive Affectivity. İİD. 2023;10:157–169.
MLA Çınar, Esra. “Does Workplace Friendship Influence Organizational Identification? The Mediator Role of Positive Affectivity”. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 2, 2023, pp. 157-69, doi:10.18394/iid.1350642.
Vancouver Çınar E. Does Workplace Friendship Influence Organizational Identification? The Mediator Role of Positive Affectivity. İİD. 2023;10(2):157-69.



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