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NOx Emission prediction based on measurement of in-cylinder pressure for CI engine running with diesel and biodiesel / Dizel ve Biyodizel Yakıt ile Çalışan Cı Motor için Silindir içi Basınç Ölçümü ile NOx Salınımı Tahmini

Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 54 - 65, 02.07.2014


NOx is one of the major toxic emissions that needs to be regulated stringently in both EU and USA emission regulations. The engine designer is keen to get an accurate, reliable and cost effective NOx
measurement system. In this paper, the application of the cylinder pressure for predicting the NOx emission of compression ignition (CI) engine fuelled with diesel and biodiesel during steady state
operations is carried out. To address the problem, an experimental work was conducted on four-cylinder, turbo-charged, four-stroke and direct-injection CI engine which was fuelled with diesel and biodiesel
blends. During the experiment, the main parameters consisting of in-cylinder pressure, fuel flow rate, air flow rate, and the NOx emission, were measured. The temperature within the cylinder was predicted
using the cylinder pressure and air flow rate. Using the temperature values, the NOx emission was simulated in the Zeldovich extended mechanism. The simulation result was then compared with the measured one for a range of engine operating conditions. The models were shown to produce consistent
results with the measured one for a range of engine working speeds and loads.

Özet: NOx hem AB’de hem de ABD’de salınım kanunlarında sıkıca denetlenen ana zehirleyici salınımlardan biridir. Motor tasarımcıları doğru, güvenilir ve düşük maliyetli NOx ölçüm sistemi elde etme peşindedir. Bu makalede, kararlı çalışma şartlarında dizel yakıt ve biyodizel yakıt ile çalışan sıkıştırma ateşlemeli (CI) motorun NOx salınımlarını tahmin için silindir basıncını ölçme uygulaması yapılmıştır. Sorunu çözmek için dizel ve biyodizel yakıtlarla beslenen dört silindirli, turboşarzlı, dört zamanlı ve doğrudan püskürtmeli CI motoru kullanılarak deneysel bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Deneyler sırasında silindir içi basıncı, yakıt debisi, hava debisi ve NOx salınımları değişkenlerinden oluşan ana parametreler ölçülmüştür. Silindir içerisindeki sıcaklık, silindir basıncı ve hava debisi kullanılarak tahmin edilmiştir. Sıcaklık değerleri kullanılarak Zeldovich genişletilmiş mekanizmasında NOx salınımları benzeştirilmiştir. Benzeşim sonuçları daha sonra belirli bir motor çalışma aralığında ölçülen değerler ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Modeller belirli bir motor hızı ve yükü için ölçülen değerler ile tutarlı sonuçlar üretmiştir.


  • B. Tesfa, R. Mishra, F. Gu, and O. Gilkes, “Emission Behaviour of a CI Engine Running by Biodiesel under
  • Transient Conditions,” SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 2010-01-1280, Apr. 2010.
  • B. Tesfa, F. Gu, R. Mishra, and A. Ball, “Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine Running with a Range of Biodiesel Feedstocks,” Energies, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 334–350, Jan. 2014.
  • S. M. Aithal, “Modeling of NOx formation in diesel engines using finite-rate chemical kinetics,” Applied Energy,
  • vol. 87, no. 7, pp. 2256–2265, 2010.
  • C.-Y. Lin and L.-W. Chen, “Engine performance and emission characteristics of three-phase diesel emulsions prepared by an ultrasonic emulsification method” Fuel, vol. 85, no. 5–6, pp. 593–600, Mar. 2006.
  • M. N. Nabi and J. E. Hustad, “Influence of Biodiesel Addition to Fischer − Tropsch Fuel on Diesel Engine
  • Performance and Exhaust Emissions,” Energy Fuels, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 2868 – 2874, May 2010.
  • B. Tesfa, R. Mishra, F. Gu, and A. D. Ball, “Water injection effects on the performance and emission characteristics of a CI engine operating with biodiesel,” Renewable Energy, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 333–344, Jan. 2012.
  • H. C. Krijnsen, V. Kooten1, W. E. J, H. P. A. Calis, R. P. Verbeek, V. D. Bleek, and C. M, “Evaluation of an artificial
  • neural network for NOX emission prediction from a transient diesel engine as a base for NOX control,” The
  • Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 408–417, Mar. 2009.
  • O. Armas, J. J. Hernández, and M. D. Cárdenas, “Reduction of diesel smoke opacity from vegetable oil methyl esters during transient operation,” Fuel, vol. 85, no. 17–18, pp. 2427–2438, Dec. 2006.
  • S. Samuel, D. Morrey, D. H. C. Taylor, and M. Fowkes, “Parametric Study into the Effects of Factors Affecting Real-World Vehicle Exhaust Emission Levels,” SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 2007-01-1084, Apr. 2007.
  • S. H. Chan, Y. He, and J. H. Sun, “Prediction of Transient Nitric Oxide in Diesel Exhaust,” Proceedings of the
  • Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 213, no. 4, pp. 327–339, Apr. 1999.
  • F. Payri, J. M. Luján, J. Martín, and A. Abbad, “Digital signal processing of in-cylinder pressure for combustion
  • diagnosis of internal combustion engines,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1767–1784, Aug. 2010.
  • F. Payri, J. M. Luján, J. Martín, and A. Abbad, “Digital signal processing of in-cylinder pressure for combustion
  • diagnosis of internal combustion engines,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1767–1784, Aug. 2010.
  • M. F. J. Brunt, H. Rai, and A. L. Emtage, “The Calculation of Heat Release Energy from Engine Cylinder Pressure
  • Data,” SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 981052, Feb. 1998.
  • J. Jiang, F. Gu, R. Gennish, D. J. Moore, G. Harris, and A. D. Ball, “Monitoring of diesel engine combustions based on
  • the acoustic source characterisation of the exhaust system,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 22,
  • no. 6, pp. 1465–1480, Aug. 2008.
  • M. El-Ghamry, J. A. Steel, R. L. Reuben, and T. L. Fog, “Indirect measurement of cylinder pressure from diesel engines using acoustic emission,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 751–765, Jul. 2005.
  • S. Fernando, C. Hall, and S. Jha, “NOx Reduction from Biodiesel Fuels,” Energy Fuels, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 376–
  • , 2005.
  • I. Fluent, “FLUENT 6.3 User’s Guide - 20.1.3 Thermal NOx Formation.” [Online]. Available:
  • Fluent_6.3/fluent6.3/help/html/ug/node
  • htm. [Accessed: 15-May-2012].
  • A. M. Mellor, J. P. Mello, K. P. Duffy, W. L. Easley, and J. C. Faulkner, “Skeletal Mechanism for NOx Chemistry in Diesel Engines,” SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 981450, May 1998.
  • B. Tesfa, R. Mishra, C. Zhang, F. Gu, and A. D. Ball, “Combustion and performance characteristics of CI
  • (compression ignition) engine running with biodiesel,” Energy, vol. 51, pp. 101–115, Mar. 2013.
  • B. Tesfa, R. Mishra, F. Gu, and N. Powles, Prediction models for density and viscosity of biodiesel and their
  • effects on fuel supply system in CI engines,” Renewable Energy, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2752–2760, Dec. 2010.
  • B. S. Chauhan, N. Kumar, and H. M. Cho, “A study on the performance and emission of a diesel engine fueled with Jatropha biodiesel oil and its blends,” Energy, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 616–622, Jan. 2012.
  • A. Monyem and J. H. Van Gerpen, “The effect of iodiesel oxidation on engine performance and emissions,” Biomass
  • and Bioenergy, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 317–325, Apr. 2001.
  • G. Knothe, A. C. Matheaus, and T. W. Ryan III, “Cetane numbers of branched and straight-chain fatty esters
  • determined in an ignition quality tester☆,” Fuel, vol. 82, no. 8, pp. 971–975, May 2003.
  • Monyem, J. H. Van Gerpen, and M. Canakci, “The effect of timing and oxidation on emissions from iodiesel-fueled engines,” Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 35–42, 2001.
  • G. Labeckas and S. Slavinskas, “The effect of rapeseed oil methyl ester on direct injection Diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions,” Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 47, no. 13–14, pp. 1954–1967, Aug.
  • -
  • M. Lapuerta, O. Armas, and J. Rodríguez-Fernández, “Effect of biodiesel fuels on diesel engine emissions,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 198–223, Apr. 2008.
  • J. Xue, T. E. Grift, and A. C. Hansen, “Effect of biodiesel on engine performances and emissions,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1098–1116, Feb. 2011.
  • Z. Utlu and M. S. Kocak, “The effect of biodiesel fuel obtained from waste frying oil on direct injection diesel
  • engine performance and exhaust emissions,” Renewable Energy, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 1936–1941, Aug. 2008.
Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 54 - 65, 02.07.2014



  • B. Tesfa, R. Mishra, F. Gu, and O. Gilkes, “Emission Behaviour of a CI Engine Running by Biodiesel under
  • Transient Conditions,” SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 2010-01-1280, Apr. 2010.
  • B. Tesfa, F. Gu, R. Mishra, and A. Ball, “Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine Running with a Range of Biodiesel Feedstocks,” Energies, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 334–350, Jan. 2014.
  • S. M. Aithal, “Modeling of NOx formation in diesel engines using finite-rate chemical kinetics,” Applied Energy,
  • vol. 87, no. 7, pp. 2256–2265, 2010.
  • C.-Y. Lin and L.-W. Chen, “Engine performance and emission characteristics of three-phase diesel emulsions prepared by an ultrasonic emulsification method” Fuel, vol. 85, no. 5–6, pp. 593–600, Mar. 2006.
  • M. N. Nabi and J. E. Hustad, “Influence of Biodiesel Addition to Fischer − Tropsch Fuel on Diesel Engine
  • Performance and Exhaust Emissions,” Energy Fuels, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 2868 – 2874, May 2010.
  • B. Tesfa, R. Mishra, F. Gu, and A. D. Ball, “Water injection effects on the performance and emission characteristics of a CI engine operating with biodiesel,” Renewable Energy, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 333–344, Jan. 2012.
  • H. C. Krijnsen, V. Kooten1, W. E. J, H. P. A. Calis, R. P. Verbeek, V. D. Bleek, and C. M, “Evaluation of an artificial
  • neural network for NOX emission prediction from a transient diesel engine as a base for NOX control,” The
  • Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 408–417, Mar. 2009.
  • O. Armas, J. J. Hernández, and M. D. Cárdenas, “Reduction of diesel smoke opacity from vegetable oil methyl esters during transient operation,” Fuel, vol. 85, no. 17–18, pp. 2427–2438, Dec. 2006.
  • S. Samuel, D. Morrey, D. H. C. Taylor, and M. Fowkes, “Parametric Study into the Effects of Factors Affecting Real-World Vehicle Exhaust Emission Levels,” SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 2007-01-1084, Apr. 2007.
  • S. H. Chan, Y. He, and J. H. Sun, “Prediction of Transient Nitric Oxide in Diesel Exhaust,” Proceedings of the
  • Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 213, no. 4, pp. 327–339, Apr. 1999.
  • F. Payri, J. M. Luján, J. Martín, and A. Abbad, “Digital signal processing of in-cylinder pressure for combustion
  • diagnosis of internal combustion engines,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1767–1784, Aug. 2010.
  • F. Payri, J. M. Luján, J. Martín, and A. Abbad, “Digital signal processing of in-cylinder pressure for combustion
  • diagnosis of internal combustion engines,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1767–1784, Aug. 2010.
  • M. F. J. Brunt, H. Rai, and A. L. Emtage, “The Calculation of Heat Release Energy from Engine Cylinder Pressure
  • Data,” SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 981052, Feb. 1998.
  • J. Jiang, F. Gu, R. Gennish, D. J. Moore, G. Harris, and A. D. Ball, “Monitoring of diesel engine combustions based on
  • the acoustic source characterisation of the exhaust system,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 22,
  • no. 6, pp. 1465–1480, Aug. 2008.
  • M. El-Ghamry, J. A. Steel, R. L. Reuben, and T. L. Fog, “Indirect measurement of cylinder pressure from diesel engines using acoustic emission,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 751–765, Jul. 2005.
  • S. Fernando, C. Hall, and S. Jha, “NOx Reduction from Biodiesel Fuels,” Energy Fuels, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 376–
  • , 2005.
  • I. Fluent, “FLUENT 6.3 User’s Guide - 20.1.3 Thermal NOx Formation.” [Online]. Available:
  • Fluent_6.3/fluent6.3/help/html/ug/node
  • htm. [Accessed: 15-May-2012].
  • A. M. Mellor, J. P. Mello, K. P. Duffy, W. L. Easley, and J. C. Faulkner, “Skeletal Mechanism for NOx Chemistry in Diesel Engines,” SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 981450, May 1998.
  • B. Tesfa, R. Mishra, C. Zhang, F. Gu, and A. D. Ball, “Combustion and performance characteristics of CI
  • (compression ignition) engine running with biodiesel,” Energy, vol. 51, pp. 101–115, Mar. 2013.
  • B. Tesfa, R. Mishra, F. Gu, and N. Powles, Prediction models for density and viscosity of biodiesel and their
  • effects on fuel supply system in CI engines,” Renewable Energy, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2752–2760, Dec. 2010.
  • B. S. Chauhan, N. Kumar, and H. M. Cho, “A study on the performance and emission of a diesel engine fueled with Jatropha biodiesel oil and its blends,” Energy, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 616–622, Jan. 2012.
  • A. Monyem and J. H. Van Gerpen, “The effect of iodiesel oxidation on engine performance and emissions,” Biomass
  • and Bioenergy, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 317–325, Apr. 2001.
  • G. Knothe, A. C. Matheaus, and T. W. Ryan III, “Cetane numbers of branched and straight-chain fatty esters
  • determined in an ignition quality tester☆,” Fuel, vol. 82, no. 8, pp. 971–975, May 2003.
  • Monyem, J. H. Van Gerpen, and M. Canakci, “The effect of timing and oxidation on emissions from iodiesel-fueled engines,” Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 35–42, 2001.
  • G. Labeckas and S. Slavinskas, “The effect of rapeseed oil methyl ester on direct injection Diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions,” Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 47, no. 13–14, pp. 1954–1967, Aug.
  • -
  • M. Lapuerta, O. Armas, and J. Rodríguez-Fernández, “Effect of biodiesel fuels on diesel engine emissions,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 198–223, Apr. 2008.
  • J. Xue, T. E. Grift, and A. C. Hansen, “Effect of biodiesel on engine performances and emissions,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1098–1116, Feb. 2011.
  • Z. Utlu and M. S. Kocak, “The effect of biodiesel fuel obtained from waste frying oil on direct injection diesel
  • engine performance and exhaust emissions,” Renewable Energy, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 1936–1941, Aug. 2008.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Article

Belachew Tesfa

R. Mishra This is me

F. Gu This is me

A. D. Ball This is me

Publication Date July 2, 2014
Submission Date November 4, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Tesfa, B., Mishra, R., Gu, F., Ball, A. D. (2014). NOx Emission prediction based on measurement of in-cylinder pressure for CI engine running with diesel and biodiesel / Dizel ve Biyodizel Yakıt ile Çalışan Cı Motor için Silindir içi Basınç Ölçümü ile NOx Salınımı Tahmini. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 3(2), 54-65.
AMA Tesfa B, Mishra R, Gu F, Ball AD. NOx Emission prediction based on measurement of in-cylinder pressure for CI engine running with diesel and biodiesel / Dizel ve Biyodizel Yakıt ile Çalışan Cı Motor için Silindir içi Basınç Ölçümü ile NOx Salınımı Tahmini. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. July 2014;3(2):54-65. doi:10.18245/ijaet.42717
Chicago Tesfa, Belachew, R. Mishra, F. Gu, and A. D. Ball. “NOx Emission Prediction Based on Measurement of in-Cylinder Pressure for CI Engine Running With Diesel and Biodiesel / Dizel Ve Biyodizel Yakıt Ile Çalışan Cı Motor için Silindir içi Basınç Ölçümü Ile NOx Salınımı Tahmini”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 3, no. 2 (July 2014): 54-65.
EndNote Tesfa B, Mishra R, Gu F, Ball AD (July 1, 2014) NOx Emission prediction based on measurement of in-cylinder pressure for CI engine running with diesel and biodiesel / Dizel ve Biyodizel Yakıt ile Çalışan Cı Motor için Silindir içi Basınç Ölçümü ile NOx Salınımı Tahmini. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 3 2 54–65.
IEEE B. Tesfa, R. Mishra, F. Gu, and A. D. Ball, “NOx Emission prediction based on measurement of in-cylinder pressure for CI engine running with diesel and biodiesel / Dizel ve Biyodizel Yakıt ile Çalışan Cı Motor için Silindir içi Basınç Ölçümü ile NOx Salınımı Tahmini”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 54–65, 2014, doi: 10.18245/ijaet.42717.
ISNAD Tesfa, Belachew et al. “NOx Emission Prediction Based on Measurement of in-Cylinder Pressure for CI Engine Running With Diesel and Biodiesel / Dizel Ve Biyodizel Yakıt Ile Çalışan Cı Motor için Silindir içi Basınç Ölçümü Ile NOx Salınımı Tahmini”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 3/2 (July 2014), 54-65.
JAMA Tesfa B, Mishra R, Gu F, Ball AD. NOx Emission prediction based on measurement of in-cylinder pressure for CI engine running with diesel and biodiesel / Dizel ve Biyodizel Yakıt ile Çalışan Cı Motor için Silindir içi Basınç Ölçümü ile NOx Salınımı Tahmini. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2014;3:54–65.
MLA Tesfa, Belachew et al. “NOx Emission Prediction Based on Measurement of in-Cylinder Pressure for CI Engine Running With Diesel and Biodiesel / Dizel Ve Biyodizel Yakıt Ile Çalışan Cı Motor için Silindir içi Basınç Ölçümü Ile NOx Salınımı Tahmini”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, vol. 3, no. 2, 2014, pp. 54-65, doi:10.18245/ijaet.42717.
Vancouver Tesfa B, Mishra R, Gu F, Ball AD. NOx Emission prediction based on measurement of in-cylinder pressure for CI engine running with diesel and biodiesel / Dizel ve Biyodizel Yakıt ile Çalışan Cı Motor için Silindir içi Basınç Ölçümü ile NOx Salınımı Tahmini. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2014;3(2):54-65.