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Kivi Omcalarındaki Gövde Şekli ve Dalların Gövdeye Olan Uzaklığının Meyve Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2019, , 192 - 202, 13.12.2019


Kivide farklı gövde şekilleri ve
dalların gövdeye olan uzaklıklarının, meyve özellikleri üzerine etkisini ortaya
koymak amacıyla yürütülen bu çalışmada, 2 farklı (bakımlı ve bakımsız bahçe)
üretici bahçesinde, 2 farklı gövde yapısına (düzgün-dik gövdeli, eğri-spiral
gövdeli) sahip bitkilerde dalların gövdeye uzaklıklarının meyve özelliklerine
etkileri incelenmiştir. Her bir bitkide gövdeye olan uzaklığa bağlı olarak
(gövdeye yakın: ~20 cm (NT), gövdeye
orta uzak: ~40 cm (MT) ve gövdeye uzak: ~60 cm (FT)) 3 dal seçilmiştir. Yıllara
göre değişmekle birlikte elde edilen sonuçlara göre; meyve sayısı 10,00-48,80,
meyve eni 5,07-6,12 cm, meyve boyu 6,41-7,70 cm, meyve ağırlığı 91,73-142,06 g,
meyve eti sertliği 5,20-7,55 kg, hasat olumu SÇKM %6,80-12,00, yeme olumu SÇKM
%14,35-16,37, hasat olumu TEA %1,24-1,85, yeme olumu TEA %0,40-0,70 değerleri
arasında değişmiştir. Sonuç olarak, gövde şeklinin (düzgün veya eğri gövde
olmasının) meyve özellikleri üzerinde etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kalite ve
kültürel uygulamaların kolaylığı için gövdelerin mutlaka düzgün gövde şeklinde
oluşturulması önerilmektedir.


  • Aksu Uslu, N. (2006). A study on quantitative and qualitative effects of pruning and shoot growth on fruit quality and yield in kiwi fruit. Phd Thesis, University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Samsun, Turkey.
  • Basım, H., & Uzun, H. İ. (2003). Fruit characteristics of kiwifruit in Antalya. National Kiwifruit and Grape Fruits Symposium, Ordu, Turkey,
  • Bostan, S.Z., & Günay, K. (2014). The effects of altitude and direction on fruit quality of ‘Hayward’ (Actinidia deliciosa Planch) kiwifruit cultivar. Akademik Ziraat Dergisi, 3(1), 13-22.
  • Cangi, R., & Karadeniz, T. (1999). The researches on yield and fruit characteristics in Hayward kiwifruit variety (Actinidia deliciosa) different elevations in Ordu. Black Sea Region Agriculture Symposium, University of Ondokuz Mayıs Faculty of Agriculture, Samsun, Turkey.
  • Cangi, R., & Atalay, D. A. (2006). Effects of different bud loading levels on the yield, leaf and fruit characteristics of Hayward kiwifruit. Hort. Sci. (Prague), 33(1), 23-28.
  • Duman, G. (2011). Effects of different postharvest applications and packaging types on the storage and fruit quality of kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa). MSc Thesis, University of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Eriş, A. (1989). Türkiye İçin Yeni Bir Meyve Türü Kivi. Ziraat Bankası Yayınları, ISBN 975-7558-01-X, 50-60, Ankara.
  • Esen, Y. (2009). The determination of the most suitable growth and harvest time for the kiwifruit cultivation in Ünye. MSc Thesis, University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Samsun, Turkey.
  • Esen, Y., & Özcan, M. (2016). The effect of different altitutes on fruit growth and harvest time in kiwifruit cultivation. Bahçe, 45(2), 509-514.
  • Günay, K. (2009). Variation in important fruit quality characteristics in `Hayward? (A. deliciosa Plach) kiwifruit of different elevations and directions in Ordu (Turkey) province. MSc Thesis, University of Ordu, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Ordu, Turkey.
  • Kahraman, K. A. (2012). Growing problems and solutions of kiwifruit in Turkey. 1. International Workshop on kiwifruit. November 26-27, Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute, Yalova, Turkey.
  • Karaçalı, İ. (2006). Bahçe Ürünlerinin Muhafaza ve Pazarlanması. (Beşinci baskı). Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir, Turkey.
  • Kadiroğlu Karaoğlan, H. (2011). Morphological changes from fruit set to harvesting time in Hayward kiwifruit variety. MSc Thesis, University of Namık Kemal, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Tekirdağ, Turkey.
  • Kılıç, O., Çopur U. Ö., & Görtay, Ş. (1991). Application guide for fruit and vegetable processing technology. Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Lecture Notes.
  • Kubal, C. (2016). The important chemical and physical properties of kiwifruit ‘Hayward’ variety grown in Ordu province of Turkey. MSc Thesis, University of Ordu, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Ordu, Turkey.
  • Özcan, M. (2016). Suptropic fruits lecture notes. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Samsun, Turkey.
  • Samancı, H. (1990). Kiwifruit (Actinidia) Growing. TAV publications (Tarımsal Araştırmaları Destekleme ve Geliştirme Vakfı), Publication number: 22, Yalova, Turkey.
  • Samancı, H., & Uslu, I. (1998). Effect of cropping load, cane length and thinning on yield and fruit characteristics of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). IV. Viticulture Symposium, Yalova, Turkey.
  • Sarıçiçek, O. (2010). Effect of boron fertilization on yield and some leaf nutrient contents of kiwifruit. MSc Thesis, University of Ordu, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Ordu, Turkey.
  • Şeker, M., Dardeniz, A., Kaynaş, K., & Ulaş, Z. (2003a). The investigation of important plant characteristics of Hayward and Tomuri cultivars grown in Çanakkale district. National Kiwifruit and Grape Fruits Symposium, Ordu, Turkey
  • Şeker, M., Dardeniz, A., & Kaynaş, K., (2003b). The effects of different pruning applications on phenological characteristics, fruit yield and quality of Hayward kiwifruit cultivar. National Kiwifruit and Grape Fruits Symposium, Ordu, Turkey.
  • Tarakçıoğlu, C., Aşkın, T., & Samancı, R. (2006). Effects of organomineral fertilizer on yield and leaf nutrient contents of kiwifruit. 2nd National Grape Fruits Symposium, Tokat, Turkey.
  • Turkish State Meteorological Service. (2015). Samsun climate data. Access date: February 12, 2016.
  • TUİK. (2018). Kiwifruit production statistics. The Turkish Statistical Institute, Access date: January 11, 2019.
  • Yılmaz, B. (2016). The changing of important quality characteristics during fruit development on 'Hayward' kiwifruit cultivar grown in Giresun province (Turkey) conditions. MSc Thesis, University of Ordu Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Ordu, Turkey.
  • Zenginbal, H., Özcan, M., & Haznedar, A. (2005). A study on phenologic observations and pomologic analysis in kiwifruit cultivars cultivated under Rize ecological conditions. Derim, 22(1), 1-9.

The Effects of Trunk Shape and Shoot Distance to Trunk on The Pomological Characteristics of Hayvard Kiwifruit

Year 2019, , 192 - 202, 13.12.2019


 In this study, different trunk shapes and distance of shoots
to trunk in kiwifruit vine on fruit characteristics were determined. The
effects of distance of shoots to the trunk on fruit quality parameters of
kiwifruit vine have different trunk shape (upright and unshaped) were
investigated in two different commercial kiwifruit orchards (well-cared and
uncared). Three branches for each kiwifruit vine were selected in terms of
distance of branches to trunk (near to trunk: ~20 cm (NT), medium distance to
trunk: ~40 cm (MT) and far to trunk: ~60 cm (FT)). It depends on the study
years fruit number (10.00-48.80), fruit diameter (5.07-6.12 cm), fruit length
(6.41-7.70 cm), fruit weight (91.73-142.06 g), fruit flesh firmness (5.20-7.55
kg), TSS amount in harvest maturity (14.35-16.37%), TSS amount in ripening
(6.80-12.00%), TA in harvest maturity (1.24-1.85%) and TA in ripening varied.
As a result, trunk shape (upright and unshaped) was found to affect fruit
quality parameters in order that upright trunk shape should be formed for fruit
quality and convenience in cultural applications.


  • Aksu Uslu, N. (2006). A study on quantitative and qualitative effects of pruning and shoot growth on fruit quality and yield in kiwi fruit. Phd Thesis, University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Samsun, Turkey.
  • Basım, H., & Uzun, H. İ. (2003). Fruit characteristics of kiwifruit in Antalya. National Kiwifruit and Grape Fruits Symposium, Ordu, Turkey,
  • Bostan, S.Z., & Günay, K. (2014). The effects of altitude and direction on fruit quality of ‘Hayward’ (Actinidia deliciosa Planch) kiwifruit cultivar. Akademik Ziraat Dergisi, 3(1), 13-22.
  • Cangi, R., & Karadeniz, T. (1999). The researches on yield and fruit characteristics in Hayward kiwifruit variety (Actinidia deliciosa) different elevations in Ordu. Black Sea Region Agriculture Symposium, University of Ondokuz Mayıs Faculty of Agriculture, Samsun, Turkey.
  • Cangi, R., & Atalay, D. A. (2006). Effects of different bud loading levels on the yield, leaf and fruit characteristics of Hayward kiwifruit. Hort. Sci. (Prague), 33(1), 23-28.
  • Duman, G. (2011). Effects of different postharvest applications and packaging types on the storage and fruit quality of kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa). MSc Thesis, University of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Eriş, A. (1989). Türkiye İçin Yeni Bir Meyve Türü Kivi. Ziraat Bankası Yayınları, ISBN 975-7558-01-X, 50-60, Ankara.
  • Esen, Y. (2009). The determination of the most suitable growth and harvest time for the kiwifruit cultivation in Ünye. MSc Thesis, University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Samsun, Turkey.
  • Esen, Y., & Özcan, M. (2016). The effect of different altitutes on fruit growth and harvest time in kiwifruit cultivation. Bahçe, 45(2), 509-514.
  • Günay, K. (2009). Variation in important fruit quality characteristics in `Hayward? (A. deliciosa Plach) kiwifruit of different elevations and directions in Ordu (Turkey) province. MSc Thesis, University of Ordu, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Ordu, Turkey.
  • Kahraman, K. A. (2012). Growing problems and solutions of kiwifruit in Turkey. 1. International Workshop on kiwifruit. November 26-27, Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute, Yalova, Turkey.
  • Karaçalı, İ. (2006). Bahçe Ürünlerinin Muhafaza ve Pazarlanması. (Beşinci baskı). Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir, Turkey.
  • Kadiroğlu Karaoğlan, H. (2011). Morphological changes from fruit set to harvesting time in Hayward kiwifruit variety. MSc Thesis, University of Namık Kemal, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Tekirdağ, Turkey.
  • Kılıç, O., Çopur U. Ö., & Görtay, Ş. (1991). Application guide for fruit and vegetable processing technology. Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Lecture Notes.
  • Kubal, C. (2016). The important chemical and physical properties of kiwifruit ‘Hayward’ variety grown in Ordu province of Turkey. MSc Thesis, University of Ordu, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Ordu, Turkey.
  • Özcan, M. (2016). Suptropic fruits lecture notes. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Samsun, Turkey.
  • Samancı, H. (1990). Kiwifruit (Actinidia) Growing. TAV publications (Tarımsal Araştırmaları Destekleme ve Geliştirme Vakfı), Publication number: 22, Yalova, Turkey.
  • Samancı, H., & Uslu, I. (1998). Effect of cropping load, cane length and thinning on yield and fruit characteristics of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). IV. Viticulture Symposium, Yalova, Turkey.
  • Sarıçiçek, O. (2010). Effect of boron fertilization on yield and some leaf nutrient contents of kiwifruit. MSc Thesis, University of Ordu, Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Ordu, Turkey.
  • Şeker, M., Dardeniz, A., Kaynaş, K., & Ulaş, Z. (2003a). The investigation of important plant characteristics of Hayward and Tomuri cultivars grown in Çanakkale district. National Kiwifruit and Grape Fruits Symposium, Ordu, Turkey
  • Şeker, M., Dardeniz, A., & Kaynaş, K., (2003b). The effects of different pruning applications on phenological characteristics, fruit yield and quality of Hayward kiwifruit cultivar. National Kiwifruit and Grape Fruits Symposium, Ordu, Turkey.
  • Tarakçıoğlu, C., Aşkın, T., & Samancı, R. (2006). Effects of organomineral fertilizer on yield and leaf nutrient contents of kiwifruit. 2nd National Grape Fruits Symposium, Tokat, Turkey.
  • Turkish State Meteorological Service. (2015). Samsun climate data. Access date: February 12, 2016.
  • TUİK. (2018). Kiwifruit production statistics. The Turkish Statistical Institute, Access date: January 11, 2019.
  • Yılmaz, B. (2016). The changing of important quality characteristics during fruit development on 'Hayward' kiwifruit cultivar grown in Giresun province (Turkey) conditions. MSc Thesis, University of Ordu Institute for Graduate Studies in Natural and Technology, Ordu, Turkey.
  • Zenginbal, H., Özcan, M., & Haznedar, A. (2005). A study on phenologic observations and pomologic analysis in kiwifruit cultivars cultivated under Rize ecological conditions. Derim, 22(1), 1-9.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Horticultural Sciences

Pınar Öge Altun This is me 0000-0002-3237-7043

Muharrem Özcan 0000-0002-3237-7043

Publication Date December 13, 2019
Submission Date May 23, 2019
Acceptance Date August 6, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Öge Altun, P., & Özcan, M. (2019). The Effects of Trunk Shape and Shoot Distance to Trunk on The Pomological Characteristics of Hayvard Kiwifruit. International Journal of Agricultural and Wildlife Sciences, 5(2), 192-202.

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