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Performance of single-cylinder compression ignition engine with indigenous castor oil bio diesel / Tek Silindirli Sıkıştırma Ateşlemeli Motorun Yöresel Hintyağı Otu Biyodizeli ile Performansı

Year 2014, , 44 - 53, 02.07.2014


Neat castor oil poses problems when used in CI engine. Problems are reduced to minimum by subjecting the castor oil to transesterification. Castor oil was converted to bio diesel and blended by 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% in quantity (by volume) with high-speed mineral diesel (HSD) fuel. This fuel was used on a single-cylinder compression-ignition, four-stroke diesel engine. The blended fuel gave
lower emissions of CO but resulted in higher values of CO2 and NOx. Results showed that engine brake power, thermal efficiency for blended bio diesel fuel were lower than pure mineral diesel,
because of lower calorific value of blended fuel. The maximum value of thermal efficiency was observed at 13% substitution of castor oil methyl ester [CME] in diesel. However, higher engine
exhaust temperatures were obtained with blended fuel in comparison with that of pure mineral diesel. Chi square (X2) statistical test was applied. The value for 2 (CME) 0.0524 was observed. The value
concluded that there is no effect of fuel type on fuel consumption within the given range. Overall castor oil bio diesel blends fared well in terms of engine performance.

Özet: Saf hintyağı out CI (sıkıştırma ateşlemeli) motorlarda sorunlara neden olmaktadır. Sorunlar hintyağı otunun transesterifikasyona tabi tutulması ile en aza indirilmektedir. Hintyağı otu biyodizele dönüştürülmüştür ve (hacimsel olarak) %5, %10, %15 ve %20 oranlarında yüksek hızlara uygun mineral katkılı dizel yakıta (HSD) karıştırılmıştır. Bu yakıt tek silindirli sıkıştırma ateşlemeli, dört zamanlı bir dizel motorda kullanılmıştır. Karıştırılan yakıt daha düşük CO salınımları sağlamış fakat daha yüksek CO2 ve NOx salınımlarına neden olmuştur. Sonuçlar karışım yakıtın düşük kalorifik değerinden dolayı motor termal veriminin ve motor dinamometre gücünün karışım biyodizel yakıtı için saf mineral katkılı dizel yakıta göre daha düşük olduğunu göstermiştir. Termal verimin maksimum değeri %13 hintyağı otu metil esteri [CME] katkısı ile gözlemlenmiştir. Fakat saf mineral katkılı dizel yakıt ile kıyaslandığında karışım yakıtta daha yüksek motor egzoz sıcaklıkları elde edilmiştir. 2 (CME) 0.0524 gözlemlenmiştir. Chi  değerinin karesi (X2) istatistiksel testi uygulanmıştır.  değeri için verilen aralıkta yakıt tüketiminin üzerine yakıt türünün etkisi olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Genel olarak hintyağı otu biyodizeli ile yapılan yakıt karışımları motor performansı açısından iyi bir performans göstermiştir.


  • . Naveen Kumar, Fuelling a small capacity Diesel Engine with Ethyl Ester of Ind. Rice Bran oil, MR Int. Jor. of Eng. & Tech. vol 1 no 1 pp 35-45 June 2008.
  • . Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Biofuels (alcohols and biodiesel) applications as fuels for I.C engines, Prog. in Engy.& Comb. Sci. Vol 33, pt 3, pp 233-271, June 2007.
  • . Alok Kumar Tiwari, Akhilesh Kumar and Hifjur Raheman, Biodiesel production from jatropha oil (Jatropha curcas) with high free fatty acids: An optimized process, Biomass and Bioenergy Vol 31, Issue 8, pp 569-575 Aug. 2007.
  • . P.K. Sahoo, L.M. Das, M.K.G. Babu and S.N. Naik, Biodiesel development from high acid value polanga seed oil and performance evaluation in a CI engine, Fuel Volume 86, Issue 3,pp 448-454, Feb. 2007.
  • . N. Usta Use of tobacco seed oil methyl ester in a turbocharged indirect injection diesel engine, Biomass and Bioenergy Vol 28, Issue 1, Pages 77-86, Jan 2005.
  • . P.K.Gupta, R. Kumar, B.S.Panesar, and V.K.Thapar. “Parametric Studies on Bio-diesel prepared from Rice Bran Oil”. Agri. Eng. Int. CIGR e journal. Manuscript EE 06 007. Vol. IX. April 2007.
  • . Mohammed Harun Chakrabarti, Mehmood Ali Performance of compression ignition engine with indigenous castor oil biodiesel in Pakistan Ned Uni. Jor.of Research, Vol VI No 1 2009.
  • . A.K. Agarwal and L.M. Das, Biodiesel development and characterization for use as a fuel in compression ignition engines, A.S.M.E J Eng, Gas Turbines Power 123 pp. 440–447, (2000).
  • . Arjun B. Chhetri ,Martin S. Tango , Suzanne M. Budge K. Chris Watts and M. Rafiqul Islam Non-Edible Plant oils as New Sources for Biodiesel Production Int. Jor. Mol. Sci. 9, 169-180, 2008.
  • . 12/8/2012
  • . B.K. Barnwal and M.P. Sharma, Prospects of biodiesel production from vegetable oils in India Ren.& Sust. Engy. Rev. Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp 363-378, August 2005.
  • . Devendra Vashist and Dr Mukthar Ahmad, “Sources of biodiesel production: A review proceeding of ICRTME-2007 Ujjain vol 1 pp ID-68-84, 4 - 6 Oct. 2007.
  • . Raheman H, Ghadge SV. Performance of compression ignition engine with mahua (Madhuca indica) biodiesel. Fuel 86(16):pp 2568-2573, 2007.
  • . D.Vashist & M Ahmad, “Energetic and economic feasibility associated with the production, processing and conversion of jatropha oil to a substitute diesel fuel in India” I.R.E.M.E. Pra. Wor. Prize jor. Vol. 3, no 4 July 2009
  • . F. Ma and M.A. Hanna, Biodiesel production: a review, Bioresource Technology 70 pp. 1–15,1999.
  • . Shailendra Sinha, Avinash Kumar Agarwal and Sanjeev Garg Biodiesel development from rice bran oil: Transesterification process optimization and fuel characterization Engy. Conv. and Mgmt Oct 2007.
  • . Amro A Amara and Soheir R Salem, Degradation of Castor Oil and Lipase Production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Amer Eur. Jor. & agri. & Envir. Sci. 5(4); 556-563, 2009.
Year 2014, , 44 - 53, 02.07.2014



  • . Naveen Kumar, Fuelling a small capacity Diesel Engine with Ethyl Ester of Ind. Rice Bran oil, MR Int. Jor. of Eng. & Tech. vol 1 no 1 pp 35-45 June 2008.
  • . Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Biofuels (alcohols and biodiesel) applications as fuels for I.C engines, Prog. in Engy.& Comb. Sci. Vol 33, pt 3, pp 233-271, June 2007.
  • . Alok Kumar Tiwari, Akhilesh Kumar and Hifjur Raheman, Biodiesel production from jatropha oil (Jatropha curcas) with high free fatty acids: An optimized process, Biomass and Bioenergy Vol 31, Issue 8, pp 569-575 Aug. 2007.
  • . P.K. Sahoo, L.M. Das, M.K.G. Babu and S.N. Naik, Biodiesel development from high acid value polanga seed oil and performance evaluation in a CI engine, Fuel Volume 86, Issue 3,pp 448-454, Feb. 2007.
  • . N. Usta Use of tobacco seed oil methyl ester in a turbocharged indirect injection diesel engine, Biomass and Bioenergy Vol 28, Issue 1, Pages 77-86, Jan 2005.
  • . P.K.Gupta, R. Kumar, B.S.Panesar, and V.K.Thapar. “Parametric Studies on Bio-diesel prepared from Rice Bran Oil”. Agri. Eng. Int. CIGR e journal. Manuscript EE 06 007. Vol. IX. April 2007.
  • . Mohammed Harun Chakrabarti, Mehmood Ali Performance of compression ignition engine with indigenous castor oil biodiesel in Pakistan Ned Uni. Jor.of Research, Vol VI No 1 2009.
  • . A.K. Agarwal and L.M. Das, Biodiesel development and characterization for use as a fuel in compression ignition engines, A.S.M.E J Eng, Gas Turbines Power 123 pp. 440–447, (2000).
  • . Arjun B. Chhetri ,Martin S. Tango , Suzanne M. Budge K. Chris Watts and M. Rafiqul Islam Non-Edible Plant oils as New Sources for Biodiesel Production Int. Jor. Mol. Sci. 9, 169-180, 2008.
  • . 12/8/2012
  • . B.K. Barnwal and M.P. Sharma, Prospects of biodiesel production from vegetable oils in India Ren.& Sust. Engy. Rev. Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp 363-378, August 2005.
  • . Devendra Vashist and Dr Mukthar Ahmad, “Sources of biodiesel production: A review proceeding of ICRTME-2007 Ujjain vol 1 pp ID-68-84, 4 - 6 Oct. 2007.
  • . Raheman H, Ghadge SV. Performance of compression ignition engine with mahua (Madhuca indica) biodiesel. Fuel 86(16):pp 2568-2573, 2007.
  • . D.Vashist & M Ahmad, “Energetic and economic feasibility associated with the production, processing and conversion of jatropha oil to a substitute diesel fuel in India” I.R.E.M.E. Pra. Wor. Prize jor. Vol. 3, no 4 July 2009
  • . F. Ma and M.A. Hanna, Biodiesel production: a review, Bioresource Technology 70 pp. 1–15,1999.
  • . Shailendra Sinha, Avinash Kumar Agarwal and Sanjeev Garg Biodiesel development from rice bran oil: Transesterification process optimization and fuel characterization Engy. Conv. and Mgmt Oct 2007.
  • . Amro A Amara and Soheir R Salem, Degradation of Castor Oil and Lipase Production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Amer Eur. Jor. & agri. & Envir. Sci. 5(4); 556-563, 2009.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Article

Devendra Vashist

Mukhtar Ahmad This is me

Publication Date July 2, 2014
Submission Date August 16, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Vashist, D., & Ahmad, M. (2014). Performance of single-cylinder compression ignition engine with indigenous castor oil bio diesel / Tek Silindirli Sıkıştırma Ateşlemeli Motorun Yöresel Hintyağı Otu Biyodizeli ile Performansı. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 3(2), 44-53.
AMA Vashist D, Ahmad M. Performance of single-cylinder compression ignition engine with indigenous castor oil bio diesel / Tek Silindirli Sıkıştırma Ateşlemeli Motorun Yöresel Hintyağı Otu Biyodizeli ile Performansı. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. July 2014;3(2):44-53. doi:10.18245/ijaet.47313
Chicago Vashist, Devendra, and Mukhtar Ahmad. “Performance of Single-Cylinder Compression Ignition Engine With Indigenous Castor Oil Bio Diesel / Tek Silindirli Sıkıştırma Ateşlemeli Motorun Yöresel Hintyağı Otu Biyodizeli Ile Performansı”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 3, no. 2 (July 2014): 44-53.
EndNote Vashist D, Ahmad M (July 1, 2014) Performance of single-cylinder compression ignition engine with indigenous castor oil bio diesel / Tek Silindirli Sıkıştırma Ateşlemeli Motorun Yöresel Hintyağı Otu Biyodizeli ile Performansı. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 3 2 44–53.
IEEE D. Vashist and M. Ahmad, “Performance of single-cylinder compression ignition engine with indigenous castor oil bio diesel / Tek Silindirli Sıkıştırma Ateşlemeli Motorun Yöresel Hintyağı Otu Biyodizeli ile Performansı”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 44–53, 2014, doi: 10.18245/ijaet.47313.
ISNAD Vashist, Devendra - Ahmad, Mukhtar. “Performance of Single-Cylinder Compression Ignition Engine With Indigenous Castor Oil Bio Diesel / Tek Silindirli Sıkıştırma Ateşlemeli Motorun Yöresel Hintyağı Otu Biyodizeli Ile Performansı”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 3/2 (July 2014), 44-53.
JAMA Vashist D, Ahmad M. Performance of single-cylinder compression ignition engine with indigenous castor oil bio diesel / Tek Silindirli Sıkıştırma Ateşlemeli Motorun Yöresel Hintyağı Otu Biyodizeli ile Performansı. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2014;3:44–53.
MLA Vashist, Devendra and Mukhtar Ahmad. “Performance of Single-Cylinder Compression Ignition Engine With Indigenous Castor Oil Bio Diesel / Tek Silindirli Sıkıştırma Ateşlemeli Motorun Yöresel Hintyağı Otu Biyodizeli Ile Performansı”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, vol. 3, no. 2, 2014, pp. 44-53, doi:10.18245/ijaet.47313.
Vancouver Vashist D, Ahmad M. Performance of single-cylinder compression ignition engine with indigenous castor oil bio diesel / Tek Silindirli Sıkıştırma Ateşlemeli Motorun Yöresel Hintyağı Otu Biyodizeli ile Performansı. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2014;3(2):44-53.