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Development of Self Directed Learning Skills Scale for Pre-Service Science Teachers

Year 2015, , 3 - 13, 11.07.2016


The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable instrument which is enable to assess pre-service teachers’ self-directed learning skills. 140 students included in this study for validity and reliability. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were adopted, and item analysis was used. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was calculated. At the end of study, a scale with 25 items (α=0.85), explains 56.997% of the total variance, was developed. Confirmatory Factor analysis indicated that four items do not related to the overall items and they removed from the scale and scale was finalized with 21 items. According to the result of factor analysis of scale, two factors were determined. These factors was named as “self-efficacy” (10 items, α=0.74), and “awareness” (11 items; α=0.84).


  • Alsop, S., & Watts, M. (2000). Facts and Feelings: Exploring the Affective Domain in the Learning of Physics. Physics Education, 35, 132-138.
  • Baker, D. R. & Piburn, M. D. (1997). Constructing Science in Middle And Secondary School Classrooms. USA: AlIyn and Bacon.
  • Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education, 5 (1), 7–74.
  • Brookfield, S. D. (1986). Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning. A comprehensive analysis of principles and effective practice, Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
  • Brooks, M.G. & Brooks, I.G. (1999). The Constructivist Classroom: The Courageto Be Constructivist. Educational Leadership, 57 (3), 18-24.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı: İstatistik, Araştırma Deseni, SPSS Uygulamaları ve Yorum. .Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Data analysis for social science hand book (11th edition), Ankara: PegemA Publishing.
  • Candy, P. C. (1991) Self-direction for Lifelong Learning. A comprehensive guide to theory and practice, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Ekinci, N. (2005). Eğitimde Yeni Yönelimler, Ö. Demirel (Ed.) İşbirliğine Dayalı Öğrenme (ss. 93-109), Ankara, Pegem A Yayıncılık
  • Hair, J.F., Jr., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. (1995). Multivariate data analysis (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Hall J. (2011), Self-Directed Learning Characteristics of First-Generation, First-Year College Students Participating in a Summer Bridge Program, University of South Florida
  • Hinkin, T. R. (1995). A review of scale development practices in the study of organizations. Journal of Management, 21(5), 967-988.
  • Hopkins, D.; Matthews, P.; Matthews, L.; Woods-Smith, R.; Olajide, F. And Smith, P. (2007). Review of public education in Bermuda. London Centre for Leadership in Learning Institute of Education University of London.
  • Knowles, M. S. (1975). Self-directed learning: A guide for learners and teachers. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall/Cambridge
  • Likert, R. (1932). The method of constructing an attitude scale, In Fishbein, M. (Ed) (1967) Readings in attitude theory and measurement (pp. 90 – 95). New York, NY: John Willey & Sons, Inc.
  • Mok, M.M.C. ve Lung, C.L. (2005). Developing Self-Directed Learning in Student Teachers. International Journal of Self-Directed Learning. 2(1). 18-39
  • Owen, T. R., (2002) Self-Directed Learning in Adulthood: A Literature Review. ED 461 050.
  • Saygılı & Kesercioğlu
  • Patterson, C., Crooks, D., & Lunky-Child, O. (2002). A New Perspective on Competences for Self-directed Learning. Journal of Nursing Education. 4(1), 25–31.
  • Polat, C. & Odabaş, H. (2008). Bilgi Toplumunda Yaşam Boyu Öğrenmenin Anahtarı: Bilgi Okuryazarlığı. Küreselleşme, Demokratikleşme ve Türkiye Uluslararası Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı = International Symposium on Globalization, Democratization and Turkey Proceedings (596-606). Antalya: Akdeniz Üniversitesi.
  • Rothwell W.K., & Sensenig K.J., (1999). The Sourcebook for Self Directed Learning, nepage&q&f=false,21-35
  • Soran, H., Akkoyunlu, B., & Kavak, Y., (2006). Yaşam boyu öğrenme becerileri ve eğiticilerin eğtimi programı: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Örneği. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30, 201-210.
  • Tezbaşaran, A.A. (2008). Likert type scale preparation guide, third edition e-Book, Retrieved: 10.10.2013, from
  • Wilcox, S. (1996). Fostering self-directed learning in the university setting, Studies in Higher Education, 21 (2), 165-176.
  • Yurdagül, H. (2005). Content validity index usage in scale development studies for content validity, XIV. National Congress of Educational Sciences, p.1-6, September 28-30, Denizli, Turkey.

Development of Self Directed Learning Skills Scale for Pre-Service Science Teachers

Year 2015, , 3 - 13, 11.07.2016


The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable instrument which is enable to assess pre-service teachers’ self-directed learning skills. 140 students included in this study for validity and reliability. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were adopted, and item analysis was used. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was calculated. At the end of study, a scale with 25 items (α=0.85), explains 56.997% of the total variance, was developed. Confirmatory Factor analysis indicated that four items do not related to the overall items and they removed from the scale and scale was finalized with 21 items. According to the result of factor analysis of scale, two factors were determined. These factors was named as “self-efficacy” (10 items, α=0.74), and “awareness” (11 items; α=0.84).


  • Alsop, S., & Watts, M. (2000). Facts and Feelings: Exploring the Affective Domain in the Learning of Physics. Physics Education, 35, 132-138.
  • Baker, D. R. & Piburn, M. D. (1997). Constructing Science in Middle And Secondary School Classrooms. USA: AlIyn and Bacon.
  • Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education, 5 (1), 7–74.
  • Brookfield, S. D. (1986). Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning. A comprehensive analysis of principles and effective practice, Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
  • Brooks, M.G. & Brooks, I.G. (1999). The Constructivist Classroom: The Courageto Be Constructivist. Educational Leadership, 57 (3), 18-24.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı: İstatistik, Araştırma Deseni, SPSS Uygulamaları ve Yorum. .Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Data analysis for social science hand book (11th edition), Ankara: PegemA Publishing.
  • Candy, P. C. (1991) Self-direction for Lifelong Learning. A comprehensive guide to theory and practice, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Ekinci, N. (2005). Eğitimde Yeni Yönelimler, Ö. Demirel (Ed.) İşbirliğine Dayalı Öğrenme (ss. 93-109), Ankara, Pegem A Yayıncılık
  • Hair, J.F., Jr., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. (1995). Multivariate data analysis (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Hall J. (2011), Self-Directed Learning Characteristics of First-Generation, First-Year College Students Participating in a Summer Bridge Program, University of South Florida
  • Hinkin, T. R. (1995). A review of scale development practices in the study of organizations. Journal of Management, 21(5), 967-988.
  • Hopkins, D.; Matthews, P.; Matthews, L.; Woods-Smith, R.; Olajide, F. And Smith, P. (2007). Review of public education in Bermuda. London Centre for Leadership in Learning Institute of Education University of London.
  • Knowles, M. S. (1975). Self-directed learning: A guide for learners and teachers. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall/Cambridge
  • Likert, R. (1932). The method of constructing an attitude scale, In Fishbein, M. (Ed) (1967) Readings in attitude theory and measurement (pp. 90 – 95). New York, NY: John Willey & Sons, Inc.
  • Mok, M.M.C. ve Lung, C.L. (2005). Developing Self-Directed Learning in Student Teachers. International Journal of Self-Directed Learning. 2(1). 18-39
  • Owen, T. R., (2002) Self-Directed Learning in Adulthood: A Literature Review. ED 461 050.
  • Saygılı & Kesercioğlu
  • Patterson, C., Crooks, D., & Lunky-Child, O. (2002). A New Perspective on Competences for Self-directed Learning. Journal of Nursing Education. 4(1), 25–31.
  • Polat, C. & Odabaş, H. (2008). Bilgi Toplumunda Yaşam Boyu Öğrenmenin Anahtarı: Bilgi Okuryazarlığı. Küreselleşme, Demokratikleşme ve Türkiye Uluslararası Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı = International Symposium on Globalization, Democratization and Turkey Proceedings (596-606). Antalya: Akdeniz Üniversitesi.
  • Rothwell W.K., & Sensenig K.J., (1999). The Sourcebook for Self Directed Learning, nepage&q&f=false,21-35
  • Soran, H., Akkoyunlu, B., & Kavak, Y., (2006). Yaşam boyu öğrenme becerileri ve eğiticilerin eğtimi programı: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Örneği. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30, 201-210.
  • Tezbaşaran, A.A. (2008). Likert type scale preparation guide, third edition e-Book, Retrieved: 10.10.2013, from
  • Wilcox, S. (1996). Fostering self-directed learning in the university setting, Studies in Higher Education, 21 (2), 165-176.
  • Yurdagül, H. (2005). Content validity index usage in scale development studies for content validity, XIV. National Congress of Educational Sciences, p.1-6, September 28-30, Denizli, Turkey.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Other ID JA42ZH69HY
Journal Section Articles

Canan Acar This is me

İzzet Kara This is me

Fatma Taşkın Ekıcı This is me

Publication Date July 11, 2016
Submission Date July 11, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Acar, C., Kara, İ., & Taşkın Ekıcı, F. (2016). Development of Self Directed Learning Skills Scale for Pre-Service Science Teachers. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 2(2), 3-13.

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