Investigations on Performance and Emissions of a Stationary DI Diesel Engine with Different Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperatures
Year 2013,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 1 - 9, 07.02.2013
Gurumoorthy Hebbar
Anant Krishna Bhat
This paper addresses the application of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) for reduced oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions from naturally aspirated direct injection stationary diesel engine. Prevailing and future Emission norms compel engine manufacturers to incorporate techniques to reduce engine out emissions especially NOX and particulate matter NOx formation predominantly depends on high combustion temperature and literature indicates EGR is an attractive method to reduce combustion temperature. EGR temperature is an important factor while admitting higher percentage of EGR. Higher EGR temperatures caused due to increased loads limit the conduct of higher EGR ratios. EGR cooling can be advantageous when higher ratios of EGR need to be employed. The effect EGR temperature on engine thermal efficiency, NOx, smoke and HC emissions at different load conditions for different EGR percentage are discussed in this paper. NOx reductions and thermal efficiency were found to be better for hot EGR up to about 30% EGR and thereafter EGR cooling shows better results. Smoke and HC emissions increase for both cooled and hot EGR as compared to no EGR case but EGR cooling reduces HC emission as compared to hot EGR.
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- .Technical Bulletin on Nitrogen Oxides Why and How they are controlled, EPA-456/F-99-006R, November 1999
- Curr Intell Bull, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Carcinogenic effects exposure to Diesel exhaust. Department of Health and Human Services Publication, 1988; 50:88–116.
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- Lyon, France, International Agency for Research on Cancer. ‘Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk to humans; Diesel and gasoline engine exhausts and some Nitroarenes, 1989; 46:458.
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- Zelenka P, Aufinger H, Reczek W, Catellieri W. Cooled EGR––a key technology for future efficient HD Diesels. SAE paper 980190, 1998.
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- . Heywood JB, Internal combustion engine fundamentals. New York: MGraw-Hill; 1998.
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- Ladommatos N, Abdelhalim SM, Zhao H, Hu Z. The effects of carbon dioxide in exhaust gas recirculation on Diesel engine emission. Proc Instn Mech Engng part D J Autom Engng 1998;212:25–42.
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- . Ladommatos, N., Abdelhalim, S. M., and Zhao, H., "The Effects of Carbon Dioxide in EGR on Diesel Engine Emissions", IMechE Paper No. C517/028/96 (1996).
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- Velimir S. Petrovi, Particulate Matters from Diesel Engine Exhaust Emission. Thermal Science: Vol. 12 (2008), No. 2, pp. 183-198
Farklı Egzoz Gazı Devir Daim Sıcaklıkları ile Yerleşik Bir Dizel Motorun Emisyon ve Performans Üzerine Araştırmalar
Year 2013,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 1 - 9, 07.02.2013
Gurumoorthy Hebbar
Anant Krishna Bhat
Bu çalışma doğal emmeli direk enjeksiyonlu yerleşik dizel motordan salınan azot oksitler için egzoz gazı devirdaim uygulamalarına hitap etmektedir. Yaygın ve gelecek emisyon normları motor üreticilerini özellikle azot oksitleri emisyonunu azaltmak için teknikleri bünyesinde bulundurmayı zorunlu kılmıştır ve parçacıklı madde azot oksit oluşumu büyük oranda yüksek yanma sıcaklığına bağlıdır ve literatür EGR’nin yanma sıcaklığını azalttığına dair etkin bir metot olduğunu gözterir. EGR sıcaklığı daha yüksek EGR yüzdesine meydan verirken önemli bir faktördür. Artan yüklerden kaynaklı yüksek EGR sıcaklığı yüksek EGR oranı üretimini kısıtlar. EGR soğutma yüksek oranda EGR çalıştırma ihtiyacı olduğu zaman avantajlı olabilir. EGR sıcaklığının motor ısıl etkinliği, farklı EGR yüzdesi için farklı yükleme koşullarında NOx, duman ve HC salınımları bu çalışmada tartışılmıştır. NOx azaltması ve ısıl verimlilik sıcak EGR için %30 EGR ye kadar daha iyi bulundu ve sonra EGR soğutma daha iyi sonuçlar gösterir. EGR siz kasa ile kıyaslandığında duman ve HC emisyonları hem soğutulmuş hem de sıcak EGR için artar fakat EGR soğutma sucak EGR ile kıyaslanırsa HC emisyonunu azaltır.
- . Levendis Y A, Pavalatos I, Abrams R F 1994 Control of diesel soot hydrocarbon and NOx emissions with a particular trap. SAE 940460
- .Technical Bulletin on Nitrogen Oxides Why and How they are controlled, EPA-456/F-99-006R, November 1999
- Curr Intell Bull, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Carcinogenic effects exposure to Diesel exhaust. Department of Health and Human Services Publication, 1988; 50:88–116.
- -
- Lyon, France, International Agency for Research on Cancer. ‘Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk to humans; Diesel and gasoline engine exhausts and some Nitroarenes, 1989; 46:458.
- Borman GL, Gagland KW. Combustion Engineering, WCB/McGraw-Hill; 1998.
- Zelenka P, Aufinger H, Reczek W, Catellieri W. Cooled EGR––a key technology for future efficient HD Diesels. SAE paper 980190, 1998.
- Kreso AM, Johnson JH, Gratz LD, Bagley ST, Leddy DG. A study of the effects of exhaust gas recirculation onheavy-duty Diesel engine emissions. SAE paper 981422, 1988.
- . Heywood JB, Internal combustion engine fundamentals. New York: MGraw-Hill; 1998.
- . Ming Zheng Graham T. Reader, J. Gary Hawley, ‘Diesel Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation-a review on advanced and novel concepts’ Energy Conversion and Management 45(2004) 883-900
- . Abd Alla GH . ‘Using Exhaust Gas Recirculation in Internal Combustion Engines; A Review’ Energy Conversion and Management 43 (2002) 1027–1042
- Abd Alla GH. Effect of exhaust gas recirculation on the performance of a dual fual engine. PhD Thesis, Mechanical Engineering Department, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Cairo, Egypt, 1994.
- Lapuerta M, Hernandez JJ, Gimenez F. Evaluation of exhaust gas recirculation as a technique for reducing Diesel engine NOX emissions. Proc Instn Mech Engrs Part D, J Autom Engineering 2000; 214:85–93.
- Ladommatos, N., Abdelhalim, S. M., Zhao, H., and Hu, Z., "The Dilution, Chemical, and Thermal Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Diesel Engine Emissions, Part 4: Effects of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapour", SAE Paper No. 971660 (1997).
- Ladommatos N, Abdelhalim SM, Zhao H, Hu Z. The effects of carbon dioxide in exhaust gas recirculation on Diesel engine emission. Proc Instn Mech Engng part D J Autom Engng 1998;212:25–42.
- Beatric C et al. Influence of high EGR rate on emissions of a DI Diesel engine. ASME ICE Div 1998;ICE 22: 193–201.
- . Ropke, S., Schweimer, G. W., and Strauss, T. S., " NOx Formation in Diesel Engines for Various Fuels and Intake Gases", SAE Paper No. 950213 (1995).
- . Shimazaki, N., Hatanaka, H., Yokota, K., and Nakahira, T., "A Study of Diesel Combustion Process Under the Condition of EGR and High-Pressure Fuel Injection with Gas Sampling Method", SAE Paper No. 960030 (1996).
- . Ladommatos, N., Abdelhalim, S. M., and Zhao, H., "The Effects of Carbon Dioxide in EGR on Diesel Engine Emissions", IMechE Paper No. C517/028/96 (1996).
- . Khan, I. M., "Formation and Combustion of Carbon in a Diesel Engine", Proc. IMechE, Vol. 185, Part 3J, pp 36-43 (1969-70)
- Velimir S. Petrovi, Particulate Matters from Diesel Engine Exhaust Emission. Thermal Science: Vol. 12 (2008), No. 2, pp. 183-198