Research Article
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The Convergent, Discriminant, and Concurrent Validity of Scores on the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire

Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 91 - 104, 24.05.2015


The present study reports the psychometric properties of a short measure of self-leadership in the Turkish context: the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire (ASLQ). The ASLQ was examined using two samples and showed sound psychometric properties. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that nine-item ASLQ measured a single construct of self-leadership. The results supported the convergent and discriminant validity of the one-factor model of the ASLQ in relation to the 35-item Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire and General Self-Efficacy scale, respectively. With regard to internal consistency and test-retest reliability, the ASLQ showed acceptable results. Furthermore, the results provided evidence that scores on the ASLQ positively predicted individual's self-reported task performance and self-efficacy mediated this relationship. Taken together, these findings suggest that the Turkish version of the ASLQ is a reliable and valid measure that can be used to measure self-leadership as one variable of interest in the future studies.


  • AbuShmais, E. I. (2013). A quantitative examination of self-leadership impact on organizational commitment of IT employees in US companies (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3594642)
  • Alves, J. C., Lovelace, K. J., Manz, C. C., Matsypura, D., Toyasaki, F., & Ke, K. G. (2006). A cross-cultural perspective of self-leadership. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21, 338-359.
  • Anderson, J. S., & Prussia, G. E. (1997). The self-leadership questionnaire: Preliminary assessment of construct validity. The Journal of Leadership Studies, 4, 119–143.
  • Andreßen, P., & Konradt, U. (2007). Messung von selbstführung: Psychometrischeüberprüfung der deutschsprachigen version des Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire[Measurement of self-management: Psychometric review of the German version of the Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire]. ZeitschriftFürPersonalpsychologie, 6(3), 117-128.
  • Andressen, P., Konradt, U., & Neck, P. C. (2012). The Relation Between Self-Leadership and Transformational Leadership Competing Models and the Moderating Role of Virtuality. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 19(1), 68 – 82.
  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice.
  • Baron, R. M. & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator–mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1173–1182.
  • Brislin, R. W. (1970). Back-translation for cross-culture research. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1, 185–216.
  • Browne, M. W. & Cudeck, R. (1993). Alternative ways of assessing model fit. In K. A. Bollen and J. S. Long (Eds.), Testing structural equation models (pp. 136–162). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Campbell, D.T., & Fiske, D.W. (1959) Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. Psychological Bulletin, 56, 81-105.
  • Carmeli, A., Meitar, R., & Weisberg, J. (2006). Self-leadership skills and innovative behaviour at work. International Journal of Manpower, 27, 75–90.
  • Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York: Plenum.
  • DiLiello, T. C., & Houghton, J. D. (2006). Maximizing organizational leadership capacity for the future: Toward a model of self-leadership, innovation and creativity. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(4), 319-337.
  • Doğan, S. & Şahin, F. (2008). A study of reliability, validity and adaptation of revised self leadership questionnaire-RSLQ to Turkish context. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 26(1), 139-164.
  • Eden, D. (2001). Means efficacy: External sources of general and specific subjective efficacy. In M. Erez, U. Kleinbeck, and H. Thierry (Eds.), Work Motivation in the Context of A Globalizing Economy (pp. 73–86). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Frayne, C. A., & Latham, G. P. (1987). Application of social-learning theory to employee self-management of attendance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72, 387-392.
  • Furtner, M. R., Rauthmann, J. F., & Sachse, P. (2015). Unique self-leadership: A bifactor model approach. Leadership, 11(1), 105-125.
  • Georgianna, S. (2007). Self-leadership: A cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(6), 569-589.
  • Gürbüz, S. & Şahin, F. (2014). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri: Felsefe - Yöntem - Analiz. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Gürbüz, S., Ayhan, Ö., & Sert, M. (2014). Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Commitment Relationship: A Meta Analysis on Researches Conducted in Turkey. Journal Of Human And Work, 1(1), 3-20.
  • Hauschildt, K., & Konradt, U. (2012). Self-leadership and team members’ work role performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 27(5), 497-517.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2013). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Ho, J., & Nesbit, P. L. (2009). A refinement and extension of the self-leadership scale for the Chinese context. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24, 450-476.
  • Ho, J., Nesbit, P. L., Jepsen, D., & Demirian, S. (2012). Extending self-leadership research to the East: Measurement equivalence of the Chinese and English versions of the MSLQ. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15(2), 101-111.
  • Houghton, J. D., & Neck, C. P. (2002). The Revised self-leadership questionnaire: Testing a hierarchical factor structure for self-leadership. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17, 672-691.
  • Houghton, J. D., Neck, C. P., & Manz, C. C. (2003). We think we can, we think we can, we think we can: the impact of thinking patterns and self-efficacy on work team sustainability. Team Performance Management, 9(1/2), 31-41.
  • Houghton, J. D., & Yoho, S. K. (2005). Toward a contingency model of leadership and psychological empowerment: When should self-leadership be encouraged? Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 11(4), 65-83.
  • Houghton, J. D., Carnes, A., & Ellison, C. N. (2013). A Cross-Cultural Examination of Self-Leadership: Testing for Measurement Invariance Across Four Cultures. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 21(4), 414 – 430.
  • Houghton, J. D., Dawley, D., & DiLiello, T. C. (2012). The Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire (ASLQ): A More Concise Measure of Self-Leadership. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(2), 216 – 232.
  • Hoyle, R. H. (1995). The structural equation modeling approach: Basic concepts and fundamental issues. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.), Structural equation modeling: Concepts, issues, and applications (pp. 1–15). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Jerusalem, M. & Schwarzer, R. (1992). Self-efficacy as a resource factor in the stress appraisal processes. In R. Schwarzer (Ed.), Self-efficacy: Thought Control of Action, (pp. 195-213). New York: Hemisphere.
  • Konradt, U., Andreßen, P., & Ellwart, T. (2009). Self-leadership in organizational teams: A multi-level analysis of moderators and mediators. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 18, 322-346.
  • Latham, G. P., & Frayne, C. A. (1989). Self-management training for increasing job attendance: A follow-up and a replication. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 411-416.
  • Mahembe, B., Engelbrecht, A., & De Kock, F. (2013). A confirmatory factor analytic study of a self-leadership measure in South Africa. SA Journal Of Human Resource Management, 11(1), 10 pages.
  • Manz, C. C. (1986). Self-leadership: Toward an expanded theory of self-influence processes. Academy of Management Review, 11(3), 585-600.
  • Manz, C. C., & Neck, C. P. (2004). Mastering self-leadership: Empowering yourself for personal excellence (Third edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Manz, C. C., & Sims, H. P. Jr. (1980). Self-management as a substitute for leadership: A social learning perspective. Academy of Management Review, 5, 361-367.
  • Manz, C. C., & Sims, H. P., Jr. (1991). Superleadership: Beyond the myth of heroic leadership. Organizational Dynamics, 19, 18-35.
  • Manz, C. C., & Sims, H. P., Jr. (2001). The new SuperLeadership: Leading others to lead themselves. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
  • Marques-Quinteiro, P. & Curral, L. A. (2012). Goal Orientation and Work Role Performance: Predicting Adaptive and Proactive Work Role Performance Through Self-Leadership Strategies. The Journal of Psychology, 146(6), 559-577.
  • Marques-Quinteiro, P., Curral, L. A., & Passos, A. M. (2011). Adapting the Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire to the Portuguese context. Social Indicators Research, 108, 553-564.
  • Neck, C. P., & Houghton, J. D. (2006). Two decades of self-leadership theory and research: Past developments, present trends, and future possibilities. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(4), 270-295.
  • Neck, C. P. & Manz, C. C. (1992). Thought self-leadership: the impact of self-talk and mental imagery on performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 12, 681–699.
  • Neck, C. P., & Manz, C. C. (1996). Thought self-leadership: The impact of mental strategies training on employee behavior, cognition, and emotion. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17, 445–467.
  • Nel, P., & Van Zyl, E. (2015). Assessing the psychometric properties of the revised and abbreviated self-leadership questionnaires. SA Journal of Human Resource Management (SA TydskrifvirMenslikehulpbronbestuur), 13(1), 1–8.
  • Neubert, M.J., & Wu, J.C. (2006). An investigation of the generalisability of the Houghton and Neck Revised Self-leadership Questionnaire to a Chinese context. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(4), 360–373.
  • Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory. 2nd Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Pandelica, A. (2014). Self-Leadership as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Innovation Culture and Innovation Behavior Among Engineers (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3643665)
  • Pearce, C. L., & Manz, C. C. (2005). The new silver bullets of leadership: The importance of self- and shared leadership in knowledge work. Organizational Dynamics, 34, 130 –140.
  • Politis, J. D. (2006). Self-leadership behavioural-focused strategies and team performance: The mediating influence of job satisfaction. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 27(3), 203 - 216.
  • Prussia, G. E., Anderson, J. S., & Manz, C. C. (1998). Self-leadership and performance outcomes: The mediating influence of self-efficacy. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 19(5), 523-538.
  • Rice, R. O. (2014). Examining the Moderating Effect of Tenure on the Relationship Between Self-Leadership Strategies and General Self-Efficacy (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3630452)
  • Scholz, U., Gutiérrez-Doña, B., Sud, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2002). Is general self-efficacy a universal construct? Psychometric findings from 25 countries. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 18(3), 242–251.
  • Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem, M. (1995). Generalized Self-Efficacy scale. In J. Weinman, S. Wright, & M. Johnston, Measures in health psychology: A user’s portfolio. Causal and control beliefs (pp. 35–37). Windsor, England: NFER-NELSON.
  • Sobel, M.E. (1982). Asymptotic intervals for indirect effects in structural equations models. S. Leinhart (Ed.), Sociological Methodology (pp. 290–312). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Stewart, G. L., Courtright, S. H., & Manz, C. C. (2011). Self- Leadership: A multilevel review. Journal of Management, 37(1), 185 – 222.
  • Şahin, F. (2011). The interaction of self-leadership and psychological climate on job performance. African Journal of Business Management, 5(5), 1787-1794.
  • Tabak, A., Sığrı, Ü., & Türköz, T. (2013). ÖzLiderlik Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanma Çalışması. Bilig, 67, 213-246.
  • Van Zyl, E. (2008). The relation between stress and self-leadership characteristics among a group of first-line supervisors working in a state organisation. TydskrifvirGeesteswetenskappe, 48, 454–466.
  • Williams, L. J., & Anderson, S. E. (1991). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment as predictors of organizational citizenship and in-role behavior. Journal of Management, 17, 601–618.
  • Wilson, J. H. (2014). Empowering Excellence: The Relationship of Employee Self-Leadership and Psychological Empowerment With Performance and Job Satisfaction (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3633681)
  • Yeşilay, A., Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem M. (1997). Turkish version of the General Self-Efficacy Scale. Retrieved from

Kendi Kendine Liderlik Ölçeği Kısa Formunun Benzeşim, Ayrışım ve Yordayıcı Geçerliliği

Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 91 - 104, 24.05.2015


Bu çalışma, Kendi Kendine Liderlik Ölçeği (KKLÖ) kısa formunun Türkçe versiyonuna ait psikometrik özellikleri sunmaktadır. KKLÖ kısa formu iki ayrı örneklem üzerinde test edilmiş ve oldukça iyi psikometrik özelliklere sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonuçları, dokuz maddelik KKLÖ kısa formunun kendi kendine liderliğin tek faktörlü yapısını ölçtüğünü göstermiştir. Araştırma bulguları, 35 maddelik Kendi Kendine Liderlik Ölçeği ve Genel Özyeterlilik ölçeği ile karşılaştırıldığında, tek faktörlü KKLÖ kısa formunun benzeşim ve ayrışım geçerliliğini taşıdığını desteklemiştir. İçsel tutarlılık ve test-yeniden test güvenilirliği açsısından, KKLÖ kısa formunun yeterli güvenilirliğe sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, araştırma bulguları, KKLÖ kısa formundan elde edilen puanların bireylerin görev performansını yordadığını ve öz-yeterliliğin bu ilişkiye aracılık ettiğini ortaya koymuştur.  Kısaca, bu bulgular, KKLÖ kısa formunun Türkçe versiyonunun, kendi kendine liderlik kavramını tek bir değişken olarak ölçmede geçerli ve güvenilir olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • AbuShmais, E. I. (2013). A quantitative examination of self-leadership impact on organizational commitment of IT employees in US companies (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3594642)
  • Alves, J. C., Lovelace, K. J., Manz, C. C., Matsypura, D., Toyasaki, F., & Ke, K. G. (2006). A cross-cultural perspective of self-leadership. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21, 338-359.
  • Anderson, J. S., & Prussia, G. E. (1997). The self-leadership questionnaire: Preliminary assessment of construct validity. The Journal of Leadership Studies, 4, 119–143.
  • Andreßen, P., & Konradt, U. (2007). Messung von selbstführung: Psychometrischeüberprüfung der deutschsprachigen version des Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire[Measurement of self-management: Psychometric review of the German version of the Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire]. ZeitschriftFürPersonalpsychologie, 6(3), 117-128.
  • Andressen, P., Konradt, U., & Neck, P. C. (2012). The Relation Between Self-Leadership and Transformational Leadership Competing Models and the Moderating Role of Virtuality. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 19(1), 68 – 82.
  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice.
  • Baron, R. M. & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator–mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1173–1182.
  • Brislin, R. W. (1970). Back-translation for cross-culture research. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1, 185–216.
  • Browne, M. W. & Cudeck, R. (1993). Alternative ways of assessing model fit. In K. A. Bollen and J. S. Long (Eds.), Testing structural equation models (pp. 136–162). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Campbell, D.T., & Fiske, D.W. (1959) Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. Psychological Bulletin, 56, 81-105.
  • Carmeli, A., Meitar, R., & Weisberg, J. (2006). Self-leadership skills and innovative behaviour at work. International Journal of Manpower, 27, 75–90.
  • Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York: Plenum.
  • DiLiello, T. C., & Houghton, J. D. (2006). Maximizing organizational leadership capacity for the future: Toward a model of self-leadership, innovation and creativity. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(4), 319-337.
  • Doğan, S. & Şahin, F. (2008). A study of reliability, validity and adaptation of revised self leadership questionnaire-RSLQ to Turkish context. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 26(1), 139-164.
  • Eden, D. (2001). Means efficacy: External sources of general and specific subjective efficacy. In M. Erez, U. Kleinbeck, and H. Thierry (Eds.), Work Motivation in the Context of A Globalizing Economy (pp. 73–86). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Frayne, C. A., & Latham, G. P. (1987). Application of social-learning theory to employee self-management of attendance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72, 387-392.
  • Furtner, M. R., Rauthmann, J. F., & Sachse, P. (2015). Unique self-leadership: A bifactor model approach. Leadership, 11(1), 105-125.
  • Georgianna, S. (2007). Self-leadership: A cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(6), 569-589.
  • Gürbüz, S. & Şahin, F. (2014). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri: Felsefe - Yöntem - Analiz. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Gürbüz, S., Ayhan, Ö., & Sert, M. (2014). Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Commitment Relationship: A Meta Analysis on Researches Conducted in Turkey. Journal Of Human And Work, 1(1), 3-20.
  • Hauschildt, K., & Konradt, U. (2012). Self-leadership and team members’ work role performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 27(5), 497-517.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2013). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Ho, J., & Nesbit, P. L. (2009). A refinement and extension of the self-leadership scale for the Chinese context. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24, 450-476.
  • Ho, J., Nesbit, P. L., Jepsen, D., & Demirian, S. (2012). Extending self-leadership research to the East: Measurement equivalence of the Chinese and English versions of the MSLQ. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15(2), 101-111.
  • Houghton, J. D., & Neck, C. P. (2002). The Revised self-leadership questionnaire: Testing a hierarchical factor structure for self-leadership. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17, 672-691.
  • Houghton, J. D., Neck, C. P., & Manz, C. C. (2003). We think we can, we think we can, we think we can: the impact of thinking patterns and self-efficacy on work team sustainability. Team Performance Management, 9(1/2), 31-41.
  • Houghton, J. D., & Yoho, S. K. (2005). Toward a contingency model of leadership and psychological empowerment: When should self-leadership be encouraged? Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 11(4), 65-83.
  • Houghton, J. D., Carnes, A., & Ellison, C. N. (2013). A Cross-Cultural Examination of Self-Leadership: Testing for Measurement Invariance Across Four Cultures. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 21(4), 414 – 430.
  • Houghton, J. D., Dawley, D., & DiLiello, T. C. (2012). The Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire (ASLQ): A More Concise Measure of Self-Leadership. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(2), 216 – 232.
  • Hoyle, R. H. (1995). The structural equation modeling approach: Basic concepts and fundamental issues. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.), Structural equation modeling: Concepts, issues, and applications (pp. 1–15). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Jerusalem, M. & Schwarzer, R. (1992). Self-efficacy as a resource factor in the stress appraisal processes. In R. Schwarzer (Ed.), Self-efficacy: Thought Control of Action, (pp. 195-213). New York: Hemisphere.
  • Konradt, U., Andreßen, P., & Ellwart, T. (2009). Self-leadership in organizational teams: A multi-level analysis of moderators and mediators. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 18, 322-346.
  • Latham, G. P., & Frayne, C. A. (1989). Self-management training for increasing job attendance: A follow-up and a replication. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 411-416.
  • Mahembe, B., Engelbrecht, A., & De Kock, F. (2013). A confirmatory factor analytic study of a self-leadership measure in South Africa. SA Journal Of Human Resource Management, 11(1), 10 pages.
  • Manz, C. C. (1986). Self-leadership: Toward an expanded theory of self-influence processes. Academy of Management Review, 11(3), 585-600.
  • Manz, C. C., & Neck, C. P. (2004). Mastering self-leadership: Empowering yourself for personal excellence (Third edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Manz, C. C., & Sims, H. P. Jr. (1980). Self-management as a substitute for leadership: A social learning perspective. Academy of Management Review, 5, 361-367.
  • Manz, C. C., & Sims, H. P., Jr. (1991). Superleadership: Beyond the myth of heroic leadership. Organizational Dynamics, 19, 18-35.
  • Manz, C. C., & Sims, H. P., Jr. (2001). The new SuperLeadership: Leading others to lead themselves. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
  • Marques-Quinteiro, P. & Curral, L. A. (2012). Goal Orientation and Work Role Performance: Predicting Adaptive and Proactive Work Role Performance Through Self-Leadership Strategies. The Journal of Psychology, 146(6), 559-577.
  • Marques-Quinteiro, P., Curral, L. A., & Passos, A. M. (2011). Adapting the Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire to the Portuguese context. Social Indicators Research, 108, 553-564.
  • Neck, C. P., & Houghton, J. D. (2006). Two decades of self-leadership theory and research: Past developments, present trends, and future possibilities. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(4), 270-295.
  • Neck, C. P. & Manz, C. C. (1992). Thought self-leadership: the impact of self-talk and mental imagery on performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 12, 681–699.
  • Neck, C. P., & Manz, C. C. (1996). Thought self-leadership: The impact of mental strategies training on employee behavior, cognition, and emotion. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17, 445–467.
  • Nel, P., & Van Zyl, E. (2015). Assessing the psychometric properties of the revised and abbreviated self-leadership questionnaires. SA Journal of Human Resource Management (SA TydskrifvirMenslikehulpbronbestuur), 13(1), 1–8.
  • Neubert, M.J., & Wu, J.C. (2006). An investigation of the generalisability of the Houghton and Neck Revised Self-leadership Questionnaire to a Chinese context. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(4), 360–373.
  • Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory. 2nd Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Pandelica, A. (2014). Self-Leadership as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Innovation Culture and Innovation Behavior Among Engineers (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3643665)
  • Pearce, C. L., & Manz, C. C. (2005). The new silver bullets of leadership: The importance of self- and shared leadership in knowledge work. Organizational Dynamics, 34, 130 –140.
  • Politis, J. D. (2006). Self-leadership behavioural-focused strategies and team performance: The mediating influence of job satisfaction. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 27(3), 203 - 216.
  • Prussia, G. E., Anderson, J. S., & Manz, C. C. (1998). Self-leadership and performance outcomes: The mediating influence of self-efficacy. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 19(5), 523-538.
  • Rice, R. O. (2014). Examining the Moderating Effect of Tenure on the Relationship Between Self-Leadership Strategies and General Self-Efficacy (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3630452)
  • Scholz, U., Gutiérrez-Doña, B., Sud, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2002). Is general self-efficacy a universal construct? Psychometric findings from 25 countries. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 18(3), 242–251.
  • Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem, M. (1995). Generalized Self-Efficacy scale. In J. Weinman, S. Wright, & M. Johnston, Measures in health psychology: A user’s portfolio. Causal and control beliefs (pp. 35–37). Windsor, England: NFER-NELSON.
  • Sobel, M.E. (1982). Asymptotic intervals for indirect effects in structural equations models. S. Leinhart (Ed.), Sociological Methodology (pp. 290–312). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Stewart, G. L., Courtright, S. H., & Manz, C. C. (2011). Self- Leadership: A multilevel review. Journal of Management, 37(1), 185 – 222.
  • Şahin, F. (2011). The interaction of self-leadership and psychological climate on job performance. African Journal of Business Management, 5(5), 1787-1794.
  • Tabak, A., Sığrı, Ü., & Türköz, T. (2013). ÖzLiderlik Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanma Çalışması. Bilig, 67, 213-246.
  • Van Zyl, E. (2008). The relation between stress and self-leadership characteristics among a group of first-line supervisors working in a state organisation. TydskrifvirGeesteswetenskappe, 48, 454–466.
  • Williams, L. J., & Anderson, S. E. (1991). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment as predictors of organizational citizenship and in-role behavior. Journal of Management, 17, 601–618.
  • Wilson, J. H. (2014). Empowering Excellence: The Relationship of Employee Self-Leadership and Psychological Empowerment With Performance and Job Satisfaction (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3633681)
  • Yeşilay, A., Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem M. (1997). Turkish version of the General Self-Efficacy Scale. Retrieved from
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology
Journal Section Articles

Faruk Şahin

Publication Date May 24, 2015
Submission Date May 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Şahin, F. (2015). The Convergent, Discriminant, and Concurrent Validity of Scores on the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi, 2(2), 91-104.
AMA Şahin F. The Convergent, Discriminant, and Concurrent Validity of Scores on the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire. İİD. October 2015;2(2):91-104. doi:10.18394/iid.25158
Chicago Şahin, Faruk. “The Convergent, Discriminant, and Concurrent Validity of Scores on the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire”. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi 2, no. 2 (October 2015): 91-104.
EndNote Şahin F (October 1, 2015) The Convergent, Discriminant, and Concurrent Validity of Scores on the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire. İş ve İnsan Dergisi 2 2 91–104.
IEEE F. Şahin, “The Convergent, Discriminant, and Concurrent Validity of Scores on the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire”, İİD, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 91–104, 2015, doi: 10.18394/iid.25158.
ISNAD Şahin, Faruk. “The Convergent, Discriminant, and Concurrent Validity of Scores on the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire”. İş ve İnsan Dergisi 2/2 (October 2015), 91-104.
JAMA Şahin F. The Convergent, Discriminant, and Concurrent Validity of Scores on the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire. İİD. 2015;2:91–104.
MLA Şahin, Faruk. “The Convergent, Discriminant, and Concurrent Validity of Scores on the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire”. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 2, 2015, pp. 91-104, doi:10.18394/iid.25158.
Vancouver Şahin F. The Convergent, Discriminant, and Concurrent Validity of Scores on the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire. İİD. 2015;2(2):91-104.



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