I. General Formatting Rules
All texts must be written in Times New Roman, 12-point font size, on A4-sized paper, single-sided, and single-spaced.
The text should be of sufficient quality, depth, and length as required by the research. Although not strict, the total page limit, including all sections, is 25 pages.
All headings, including introduction and conclusion, must be numbered and bold. The references section should not be numbered.
Primary headings should be entirely in uppercase, while secondary and subsequent headings should have only the first letter capitalized.
Margins on the top, bottom, and both sides should be 4 cm to facilitate reproduction and organization.
To ensure impartial evaluation through a double-blind peer review, authors must avoid directly or indirectly revealing their identities.
A cover page must be included, containing the following:
Title of the study
Author's name, title, and affiliated institution
Email address
Acknowledgment notes (if applicable)
A footnote indicating whether the author agrees to share the data used in the study.
Authors are advised to refer to a previously published work from the journal's prior issue for formatting guidance.
Page Numbering:
All pages should be numbered sequentially. Page numbers must be positioned centered at the bottom of the page.
Numbers in the Text:
Numbers from one to ten should be written in words, except when used in tables, lists, or to denote mathematical, statistical, or technical units (e.g., distance, weight). All other numbers should be presented in numerical form.
Example: third day, 3 km., 30 years.
Percentages and Fractions:
Unless absolutely necessary, the word “percentage” should be used in the text instead of the "%" symbol.
Equations should be numbered consecutively in parentheses, aligned to the right.
A maximum of five keywords that aid in indexing should be included below the abstract in the respective language of the manuscript.
JEL Codes:
Relevant JEL classification codes should be selected from the JEL Code Guide and included along with the keywords.
II. Abstract and Introduction
If the article is written in Turkish, an English title and abstract must also be provided; if the article is in English, a Turkish title and summary should be included.
The abstract and summary must be placed on a separate page before the main text.
Abstracts should inform readers about the title, methodology, and findings of the study.
Keywords and JEL codes should follow the abstract.
For acknowledgments, use a § symbol next to the “1. INTRODUCTION” heading to reference a footnote with the acknowledgment. Example: 1. INTRODUCTION§.
The Introduction should provide a general overview of the study, including its purpose, methodology, and findings.
Subsequent sections should be organized and sequenced in a manner suitable to the topic.
The Conclusion section must explicitly present the study’s findings, relate them to the literature, highlight their contribution to the field, and provide recommendations for future research. The conclusion should not simply summarize or repeat the study’s findings.
III. Tables and Figures
Authors must adhere to the following guidelines:
Each table and figure should be placed at the end of the manuscript and must fit on a single page. Each should have a unique number and a descriptive title.
Tables should be consecutively numbered and titled using Times New Roman, 10-point font size, with the title placed above the table, as in the following example:
Table 1: Inflation Rates Over the Years
Figures, graphs, and charts should also be consecutively numbered, with their titles placed below the figure, as in the following example:
Graph 1: Pie Chart of Observations in the Sample
Each table and figure must be self-explanatory. Titles and descriptions should provide enough detail for the reader to understand them without referring to the text.
All tables and figures must be referenced within the text. The author must indicate the placement of each table and figure within the manuscript.
If tables, figures, graphs, etc., are sourced from other works, the source must be cited at the bottom of the respective element.
IV. Citations, References, and Footnotes
Citations, references, and footnotes must follow the APA format