Research Article
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Evaluation of key fuel properties of three generation biodiesel fuels: an experimental investigation of feedstock type

Year 2025, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 56 - 68, 25.03.2025


Transportation sector is one of the most important causes of environmental problems such as global warming and acid rain. To reduce transportation's negative impacts on the environment, it should be made carbon neutral. Although electrification has been very popular in recent years, internal combustion engines will continue to dominate transportation for a long time. Biodiesel can be produced from varios feedstocks and is classified into three generation according to its feedstock origin. However, the fuel properties of biodiesel fuels of different generations vary significantly depending on feedstock. Biodiesel fuels' physico-chemical fuel properties greatly influence the engine characteristics and exhaust emissions. In this experimental study, 13 different biodiesel fuels' (including three generations) some key fuel properties such as kinematic viscosity, density, flash point, cold filter plugging point and cetane index were determined and compared with each other. The highest and the lowest kinematic viscosities were measured for Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel and Soybean Oil Biodiesel, respectively. Among the biodiesel fuels, only Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel and Waste Chicken Fat Biodiesel could not meet the viscosity specification in EN 14214. The density values of test fuels were very similar (between 875.83 kg.m-3 and 891.46 kg.m-3) and all were within the required specification range. The lowest flash point (142 °C) was measured for Algae Oil Biodiesel. It was considerably lower than other fuels. The highest flash point (184 °C) belonged to Hazelnut Oil Biodiesel. Waste Fleshing Oil Biodiesel and Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel had the highest (58.80) and lowest (50.54) cetane values, respectively. However, all biodiesels met the minimum cetane value given in European biodiesel standard. The most significant differences (ranged from -10 °C and 10 °C) between the fuel properties of biodiesels of different origins were observed in CFPP. The viscosity and poor cold flow properties of waste feedstock-based biodiesels may cause critical problems in diesel engines. Nevertheless, they can be blended with other biodiesels or petro-diesel in certain amounts. Among the biodiesel fuels of different origins tested in this study, algae oil biodiesel has the best physico-chemical fuel properties and technical potential.


  • Statista. Industrial energy consumption worldwide in 2022, with a forecast until 2050, by energy source. , accessed on October 8, 2024.
  • International Energy Agency (IEA). Transport-Tracking transport. Why is transport important? , accessed on October 10, 2024.
  • International Energy Agency (IEA). Global EV outlook 2024. Trends in electric cars., accessed on October 10, 2024.
  • International Energy Agency (IEA). Bioenergy Annual Report 2023., accessed on October 11, 2024.
  • Musavi SA, Bakhshi H, Khoobkar Z, “Biodiesel production from chlorella sp. microalgae using new derived calcium methoxide-microalgae based catalyst”, Fuel, Volume:387, 134459, 2025.
  • Sethin A, Oo YM, Thawornprasert J, Somnuk K, “Effects of blended diesel-biodiesel fuel on emissions of a common rail direct injection diesel engine with different exhaust gas recirculation rates”, ACS Omega, Volume:9, pp:20906-20918, 2024.
  • Sanli H, “An experimental investigation on the usage of waste frying oil-diesel fuel blends with low viscosity in a common rail DI-diesel engine”, Fuel, Volume:222, pp: 434-443, 2018.
  • Alptekin E, Sanli H, Canakci M, “Effects of biodiesel fuels produced from vegetable oil and waste animal fat on the characteristics of a TDI diesel engine”, European Journal of Technique, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, pp: 36-42, 2022.
  • Gadore V, Mishra SR, Ahmaruzzaman Md, “Visible light-deriven photocatalytic biodiesel production using novel SnS2/fly ash photocatalyst”, Fuel, Volume:382, 133615, 2025.
  • Canakci M, Sanli H, “Biodiesel production from various feedstocks and their effects on the fuel properties”, Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Volume: 35, Issue: 5, pp: 431-441, 2008.
  • Pamuluri VKN, Avulapati MM, “Effect of composition and temperature on the puffing and microexplosion of diesel-ethanol-jatropha oil ternary fuel droplets”, Energy, Volume:308, 132755, 2024.
  • Chen Z, Zhao P, Zhang H, Chen H, He H, Wu J, Wang L, Lou H, “An optical study on the cross-spray characteristics and combustion flames of automobile engine fueled with diesel/methanol under various injection timings”, Energy, Volume:290, 130286, 2024.
  • Luo H, Fan W, Li Y, Nan G, “Biodiesel production using alkaline ionic liquid and adopted as lubricity additive for low-sulfur diesel fuel”, Bioresource Technology, Volume:140, pp:337-341, 2013.
  • Gadore V, Mishra SR, Ahmaruzzaman Md, “Advances in photocatalytic biodiesel production: preparation methods, modifications and mechanisms”, Fuel, Volume: 362, pp: 130749, 2024.
  • Yasar F, “Comparision of fuel properties of biodiesel fuels produced from different oils to determine the most suitable feedstock type”, Fuel, Volume: 264, pp: 116817, 2020.
  • Mekonnen KD, Sendekie ZB, “NaOH-Catalyzed methanolysis optimization of biodiesel synthesis from desert date seed kernel oil”, ACS Omega, Volume: 6, pp: 24082-24091, 2021.
  • Atadashi IM, Aroua MK, Abdul Aziz AR, Sulaiman NMN, “The effects of catalysts in biodiesel production: A review”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Volume: 19, pp: 14-26, 2013.
  • Sanli H, Alptekin E, Canakci M, “Production of Fuel Quality Ethyl Ester Biodiesel: 1. Laboratory-Scale Optimization of Waste Frying Oil Ethanolysis, 2. Pilot-Scale Production with the Optimal Reaction Conditions”, Waste and Biomass Valorization, Volume: 10, pp:1889-1898, 2019.
  • Alptekin E, Canakci M, Sanli H, “Evaluation of leather industry wastes as a feedstock for biodiesel production”, Fuel, Volume: 95, pp: 214-220, 2012.
  • Verma P, Sharma MP, Dwivedi G, “Impact of alcohol on biodiesel production and properties”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume: 56, pp: 319-333, 2016.
  • Kumar N, “Oxidative stability of biodiesel: Causes, effects and prevention”, Fuel, Volume: 190, pp: 328-350, 2017.
  • Leng L, Li W, Li H, Jiang S, Zhou W, “Cold Flow Properties of Biodiesel and the Improvement Methods: AReview”, Energy Fuels, Volume: 34, pp: 10364-10383, 2020.
  • Fathurrahman NA, Auzani AS, Zaelani R, Anggrani R, Aisyah L, Wibowo CS, “Lubricity Properties of Palm Oil Biodiesel Blends with Petroleum Diesel and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil”, Lubricants, Volume: 11, Issue: 4, 2023.
  • Haas MJ, McAloon AJ, Yee WC, Foglia TA, “A process model to estimate biodiesel production costs”, Bioresource Technology, Volume: 97, Issue: 4, pp: 671-678, 2006.
  • Pourhoseini SA, Karimian A, “Optimization of oil extraction from Melia azedarach fruits using methanol-modified SC-CO2 for highly efficient biodiesel production using a modified LAC catalyst”, Fuel, Volume: 380, pp: 133024, 2025.
  • Pandey S, Narayanan I, Selveraj R, Varadavenkatesan T, Vinayagan R, “Biodiesel production from microalgae: A comprehensive review on influential factors, transesterification processes, and challenges”, Fuel, Volume: 367, pp: 131547, 2024.
  • Alptekin E, Canakci M, Ozsezen AN, Turkcan A, Sanli H, “Using waste animal fat based biodiesels-bioethanol-diesel fuel blends in a DI diesel engine”, Fuel, Volume: 157, pp: 245-254, 2015.
  • Fu J, “Flash points measurements and prediction of biofuels and biofuel blends with aromatic fluids”, Fuel, Volume: 241, pp: 892-900, 2019.
  • Zhang Z, Li D, Niu C, Pan M, Guan W, Liu H, Lu K, Tan D, “Soot formation mechanism of modern automobile engines and methods of reducing soot emission for catalyzed diesel particulate filter: A review”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume: 190, pp: 1403-1430, 2024.
  • Sia CB, Kansedo J, Tan YH, Lee KT, “Evaluation on biodiesel cold flow properties, oxidative stability and enhancement strategies: A review”, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Volume: 24, pp: 101514, 2020.
  • Santos SM, Wolf-Maciel MR, Fregolente LV, “Cold flow properties: Applying exploratory analyses and assessing predictive methods for biodiesel and diesel-biodiesel blends”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume: 57, pp: 103230, 2023.
  • Wang B, Lau YS, Huang Y, Organ B, Chuang HC, Ho SSH, Qu L, Lee SC, Ho KF, “Chemical and toxicological characterization of particulate emissions from diesel vehicles”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume: 405, pp: 124613, 2021.
  • Tan P, Zhao J, Hu Z, Lau D, Du A, Du D, “Effects of fuel properties on exhaust emissions from diesel engines”, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, pp: 347-355, 2013.
  • Agarwal AK, Singh AP, Maurya RK, Shukla PC, Dhar A, Srivastava DK, “Combustion characteristics of a common rail direct injection engine using different fuel injection strategies”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume: 134, pp: 475-484, 2018.
  • Sanli H, Alptekin E, Canakci M, “Using low viscosity micro-emulsification fuels composed of waste frying oil-diesel fuel-higher bio-alcohols in a turbocharged-CRDI diesel engine”, Fuel, Volume: 308, pp: 121966, 2022.
  • Wei YJ, Zhang YJ, Zhu XD, Gu HM, Zhu ZQ, Liu SH, Sun XY, Jiang XL, “Effects of diesel hydrocarbon components on cetane number and engine combustion and emission characteristics”, Applied Sciences, Volume: 12, pp: 3549, 2022.
  • Sahin S, Ersoy E, Menges HA, “Determination of some fuel properties of binary biodiesel and binary biodiesel-diesel blend fuels obtained from camelina oil and waste frying oils”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, Volume: 13(1), pp: 1-11, 2024.
  • Balki MK, “Biodiesel production from waste frying oil by electrochemical method using stainless steel electrode”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, Volume: 13(1), pp: 54-62, 2024.
  • Kamble B, Revuru RS, Zhang Z, “A comprehensive investigation of injection strategies for improving diesel engine combustion under cold start development”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, Volume: 13(2), pp: 73-83, 2024.

Evaluation of key fuel properties of three generation biodiesel fuels: an experimental investigation of feedstock type

Year 2025, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 56 - 68, 25.03.2025


Transportation sector is one of the most important causes of environmental problems such as global warming and acid rain. To reduce transportation's negative impacts on the environment, it should be made carbon neutral. Although electrification has been very popular in recent years, internal combustion engines will continue to dominate transportation for a long time. Biodiesel can be produced from varios feedstocks and is classified into three generation according to its feedstock origin. However, the fuel properties of biodiesel fuels of different generations vary significantly depending on feedstock. Biodiesel fuels' physico-chemical fuel properties greatly influence the engine characteristics and exhaust emissions. In this experimental study, 13 different biodiesel fuels' (including three generations) some key fuel properties such as kinematic viscosity, density, flash point, cold filter plugging point and cetane index were determined and compared with each other. The highest and the lowest kinematic viscosities were measured for Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel and Soybean Oil Biodiesel, respectively. Among the biodiesel fuels, only Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel and Waste Chicken Fat Biodiesel could not meet the viscosity specification in EN 14214. The density values of test fuels were very similar (between 875.83 kg.m-3 and 891.46 kg.m-3) and all were within the required specification range. The lowest flash point (142 °C) was measured for Algae Oil Biodiesel. It was considerably lower than other fuels. The highest flash point (184 °C) belonged to Hazelnut Oil Biodiesel. Waste Fleshing Oil Biodiesel and Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel had the highest (58.80) and lowest (50.54) cetane values, respectively. However, all biodiesels met the minimum cetane value given in European biodiesel standard. The most significant differences (ranged from -10 °C and 10 °C) between the fuel properties of biodiesels of different origins were observed in CFPP. The viscosity and poor cold flow properties of waste feedstock-based biodiesels may cause critical problems in diesel engines. Nevertheless, they can be blended with other biodiesels or petro-diesel in certain amounts. Among the biodiesel fuels of different origins tested in this study, algae oil biodiesel has the best physico-chemical fuel properties and technical potential.




  • Statista. Industrial energy consumption worldwide in 2022, with a forecast until 2050, by energy source. , accessed on October 8, 2024.
  • International Energy Agency (IEA). Transport-Tracking transport. Why is transport important? , accessed on October 10, 2024.
  • International Energy Agency (IEA). Global EV outlook 2024. Trends in electric cars., accessed on October 10, 2024.
  • International Energy Agency (IEA). Bioenergy Annual Report 2023., accessed on October 11, 2024.
  • Musavi SA, Bakhshi H, Khoobkar Z, “Biodiesel production from chlorella sp. microalgae using new derived calcium methoxide-microalgae based catalyst”, Fuel, Volume:387, 134459, 2025.
  • Sethin A, Oo YM, Thawornprasert J, Somnuk K, “Effects of blended diesel-biodiesel fuel on emissions of a common rail direct injection diesel engine with different exhaust gas recirculation rates”, ACS Omega, Volume:9, pp:20906-20918, 2024.
  • Sanli H, “An experimental investigation on the usage of waste frying oil-diesel fuel blends with low viscosity in a common rail DI-diesel engine”, Fuel, Volume:222, pp: 434-443, 2018.
  • Alptekin E, Sanli H, Canakci M, “Effects of biodiesel fuels produced from vegetable oil and waste animal fat on the characteristics of a TDI diesel engine”, European Journal of Technique, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, pp: 36-42, 2022.
  • Gadore V, Mishra SR, Ahmaruzzaman Md, “Visible light-deriven photocatalytic biodiesel production using novel SnS2/fly ash photocatalyst”, Fuel, Volume:382, 133615, 2025.
  • Canakci M, Sanli H, “Biodiesel production from various feedstocks and their effects on the fuel properties”, Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Volume: 35, Issue: 5, pp: 431-441, 2008.
  • Pamuluri VKN, Avulapati MM, “Effect of composition and temperature on the puffing and microexplosion of diesel-ethanol-jatropha oil ternary fuel droplets”, Energy, Volume:308, 132755, 2024.
  • Chen Z, Zhao P, Zhang H, Chen H, He H, Wu J, Wang L, Lou H, “An optical study on the cross-spray characteristics and combustion flames of automobile engine fueled with diesel/methanol under various injection timings”, Energy, Volume:290, 130286, 2024.
  • Luo H, Fan W, Li Y, Nan G, “Biodiesel production using alkaline ionic liquid and adopted as lubricity additive for low-sulfur diesel fuel”, Bioresource Technology, Volume:140, pp:337-341, 2013.
  • Gadore V, Mishra SR, Ahmaruzzaman Md, “Advances in photocatalytic biodiesel production: preparation methods, modifications and mechanisms”, Fuel, Volume: 362, pp: 130749, 2024.
  • Yasar F, “Comparision of fuel properties of biodiesel fuels produced from different oils to determine the most suitable feedstock type”, Fuel, Volume: 264, pp: 116817, 2020.
  • Mekonnen KD, Sendekie ZB, “NaOH-Catalyzed methanolysis optimization of biodiesel synthesis from desert date seed kernel oil”, ACS Omega, Volume: 6, pp: 24082-24091, 2021.
  • Atadashi IM, Aroua MK, Abdul Aziz AR, Sulaiman NMN, “The effects of catalysts in biodiesel production: A review”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Volume: 19, pp: 14-26, 2013.
  • Sanli H, Alptekin E, Canakci M, “Production of Fuel Quality Ethyl Ester Biodiesel: 1. Laboratory-Scale Optimization of Waste Frying Oil Ethanolysis, 2. Pilot-Scale Production with the Optimal Reaction Conditions”, Waste and Biomass Valorization, Volume: 10, pp:1889-1898, 2019.
  • Alptekin E, Canakci M, Sanli H, “Evaluation of leather industry wastes as a feedstock for biodiesel production”, Fuel, Volume: 95, pp: 214-220, 2012.
  • Verma P, Sharma MP, Dwivedi G, “Impact of alcohol on biodiesel production and properties”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume: 56, pp: 319-333, 2016.
  • Kumar N, “Oxidative stability of biodiesel: Causes, effects and prevention”, Fuel, Volume: 190, pp: 328-350, 2017.
  • Leng L, Li W, Li H, Jiang S, Zhou W, “Cold Flow Properties of Biodiesel and the Improvement Methods: AReview”, Energy Fuels, Volume: 34, pp: 10364-10383, 2020.
  • Fathurrahman NA, Auzani AS, Zaelani R, Anggrani R, Aisyah L, Wibowo CS, “Lubricity Properties of Palm Oil Biodiesel Blends with Petroleum Diesel and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil”, Lubricants, Volume: 11, Issue: 4, 2023.
  • Haas MJ, McAloon AJ, Yee WC, Foglia TA, “A process model to estimate biodiesel production costs”, Bioresource Technology, Volume: 97, Issue: 4, pp: 671-678, 2006.
  • Pourhoseini SA, Karimian A, “Optimization of oil extraction from Melia azedarach fruits using methanol-modified SC-CO2 for highly efficient biodiesel production using a modified LAC catalyst”, Fuel, Volume: 380, pp: 133024, 2025.
  • Pandey S, Narayanan I, Selveraj R, Varadavenkatesan T, Vinayagan R, “Biodiesel production from microalgae: A comprehensive review on influential factors, transesterification processes, and challenges”, Fuel, Volume: 367, pp: 131547, 2024.
  • Alptekin E, Canakci M, Ozsezen AN, Turkcan A, Sanli H, “Using waste animal fat based biodiesels-bioethanol-diesel fuel blends in a DI diesel engine”, Fuel, Volume: 157, pp: 245-254, 2015.
  • Fu J, “Flash points measurements and prediction of biofuels and biofuel blends with aromatic fluids”, Fuel, Volume: 241, pp: 892-900, 2019.
  • Zhang Z, Li D, Niu C, Pan M, Guan W, Liu H, Lu K, Tan D, “Soot formation mechanism of modern automobile engines and methods of reducing soot emission for catalyzed diesel particulate filter: A review”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume: 190, pp: 1403-1430, 2024.
  • Sia CB, Kansedo J, Tan YH, Lee KT, “Evaluation on biodiesel cold flow properties, oxidative stability and enhancement strategies: A review”, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Volume: 24, pp: 101514, 2020.
  • Santos SM, Wolf-Maciel MR, Fregolente LV, “Cold flow properties: Applying exploratory analyses and assessing predictive methods for biodiesel and diesel-biodiesel blends”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume: 57, pp: 103230, 2023.
  • Wang B, Lau YS, Huang Y, Organ B, Chuang HC, Ho SSH, Qu L, Lee SC, Ho KF, “Chemical and toxicological characterization of particulate emissions from diesel vehicles”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume: 405, pp: 124613, 2021.
  • Tan P, Zhao J, Hu Z, Lau D, Du A, Du D, “Effects of fuel properties on exhaust emissions from diesel engines”, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, pp: 347-355, 2013.
  • Agarwal AK, Singh AP, Maurya RK, Shukla PC, Dhar A, Srivastava DK, “Combustion characteristics of a common rail direct injection engine using different fuel injection strategies”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume: 134, pp: 475-484, 2018.
  • Sanli H, Alptekin E, Canakci M, “Using low viscosity micro-emulsification fuels composed of waste frying oil-diesel fuel-higher bio-alcohols in a turbocharged-CRDI diesel engine”, Fuel, Volume: 308, pp: 121966, 2022.
  • Wei YJ, Zhang YJ, Zhu XD, Gu HM, Zhu ZQ, Liu SH, Sun XY, Jiang XL, “Effects of diesel hydrocarbon components on cetane number and engine combustion and emission characteristics”, Applied Sciences, Volume: 12, pp: 3549, 2022.
  • Sahin S, Ersoy E, Menges HA, “Determination of some fuel properties of binary biodiesel and binary biodiesel-diesel blend fuels obtained from camelina oil and waste frying oils”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, Volume: 13(1), pp: 1-11, 2024.
  • Balki MK, “Biodiesel production from waste frying oil by electrochemical method using stainless steel electrode”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, Volume: 13(1), pp: 54-62, 2024.
  • Kamble B, Revuru RS, Zhang Z, “A comprehensive investigation of injection strategies for improving diesel engine combustion under cold start development”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, Volume: 13(2), pp: 73-83, 2024.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering
Journal Section Article

Fevzi Yaşar 0000-0003-3504-9157

Hüseyin Şanlı 0000-0002-1297-2419

Publication Date March 25, 2025
Submission Date November 6, 2024
Acceptance Date February 19, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


APA Yaşar, F., & Şanlı, H. (2025). Evaluation of key fuel properties of three generation biodiesel fuels: an experimental investigation of feedstock type. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 14(1), 56-68.
AMA Yaşar F, Şanlı H. Evaluation of key fuel properties of three generation biodiesel fuels: an experimental investigation of feedstock type. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. March 2025;14(1):56-68.
Chicago Yaşar, Fevzi, and Hüseyin Şanlı. “Evaluation of Key Fuel Properties of Three Generation Biodiesel Fuels: An Experimental Investigation of Feedstock Type”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 14, no. 1 (March 2025): 56-68.
EndNote Yaşar F, Şanlı H (March 1, 2025) Evaluation of key fuel properties of three generation biodiesel fuels: an experimental investigation of feedstock type. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 14 1 56–68.
IEEE F. Yaşar and H. Şanlı, “Evaluation of key fuel properties of three generation biodiesel fuels: an experimental investigation of feedstock type”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 56–68, 2025.
ISNAD Yaşar, Fevzi - Şanlı, Hüseyin. “Evaluation of Key Fuel Properties of Three Generation Biodiesel Fuels: An Experimental Investigation of Feedstock Type”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 14/1 (March 2025), 56-68.
JAMA Yaşar F, Şanlı H. Evaluation of key fuel properties of three generation biodiesel fuels: an experimental investigation of feedstock type. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2025;14:56–68.
MLA Yaşar, Fevzi and Hüseyin Şanlı. “Evaluation of Key Fuel Properties of Three Generation Biodiesel Fuels: An Experimental Investigation of Feedstock Type”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, vol. 14, no. 1, 2025, pp. 56-68.
Vancouver Yaşar F, Şanlı H. Evaluation of key fuel properties of three generation biodiesel fuels: an experimental investigation of feedstock type. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2025;14(1):56-68.