Research Article
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Response of Some Important Olive Cultivars against Wilt Disease Caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb.

Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 421 - 428, 30.12.2021


This study was carried out to determine some olive varieties' response to Verticillium dahliae Kleb. widely grown in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey. In an initial study to determine the optimal development of V. dahliae isolate at different temperatures, V. dahliae isolate exhibited an optimal growth at 20°C. The optimum growth of an isolate of V. dahliae was determined on four different growth mediums. The colony growth rate was not significant on all the tested media. The detached leaves of seven different olive varieties were assayed on PDA if V. dahliae isolate was attracted to the leaf exudates leached from leaves in vitro. Detached leaves of Memecik (26.90 mm) and Kalamata (26.83 mm) varieties did not affect colony diameter of V. dahliae compared to Control groups on the 8th day. Detached leaves of Domat variety (31.30 mm) resulted in the most significant colony growth of the V. dahliae isolate on PDA. A cross-section of the stem (0.5 cm) was removed from the upper parts of the inoculation point by measuring 1, 2 and 3cm and were planted on the PDA medium to determine the disease severity. Memecik variety displayed the lowest severity of the disease with a rate of 0.44, followed by the Manzanilla variety with 0.66 compared to the other varieties (1, 2 and 3 cm from inoculation point). These results indicated that Memecik was the most tolerant variety in leaf section experiments and stem inoculation treatments. However, Domat was the most susceptible variety according to leaf section experiments and stem inoculation treatments.

Supporting Institution

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit

Project Number

2013/7-7 YLS


  • Agrios, G. N. (2005). Plant Pathology. The Fifth Edition, Academic Press, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida, USA.
  • Bakhouchea, A., Lorenzo-Sanchez, J., Alberto Fernandezguiéerrez, A., & Segura-Carretero, A. (2015). Trends in chemical characterization of virgin olive oil phenolic profile: an overview and new challenges. Olivae [online], 122, 3-15.
  • Biçici, M., & Kurt S. (1998). Etiology, incidence ve prevalence of cotton wilt disease and strains of the wilt pathogen in Çukurova. Proceedings of the World Cotton Research Conference-2. New Frontiers in Cotton Research, Athens, Greece.
  • Caballero, J. M., Perez Hernandez, J., Blanco-Lopez, M. A., & Jimenez-Diaz, R. M. (1980). Olive, a new host of Verticillium dahliae in Spain. Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, Patras, Greece.
  • Erten, L. (2004). Bazı Zeytin Çeşit ve Anaçlarının Verticillium Solgunluğu’na (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.) Duyarlılıklarının Belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bornova, İzmir.
  • Erten, L., & Yildiz, M. (2004). Susceptibility of Some Economically Important Olive Cultivars and Clones to Verticilllium dahliae Kleb in Turkey. V. International Symposium on Olive Growing, İzmir, Turkey.
  • Erilmez, S., & Erkan, S. (2016). The comparison of sensitivity of various methods in the detection of olive tree viruses. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 45(1), 1-12.
  • Eskiyörük, D. (2016). Antik Çağda Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı: Kilikya Bölgesi Örneği. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 4 (Special issue 1), 228-243.
  • Fradin, E. F., & Thomma, B. P. (2006). Physiology and molecular aspects of Verticillium wilt diseases caused by V. dahliae and V. albo‐atrum. Molecular Plant Pathology, 7(2), 71-86.
  • Fraga, H., Pinto, J. G., Viola, F., & Santos, J. A. (2020). Climate change projections for olive yields in the Mediterranean Basin. International Journal of Climatology, 40(2), 769-781.
  • García-Cabello, S., Pérez-Rodríguez, M., Blanco-López, M. A., & López-Escudero, F. J. (2012). Distribution of Verticillium dahliae through watering systems in widely irrigated olive growing areas in Andalucia (southern Spain). European Journal of Plant Pathology, 133(4), 877-885.
  • Goud, J. K. C., Termorshuizen, A. J., & Gams, W. (2003). Morphology of Verticillium dahliae and V. tricorpus on semi-selective media used for the detection of V. dahliae in soil. Mycological Research, 107(7), 822-830.
  • Göre, M. E. (2007). Vegetative compatibility and pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae isolates from the Aegean Region of Turkey. Phytoparasitica, 35(3), 222-231.
  • Hantal, M. (2008). Güney Marmara bölgesi zeytinliklerinde Verticillium solgunluğunun yaygınlığı ve etmenin patotiplerinin belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bornova, İzmir.
  • Hartmann, H., Schnathorst W., & Whisler J. (1971). Oblonga a clonal olive rootstock resistant to Verticillium wilt. California Agriculture, 25(6), 12-15.
  • Kabir, Z., Bhat, R. G., & Subbarao, K. (2004). Comparison of media for recovery of Verticillium dahliae from soil. Plant Disease, 88(1), 49-55.
  • Li, H. Y., Zhou, X. G., & Wu, F. Z. (2018). Effects of root exudates from potato onion on Verticillium dahliae. Allelopathy Journal, 43(2), 217-222.
  • Li, F., Matloob, M., Nzabanita, C., & Li, Y. (2021). Growth, sporulation and germination of Verticillium alfalfae on media. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 161, 383–395.
  • Liu, N., Zhou, B., Zhao, X., Lu, B., Li, Y., & Hao, J. (2009). Grafting eggplant onto tomato rootstock to suppress Verticillium dahliae infection: the effect of root exudates. HortScience, 44(7), 2058-2062.
  • Liu, L., Zhang, Y. D., Zhang, D. D., Zhang, Y. Y., Wang, D., Song, J., Zhang, J., Li, R., Kong, Z. Q., Klosterman, S. J., Dai, X. F., Subbarao, K. V., Zhao, J., & Chen, J. Y. (2021). Biological characteristics of Verticillium dahliae MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 strains. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(13), 7148.
  • López-Escudero F. J., Del Río C., Caballero J. M., & Blanco-López M. A. (2004). Evaluation of olive cultivars for resistance to Verticillium dahliae. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 110(1), 79-85.
  • López-Escudero, F. J., & Mercado-Blanco, J. (2011). Verticillium wilt of olive: a case study to implement an integrated strategy to control a soil-borne pathogen. Plant and Soil, 344(1), 1-50.
  • Navas-Cortés, J. A., Landa, B. B., Mercado-Blanco, J., Trapero-Casas, J. L., Rodríguez-Jurado, D., & Jiménez-Díaz, R. M. (2008). Spatiotemporal analysis of spread of infections by Verticillium dahliae pathotypes within a high tree density olive orchard in southern Spain. Phytopathology, 98(2), 167-180.
  • Onan, E., & Karcılıoğlu, A. (1998). Pathotypes of Verticillium dahliae from cotton in Aegean Region and review of Verticillium wilt tolerance in Nazilli 84 cotton. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 27, 113-120.
  • Pedro, V. C., Carlos, T. R., Diego, B. N., Escudero, F. J. L., Ana, G. B. C., & Díez, C. M. (2021). Assessment of maternal effects and genetic variability in resistance to Verticillium dahliae in olive progenies. Plants, 10(8), 1534
  • Pennisi, A., Cacciola, O., Magnanodi Sanlio, G. & Perrotta, G. (1993). Evaluation of the susceptibility of olive cultivars to Verticillium wilt. OEPP/EPPO Bulletin, 23,537-541.
  • Saydam, C. (1976). Verticillium wilt on different host plants in Turkey. Probleme de Protectia Plantelor, 4, 213-218.
  • Schmitthenner, A. F., & Bhat, R. G. (1994). Useful Methods for Studying Phytophthora in the Laboratory. Special circular 143. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Columbus, OH, USA.
  • Schnathorst, W. C., & Mathre, D. E. (1966). Host range and differentiation of a severe form of V. albo-atrum in cotton. Phytopathology, 56, 1155-1161.
  • SPSS. (2020). IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows. Armonk, NY.
  • Tsror, L. (2011). Epidemiology and control of Verticillium wilt on olive. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 59(1), 59-69.
  • Wang, H. L. (2010). Effects of root exudates of cucumber on population of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerinum in soil as detected by Realtime PCR. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University - Agricultural Science, 1(28), 41-45.
  • Wang, L. L., Li, F., Riziwangguli, Lang, Y. Y., Patiguli, & Li, K. M. (2014). Biological characteristics of the pathogens causing the Verticillium wilt of potato and selection of fungicides in laboratory. Journal of Xinjiang Agricultural University, 37, 218–222.
  • Wilhelm, S., & Taylor, J. B. (1965). Control of Verticillium wilt of olive through natural recovery and resistance. Phytopathology, 55, 310-316.
  • Wu, F. Z., Liu, B., & Zhou, X. G. (2010). Effects of root exudates of watermelon cultivars differing in resistance of Fusarium wilt on the growth and development of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. niveum. Allelopathy Journal, 25(2), 403-414.
  • Yildiz, M., Yildiz, F., & Erten, L. (2020). Duyarlı zeytin çeşitlerinin dayanıklı anaç ve çeşitler üzerine aşılanarak zeytinde Verticillium solgunluğunun önlenmesi üzerinde araştırmalar. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 49(1), 19-24.
  • Zhou, B. L., Chen, Z. X., Du, L., Xie, Y. H., Zhang, Q., & Ye, X. L. (2011). Allelopathy of root exudates from different resistant eggplants to Verticillium dahliae and the identification of allelochemicals. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(42), 8284-8290.

Bazı Zeytin Çeşitlerinin Solgunluk Hastalığı Etmeni Verticillium dahliae Kleb. Karşı Reaksiyonlarının Belirlenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 421 - 428, 30.12.2021


Bu çalışma, Kahramanmaraş ilinde yaygın olarak yetiştirilen bazı zeytin çeşitlerinin Verticillium dahliae Kleb.'e tepkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. V. dahliae izolatının farklı sıcaklıklarda optimal gelişimini belirlemek için yapılan ilk çalışmada, V. dahliae izolatı 20°C'de optimal bir büyüme göstermiştir. Dört farklı besi yerlerinde V. dahliae izolatının optimum koloni gelişimi belirlenmiştir. Ortalama koloni gelişiminin, test edilen tüm besi yerlerinde istatistiki olarak önemli olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Farklı zeytin çeşitlerinden elde edilen ve PDA ortamında kenarlara yerleştirilen yaprak kesitlerinden salgılanan bitki özütlerinin V. dahliae gelişimini teşvik edip etmediği araştırılmıştır. Memecik ve Kalamata çeşitlerinin yaprak kesitleri V. dahliae’nın koloni gelişimini 8. Günde Kontrol gruplarına göre etkilememiştir. PDA besiyerinde V. dahliae koloni gelişimi en fazla Domat çeşidi yaprak kesitleri tarafından teşvik edilmiştir. İnokulasyon noktalarının 1, 2, 3 cm yukarısından elde edilen 0,5 cm gövde kesitlerinden alınan parçalar hastalığın şiddetini belirlemek için PDA ortamına yerleştirilmiştir. Memecik çeşidi 0,44 ile en düşük hastalık şiddetini gösterirken, onu 0,66 ile Manzanilla çeşidi izlemiştir (1, 2 ve 3 cm’de). Bu sonuçlar, Memecik çeşidinin hem yaprak kesiti hem de gövde inokulasyon denemelerinde en toleranslı çeşit olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, yaprak kesiti ve gövde inokulasyon denemeleri sonucuna göre Domat en duyarlı çeşit olarak belirlenmiştir.

Project Number

2013/7-7 YLS


  • Agrios, G. N. (2005). Plant Pathology. The Fifth Edition, Academic Press, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida, USA.
  • Bakhouchea, A., Lorenzo-Sanchez, J., Alberto Fernandezguiéerrez, A., & Segura-Carretero, A. (2015). Trends in chemical characterization of virgin olive oil phenolic profile: an overview and new challenges. Olivae [online], 122, 3-15.
  • Biçici, M., & Kurt S. (1998). Etiology, incidence ve prevalence of cotton wilt disease and strains of the wilt pathogen in Çukurova. Proceedings of the World Cotton Research Conference-2. New Frontiers in Cotton Research, Athens, Greece.
  • Caballero, J. M., Perez Hernandez, J., Blanco-Lopez, M. A., & Jimenez-Diaz, R. M. (1980). Olive, a new host of Verticillium dahliae in Spain. Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, Patras, Greece.
  • Erten, L. (2004). Bazı Zeytin Çeşit ve Anaçlarının Verticillium Solgunluğu’na (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.) Duyarlılıklarının Belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bornova, İzmir.
  • Erten, L., & Yildiz, M. (2004). Susceptibility of Some Economically Important Olive Cultivars and Clones to Verticilllium dahliae Kleb in Turkey. V. International Symposium on Olive Growing, İzmir, Turkey.
  • Erilmez, S., & Erkan, S. (2016). The comparison of sensitivity of various methods in the detection of olive tree viruses. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 45(1), 1-12.
  • Eskiyörük, D. (2016). Antik Çağda Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı: Kilikya Bölgesi Örneği. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 4 (Special issue 1), 228-243.
  • Fradin, E. F., & Thomma, B. P. (2006). Physiology and molecular aspects of Verticillium wilt diseases caused by V. dahliae and V. albo‐atrum. Molecular Plant Pathology, 7(2), 71-86.
  • Fraga, H., Pinto, J. G., Viola, F., & Santos, J. A. (2020). Climate change projections for olive yields in the Mediterranean Basin. International Journal of Climatology, 40(2), 769-781.
  • García-Cabello, S., Pérez-Rodríguez, M., Blanco-López, M. A., & López-Escudero, F. J. (2012). Distribution of Verticillium dahliae through watering systems in widely irrigated olive growing areas in Andalucia (southern Spain). European Journal of Plant Pathology, 133(4), 877-885.
  • Goud, J. K. C., Termorshuizen, A. J., & Gams, W. (2003). Morphology of Verticillium dahliae and V. tricorpus on semi-selective media used for the detection of V. dahliae in soil. Mycological Research, 107(7), 822-830.
  • Göre, M. E. (2007). Vegetative compatibility and pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae isolates from the Aegean Region of Turkey. Phytoparasitica, 35(3), 222-231.
  • Hantal, M. (2008). Güney Marmara bölgesi zeytinliklerinde Verticillium solgunluğunun yaygınlığı ve etmenin patotiplerinin belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bornova, İzmir.
  • Hartmann, H., Schnathorst W., & Whisler J. (1971). Oblonga a clonal olive rootstock resistant to Verticillium wilt. California Agriculture, 25(6), 12-15.
  • Kabir, Z., Bhat, R. G., & Subbarao, K. (2004). Comparison of media for recovery of Verticillium dahliae from soil. Plant Disease, 88(1), 49-55.
  • Li, H. Y., Zhou, X. G., & Wu, F. Z. (2018). Effects of root exudates from potato onion on Verticillium dahliae. Allelopathy Journal, 43(2), 217-222.
  • Li, F., Matloob, M., Nzabanita, C., & Li, Y. (2021). Growth, sporulation and germination of Verticillium alfalfae on media. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 161, 383–395.
  • Liu, N., Zhou, B., Zhao, X., Lu, B., Li, Y., & Hao, J. (2009). Grafting eggplant onto tomato rootstock to suppress Verticillium dahliae infection: the effect of root exudates. HortScience, 44(7), 2058-2062.
  • Liu, L., Zhang, Y. D., Zhang, D. D., Zhang, Y. Y., Wang, D., Song, J., Zhang, J., Li, R., Kong, Z. Q., Klosterman, S. J., Dai, X. F., Subbarao, K. V., Zhao, J., & Chen, J. Y. (2021). Biological characteristics of Verticillium dahliae MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 strains. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(13), 7148.
  • López-Escudero F. J., Del Río C., Caballero J. M., & Blanco-López M. A. (2004). Evaluation of olive cultivars for resistance to Verticillium dahliae. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 110(1), 79-85.
  • López-Escudero, F. J., & Mercado-Blanco, J. (2011). Verticillium wilt of olive: a case study to implement an integrated strategy to control a soil-borne pathogen. Plant and Soil, 344(1), 1-50.
  • Navas-Cortés, J. A., Landa, B. B., Mercado-Blanco, J., Trapero-Casas, J. L., Rodríguez-Jurado, D., & Jiménez-Díaz, R. M. (2008). Spatiotemporal analysis of spread of infections by Verticillium dahliae pathotypes within a high tree density olive orchard in southern Spain. Phytopathology, 98(2), 167-180.
  • Onan, E., & Karcılıoğlu, A. (1998). Pathotypes of Verticillium dahliae from cotton in Aegean Region and review of Verticillium wilt tolerance in Nazilli 84 cotton. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 27, 113-120.
  • Pedro, V. C., Carlos, T. R., Diego, B. N., Escudero, F. J. L., Ana, G. B. C., & Díez, C. M. (2021). Assessment of maternal effects and genetic variability in resistance to Verticillium dahliae in olive progenies. Plants, 10(8), 1534
  • Pennisi, A., Cacciola, O., Magnanodi Sanlio, G. & Perrotta, G. (1993). Evaluation of the susceptibility of olive cultivars to Verticillium wilt. OEPP/EPPO Bulletin, 23,537-541.
  • Saydam, C. (1976). Verticillium wilt on different host plants in Turkey. Probleme de Protectia Plantelor, 4, 213-218.
  • Schmitthenner, A. F., & Bhat, R. G. (1994). Useful Methods for Studying Phytophthora in the Laboratory. Special circular 143. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Columbus, OH, USA.
  • Schnathorst, W. C., & Mathre, D. E. (1966). Host range and differentiation of a severe form of V. albo-atrum in cotton. Phytopathology, 56, 1155-1161.
  • SPSS. (2020). IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows. Armonk, NY.
  • Tsror, L. (2011). Epidemiology and control of Verticillium wilt on olive. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 59(1), 59-69.
  • Wang, H. L. (2010). Effects of root exudates of cucumber on population of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerinum in soil as detected by Realtime PCR. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University - Agricultural Science, 1(28), 41-45.
  • Wang, L. L., Li, F., Riziwangguli, Lang, Y. Y., Patiguli, & Li, K. M. (2014). Biological characteristics of the pathogens causing the Verticillium wilt of potato and selection of fungicides in laboratory. Journal of Xinjiang Agricultural University, 37, 218–222.
  • Wilhelm, S., & Taylor, J. B. (1965). Control of Verticillium wilt of olive through natural recovery and resistance. Phytopathology, 55, 310-316.
  • Wu, F. Z., Liu, B., & Zhou, X. G. (2010). Effects of root exudates of watermelon cultivars differing in resistance of Fusarium wilt on the growth and development of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. niveum. Allelopathy Journal, 25(2), 403-414.
  • Yildiz, M., Yildiz, F., & Erten, L. (2020). Duyarlı zeytin çeşitlerinin dayanıklı anaç ve çeşitler üzerine aşılanarak zeytinde Verticillium solgunluğunun önlenmesi üzerinde araştırmalar. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 49(1), 19-24.
  • Zhou, B. L., Chen, Z. X., Du, L., Xie, Y. H., Zhang, Q., & Ye, X. L. (2011). Allelopathy of root exudates from different resistant eggplants to Verticillium dahliae and the identification of allelochemicals. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(42), 8284-8290.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Botany
Journal Section Plant Protection

Furkan Coşkun 0000-0003-2864-1515

Yaşar Alptekin 0000-0002-4321-2834

Project Number 2013/7-7 YLS
Publication Date December 30, 2021
Submission Date May 21, 2021
Acceptance Date October 4, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Coşkun, F., & Alptekin, Y. (2021). Response of Some Important Olive Cultivars against Wilt Disease Caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb. Uluslararası Tarım Ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(3), 421-428.

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