Research Article
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Combustion of emulsified and non-emulsified biofuels

Year 2025, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 11 - 24, 25.03.2025


Greener aviation and automotive industry are needed in the fight against climate change. Targets set out by key organizations call for emissions to be reduced. Biofuels present an innovative route to achieving such targets. The goal of this study is to investigate a sunflower oil-based biofuel in its non-emulsified and emulsified form. The aim is to create an experimental setup that can be used to carry out simple droplet combustion experiments, capable of igniting biofuel droplets. In addition to providing an understanding of emulsified and non-emulsified biofuels. The methodology outlines how a literature review was conducted to investigate the current experimental setup, which was used to help design a simple low cost set up for this research undertaking. The methodology also states that by analyzing the behavior and data collected during the testing phase, an insight into the behavior of such biofuels is obtained. The key parameters to be measured were the ignition delay times, the total combustion time period and the ignition temperatures. The observation of any phenomena was also to be noted. The results showed that ignition temperatures, ignition time delays and the total combustion time for an emulsified sunflower oil droplet are significantly lower compared to non-emulsified sunflower oil droplet. This is because of the presence of water in the emulsion which lowers the boiling temperature, enables phenomena such a micro-explosion and puffing to occur easily. As a result of such phenomena occurring, an improved and efficient combustion is completed. The impact of this work shows that by emulsifying biofuels in the form of vegetable oils, their properties to be used as a fuel are improved. There is great potential for use in the aviation sector with more research to be conducted on the emulsification of droplets.

Ethical Statement

The Research received no funding.

Project Number

The research was conducted in the frame work of S. Parkash in the frame work of his final year MEng project at the university of Nottingham


  • Flight Path 2050 Europe’s Vision for Aviation, 2011.
  • Gegg PK, Budd L, Ison S. The market development of aviation biofuel: Drivers and constraints. Journal of Air Transport Management, Jul 1, 39, 34–40, 2014. Available from:
  • European Aviation Environmental Report 2019. 2017.
  • Wang M, Dewil R, Maniatis K, Wheeldon J, Tan T, Baeyens J, et al. Biomass-derived aviation fuels: Challenges and perspective. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Sep 1, 74, 31–49, 2019. Available from:
  • Prussi M, O’Connell A, Laura L. Analysis of current aviation biofuel technical production potential in EU28. Biomass & Bioenergy, Nov 1, 130, 105371, 2019. Available from:
  • Mazlan NM, Savill AM, Kipouros T. Effects of biofuels properties on aircraft engine performance. Aircraft Engineering, Sep 7, 87, 5, 437–42, 2015. Available from:
  • Azami MH, Savill AM. Comparative study of alternative biofuels on aircraft engine performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Jun 22, 231, 8, 1509–21, 2016. Available from:
  • Cortez LAB, Nigro FEB, Nogueira LAH, Nassar AM, Cantarella H, De Moraes MAFD, et al. Perspectives for sustainable aviation Biofuels in Brazil. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Jan 1, 2015, 1–12, 2015. Available from:
  • Downey RK, Röbbelen G, Ashri A. Oil crops of the world: their breeding and utilization. Choice/Choice Reviews, Dec 1, 27, 04, 27–2107, 1989. Available from:
  • Barontini F, Simone M, Triana F, Am M, Ragaglini G, Nicolella C. Pilot-scale biofuel production from sunflower crops in central Italy. Renewable Energy, Nov 1, 83, 954–62, 2015. Available from:
  • Anastasi U, Santonoceto C, Giuffrè AM, Sortino O, Gresta F, Abbate V. Yield performance and grain lipid composition of standard and oleic sunflower as affected by water supply. Field Crops Research, Oct 1, 119, 1, 145–53, 2010. Available from:
  • Sanz-Requena JF, Guimarães AC, Alpera SQ, Gangas ER, Hernández-Navarro S, Navas-Gracia LM, et al. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the biofuel production process from sunflower oil, rapeseed oil and soybean oil. Fuel Processing Technology, Feb 1, 92, 2, 190–9, 2011. Available from:
  • Hemanandh J, Narayanan KV. Emission and Performance analysis of hydrotreated refined sunflower oil as alternate fuel. Alexandria Engineering Journal Alexandria Engineering Journal, Sep 1, 54, 3, 389–93, 2015. Available from:
  • Amini-Niaki SR, Ghazanfari A. Comparison of fuel and emission properties of petro diesel and sunflower biodiesel prepared by optimized production variables. Fuel, Jul 1, 109, 384–8, 2013. Available from:
  • B Ziebell A, Barb JG, Sandhu S, Moyers BT, Sykes R, Doeppke C, et al. Sunflower as a biofuels crop: An analysis of lignocellulosic chemical properties. Biomass & Bioenergy, Dec 1, 59, 208–17, 2013. Available from:
  • Zhao X, Wei L, Julson J, Qiao Q, Dubey A, Anderson GA. Catalytic cracking of non-edible sunflower oil over ZSM-5 for hydrocarbon bio-jet fuel. New Biotechnology, Mar 1, 32, 2, 300–12, 2015. Available from:
  • Xu Y, Keresztes I, Condo AM, Phillips D, Pepiot P, Avedisian CT. Droplet combustion characteristics of algae-derived renewable diesel, conventional #2 diesel, and their mixtures. Fuel, Mar 1, 67, 295–305, 2016. Available from:
  • Liu Y, Alam FE, Xu Y, Dryer FL, Avedisian CT, Farouk T. Combustion characteristics of butanol isomers in multiphase droplet configurations. Combustion and Flame, Jul 1, 169, 216–28, 2016. Available from:
  • Liu Y, Savas AJ, Avedisian CT. The spherically symmetric droplet burning characteristics of Jet-A and biofuels derived from camelina and tallow. Fuel, Jun 1, 108, 824–32, 2013. Available from:
  • Alam FE, Liu Y, Avedisian CT, Dryer FL, Farouk T. n-Butanol droplet combustion: Numerical modeling and reduced gravity experiments. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jan 1, 35, 2, 1693–700, 2015. Available from:
  • Ma Z, Li Y, Li Z, Du W, Yin Z, Xu S. Evaporation and combustion characteristics of hydrocarbon fuel droplet in sub- and super-critical environments. Fuel, May 1, 220, 763–8, 2018. Available from:
  • Rasid AFA, Zhang Y. Combustion characteristics and liquid-phase visualisation of single isolated diesel droplet with surface contaminated by soot particles. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jan 1, 37, 3, 3401–8, 2019. Available from:
  • Reham SS, Masjuki HH, Kalam MA, Shancita I, Fattah IMR, Ruhul AM. Study on stability, fuel properties, engine combustion, performance and emission characteristics of biofuel emulsion. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Dec 1, 52, 1566–79, 2015. Available from:
  • Debnath BK, Sahoo N, Saha UK. Adjusting the operating characteristics to improve the performance of an emulsified palm oil methyl ester run diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, May 1, 69, 191–8, 2013. Available from:
  • Ithnin AM, Nishihara H, Kadir HA, Jazair W. An overview of utilizing water-in-diesel emulsion fuel in diesel engine and its potential research study. Journal of the Energy Institute, Nov 1, 87, 4, 273–88, 2014. Available from:
  • Liang Y, Wei H, Zhang W. Effect of oxygen enriched combustion and water–diesel emulsion on the performance and emissions of turbocharged diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, Sep 1, 73, 69–77, 2013. Available from:
  • Kim HM, Baek SW, Chang D. Auto-Ignition characteristics of Singlen-Heptane droplet in a rapid compression machine. Combustion Science and Technology, May 28, 186, 7, 912–27, 2014. Available from:
  • Kim HM, Baek SW. Combustion of a single emulsion fuel droplet in a rapid compression machine. Energy, Jul 1, 106, 422–30, 2016. Available from:
  • Kim H, Won J, Baek SW. Evaporation of a single emulsion fuel droplet in elevated temperature and pressure conditions. Fuel, Aug 1, 226, 172–80, 2018. Available from:
  • Avulapati MM, Ganippa L, Xia J, Megaritis A. Puffing and micro-explosion of diesel–biodiesel–ethanol blends. Fuel, Feb 1, 166, 59–66, 2016. Available from:
  • Khan MY, Karim ZAA, Aziz A, Tan IM. Experimental Investigation of Microexplosion Occurrence in Water in Diesel Emulsion Droplets during the Leidenfrost Effect. Energy & Fuels, Oct 30, 28, 11, 7079–84, 2014. Available from:
  • Sahota R. and Dakka S.M. Investigating the Stability of Biofuels Using Sunflower Oil, Chem Engineering, 4, 2, 36, 2020. Available from:
  • Mura, E.; Massoli, P.; Josset, C.; Loubar, K.; Bellettre, J. Study of the micro-explosion temperature of water in oil emulsion droplets during the Leidenfrost effect. Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci., 43, 63–70, 2012.
  • Shinjo J, Xia J, Ganippa L, Megaritis A. Physics of puffing and microexplosion of emulsion fuel droplets. Physics of Fluids [Internet]. 2014 Oct 1;26(10). Available from:
  • D.V. Antonov, P.A. Strizhak, R.M. Fedorenko, Z. Nissar, S.S. Sazhin. P Puffing/micro-explosion of two closely spaced composite droplets in tandem: experimental results and modelling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 121449, September 2021.
  • Mura. E., Josset. C., Loubar. K., Huchet. G., Bellettre. J. Effect of dispersed water droplet size in micro-explosion phenomenon for water in oil emulsion. Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 20, pp. 791-799, 2010.
  • Javier M. Ballester, Norberto Fueyo, César Dopazo, Combustion characteristics of heavy oil-water emulsions, Fuel. Volume 75, Issue 6, Pages 695-705, May 1996.

Combustion of emulsified and non-emulsified biofuels

Year 2025, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 11 - 24, 25.03.2025


Greener aviation and automotive industry are needed in the fight against climate change. Targets set out by key organizations call for emissions to be reduced. Biofuels present an innovative route to achieving such targets. The goal of this study is to investigate a sunflower oil-based biofuel in its non-emulsified and emulsified form. The aim is to create an experimental setup that can be used to carry out simple droplet combustion experiments, capable of igniting biofuel droplets. In addition to providing an understanding of emulsified and non-emulsified biofuels. The methodology outlines how a literature review was conducted to investigate the current experimental setup, which was used to help design a simple low cost set up for this research undertaking. The methodology also states that by analyzing the behavior and data collected during the testing phase, an insight into the behavior of such biofuels is obtained. The key parameters to be measured were the ignition delay times, the total combustion time period and the ignition temperatures. The observation of any phenomena was also to be noted. The results showed that ignition temperatures, ignition time delays and the total combustion time for an emulsified sunflower oil droplet are significantly lower compared to non-emulsified sunflower oil droplet. This is because of the presence of water in the emulsion which lowers the boiling temperature, enables phenomena such a micro-explosion and puffing to occur easily. As a result of such phenomena occurring, an improved and efficient combustion is completed. The impact of this work shows that by emulsifying biofuels in the form of vegetable oils, their properties to be used as a fuel are improved. There is great potential for use in the aviation sector with more research to be conducted on the emulsification of droplets.

Project Number

The research was conducted in the frame work of S. Parkash in the frame work of his final year MEng project at the university of Nottingham


  • Flight Path 2050 Europe’s Vision for Aviation, 2011.
  • Gegg PK, Budd L, Ison S. The market development of aviation biofuel: Drivers and constraints. Journal of Air Transport Management, Jul 1, 39, 34–40, 2014. Available from:
  • European Aviation Environmental Report 2019. 2017.
  • Wang M, Dewil R, Maniatis K, Wheeldon J, Tan T, Baeyens J, et al. Biomass-derived aviation fuels: Challenges and perspective. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Sep 1, 74, 31–49, 2019. Available from:
  • Prussi M, O’Connell A, Laura L. Analysis of current aviation biofuel technical production potential in EU28. Biomass & Bioenergy, Nov 1, 130, 105371, 2019. Available from:
  • Mazlan NM, Savill AM, Kipouros T. Effects of biofuels properties on aircraft engine performance. Aircraft Engineering, Sep 7, 87, 5, 437–42, 2015. Available from:
  • Azami MH, Savill AM. Comparative study of alternative biofuels on aircraft engine performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Jun 22, 231, 8, 1509–21, 2016. Available from:
  • Cortez LAB, Nigro FEB, Nogueira LAH, Nassar AM, Cantarella H, De Moraes MAFD, et al. Perspectives for sustainable aviation Biofuels in Brazil. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Jan 1, 2015, 1–12, 2015. Available from:
  • Downey RK, Röbbelen G, Ashri A. Oil crops of the world: their breeding and utilization. Choice/Choice Reviews, Dec 1, 27, 04, 27–2107, 1989. Available from:
  • Barontini F, Simone M, Triana F, Am M, Ragaglini G, Nicolella C. Pilot-scale biofuel production from sunflower crops in central Italy. Renewable Energy, Nov 1, 83, 954–62, 2015. Available from:
  • Anastasi U, Santonoceto C, Giuffrè AM, Sortino O, Gresta F, Abbate V. Yield performance and grain lipid composition of standard and oleic sunflower as affected by water supply. Field Crops Research, Oct 1, 119, 1, 145–53, 2010. Available from:
  • Sanz-Requena JF, Guimarães AC, Alpera SQ, Gangas ER, Hernández-Navarro S, Navas-Gracia LM, et al. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the biofuel production process from sunflower oil, rapeseed oil and soybean oil. Fuel Processing Technology, Feb 1, 92, 2, 190–9, 2011. Available from:
  • Hemanandh J, Narayanan KV. Emission and Performance analysis of hydrotreated refined sunflower oil as alternate fuel. Alexandria Engineering Journal Alexandria Engineering Journal, Sep 1, 54, 3, 389–93, 2015. Available from:
  • Amini-Niaki SR, Ghazanfari A. Comparison of fuel and emission properties of petro diesel and sunflower biodiesel prepared by optimized production variables. Fuel, Jul 1, 109, 384–8, 2013. Available from:
  • B Ziebell A, Barb JG, Sandhu S, Moyers BT, Sykes R, Doeppke C, et al. Sunflower as a biofuels crop: An analysis of lignocellulosic chemical properties. Biomass & Bioenergy, Dec 1, 59, 208–17, 2013. Available from:
  • Zhao X, Wei L, Julson J, Qiao Q, Dubey A, Anderson GA. Catalytic cracking of non-edible sunflower oil over ZSM-5 for hydrocarbon bio-jet fuel. New Biotechnology, Mar 1, 32, 2, 300–12, 2015. Available from:
  • Xu Y, Keresztes I, Condo AM, Phillips D, Pepiot P, Avedisian CT. Droplet combustion characteristics of algae-derived renewable diesel, conventional #2 diesel, and their mixtures. Fuel, Mar 1, 67, 295–305, 2016. Available from:
  • Liu Y, Alam FE, Xu Y, Dryer FL, Avedisian CT, Farouk T. Combustion characteristics of butanol isomers in multiphase droplet configurations. Combustion and Flame, Jul 1, 169, 216–28, 2016. Available from:
  • Liu Y, Savas AJ, Avedisian CT. The spherically symmetric droplet burning characteristics of Jet-A and biofuels derived from camelina and tallow. Fuel, Jun 1, 108, 824–32, 2013. Available from:
  • Alam FE, Liu Y, Avedisian CT, Dryer FL, Farouk T. n-Butanol droplet combustion: Numerical modeling and reduced gravity experiments. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jan 1, 35, 2, 1693–700, 2015. Available from:
  • Ma Z, Li Y, Li Z, Du W, Yin Z, Xu S. Evaporation and combustion characteristics of hydrocarbon fuel droplet in sub- and super-critical environments. Fuel, May 1, 220, 763–8, 2018. Available from:
  • Rasid AFA, Zhang Y. Combustion characteristics and liquid-phase visualisation of single isolated diesel droplet with surface contaminated by soot particles. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jan 1, 37, 3, 3401–8, 2019. Available from:
  • Reham SS, Masjuki HH, Kalam MA, Shancita I, Fattah IMR, Ruhul AM. Study on stability, fuel properties, engine combustion, performance and emission characteristics of biofuel emulsion. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Dec 1, 52, 1566–79, 2015. Available from:
  • Debnath BK, Sahoo N, Saha UK. Adjusting the operating characteristics to improve the performance of an emulsified palm oil methyl ester run diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, May 1, 69, 191–8, 2013. Available from:
  • Ithnin AM, Nishihara H, Kadir HA, Jazair W. An overview of utilizing water-in-diesel emulsion fuel in diesel engine and its potential research study. Journal of the Energy Institute, Nov 1, 87, 4, 273–88, 2014. Available from:
  • Liang Y, Wei H, Zhang W. Effect of oxygen enriched combustion and water–diesel emulsion on the performance and emissions of turbocharged diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, Sep 1, 73, 69–77, 2013. Available from:
  • Kim HM, Baek SW, Chang D. Auto-Ignition characteristics of Singlen-Heptane droplet in a rapid compression machine. Combustion Science and Technology, May 28, 186, 7, 912–27, 2014. Available from:
  • Kim HM, Baek SW. Combustion of a single emulsion fuel droplet in a rapid compression machine. Energy, Jul 1, 106, 422–30, 2016. Available from:
  • Kim H, Won J, Baek SW. Evaporation of a single emulsion fuel droplet in elevated temperature and pressure conditions. Fuel, Aug 1, 226, 172–80, 2018. Available from:
  • Avulapati MM, Ganippa L, Xia J, Megaritis A. Puffing and micro-explosion of diesel–biodiesel–ethanol blends. Fuel, Feb 1, 166, 59–66, 2016. Available from:
  • Khan MY, Karim ZAA, Aziz A, Tan IM. Experimental Investigation of Microexplosion Occurrence in Water in Diesel Emulsion Droplets during the Leidenfrost Effect. Energy & Fuels, Oct 30, 28, 11, 7079–84, 2014. Available from:
  • Sahota R. and Dakka S.M. Investigating the Stability of Biofuels Using Sunflower Oil, Chem Engineering, 4, 2, 36, 2020. Available from:
  • Mura, E.; Massoli, P.; Josset, C.; Loubar, K.; Bellettre, J. Study of the micro-explosion temperature of water in oil emulsion droplets during the Leidenfrost effect. Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci., 43, 63–70, 2012.
  • Shinjo J, Xia J, Ganippa L, Megaritis A. Physics of puffing and microexplosion of emulsion fuel droplets. Physics of Fluids [Internet]. 2014 Oct 1;26(10). Available from:
  • D.V. Antonov, P.A. Strizhak, R.M. Fedorenko, Z. Nissar, S.S. Sazhin. P Puffing/micro-explosion of two closely spaced composite droplets in tandem: experimental results and modelling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 121449, September 2021.
  • Mura. E., Josset. C., Loubar. K., Huchet. G., Bellettre. J. Effect of dispersed water droplet size in micro-explosion phenomenon for water in oil emulsion. Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 20, pp. 791-799, 2010.
  • Javier M. Ballester, Norberto Fueyo, César Dopazo, Combustion characteristics of heavy oil-water emulsions, Fuel. Volume 75, Issue 6, Pages 695-705, May 1996.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Internal Combustion Engines, Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering
Journal Section Article

Sahaj Parkash This is me 0009-0002-8337-8457

Sam Dakka 0000-0001-9225-761X

Project Number The research was conducted in the frame work of S. Parkash in the frame work of his final year MEng project at the university of Nottingham
Publication Date March 25, 2025
Submission Date April 24, 2024
Acceptance Date January 5, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


APA Parkash, S., & Dakka, S. (2025). Combustion of emulsified and non-emulsified biofuels. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 14(1), 11-24.
AMA Parkash S, Dakka S. Combustion of emulsified and non-emulsified biofuels. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. March 2025;14(1):11-24.
Chicago Parkash, Sahaj, and Sam Dakka. “Combustion of Emulsified and Non-Emulsified Biofuels”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 14, no. 1 (March 2025): 11-24.
EndNote Parkash S, Dakka S (March 1, 2025) Combustion of emulsified and non-emulsified biofuels. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 14 1 11–24.
IEEE S. Parkash and S. Dakka, “Combustion of emulsified and non-emulsified biofuels”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 11–24, 2025.
ISNAD Parkash, Sahaj - Dakka, Sam. “Combustion of Emulsified and Non-Emulsified Biofuels”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 14/1 (March 2025), 11-24.
JAMA Parkash S, Dakka S. Combustion of emulsified and non-emulsified biofuels. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2025;14:11–24.
MLA Parkash, Sahaj and Sam Dakka. “Combustion of Emulsified and Non-Emulsified Biofuels”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, vol. 14, no. 1, 2025, pp. 11-24.
Vancouver Parkash S, Dakka S. Combustion of emulsified and non-emulsified biofuels. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2025;14(1):11-24.