Lightweight Composite Applications in the Structural Design of Quadricycles
Year 2023,
, 384 - 393, 31.12.2023
Okan Çelik
Mehmet Murat Topaç
Due to the increasing number of internal combustion engine vehicles, fossil fuel sources have decreased drastically in the last century. In addition, the concerns about global warming caused by vehicle emissions have led automotive manufacturers to search for new alternatives to transport. Quadricycles have started to be seen as future transport vehicles due to their smaller design and lower energy consumption when compared to conventional vehicles. Furthermore, they are also considered to prevent increasing traffic jams in metropolitan areas. The lightweight design of a quadricycle is crucial since its weight would affect energy consumption. On the other hand, because of their minimalistic design, crashworthiness is another factor that must be considered in the structural design of quadricycles for the safety of occupants in case of a collision. Composites are one of the most promising materials for manufacturing lightweight structures due to having a high strength-to-weight ratio compared to conventional metals. In this study, different body designs and optimizations of quadricycles are introduced. Comparisons are made between conventional metals and composite materials used in quadricycles in terms of weight and stiffness.
- [1] Santucci M, Pieve M., and Pierini M. Electric L-category Vehi-cles for Smart Urban Mobility. Trans Res Proc. 2016;14:3651–3660.
- [2] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Urbanization Prospects: The 2014 Revision. 2015.
- [3] Liu Q, Lin Y, Zong Z, Sun G, and Li Q. Lightweight Design of Carbon Twill Weave Fabric Composite Body Structure for Electric Vehicle. Comp Struc. 2013;97:231–238.
- [4] Sadeghipour E, Wehrle EJ, and Lienkamp M. An Approach for the Development and the Validation of Generic Simulation Models for Crash-Compatibility Investigations. SAE Int J Trans Safety. 2016;4(2):219–228.
- [5] Pavlovic A, and Fragassa C. General considerations on regula-tions and safety requirements for quadricycles. Int J for Qual Res. 2015;9(4):657–674
- [6] Mu R, and Yamamoto T. An Analysis on Mixed Traffic Flow of Conventional Passenger Cars and Microcars Using a Cellular Automata Model. Pro-Soc and Behav Sci. 2012;43:457–465.
- [7] Harrison A, Christensen J, Bastien C, and Kanarachos S. Crashworthy structures for future vehicle architecture of au-tonomous pods and heavy quadricycles on public roads: A re-view. Proc Inst Mech Eng Part D J Automob Eng. 2020;234(1):3–16.
- [8] Phanmueang K, Jongpradist P, and Ruangjirakit K. Analysis of aluminum front bumper beam for heavy quadricycles under impact loading. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng. 2021;1137(1):012013.
- [9] Doeden M. Crazy Cars. Lerner Publications;2007.
- [10] Karaca M, Bilal L, Topac MM. Lightweight Urban Elec-tric Microcars: An Overview. ISMSIT 2018 - 2nd Int Symp Multidiscip Stud Innov Technol Proc.; 2018.
- [11] Turner L. Smaller is better!. ReNew: Tech for Sustain Fut. 2003;84 (July–September):45-49.
- [12] Dios E, Alba J, Cisneros O, Avalle M, Scattina A, Esnao-la A, and Pochettino G. Optimizing vehicle structure architec-tures for light trucks. 23rd Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) Conf. Curran Associates Inc.;2013.
- [13] Mizuno K, Arai Y, Hosokawa N and Hollowell W. The Crashworthiness of Minicars in Frontal Impact Tests. 23rd En-hanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) Conf. Curran Associates Inc.;2013.
- [14] Kumar S, Girgoswami R, Shukla A, Shinde P, and Rathod NT. Design and Analysis Of Chassis For Electric Vehi-cle. Int Res J Eng Technol. 2021;8(8):3195-3199.
- [15] Koca E, Yaşar A, and Bircan DA. Design, Analysis and Optimization Of Chassis For An Electric Vehicle. Cukurova University Journal of Sci and Eng. 2015; 32(2):111-120.
- [16] Happian-Smith J. An Introduction to Modern Vehicle Design, Butterworth-Heinemann;2002.
- [17] Boria S and Pettinari S. Mathematical design of electric vehicle impact attenuators: Metallic vs composite material. Compos Struct. 2014;115(1):51–59.
- [18] Larminie J and Lowry J. Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, John Wiley & Sons;2003.
- [19] Reske M, Funcke M, Date P, Thonhofer S, and Gauthier Q. Feasibility Study on a Radically New L6e Vehicle Concept. EU-Live;2017.
- [20] Tanık E and Parlaktaş V. Design of A Very Light L7e Electric Vehicle Prototype. Int J Automot Technol. 2015;16(6): 997−1005.
[21] Topaç MM, Karaca M, and Bilal L. Conceptual Design of an Urban Electric Microcar. In: The 30th SIAR Int Con of Auto and Trans Eng. (Eds: Dumitru, I., Covaciu, D., Racila, L., Rosca, A.) SMAT 2019. Springer, Cham; 2020.
- [22] Grzegozek W. Ecological City Car, Concepts, Design and Realization. J KONES Power and Transp. 2009;16(1):157-164.
- [23] Sadeghipour E, Duddeck F, and Lienkamp M. Crash Compatibility of Microcars: A Study on Current Test Ap-proaches. Crash Tech. Munich;2014.
- [24] Boria S, Maccagnani S, Giambò R, and Giannoni F. Crashworthiness and lightweight design of an innovative mi-crocar. Int J Automot Compos. 2015;1(4):313-332.
- [25] Stein J, Faßbender S, Matheis R, and Seidel K. Small Electric Vehicle Concept Epsilon with Innovative Lightweight Design Body. ATZ Worldwide. 2017;119(2):48–53.
- [26] Galmarini G, Gobbi M, and Mastinu G. A quadricycle for urban mobility. Proc ASME Des Eng Tech Conf. 2012;6:451–458.
- [27] De Araújo M. Natural and man-made fibres: Physical and mechanical properties. In Fibrous and Composite Materials for Civil Engineering Applications, Woodhead Publishing;2011.
- [28] Verma D and Sharma S. Green biocomposites: a pro-spective utilization in automobile industry. In Green Biocom-posites: Design and Applications. Springer;2017.
- [29] Ngo T-D. Introduction to Composite Materials. Compos Nanocomposite Mater - From Knowl to Ind Appl. Intechopen;2020.
- [30] Kumar YK and Lohchab DS. Influence of Aviation Fuel on Mechanical properties of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Composite. Int Adv Res J Sci Eng Technol.2016;3(4): 58-66.
- [31] Maiti S, Islam MR, Uddin MA, Afroj S, Eichhorn SJ, Karim N. Sustainable Fiber-Reinforced Composites: A Review. Adv Sustain Syst. 2022;6(11):1-33.
- [32] Campbell FC. Structural Composite Materials. ASM In-ternational;2010.
- [33] Safri SNA, Sultan MTH, Jawaid M and Jayakrishna K. Impact behaviour of hybrid composites for structural applica-tions: A review. Compos Part B Eng. 2018;133:112–121.
- [34] Ji J. Lightweight Design of Vehicle Side Door. PhD The-sis. Politecnico Di Torino, Torino, Italy,2015.
- [35] Bambach M, Elchalakani M, and Zhao XL. Composite steel–CFRP SHS tubes under axial impact. Compos Struct 2009; 87:282–292.
- [36] Huang WC, Cha CS, Yang IY. Optimal crashworthiness design of CFRP hat shaped section member under axial impact. Mater Res Innovations 2011; 15:324–327.
- [37] Chauhan V, Kärki T, and Varis J. Review of natural fiber-reinforced engineering plastic composites, their applica-tions in the transportation sector and processing techniques. J Thermoplast Compos Mater. 2019; 35(8):1169-1209.
- [38] Lutsey, NP. Review of Technical Literature and Trends Related to Automobile Mass-Reduction Technology; Research Report—UCD-ITS-RR-10-10; Institute of Transportation Stud-ies: Davis, CA, USA, 2010.
- [39] Mayyas AT, Mayyas AR, and Omar M. Sustainable Lightweight Vehicle Design: A Case Study in Eco-Material Se-lection for Body-In-White. In Lightweight Composite Structures in Transport: Design, Manufacturing, Analysis and Perfor-mance. Elsevier Ltd.;2016.
- [40] Romo J, Canibano E, and Merino JC. Lightweighting and passive safety for urban electric vehicle. Electr Veh Int Conf EV 2017.
- [41] Kongwat S, Jaroenjittakam S, Chaianan S, Atchariyau-then I, and Jongpradist, P. Design for Crash Safety of Electric Heavy Quadricycle Structure. IOP Conf Ser Mat Sci Eng. 2021;1137(1):012012.
- [42] Papacz W, Tertel E, and Kuryło P. Performance compar-ison of conventional and composite leaf spring. J Measur in Eng. 2014;2(1):24–28.
- [43] Ferraris A, Micca F, Messana A, Airale AG and Carello M. Feasibility Study of an Innovative Urban Electric-Hybrid Microcar. Int J Automot Technol. 2019;20(2):237–46.
- [44] Carello M and Airale AG. Composite suspension arm optimization for the city vehicle XAM 2.0. Adv Struct Mater. 2014;54:257–272.
- [45] Fantuzzi N, Bacciocchi M, Benedetti D, Agnelli J. The use of sustainable composites for the manufacturing of electric cars. Compos Part C Open Access. 2021;4:100096.
- [46] Valladares D, Alba JJ, Altubo I. Energy absorbing com-posite structure from frontal pedestrian protection in electric light vehicles. Adv Mech Eng. 2017;9(2):1–18.
- [47] Fresnillo RM, Almarza EC, Zink L, Edwards M, Holtz J, Pedersen MS, and Heras RT. Passive Safety Strategy for Elec-tric Lightweight Vehicles with Multimaterial Body and Centered Driver Position - Opportunities and Limitations. 25th Int Tech-nical Conf on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), 2017.
Year 2023,
, 384 - 393, 31.12.2023
Okan Çelik
Mehmet Murat Topaç
- [1] Santucci M, Pieve M., and Pierini M. Electric L-category Vehi-cles for Smart Urban Mobility. Trans Res Proc. 2016;14:3651–3660.
- [2] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Urbanization Prospects: The 2014 Revision. 2015.
- [3] Liu Q, Lin Y, Zong Z, Sun G, and Li Q. Lightweight Design of Carbon Twill Weave Fabric Composite Body Structure for Electric Vehicle. Comp Struc. 2013;97:231–238.
- [4] Sadeghipour E, Wehrle EJ, and Lienkamp M. An Approach for the Development and the Validation of Generic Simulation Models for Crash-Compatibility Investigations. SAE Int J Trans Safety. 2016;4(2):219–228.
- [5] Pavlovic A, and Fragassa C. General considerations on regula-tions and safety requirements for quadricycles. Int J for Qual Res. 2015;9(4):657–674
- [6] Mu R, and Yamamoto T. An Analysis on Mixed Traffic Flow of Conventional Passenger Cars and Microcars Using a Cellular Automata Model. Pro-Soc and Behav Sci. 2012;43:457–465.
- [7] Harrison A, Christensen J, Bastien C, and Kanarachos S. Crashworthy structures for future vehicle architecture of au-tonomous pods and heavy quadricycles on public roads: A re-view. Proc Inst Mech Eng Part D J Automob Eng. 2020;234(1):3–16.
- [8] Phanmueang K, Jongpradist P, and Ruangjirakit K. Analysis of aluminum front bumper beam for heavy quadricycles under impact loading. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng. 2021;1137(1):012013.
- [9] Doeden M. Crazy Cars. Lerner Publications;2007.
- [10] Karaca M, Bilal L, Topac MM. Lightweight Urban Elec-tric Microcars: An Overview. ISMSIT 2018 - 2nd Int Symp Multidiscip Stud Innov Technol Proc.; 2018.
- [11] Turner L. Smaller is better!. ReNew: Tech for Sustain Fut. 2003;84 (July–September):45-49.
- [12] Dios E, Alba J, Cisneros O, Avalle M, Scattina A, Esnao-la A, and Pochettino G. Optimizing vehicle structure architec-tures for light trucks. 23rd Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) Conf. Curran Associates Inc.;2013.
- [13] Mizuno K, Arai Y, Hosokawa N and Hollowell W. The Crashworthiness of Minicars in Frontal Impact Tests. 23rd En-hanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) Conf. Curran Associates Inc.;2013.
- [14] Kumar S, Girgoswami R, Shukla A, Shinde P, and Rathod NT. Design and Analysis Of Chassis For Electric Vehi-cle. Int Res J Eng Technol. 2021;8(8):3195-3199.
- [15] Koca E, Yaşar A, and Bircan DA. Design, Analysis and Optimization Of Chassis For An Electric Vehicle. Cukurova University Journal of Sci and Eng. 2015; 32(2):111-120.
- [16] Happian-Smith J. An Introduction to Modern Vehicle Design, Butterworth-Heinemann;2002.
- [17] Boria S and Pettinari S. Mathematical design of electric vehicle impact attenuators: Metallic vs composite material. Compos Struct. 2014;115(1):51–59.
- [18] Larminie J and Lowry J. Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, John Wiley & Sons;2003.
- [19] Reske M, Funcke M, Date P, Thonhofer S, and Gauthier Q. Feasibility Study on a Radically New L6e Vehicle Concept. EU-Live;2017.
- [20] Tanık E and Parlaktaş V. Design of A Very Light L7e Electric Vehicle Prototype. Int J Automot Technol. 2015;16(6): 997−1005.
[21] Topaç MM, Karaca M, and Bilal L. Conceptual Design of an Urban Electric Microcar. In: The 30th SIAR Int Con of Auto and Trans Eng. (Eds: Dumitru, I., Covaciu, D., Racila, L., Rosca, A.) SMAT 2019. Springer, Cham; 2020.
- [22] Grzegozek W. Ecological City Car, Concepts, Design and Realization. J KONES Power and Transp. 2009;16(1):157-164.
- [23] Sadeghipour E, Duddeck F, and Lienkamp M. Crash Compatibility of Microcars: A Study on Current Test Ap-proaches. Crash Tech. Munich;2014.
- [24] Boria S, Maccagnani S, Giambò R, and Giannoni F. Crashworthiness and lightweight design of an innovative mi-crocar. Int J Automot Compos. 2015;1(4):313-332.
- [25] Stein J, Faßbender S, Matheis R, and Seidel K. Small Electric Vehicle Concept Epsilon with Innovative Lightweight Design Body. ATZ Worldwide. 2017;119(2):48–53.
- [26] Galmarini G, Gobbi M, and Mastinu G. A quadricycle for urban mobility. Proc ASME Des Eng Tech Conf. 2012;6:451–458.
- [27] De Araújo M. Natural and man-made fibres: Physical and mechanical properties. In Fibrous and Composite Materials for Civil Engineering Applications, Woodhead Publishing;2011.
- [28] Verma D and Sharma S. Green biocomposites: a pro-spective utilization in automobile industry. In Green Biocom-posites: Design and Applications. Springer;2017.
- [29] Ngo T-D. Introduction to Composite Materials. Compos Nanocomposite Mater - From Knowl to Ind Appl. Intechopen;2020.
- [30] Kumar YK and Lohchab DS. Influence of Aviation Fuel on Mechanical properties of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Composite. Int Adv Res J Sci Eng Technol.2016;3(4): 58-66.
- [31] Maiti S, Islam MR, Uddin MA, Afroj S, Eichhorn SJ, Karim N. Sustainable Fiber-Reinforced Composites: A Review. Adv Sustain Syst. 2022;6(11):1-33.
- [32] Campbell FC. Structural Composite Materials. ASM In-ternational;2010.
- [33] Safri SNA, Sultan MTH, Jawaid M and Jayakrishna K. Impact behaviour of hybrid composites for structural applica-tions: A review. Compos Part B Eng. 2018;133:112–121.
- [34] Ji J. Lightweight Design of Vehicle Side Door. PhD The-sis. Politecnico Di Torino, Torino, Italy,2015.
- [35] Bambach M, Elchalakani M, and Zhao XL. Composite steel–CFRP SHS tubes under axial impact. Compos Struct 2009; 87:282–292.
- [36] Huang WC, Cha CS, Yang IY. Optimal crashworthiness design of CFRP hat shaped section member under axial impact. Mater Res Innovations 2011; 15:324–327.
- [37] Chauhan V, Kärki T, and Varis J. Review of natural fiber-reinforced engineering plastic composites, their applica-tions in the transportation sector and processing techniques. J Thermoplast Compos Mater. 2019; 35(8):1169-1209.
- [38] Lutsey, NP. Review of Technical Literature and Trends Related to Automobile Mass-Reduction Technology; Research Report—UCD-ITS-RR-10-10; Institute of Transportation Stud-ies: Davis, CA, USA, 2010.
- [39] Mayyas AT, Mayyas AR, and Omar M. Sustainable Lightweight Vehicle Design: A Case Study in Eco-Material Se-lection for Body-In-White. In Lightweight Composite Structures in Transport: Design, Manufacturing, Analysis and Perfor-mance. Elsevier Ltd.;2016.
- [40] Romo J, Canibano E, and Merino JC. Lightweighting and passive safety for urban electric vehicle. Electr Veh Int Conf EV 2017.
- [41] Kongwat S, Jaroenjittakam S, Chaianan S, Atchariyau-then I, and Jongpradist, P. Design for Crash Safety of Electric Heavy Quadricycle Structure. IOP Conf Ser Mat Sci Eng. 2021;1137(1):012012.
- [42] Papacz W, Tertel E, and Kuryło P. Performance compar-ison of conventional and composite leaf spring. J Measur in Eng. 2014;2(1):24–28.
- [43] Ferraris A, Micca F, Messana A, Airale AG and Carello M. Feasibility Study of an Innovative Urban Electric-Hybrid Microcar. Int J Automot Technol. 2019;20(2):237–46.
- [44] Carello M and Airale AG. Composite suspension arm optimization for the city vehicle XAM 2.0. Adv Struct Mater. 2014;54:257–272.
- [45] Fantuzzi N, Bacciocchi M, Benedetti D, Agnelli J. The use of sustainable composites for the manufacturing of electric cars. Compos Part C Open Access. 2021;4:100096.
- [46] Valladares D, Alba JJ, Altubo I. Energy absorbing com-posite structure from frontal pedestrian protection in electric light vehicles. Adv Mech Eng. 2017;9(2):1–18.
- [47] Fresnillo RM, Almarza EC, Zink L, Edwards M, Holtz J, Pedersen MS, and Heras RT. Passive Safety Strategy for Elec-tric Lightweight Vehicles with Multimaterial Body and Centered Driver Position - Opportunities and Limitations. 25th Int Tech-nical Conf on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), 2017.