Research Article
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Effects of Different Organic Fertilizers on Plant Growth, Yield, Quality Properties and Element Contents in Spinach

Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 208 - 222, 22.08.2022


This study was conducted to determine the effects of different organic fertilizers on plant growth, yield, quality properties and element contents in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). The research was carried out under open field conditions in Bolu province. In the study, Matador spinach variety was used and seven different applications were examined. The applications were as follows: 1) Control, 2) Chicken manure, 3) Turkey manure, 4) Sheep manure, 5) Cattle manure, 6) Vermicompost and 7) Chemical fertilizer. The experiment was established in randomized complete block design with three replications. According to the research findings, significant differences were found among the applications. In general, organic fertilizer applications significantly increased yield, plant height, plant wet weight, plant dry weight, dry matter content, number of marketable leaves, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and selenium contents of the plant in comparison with control and chemical fertilizer. The highest yield was determined in cattle manure application. It was observed that cattle manure increased the yield by 88.08% compared to the control and increased the yield by 41.16% compared to the chemical fertilizer. In organic fertilizer applications, heavy metal contents such as arsenic, chrome, cobalt, and nickel were found to be lower than the control and, aluminum and cadmium contents were found to be lower than chemical fertilizer. As a result, it was determined that organic fertilizers examined in the study have positive effects on plant growth, yield, quality properties and element contents of spinach and organic fertilizers can be used successfully for sustainable agriculture in spinach cultivation.

Supporting Institution

Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Unit of Scientific Research Projects

Project Number



  • Abubaker, S. M., Abu-Zahra, T. R., Alzubi, Y. A., & Tahboub, A. B. (2010). Nitrate accumulation in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) tissues under different fertilization regimes. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 8(2), 778-780.
  • Adiloğlu, A., & Eraslan, F. (2012). Gübreler ve gübreleme tekniği. M. R. Karaman (Ed.), Bitki Besleme Sağlıklı Bitki, Sağlıklı Üretim. (ss. 420-421). Gübretaş Rehber Kitaplar Dizisi, 2, Ankara.
  • Adiloğlu, S., Eryılmaz Açıkgöz, F., Solmaz, Y., Çaktü, E., & Adiloğlu, A. (2018). Effect of vermicompost on the growth and yield of lettuce plant (Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa). International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 21(1), 1-5.
  • Altuntas, O., Durak, A. & Kucuk, R. (2018). Optimization and comparison of the effects of vermicompost and conventional fertilization on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) growth. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 16 (5), 7001-7016.
  • Ansari, A. A. (2008). Effect of vermicompost on the productivity of potato (Solanum tuberosum), spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and turnip (Brassica campestris). World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(3), 333-336.
  • Baliah, T. N., & Muthulakshmi, P. (2017). Effect of microbially enriched vermicompost on the growth and biochemical characteristics of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench). Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, 6(5), 00228.
  • Citak, S., & Sonmez, S. (2010). Effects of conventional and organic fertilization on spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) growth, yield, vitamin C and nitrate concentration during two successive seasons. Scientia Horticulturae, 126(4), 415-420.
  • Çıtak, S., Sönmez, S., Koçak, F., & Yaşin, S. (2011). Vermikompost ve ahır gübresi uygulamalarının ıspanak (Spinacia oleracea var. L.) bitkisinin gelişimi ve toprak verimliliği üzerine etkileri. Derim, 28(1), 56-69.
  • Çıtak, S. (2014). Farklı organik gübreler ile toprak düzenleyicinin brokoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) ve havuç (Daucus corata L.) yetiştiriciliğinde verim ve kalite üzerine etkileri. [Doktora Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi].
  • Degwale, A. (2016). Effect of vermicompost on growth, yield and quality of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in Enebse Sar Midir District, Northwestern Ethiopia. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 6(3), 51-63.
  • Durak, A., Altuntaş, Ö., Kutsal, İ. K., Işık, R., & Karaat, F. E. (2017). The effects of vermicompost on yield and some growth parameters of lettuce. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 5(12), 1566-1570.
  • Garg, V. K., & Gupta, R. (2009). Vermicomposting of Agro-Industrial Processing Waste. In P. S. Nigam & A. Pandey (Eds.), Biotechnology for Agro-Industrial Residues Utilisation (pp. 431-456). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Hernandez, A., Castillo, H., Ojeda, D., Arras, A., Lopez, J., & Sanchez, E. (2010). Effect of vermicompost and compost on lettuce production. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 70(4), 583-589.
  • Hınıslı, N. (2014). Vermikompost gübresinin kıvırcık bitkisinin gelişmesi üzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi ve diğer bazı organik kaynaklı gübrelerle karşılaştırılması. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi].
  • Kacar, B., & Katkat V. A. (2007). Gübreleme ve Gübreleme Tekniği. Nobel Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Kallo, G., & Bergh, B. O. (1993). Genetic Improvement of Vegetable Crop. Percamon Press. New York.
  • Karaman, M. R., & Turan, M. (2012). Bitki beslemede sürdürülebilir yönetim stratejisi ve gübre etkinlik parametreleri. Toprak Su Dergisi 1(1), 15-21.
  • Karmakar, S., Brahmachari, K., Gangopadhyay, A., & Choudhury, S. R. (2012). Recycling of different available organic wastes through vermicomposting. Journal of Chemistry, 9(2), 801-806.
  • Kashem, M. A., Sarker, A., Hossain, I., & Islam, M. S. (2015). Comparison of the effect of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizers on vegetative growth and fruit production of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Open Journal of Soil Science, 5, 53-58.
  • Kovacs, A. B., Kremper, R., Kincses, I., & Leviczky, A. (2016). Influences of different organic fertilizers on nutrients of humic sandy soil and on the growth of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, 70, 23-28.
  • Kumar, B., & Topal, D. (2015). Comparative study of normal soil and vermicompost. International Journal of Novel Research in Life Sciences, 2(2), 4-8.
  • Kumari, N., Yadav, B. S., & Peter, J. K. (2017). Synergistic effect of vermicompost, vermiwash, bioaugmontation and carrier based biofertilizer on growth of Solanum melongena L. var. Silligudi 111 (Brinjal). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 4(3), 66-70.
  • Kumarpandit, T., Kumarnaik, S., Patra, P. K., Dey, N., Patra, P. K., & Das, D. K. (2017). Influence of organic manure and lime on cadmium mobility in soil and uptake by spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(4), 357-369.
  • Lampkin, N. (2002). Organic Farming. Old Pond Publishing, 104 Valley Road Ipswich, IPI 4PA, U.K.
  • Mercik, S., & Stepien, W. (2006). Crop yields and selected soil properties on manured and not manured fields at the period of many years. Nawozy Nawozenie (Fertilisers and Fertilization), 8(4), 141-149.
  • Mohanta, R., Nandi, A. K., Mishra, S. P., Pattnaik, A., Hossain, M. M., & Padhiary, A. K. (2018). Effects of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield, quality and economics of sprouting broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) cv. Shayali. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(1), 2229-2232.
  • Mufwanzala, N., & Dikinya, O. (2010). Impact of poultry manure and its associated salinity on the growth and yield of spinach (Spinacea oleracea) and carrot (Daucus carota). International Journal of Agriccultere & Biology, 12(4), 489-494.
  • Özen, N. (2018). Marul bitkisinin verim ve kalitesi üzerine farklı mineralizasyon oranlarına sahip organik uygulamaların etkileri. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi].
  • Özkan, N., & Müftüoğlu, N. M. (2016). Farklı dozlardaki vermikompostun marul verimi ve bazı toprak özellikleri üzerine etkisi. Bahçe Dergisi, 45, 121-124.
  • Özkan, N., Dağlıoğlu, M., Ünser, E., & Müftüoğlu, N. M. (2016). Vermikompostun ıspanak (Spinacia oleracea L.) verimi ve bazı toprak özellikleri üzerine etkisi. ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(1), 1-5.
  • Peyvast, G. H., Olfati, J. A., Madeni, S., & Forghani, A. (2008). Effect of vermicompost on the growth and yield of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 6(1), 110-113.
  • Santamaria, P. (2006). Nitrate in vegetables: toxicity, content, intake and EC rugulation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86(1), 10-17.
  • Savcı, S. (2012). An agricultural pollutant: Chemical fertilizer. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 3(1), 77-80.
  • Schoenau, J. J. (2006). Benefits of long-term application of manure. Advances in Pork Production, 17, 153-158.
  • Shaheen, S., Khan, M., Khan, M. J., Jilani, S., Bibi, Z., Munir, M., & Kiran, M. (2017). Effective Microorganisms (EM) co-applied with organic wastes and NPK stimulate the growth, yield and quality of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 33(1), 30-41.
  • Shetinina, E., Shetinina, A., & Potashova, I. (2019). Efficiency of vermicompost production and use in agriculture. E3S Web of Conferences 91: 06006. EDP Sciences
  • Soyergin, S. (2003). Organik Tarımda Toprak Verimliliğinin Korunması, Gübreler ve Organik Toprak İyileştiricileri. Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Yalova.
  • Tavalı, İ. E., Maltaş, A. Ş., Uz, İ., & Kaplan, M. (2013). Karnabaharın (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) verim, kalite ve mineral beslenme durumu üzerine vermikompostun etkisi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(2), 115-120.
  • Tavalı, İ. E., Maltaş, A. Ş., Uz, İ., & Kaplan, M. (2014). Vermikompostun beyaz baş lahananın (Brassica oleracea var. alba) verim, kalite ve mineral beslenme durumu üzerine etkisi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(1), 61-67. Tsai, Y. H., Hsu, H. M., & Chung, R. S. (2005). The effect of application of different rates of organic fertilizer on the soil properties and nitrogen uptake of vegetables planted in plastic house. Journal of the Agricultural Association of China, 6(3), 229-244.
  • TÜİK. (2021). Bitkisel üretim istatistikleri. [Erişim tarihi: 13 Mart 2022].
  • Vigardt, A. (2012). Influence of coffee vermicompost on growth and nutrient quality of greenhouse spinach and field grown green bell peppers. [MSc Thesis, Southern Illinois University].
  • Vural, H., Eşiyok, D., & Duman, İ. (2000). Kültür Sebzeleri (Sebze Yetiştirme). Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir.
  • Watson, C. A., Atkinson, D., Gosling, P., Jackson, L. R., & Rayns, F. W. (2002). Managing soil fertility in organic farming systems. Soil Use and Management, 18, 239-247.
  • Xu, C., & Mou, B. (2016). Vermicompost affects soil properties and spinach growth, physiology, and nutritional value. HortScience, 51(7), 847-855.

Farklı Organik Gübrelerin Ispanakta Bitki Gelişimi, Verim, Kalite Özellikleri ve Element İçerikleri Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 208 - 222, 22.08.2022


Bu çalışma, farklı organik gübrelerin ıspanakta (Spinacia oleracea L.) bitki gelişimi, verim, kalite özellikleri ve element içerikleri üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma, Bolu ilinde açık arazi koşullarında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada Matador ıspanak çeşidi kullanılmış ve yedi farklı uygulama incelenmiştir. Uygulamalar aşağıdaki gibidir: 1) Kontrol, 2) Tavuk gübresi, 3) Hindi gübresi, 4) Koyun gübresi, 5) Sığır gübresi, 6) Vermikompost ve 7) Kimyasal gübre. Çalışma tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 3 tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuştur. Araştırma bulgularına göre uygulamalar arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Genel olarak organik gübre uygulamaları verim, bitki boyu, bitki yaş ağırlığı, bitki kuru ağırlığı, kuru madde içeriği, pazarlanabilir yaprak sayısı, azot, fosfor, kükürt ve selenyum içeriğini kontrol ve kimyasal gübreye göre önemli ölçüde artırmıştır. En yüksek verim sığır gübresi uygulamasında tespit edilmiştir. Sığır gübresinin verimi kontrole göre %88.08, kimyasal gübreye göre ise %41.16 artırdığı gözlenmiştir. Organik gübre uygulamalarında arsenik, kobalt, krom ve nikel gibi ağır metal içerikleri kontrole göre, alüminyum ve kadmiyum içerikleri ise kimyasal gübreye göre daha düşük bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, çalışmada incelenen organik gübrelerin ıspanakta bitki gelişimi, verim, kalite özellikleri ve element içerikleri üzerine olumlu etkilerinin olduğu ve organik gübrelerin ıspanak yetiştiriciliğinde sürdürülebilir tarım için başarılı bir şekilde kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir.

Project Number



  • Abubaker, S. M., Abu-Zahra, T. R., Alzubi, Y. A., & Tahboub, A. B. (2010). Nitrate accumulation in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) tissues under different fertilization regimes. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 8(2), 778-780.
  • Adiloğlu, A., & Eraslan, F. (2012). Gübreler ve gübreleme tekniği. M. R. Karaman (Ed.), Bitki Besleme Sağlıklı Bitki, Sağlıklı Üretim. (ss. 420-421). Gübretaş Rehber Kitaplar Dizisi, 2, Ankara.
  • Adiloğlu, S., Eryılmaz Açıkgöz, F., Solmaz, Y., Çaktü, E., & Adiloğlu, A. (2018). Effect of vermicompost on the growth and yield of lettuce plant (Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa). International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 21(1), 1-5.
  • Altuntas, O., Durak, A. & Kucuk, R. (2018). Optimization and comparison of the effects of vermicompost and conventional fertilization on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) growth. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 16 (5), 7001-7016.
  • Ansari, A. A. (2008). Effect of vermicompost on the productivity of potato (Solanum tuberosum), spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and turnip (Brassica campestris). World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(3), 333-336.
  • Baliah, T. N., & Muthulakshmi, P. (2017). Effect of microbially enriched vermicompost on the growth and biochemical characteristics of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench). Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, 6(5), 00228.
  • Citak, S., & Sonmez, S. (2010). Effects of conventional and organic fertilization on spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) growth, yield, vitamin C and nitrate concentration during two successive seasons. Scientia Horticulturae, 126(4), 415-420.
  • Çıtak, S., Sönmez, S., Koçak, F., & Yaşin, S. (2011). Vermikompost ve ahır gübresi uygulamalarının ıspanak (Spinacia oleracea var. L.) bitkisinin gelişimi ve toprak verimliliği üzerine etkileri. Derim, 28(1), 56-69.
  • Çıtak, S. (2014). Farklı organik gübreler ile toprak düzenleyicinin brokoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) ve havuç (Daucus corata L.) yetiştiriciliğinde verim ve kalite üzerine etkileri. [Doktora Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi].
  • Degwale, A. (2016). Effect of vermicompost on growth, yield and quality of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in Enebse Sar Midir District, Northwestern Ethiopia. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 6(3), 51-63.
  • Durak, A., Altuntaş, Ö., Kutsal, İ. K., Işık, R., & Karaat, F. E. (2017). The effects of vermicompost on yield and some growth parameters of lettuce. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 5(12), 1566-1570.
  • Garg, V. K., & Gupta, R. (2009). Vermicomposting of Agro-Industrial Processing Waste. In P. S. Nigam & A. Pandey (Eds.), Biotechnology for Agro-Industrial Residues Utilisation (pp. 431-456). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Hernandez, A., Castillo, H., Ojeda, D., Arras, A., Lopez, J., & Sanchez, E. (2010). Effect of vermicompost and compost on lettuce production. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 70(4), 583-589.
  • Hınıslı, N. (2014). Vermikompost gübresinin kıvırcık bitkisinin gelişmesi üzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi ve diğer bazı organik kaynaklı gübrelerle karşılaştırılması. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi].
  • Kacar, B., & Katkat V. A. (2007). Gübreleme ve Gübreleme Tekniği. Nobel Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Kallo, G., & Bergh, B. O. (1993). Genetic Improvement of Vegetable Crop. Percamon Press. New York.
  • Karaman, M. R., & Turan, M. (2012). Bitki beslemede sürdürülebilir yönetim stratejisi ve gübre etkinlik parametreleri. Toprak Su Dergisi 1(1), 15-21.
  • Karmakar, S., Brahmachari, K., Gangopadhyay, A., & Choudhury, S. R. (2012). Recycling of different available organic wastes through vermicomposting. Journal of Chemistry, 9(2), 801-806.
  • Kashem, M. A., Sarker, A., Hossain, I., & Islam, M. S. (2015). Comparison of the effect of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizers on vegetative growth and fruit production of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Open Journal of Soil Science, 5, 53-58.
  • Kovacs, A. B., Kremper, R., Kincses, I., & Leviczky, A. (2016). Influences of different organic fertilizers on nutrients of humic sandy soil and on the growth of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, 70, 23-28.
  • Kumar, B., & Topal, D. (2015). Comparative study of normal soil and vermicompost. International Journal of Novel Research in Life Sciences, 2(2), 4-8.
  • Kumari, N., Yadav, B. S., & Peter, J. K. (2017). Synergistic effect of vermicompost, vermiwash, bioaugmontation and carrier based biofertilizer on growth of Solanum melongena L. var. Silligudi 111 (Brinjal). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 4(3), 66-70.
  • Kumarpandit, T., Kumarnaik, S., Patra, P. K., Dey, N., Patra, P. K., & Das, D. K. (2017). Influence of organic manure and lime on cadmium mobility in soil and uptake by spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(4), 357-369.
  • Lampkin, N. (2002). Organic Farming. Old Pond Publishing, 104 Valley Road Ipswich, IPI 4PA, U.K.
  • Mercik, S., & Stepien, W. (2006). Crop yields and selected soil properties on manured and not manured fields at the period of many years. Nawozy Nawozenie (Fertilisers and Fertilization), 8(4), 141-149.
  • Mohanta, R., Nandi, A. K., Mishra, S. P., Pattnaik, A., Hossain, M. M., & Padhiary, A. K. (2018). Effects of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield, quality and economics of sprouting broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) cv. Shayali. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(1), 2229-2232.
  • Mufwanzala, N., & Dikinya, O. (2010). Impact of poultry manure and its associated salinity on the growth and yield of spinach (Spinacea oleracea) and carrot (Daucus carota). International Journal of Agriccultere & Biology, 12(4), 489-494.
  • Özen, N. (2018). Marul bitkisinin verim ve kalitesi üzerine farklı mineralizasyon oranlarına sahip organik uygulamaların etkileri. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi].
  • Özkan, N., & Müftüoğlu, N. M. (2016). Farklı dozlardaki vermikompostun marul verimi ve bazı toprak özellikleri üzerine etkisi. Bahçe Dergisi, 45, 121-124.
  • Özkan, N., Dağlıoğlu, M., Ünser, E., & Müftüoğlu, N. M. (2016). Vermikompostun ıspanak (Spinacia oleracea L.) verimi ve bazı toprak özellikleri üzerine etkisi. ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(1), 1-5.
  • Peyvast, G. H., Olfati, J. A., Madeni, S., & Forghani, A. (2008). Effect of vermicompost on the growth and yield of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 6(1), 110-113.
  • Santamaria, P. (2006). Nitrate in vegetables: toxicity, content, intake and EC rugulation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86(1), 10-17.
  • Savcı, S. (2012). An agricultural pollutant: Chemical fertilizer. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 3(1), 77-80.
  • Schoenau, J. J. (2006). Benefits of long-term application of manure. Advances in Pork Production, 17, 153-158.
  • Shaheen, S., Khan, M., Khan, M. J., Jilani, S., Bibi, Z., Munir, M., & Kiran, M. (2017). Effective Microorganisms (EM) co-applied with organic wastes and NPK stimulate the growth, yield and quality of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 33(1), 30-41.
  • Shetinina, E., Shetinina, A., & Potashova, I. (2019). Efficiency of vermicompost production and use in agriculture. E3S Web of Conferences 91: 06006. EDP Sciences
  • Soyergin, S. (2003). Organik Tarımda Toprak Verimliliğinin Korunması, Gübreler ve Organik Toprak İyileştiricileri. Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Yalova.
  • Tavalı, İ. E., Maltaş, A. Ş., Uz, İ., & Kaplan, M. (2013). Karnabaharın (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) verim, kalite ve mineral beslenme durumu üzerine vermikompostun etkisi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(2), 115-120.
  • Tavalı, İ. E., Maltaş, A. Ş., Uz, İ., & Kaplan, M. (2014). Vermikompostun beyaz baş lahananın (Brassica oleracea var. alba) verim, kalite ve mineral beslenme durumu üzerine etkisi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(1), 61-67. Tsai, Y. H., Hsu, H. M., & Chung, R. S. (2005). The effect of application of different rates of organic fertilizer on the soil properties and nitrogen uptake of vegetables planted in plastic house. Journal of the Agricultural Association of China, 6(3), 229-244.
  • TÜİK. (2021). Bitkisel üretim istatistikleri. [Erişim tarihi: 13 Mart 2022].
  • Vigardt, A. (2012). Influence of coffee vermicompost on growth and nutrient quality of greenhouse spinach and field grown green bell peppers. [MSc Thesis, Southern Illinois University].
  • Vural, H., Eşiyok, D., & Duman, İ. (2000). Kültür Sebzeleri (Sebze Yetiştirme). Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir.
  • Watson, C. A., Atkinson, D., Gosling, P., Jackson, L. R., & Rayns, F. W. (2002). Managing soil fertility in organic farming systems. Soil Use and Management, 18, 239-247.
  • Xu, C., & Mou, B. (2016). Vermicompost affects soil properties and spinach growth, physiology, and nutritional value. HortScience, 51(7), 847-855.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Horticultural Production
Journal Section Horticultural Sciences

Özgül Yaman Türkkan 0000-0003-3355-8994

Beyhan Kibar 0000-0001-9253-5747

Project Number 2017.10.05.1195
Publication Date August 22, 2022
Submission Date March 28, 2022
Acceptance Date June 6, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Yaman Türkkan, Ö., & Kibar, B. (2022). Effects of Different Organic Fertilizers on Plant Growth, Yield, Quality Properties and Element Contents in Spinach. International Journal of Agricultural and Wildlife Sciences, 8(2), 208-222.

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