Research Article
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Year 2020, , 270 - 277, 31.12.2020


Bu çalışmada inşaat mühendisliği alanında nesnelerin interneti (IoT) özeliğini kullanılarak RFID yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilen uygulamalar araştırılmıştır. Başta betonarme yapılar olmak üzere, hidrolik yapılar ve yapı malzemesi alanındaki RFID etiketlerinin hangi amaçlar doğrultusunda kullanıldığı incelenmiştir. Nehir yataklarındaki oyukların takibi, betonarme yapılardaki gerinimlerin takibi, betonarme donatılarının korozyonu takibi, şantiyedeki hafriyatların takibi, beton içerisindeki nemin takibi ve prekast elemanların sevkiyatından kullanıldığı alanlardaki takibine kadar birçok uygulamalarda RFID teknolojisinin başarıyla kullanıldığı görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak, RFID etiketlerinin farklı İnşaat Mühendisliği uygulamalarından da zamanla kullanılabileceği ve oldukça büyük faydalar sağlayacağı görülmüştür.


  • [1] Nizetic S., Solic P., Artaza D.L.I.G., Patrono L., Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities, issues and challenges towards a smart and sustainable future, Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122877, 1-32.
  • [2] Aazam, M., Zeadally, S., Harras, K.A., 2018. Deploying fog computing in industrial internet of things and industry 4.0. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. (99):1-1.
  • [3] Jin R., Zhang H., Liu D., Yan X., IoT-based detecting, locating and alarming of unauthorized intrusion on construction sites, Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103278, 1-13.
  • [4] Ju Y., Kim C., Kim H., RFID and CCTV-based material delivery monitoring for cable stayed bridge construction, J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 26 (2) (2012) 183–190.
  • [5] Wang L.C., Enhancing construction quality inspection and management using RFID technology, Autom. Constr. 17 (3) (2008) 467–479.
  • [6] Montaser A., Moselhi O., RFID indoor location identification for construction projects, Autom. Constr. 39 (2014) 167–179,
  • [7] Chu B., Jung K., Lim M., Hong D., Robot-based construction automation: an application to steel beam assembly (part I), Autom. Constr. 32 (2013) 46–61.
  • [8] Delebe, E., Projelerle Arduino, Kodlab Yayınları, 15. baskı, 2019, 528 sayfa, ISBN: 978-605-5201-517.
  • [9] Cai H., Andoh A.R. , Su X., Li S., A boundary condition based algorithm for locatingconstruction site objects using RFID and GPS, Adv. Eng. Inform. 28 (2014) 455–468.
  • [10] İnternet kaynağı:
  • [11] Tan N., Mohan R.E., Watanabe A., Toward a framework for robot-inclusive environments, Autom. Constr. 69 (2016) 68–78.
  • [12] Internet kaynağı-1:
  • [13] Lee U.K. , Kim J.H., Cho H., Kang K.I., Development of a mobile safety monitoringsystem for construction sites, Autom. Constr. 18 (6) (2009) 258–264,
  • [14] Valeroa E, Ad´anA, Integration of RFID with other Technologies in Construction, Measurement, 2016, 94, 614-620.
  • [15] W. Wu, H. Yang, D.A.S. Chew, S. Yang, A.G.F. Gibb, Q. Li, Towards an autonomous real-time tracking system of near-missaccidents on constructionsites, Autom. Constr. 19 (2010) 134–141.
  • [16] Kelm A. , Laußat L., Meins-Becker A., Platz D., Khazaee M.J. , Costin A.M. , Helmus M., Teizer J., Mobile passive radio frequency identification (RFID) portal for automated and rapid control of personal protective equipment (PPE) on construction sites, Autom. Constr. 36 (2013) 38–52.
  • [17] Internet kaynağı-2:
  • [18] Huang, RY, Tsai, TY, Development of An RFID System For Tracking Construction Residual Soil In Taiwan, The International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction,2011, 935-940.
  • [19] Tsakiris A.G., Papanicolaou T., Moustakidis I.Vl., Abban B., Methodological Considerations for Particle Tracking in Riverine Applications Using Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID), World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015.
  • [20] Papanicolaou T., 2019. A Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) Detection System for Assessing Scour Countermeasures and the Stability of Hydraulic Structures, Final Report for NCHRP IDEA Project 183.
  • [21] Hufnagel J., MacVicar B., Design and Performance of a Radio Frequency Identification Scanning System for Sediment Tracking in a Purpose-Built Experimental Channel, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2018, 144(2), doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001412
  • [22] Zhou S, Deng F, Yu L, Li B, Wu X, Yin B, A Novel Passive Wireless Sensor for Concrete Humidity Monitoring, Sensors 2016, 16, 1535; doi:10.3390/s16091535
  • [23] Resmi Gazete, 4708 Sayılı Yapı Denetimi Hakkında Kanun Kapsamında Denetimi Yürütülen Yapılara Ait Taze Betondan Numune Alınması, Deneylerinin Yapılması, Raporlanması Süreçlerinin İzlenmesi Ve Denetlenmesine Dair Tebliğ, 18 aralık 2018, Sayı, 30629.
  • [24] İnternet kaynağı-3:


Year 2020, , 270 - 277, 31.12.2020


In this study, applications realized by Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) method using the Internet of Things (IoT) feature in the field of civil engineering were investigated. The RFID tags are used in hydraulic structures, building materials, especially in reinforced concrete, have been examined. It has been observed that RFID technology has been used successfully in many applications ranging from the monitoring of cavities in river beds, the monitoring of the strains in reinforced concrete structures, the monitoring of the corrosion of reinforced concrete reinforcements, the monitoring of the excavations in the construction site, the tracking of moisture in the concrete and the shipment of precast elements to the areas where they are used. As a result, it has been seen that RFID tags can also be used from different Civil Engineering applications over time and will provide great benefits. 


  • [1] Nizetic S., Solic P., Artaza D.L.I.G., Patrono L., Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities, issues and challenges towards a smart and sustainable future, Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122877, 1-32.
  • [2] Aazam, M., Zeadally, S., Harras, K.A., 2018. Deploying fog computing in industrial internet of things and industry 4.0. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. (99):1-1.
  • [3] Jin R., Zhang H., Liu D., Yan X., IoT-based detecting, locating and alarming of unauthorized intrusion on construction sites, Automation in Construction 118 (2020) 103278, 1-13.
  • [4] Ju Y., Kim C., Kim H., RFID and CCTV-based material delivery monitoring for cable stayed bridge construction, J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 26 (2) (2012) 183–190.
  • [5] Wang L.C., Enhancing construction quality inspection and management using RFID technology, Autom. Constr. 17 (3) (2008) 467–479.
  • [6] Montaser A., Moselhi O., RFID indoor location identification for construction projects, Autom. Constr. 39 (2014) 167–179,
  • [7] Chu B., Jung K., Lim M., Hong D., Robot-based construction automation: an application to steel beam assembly (part I), Autom. Constr. 32 (2013) 46–61.
  • [8] Delebe, E., Projelerle Arduino, Kodlab Yayınları, 15. baskı, 2019, 528 sayfa, ISBN: 978-605-5201-517.
  • [9] Cai H., Andoh A.R. , Su X., Li S., A boundary condition based algorithm for locatingconstruction site objects using RFID and GPS, Adv. Eng. Inform. 28 (2014) 455–468.
  • [10] İnternet kaynağı:
  • [11] Tan N., Mohan R.E., Watanabe A., Toward a framework for robot-inclusive environments, Autom. Constr. 69 (2016) 68–78.
  • [12] Internet kaynağı-1:
  • [13] Lee U.K. , Kim J.H., Cho H., Kang K.I., Development of a mobile safety monitoringsystem for construction sites, Autom. Constr. 18 (6) (2009) 258–264,
  • [14] Valeroa E, Ad´anA, Integration of RFID with other Technologies in Construction, Measurement, 2016, 94, 614-620.
  • [15] W. Wu, H. Yang, D.A.S. Chew, S. Yang, A.G.F. Gibb, Q. Li, Towards an autonomous real-time tracking system of near-missaccidents on constructionsites, Autom. Constr. 19 (2010) 134–141.
  • [16] Kelm A. , Laußat L., Meins-Becker A., Platz D., Khazaee M.J. , Costin A.M. , Helmus M., Teizer J., Mobile passive radio frequency identification (RFID) portal for automated and rapid control of personal protective equipment (PPE) on construction sites, Autom. Constr. 36 (2013) 38–52.
  • [17] Internet kaynağı-2:
  • [18] Huang, RY, Tsai, TY, Development of An RFID System For Tracking Construction Residual Soil In Taiwan, The International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction,2011, 935-940.
  • [19] Tsakiris A.G., Papanicolaou T., Moustakidis I.Vl., Abban B., Methodological Considerations for Particle Tracking in Riverine Applications Using Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID), World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015.
  • [20] Papanicolaou T., 2019. A Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) Detection System for Assessing Scour Countermeasures and the Stability of Hydraulic Structures, Final Report for NCHRP IDEA Project 183.
  • [21] Hufnagel J., MacVicar B., Design and Performance of a Radio Frequency Identification Scanning System for Sediment Tracking in a Purpose-Built Experimental Channel, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2018, 144(2), doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001412
  • [22] Zhou S, Deng F, Yu L, Li B, Wu X, Yin B, A Novel Passive Wireless Sensor for Concrete Humidity Monitoring, Sensors 2016, 16, 1535; doi:10.3390/s16091535
  • [23] Resmi Gazete, 4708 Sayılı Yapı Denetimi Hakkında Kanun Kapsamında Denetimi Yürütülen Yapılara Ait Taze Betondan Numune Alınması, Deneylerinin Yapılması, Raporlanması Süreçlerinin İzlenmesi Ve Denetlenmesine Dair Tebliğ, 18 aralık 2018, Sayı, 30629.
  • [24] İnternet kaynağı-3:
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Review Articles

Tayfun Uygunoğlu 0000-0003-4382-8257

İlker Bekir Topçu 0000-0002-2075-6361

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date September 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Uygunoğlu, T., & Topçu, İ. B. (2020). NESNELERİN İNTERNETİNİN (IoT) İNŞAAT MÜHENDİSLİĞİNDEKİ ROLÜ: RFID UYGULAMALARI. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, 4(3), 270-277.
AMA Uygunoğlu T, Topçu İB. NESNELERİN İNTERNETİNİN (IoT) İNŞAAT MÜHENDİSLİĞİNDEKİ ROLÜ: RFID UYGULAMALARI. IJ3DPTDI. December 2020;4(3):270-277. doi:10.46519/ij3dptdi.797659
Chicago Uygunoğlu, Tayfun, and İlker Bekir Topçu. “NESNELERİN İNTERNETİNİN (IoT) İNŞAAT MÜHENDİSLİĞİNDEKİ ROLÜ: RFID UYGULAMALARI”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 4, no. 3 (December 2020): 270-77.
EndNote Uygunoğlu T, Topçu İB (December 1, 2020) NESNELERİN İNTERNETİNİN (IoT) İNŞAAT MÜHENDİSLİĞİNDEKİ ROLÜ: RFID UYGULAMALARI. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 4 3 270–277.
IEEE T. Uygunoğlu and İ. B. Topçu, “NESNELERİN İNTERNETİNİN (IoT) İNŞAAT MÜHENDİSLİĞİNDEKİ ROLÜ: RFID UYGULAMALARI”, IJ3DPTDI, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 270–277, 2020, doi: 10.46519/ij3dptdi.797659.
ISNAD Uygunoğlu, Tayfun - Topçu, İlker Bekir. “NESNELERİN İNTERNETİNİN (IoT) İNŞAAT MÜHENDİSLİĞİNDEKİ ROLÜ: RFID UYGULAMALARI”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 4/3 (December 2020), 270-277.
MLA Uygunoğlu, Tayfun and İlker Bekir Topçu. “NESNELERİN İNTERNETİNİN (IoT) İNŞAAT MÜHENDİSLİĞİNDEKİ ROLÜ: RFID UYGULAMALARI”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, vol. 4, no. 3, 2020, pp. 270-7, doi:10.46519/ij3dptdi.797659.


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