Research Article
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Employee Relations Strategy: Implication for Performance in Lagos State University, South-West, Nigeria

Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 53 - 63, 15.03.2016


The incessant industrial action, strike, boycotting among workers in the educational sector especially in the public universities is becoming a worrisome phenomenon. This paper examined the impact of employee relations strategy (Organizational policies, Promotion, Equity, Recognition and Mentoring) on job performance in Lagos State University, Southwest, Nigeria. A model was developed and tested using One hundred and thirty six (136) copies of valid questionnaire, which were completed by staff in the State owned university, Lagos, Nigeria. Structural Equation Modeling was adopted to test the hypotheses and relationships that might exist among variables. Results of the analysis indicates that equity, promotion, mentoring and recognition have positive influence on employees’ performance. While in the opposite direction, organizational policies have negative and insignificant effect on job performance which suggest that increase in employees’ performance will require that managers pay more attention to friendly organizational policies.


  • Adams, S. (1963). Toward an understanding of inequity. Journal of Abnormal and, Social Psychology, 67(5), 422-436.
  • Adeniji, A. & Osibanjo, A. (2012). Human resource management: Theory and practice. Lagos: Pumark Nigeria Limited.
  • Al-Anzi, N. (2009). Workplace environment and its impact on employee performance. (A Thesis Submitted in partial fulfilment of the Requirements of Open University of Malaysia for the Degree of Master of Business Administration).Open University of Malaysia, Bahrain.
  • Albrecht, K. (2010). Employer-employee relations. New York: Simon and Schuster, Business and Economics.
  • Allen, T., Eby, L., & Lentz, E. (2006). Mentorship behaviors and mentorship quality associated with formal mentoring programs: closing the gap between research and practice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(3), 567–578.
  • Allen, T., Eby, L., Poteet, M., Lentz, E. & Lima, L. (2004). Career benefits associated with mentoring for protégés: a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89, 127–36.
  • Aluko, M.A.O. (2007). Factors that motivate the Nigerian workers. Ife Social Sciences Review, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 15(1), 190-199.
  • Armstrong, D. (2005). Organization in the Mind: A managerial action. CIPD: London.
  • Astin, A. W. (1984). Student involvement: A developmental theory for higher education. Journal of College Student Personnel, 25(4), 297-308.
  • Banjoko, S. (2002). Human resource management, Lagos: Pumark Nigeria Limited.
  • Bentler, P. & Bonett, D. (1980). Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of covariance structures. Psychological Bulletin, 88(3), 588-606.
  • Bentler, P. M., & Wu, E. J. C. (2002). EQS 6 for Windows user’s guide. Encino: Multivariate Software.
  • Bozeman, B. & Feeney, M. (2007). Toward a useful theory of mentoring: A conceptual analysis and critique. Administration & Society, 39(6), 719–739.
  • Brashear, T., Boles, J., Bellenger, D. & Barksdale, H. (2006). An exploratory study of the relative effectiveness of different types of sales force mentors. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 26(1), 7–18.
  • Carter, M. R. & Aston, M. (2002). Team-based working in healthcare: An organisational level perspective. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 8 (1), 62-70.
  • Chan, W., & Mak, C. (2012). The influence of job and career attitudeson learning motivation and transfer. Career Development International, 6 (1). 20-28.
  • Cooper, L. & Payne, R. (2008). Causes, Coping and Consequences of retention at Work. New York: Wiley.
  • Crandall, R. & Perrewe, L. (2005). Employee relation strategies: A Handbook. New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • Demet, L. (2012). Impact of Workplace Quality on Employee’s Productivity: A Case Study of a Bank in Turkey. Journal of Business Economics and Finance. 1(1), 38-50
  • Dessler, G. (2004). Management: Principle and Practices for Tomorrow’s Leaders, 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Person Education, Inc.
  • Falola, H., Ibidunni, S. & Olokundun, A. (2014). Incentives packages and employees’ attitudes to work: A study of selected government parastatals in Ogun State, South-West, Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 3(1), 2147-4478.
  • Finegold D. & Frenkel S. J, (2006). Managing people where people really matter: The management of human resources in biotech companies. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17, 1 – 24.
  • Gallagher, D.G. & Sverke, M. (2005). Contingent employment contracts: Are existing theories still relevant? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26, 181-203.
  • Gennard, J. & Judge, G. (2002). Employer-employee relations. London: CIPD.
  • Glomb, T. & Welsh, E. (2005). Can opposites attract? Personality heterogeneity in supervisor–subordinate dyads as a predictor of subordinate outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(4), 749-757.
  • Greenberg, S. & Baron, D. (2003). Training and turnover in the evolution of organizations. Organization Science, 8(1), 84-96.
  • Hameed, A. (2009). Impact of office design on Employees’ productivity: a case study of banking organizations of Abbottabad, Abbottabad, Journal of Public affairs, Administration and Management, 3(1), 1-5.
  • Harlow, E. & Lawler, J. (2000). Management, Social Work and Change. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Hicks, T. & Caroline, M. (2007). A guide to managing workplace stress. California: Universal Publishers.
  • Huges, J. (2007, July 2). Office design is pivotal to employee productivity. Sandiego Daily Transcript.
  • Kaplan, D. (2000). Structural equation modeling: Foundations and extensions. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Kaufman, T., Chapman, T. & Allen, J. (2013). The effect of performance recognition on employee engagement. New York: Cicero Group.
  • Leblebici, D. (2012): Impact of workplace quality on employee’s productivity: Case study of a bank in Turkey, Journal of Business, Economics and Finance, 1(1), 38-40.
  • Manjunath, V. & Rajesh, C. (2012).Competency based compensation system - as a strategic human resource technique. International Journal of Manpower, 38(7), 780-810.
  • Mason, P (1978). Stress and coping: An anthology. Columbia: Columbia University Press.
  • Mike, L. (2008). Employer-employee relations, Edinburgh Business School. Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt University.
  • Nelson, A. & Quick, G. (2005). The effects of contingent and non-contingent rewards and controls on intrinsic motivation. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 8(2), 217-229.
  • Nelson, B. (2005). 1001 ways to reward your employees, (2nd edition), New York: Workman Publishing Company.
  • Nolan, S. (2012).A look of current trends data, Strategic HR Review, 11(3), 32-54.
  • Oakland, S. & Oakland, J. (2001). Current people management activities in world class organisations. Total Quality Management, 12(6), 773-788.
  • Osibanjo, A., Salau, O. & Falola, H. (2014). Modeling the relationship between motivating factors; Employee retention; and job satisfaction in the Nigerian banking industry. Journal of Management Policies and Practices. 2(2). 63-83.
  • Parsloe, C. (2000). Work motivation in organizational behavior. New York: Psychology Press.
  • Parsloe, E. & Wray, M. (2000). Coaching and mentoring: practical methods to improve learning. Kogan Page.
  • Pinder, C. (2008). Work motivation in organizational behavior. New York: Psychology Press.
  • Pompper, D. & Adams, J. (2006). Under the microscope: Gender and mentor-protege relationships. Public Relations Review, 17 (32), 309–315.
  • Redmond, B. (2013). Lesson 5: Equity theory: Is what I get for my work fair compared to others? Work attitudes and motivation. The Pennsylvania State University World Campus.
  • Robbins, S. & Judge, A. (2008). Organizational behavior (13th edition). Prentice Hall.
  • Roberts, O., Thomas, A. & Bartram, S. (2012). Job motivation in organizational behavior. New York: Psychology Press.
  • Rothwell, W. J. & Kazanas H. C. (2004). The strategic development of talent. Human Resource Development Press, Massachusetts.
  • Siegel, P., Schraeder, M. & Morrison, R. (2007). A taxonomy of equity factors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38(1), 61-75.
  • Spector, P.E. (2008). Industrial and organizational behavior (5th edition). Wiley: Hoboken, NJ.
  • Stajkovic, A. & Fred, L. (2003). Behavioral management and task performance in organizations: conceptual background, meta-analysis, and test of alternative models. Personnel Psychology, 56(1), 155–194.
  • Stecher, M.D. & Rosse, J.G. (2007). Understanding reactions to workplace injustice through process theories of motivation: a teaching module and simulation. Journal of Management Education, 31(2), 777-796.
  • Taiwo, A. (2010). The influence of work environment on employee performance: a case of selected oil and gas industry in Lagos, Nigeria. African Journal of Business Management, 4(3), 299-307.
  • Wagner, R. & Harter, J. (2006) The elements of great managing, New York: Gallup Press.

Çalışan İlişkileri Stratejisi: Lagos Devlet Üniversitesi, Güney-Batı, Nijerya’da Performans Çıkarımı

Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 53 - 63, 15.03.2016


Özellikle devlet üniversitelerinde gerçekleşen kesintisiz işçi hareketleri, grevler ve çalışanlar arası boykotlar; eğitim sektörü için kaygı verici bir olgu haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Lagos Devlet Üniversitesi, Güney-Batı, Nijerya’da, çalışan ilişkileri stratejilerinin (örgütsel politikalar, terfi, adalet, takdir ve mentorluk) performans üzerine etkilerini incelemektir. Geliştirilen model, Lagos, Nijerya’daki devlet üniversitesinin çalışanları tarafından doldurulmuş yüz otuz altı (136) geçerli anket kullanılarak test edilmiştir. Değişkenler arasında bulunması muhtemel ilişkilerin ve hipotezlerin test edilmesi için Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları adalet, terfi, mentorluk ve takdirin çalışanların performansı üzerinde olumlu etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Aksine, örgütsel politikaların çalışanların performansı üzerinde olumsuz ve önemsiz etkisi olduğu görülmüştür. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, çalışanların performansındaki artış, yöneticilerin daha uygun örgütsel politikalara önem vermesini gerektirmektedir.


  • Adams, S. (1963). Toward an understanding of inequity. Journal of Abnormal and, Social Psychology, 67(5), 422-436.
  • Adeniji, A. & Osibanjo, A. (2012). Human resource management: Theory and practice. Lagos: Pumark Nigeria Limited.
  • Al-Anzi, N. (2009). Workplace environment and its impact on employee performance. (A Thesis Submitted in partial fulfilment of the Requirements of Open University of Malaysia for the Degree of Master of Business Administration).Open University of Malaysia, Bahrain.
  • Albrecht, K. (2010). Employer-employee relations. New York: Simon and Schuster, Business and Economics.
  • Allen, T., Eby, L., & Lentz, E. (2006). Mentorship behaviors and mentorship quality associated with formal mentoring programs: closing the gap between research and practice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(3), 567–578.
  • Allen, T., Eby, L., Poteet, M., Lentz, E. & Lima, L. (2004). Career benefits associated with mentoring for protégés: a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89, 127–36.
  • Aluko, M.A.O. (2007). Factors that motivate the Nigerian workers. Ife Social Sciences Review, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 15(1), 190-199.
  • Armstrong, D. (2005). Organization in the Mind: A managerial action. CIPD: London.
  • Astin, A. W. (1984). Student involvement: A developmental theory for higher education. Journal of College Student Personnel, 25(4), 297-308.
  • Banjoko, S. (2002). Human resource management, Lagos: Pumark Nigeria Limited.
  • Bentler, P. & Bonett, D. (1980). Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of covariance structures. Psychological Bulletin, 88(3), 588-606.
  • Bentler, P. M., & Wu, E. J. C. (2002). EQS 6 for Windows user’s guide. Encino: Multivariate Software.
  • Bozeman, B. & Feeney, M. (2007). Toward a useful theory of mentoring: A conceptual analysis and critique. Administration & Society, 39(6), 719–739.
  • Brashear, T., Boles, J., Bellenger, D. & Barksdale, H. (2006). An exploratory study of the relative effectiveness of different types of sales force mentors. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 26(1), 7–18.
  • Carter, M. R. & Aston, M. (2002). Team-based working in healthcare: An organisational level perspective. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 8 (1), 62-70.
  • Chan, W., & Mak, C. (2012). The influence of job and career attitudeson learning motivation and transfer. Career Development International, 6 (1). 20-28.
  • Cooper, L. & Payne, R. (2008). Causes, Coping and Consequences of retention at Work. New York: Wiley.
  • Crandall, R. & Perrewe, L. (2005). Employee relation strategies: A Handbook. New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • Demet, L. (2012). Impact of Workplace Quality on Employee’s Productivity: A Case Study of a Bank in Turkey. Journal of Business Economics and Finance. 1(1), 38-50
  • Dessler, G. (2004). Management: Principle and Practices for Tomorrow’s Leaders, 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Person Education, Inc.
  • Falola, H., Ibidunni, S. & Olokundun, A. (2014). Incentives packages and employees’ attitudes to work: A study of selected government parastatals in Ogun State, South-West, Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 3(1), 2147-4478.
  • Finegold D. & Frenkel S. J, (2006). Managing people where people really matter: The management of human resources in biotech companies. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17, 1 – 24.
  • Gallagher, D.G. & Sverke, M. (2005). Contingent employment contracts: Are existing theories still relevant? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26, 181-203.
  • Gennard, J. & Judge, G. (2002). Employer-employee relations. London: CIPD.
  • Glomb, T. & Welsh, E. (2005). Can opposites attract? Personality heterogeneity in supervisor–subordinate dyads as a predictor of subordinate outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(4), 749-757.
  • Greenberg, S. & Baron, D. (2003). Training and turnover in the evolution of organizations. Organization Science, 8(1), 84-96.
  • Hameed, A. (2009). Impact of office design on Employees’ productivity: a case study of banking organizations of Abbottabad, Abbottabad, Journal of Public affairs, Administration and Management, 3(1), 1-5.
  • Harlow, E. & Lawler, J. (2000). Management, Social Work and Change. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Hicks, T. & Caroline, M. (2007). A guide to managing workplace stress. California: Universal Publishers.
  • Huges, J. (2007, July 2). Office design is pivotal to employee productivity. Sandiego Daily Transcript.
  • Kaplan, D. (2000). Structural equation modeling: Foundations and extensions. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Kaufman, T., Chapman, T. & Allen, J. (2013). The effect of performance recognition on employee engagement. New York: Cicero Group.
  • Leblebici, D. (2012): Impact of workplace quality on employee’s productivity: Case study of a bank in Turkey, Journal of Business, Economics and Finance, 1(1), 38-40.
  • Manjunath, V. & Rajesh, C. (2012).Competency based compensation system - as a strategic human resource technique. International Journal of Manpower, 38(7), 780-810.
  • Mason, P (1978). Stress and coping: An anthology. Columbia: Columbia University Press.
  • Mike, L. (2008). Employer-employee relations, Edinburgh Business School. Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt University.
  • Nelson, A. & Quick, G. (2005). The effects of contingent and non-contingent rewards and controls on intrinsic motivation. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 8(2), 217-229.
  • Nelson, B. (2005). 1001 ways to reward your employees, (2nd edition), New York: Workman Publishing Company.
  • Nolan, S. (2012).A look of current trends data, Strategic HR Review, 11(3), 32-54.
  • Oakland, S. & Oakland, J. (2001). Current people management activities in world class organisations. Total Quality Management, 12(6), 773-788.
  • Osibanjo, A., Salau, O. & Falola, H. (2014). Modeling the relationship between motivating factors; Employee retention; and job satisfaction in the Nigerian banking industry. Journal of Management Policies and Practices. 2(2). 63-83.
  • Parsloe, C. (2000). Work motivation in organizational behavior. New York: Psychology Press.
  • Parsloe, E. & Wray, M. (2000). Coaching and mentoring: practical methods to improve learning. Kogan Page.
  • Pinder, C. (2008). Work motivation in organizational behavior. New York: Psychology Press.
  • Pompper, D. & Adams, J. (2006). Under the microscope: Gender and mentor-protege relationships. Public Relations Review, 17 (32), 309–315.
  • Redmond, B. (2013). Lesson 5: Equity theory: Is what I get for my work fair compared to others? Work attitudes and motivation. The Pennsylvania State University World Campus.
  • Robbins, S. & Judge, A. (2008). Organizational behavior (13th edition). Prentice Hall.
  • Roberts, O., Thomas, A. & Bartram, S. (2012). Job motivation in organizational behavior. New York: Psychology Press.
  • Rothwell, W. J. & Kazanas H. C. (2004). The strategic development of talent. Human Resource Development Press, Massachusetts.
  • Siegel, P., Schraeder, M. & Morrison, R. (2007). A taxonomy of equity factors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38(1), 61-75.
  • Spector, P.E. (2008). Industrial and organizational behavior (5th edition). Wiley: Hoboken, NJ.
  • Stajkovic, A. & Fred, L. (2003). Behavioral management and task performance in organizations: conceptual background, meta-analysis, and test of alternative models. Personnel Psychology, 56(1), 155–194.
  • Stecher, M.D. & Rosse, J.G. (2007). Understanding reactions to workplace injustice through process theories of motivation: a teaching module and simulation. Journal of Management Education, 31(2), 777-796.
  • Taiwo, A. (2010). The influence of work environment on employee performance: a case of selected oil and gas industry in Lagos, Nigeria. African Journal of Business Management, 4(3), 299-307.
  • Wagner, R. & Harter, J. (2006) The elements of great managing, New York: Gallup Press.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology
Journal Section Articles

Odunayo Paul Salau

Rowland Worlu This is me

Adewale Osibanjo This is me

Olaleke Ogunnaike This is me

Ebeguki Oni-ojo This is me

Publication Date March 15, 2016
Submission Date November 11, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Salau, O. P., Worlu, R., Osibanjo, A., Ogunnaike, O., et al. (2016). Employee Relations Strategy: Implication for Performance in Lagos State University, South-West, Nigeria. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi, 3(1), 53-63.
AMA Salau OP, Worlu R, Osibanjo A, Ogunnaike O, Oni-ojo E. Employee Relations Strategy: Implication for Performance in Lagos State University, South-West, Nigeria. İİD. April 2016;3(1):53-63. doi:10.18394/iid.28545
Chicago Salau, Odunayo Paul, Rowland Worlu, Adewale Osibanjo, Olaleke Ogunnaike, and Ebeguki Oni-ojo. “Employee Relations Strategy: Implication for Performance in Lagos State University, South-West, Nigeria”. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi 3, no. 1 (April 2016): 53-63.
EndNote Salau OP, Worlu R, Osibanjo A, Ogunnaike O, Oni-ojo E (April 1, 2016) Employee Relations Strategy: Implication for Performance in Lagos State University, South-West, Nigeria. İş ve İnsan Dergisi 3 1 53–63.
IEEE O. P. Salau, R. Worlu, A. Osibanjo, O. Ogunnaike, and E. Oni-ojo, “Employee Relations Strategy: Implication for Performance in Lagos State University, South-West, Nigeria”, İİD, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 53–63, 2016, doi: 10.18394/iid.28545.
ISNAD Salau, Odunayo Paul et al. “Employee Relations Strategy: Implication for Performance in Lagos State University, South-West, Nigeria”. İş ve İnsan Dergisi 3/1 (April 2016), 53-63.
JAMA Salau OP, Worlu R, Osibanjo A, Ogunnaike O, Oni-ojo E. Employee Relations Strategy: Implication for Performance in Lagos State University, South-West, Nigeria. İİD. 2016;3:53–63.
MLA Salau, Odunayo Paul et al. “Employee Relations Strategy: Implication for Performance in Lagos State University, South-West, Nigeria”. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, 2016, pp. 53-63, doi:10.18394/iid.28545.
Vancouver Salau OP, Worlu R, Osibanjo A, Ogunnaike O, Oni-ojo E. Employee Relations Strategy: Implication for Performance in Lagos State University, South-West, Nigeria. İİD. 2016;3(1):53-6.



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